8th Jun 2015 17:31
08 June2015
("Maple" or the "Company")
Cancellation of Admission to Trading on AIM
Maple Energy plc advises that pursuant to AIM Rule 41, the Company's shares will be cancelled from trading on AIM ("Cancellation") at 7:00 a.m. on 9 June 2015 due to having been suspended from trading for six months.
As announced on 8 December 2014, the Company's shares were suspended from trading on AIM pending further clarification and the outcome of negotiations with the Senior Lenders. On 22 December 2014, the Company announced that it had entered into a term sheet ("Term Sheet") with the senior lenders ("Senior Lenders") to the Company's ethanol business, Maple Etanol S.R.L and Maple Biocombustibles S.R.L (together, the "Ethanol Companies") in respect of the existing senior secured loans (the "Ethanol Loans") provided to the Ethanol Companies by the Senior Lenders. The Term Sheet defined the steps and actions to be taken in order to repay the outstanding balance of the Ethanol Loans and the Company continues to work with the Senior Lenders in accordance with the Term Sheet.
At the present time Maple is also listed on the Lima Stock Exchange (Bolsa de Valores de Lima) and the Company advises that this listing will terminate automatically upon Cancellation becoming effective.
Shareholders are advised that, following Cancellation, the Company intends to provide updates via its website at www.maple-energy.com. All queries in relation to shareholdings in the Company should be directed to Capita Asset Services, Shareholders solutions (Ireland) 2 Grand Canal Square, Dublin 2, Ireland.
For further information, please contact:
Maple Energy plc (+ 51 1 611 4000)
Guillermo Ferreyros, Chief Executive Officer and Executive Director
Cenkos Securities plc (+ 44 131 220 6939)
Derrick Lee
Neil McDonald
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