4th Jun 2024 08:52
June 4, 2024
London Stock Exchange
Dear Madam, Sirs,
Sub: Change(s) in Senior Management Personnel of Tata Steel Limited
We would like to inform about the change(s) in the Senior Management Personnel of Tata Steel Limited ('Company') as follows:
a. Superannuation of Dr. Debashish Bhattacharjee, Vice President - Technology and R&D
Dr. Debashish Bhattacharjee, currently serving as the Vice President - Technology and R&D will superannuate from the Company on August 1, 2024.
b. Re-designation of Mr. Subodh Pandey as the Vice President - Technology and R&D (Designate) and thereafter as Vice President - Technology, R&D, NMB and Graphene
Mr. Subodh Pandey, Vice President - Operations TSM, NMB and Graphene, presently in charge of the operations at Tata Steel Meramandali, New Materials Business ('NMB') and Graphene Business, is being re-designated as the Vice President - Technology and R&D (Designate) with immediate effect. Mr. Pandey will be responsible for technology and research & development division of the Company and will continue to look after NMB and Graphene business.
Consequent to the superannuation of Dr. Debashish Bhattacharjee, Mr. Pandey will bere-designated as the Vice President -Technology, R&D, NMB and Graphene, effective August 1, 2024.
c. Re-designation of Mr. Uttam Singh as the Vice President - Operations, TSM
Consequent to the change at point b above, Mr. Uttam Singh, presently Vice President - Iron Making, is being re-designated as the Vice President - Operations Tata Steel Meramandali (TSM), with immediate effect.
d. Re-designation of Mr. Chaitanya Bhanu as the Vice President - Operations Tata Steel Jamshedpur (TSJ)
Consequent to the change at point c above, the positions of Vice President - Iron Making and Vice President - Steel Manufacturing, at Tata Steel Jamshedpur (TSJ) are being merged into one position i.e., Vice President - Operations TSJ.
Mr. Chaitanya Bhanu, currently serving as the Vice President - Steel Manufacturing is being re-designated as the Vice President -Operations TSJ with immediate effect.
e. Re-designation of Mr. Probal Ghosh as the Vice President - One Shared Services
Mr. Probal Ghosh is presently holding the position of Vice President - Shared Services.
To bring synergy across locations, the maintenance functions in Steel Manufacturing units and Profit centers are being consolidated as One Shared Services.
Mr. Probal Ghosh is being re-designated as Vice President - One Shared Services with immediate effect.
f. Revision in role of Mr. Ashish Anupam - Vice President Long Products
Mr. Ashish Anupam, Vice President Long Products, along with his current responsibilities of manufacturing units of Long Products at Gamharia, Joda, Steel Recycling Business, Service & Solutions business, upcoming EAF units, Global Wire Division and Marketing & Sales (LP), will also be responsible for Long Products manufacturing at Jamshedpur plant.
The details as required in terms of Regulation 30 read with Para A, Part A of Schedule III of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 is enclosed herewith as Annexure A.
This disclosure is being made in terms of Regulation 30 of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, as amended.
This is for your information and record.
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