6th Nov 2024 07:00
8th Floor, Royal Trust House, 54-56 Jermyn Street, London. SW1Y 6LX, United Kingdom
Telephone: + 44 (0)20 7629 7772 Facsimile: + 44 (0)20 7629 7773
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Change of Auditors
6th November 2024
Griffin Mining Limited ("Griffin" or the "Company") announces that the directors have resolved to appoint BDO LLP ("BDO") as auditors to the Company to fill a casual vacancy to serve until the next Annual General Meeting of the Company, following a competitive tender process.
There is no allegation or indication of anything untoward concerning the audit of Griffin's financial statements by PricewaterhouseCoopers ("PWC"), following penalties imposed upon the PWC China firm (PricewaterhouseCoopers Zhong Tian LLP) by the Chinese authorities resulting from their audit work elsewhere in China.
BDO is an international network of public accounting, tax and advisory firms that perform professional services under the name of BDO. It is represented in 166 territories, and has over 115,700 people working out of over 1,770 offices worldwide. BDO's China practice is one of the leading audit firms in China.
Griffin thanks PWC for their past services and looks forward to working with BDO.
About Griffin Mining Limited
Griffin Mining Limited's shares are quoted on the Alternative Investment Market (AIM) of the London Stock Exchange (symbol GFM). Griffin Mining Limited owns and operates through its 88.8% owned Joint Venture in China the Caijiaying Zinc Gold Mine, a profitable mine producing zinc, gold, silver, and lead metals in concentrates. For more information, please visit the Company's website griffinmining.com.
Further information
Griffin Mining Limited
Telephone: +44(0)20 7629 7772
Mladen Ninkov - Chairman
Roger Goodwin - Finance Director
Panmure Liberum Limited - Nominated Adviser & Joint Broker
Telephone: +44 (0)20 7886 2500
Kieron Hodgson
James Sinclair-Ford
Dougie McLeod
Berenberg - Joint Broker
Telephone: +44(0)20 3207 7800
Matthew Armitt
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Griffin Mining