29th Mar 2023 09:00
29 March 2023
NatWest Group plc
Board Committee changes
NatWest Group plc (NWG) announces that Yasmin Jetha will succeed Mike Rogers as Chair of the Group Sustainable Banking Committee (SBC) on 26 April 2023.
As previously announced, Mike will step down as a non-executive director on 25 April 2023. He will also step down as SBC Chair and as a member of the Group Performance and Remuneration Committee on that date.
With effect from 1 May 2023, SBC's remit will expand to include technology, innovation and data matters currently within the remit of the Technology and Innovation Committee (TIC). TIC will be retired as a standalone Board Committee on 30 April 2023.
Howard Davies, Chairman of NWG, said:
"Since it was established in 2017, TIC has played an important role in overseeing NWG's strategic direction in relation to technology and innovation. I would like to thank Yasmin and her fellow members Patrick Flynn and Frank Dangeard for their contributions to its work.
Combining the SBC and TIC agendas will ensure that our Board Committee structure continues to support the Board in overseeing the execution of our purpose-led strategy and promoting NWG's long-term sustainable success. Technology, innovation and data are integral to our strategic priorities as we strive to be a relationship bank in a digital world.
Yasmin is ideally placed to take this agenda forward, with her prior experience as TIC Chair and as a member of SBC."
For further information contact:
NatWest Group Investor Relations:
Alexander Holcroft
Head of Investor Relations
+44 (0) 20 7672 1758
NatWest Group Media Relations:
+44 (0) 131 523 4205
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