29th May 2020 16:27
29 May 2020
("Treatt" or "the Company")
Change of Auditor
Treatt announces that the Board has approved the appointment of BDO LLP ('BDO') as the Company's auditor for the financial year ending 30 September 2020 following the conclusion of a competitive tender process led by the Company's Audit Committee. The appointment of BDO for the subsequent financial year will be subject to approval by the Company's shareholders at the next Annual General Meeting to be held in 2021.
RSM UK Audit LLP ("RSM"), who did not take part in the tender process due to the rules on mandatory rotation, have consequently resigned as auditors. RSM has confirmed to the Company that there are no circumstances connected with its resignation which it considers should be brought to the attention of the members or creditors of the Company.
A copy of RSM's reason for their resignation is being sent to shareholders for information only, as required by Section 520(2) of the Companies Act 2006 and will shortly be available to view on the National Storage Mechanism at https://data.fca.org.uk/#/nsm/nationalstoragemechanism.
The Board wishes to take this opportunity to extend its appreciation and gratitude to RSM for its services to the Company over many years.
For further information please contact:
Treatt plc
Anita Guernari
Company Secretary
01284 702500
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