11th Jan 2016 09:13
January 1, 2016
BSE Limited Dept. of Corporate Services Phiroze Jeejeebhoy Towers Dalal Street Mumbai 400 001 Telephone: 2272 2375 / 2066 / 1122 Facsimile: 2272 2037/2039/2041/2061 Email : [email protected] BSE Scrip Code : 500390 | National Stock Exchange of India Ltd. Listing Department Exchange Plaza, C-1, Block G Bandra-Kurla Complex, Bandra (East) Mumbai 400 051 Telephone: 2659 8235/36, 2659 8100/14 Facsimile: 2659 8237/38/ 6641 8125 / 26 Email : [email protected] NSE Symbol: RELINFRA
Dear Sirs,
Sub: Reliance Infrastructure Ltd appoints Lalit Jalan as Acting Chief Executive Officer
Reliance Infrastructure Limited (RInfra) has appointed Shri Lalit Jalan as the as Acting Chief Executive Officer (Acting CEO) of the Company with effect from January 1, 2016. Shri Jalan had earlier held the portfolio of CEO for over seven years. He will take over as Acting CEO from Shri M S Mehta who is leaving the Company due to personal reasons.
Kindly bring the above to the notice of your members.
Yours faithfully
For Reliance Infrastructure Limited
Ramesh Shenoy
Company Secretary
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