30th Mar 2021 10:00
Statement by Permanent TSB Group Holdings p.l.c. (PTSBGH)
Headline: PTSBGH Announces Two New Board Appointments
30 March 2021
The Chairman of Permanent TSB Group Holdings plc (PTSBGH), Robert Elliott, has announced the immediate appointment of Celine Fitzgerald and Anne Bradley to the Board of PTSBGH as Independent Non-Executive Directors (INED).
As reported in the PTSBGH's 2020 Annual Report, the Board had identified the need to enhance the collective knowledge and experience of the Board through the addition of two new INEDs with respective skill sets in technology change and resilience, as well as culture and sustainability.
Anne is an INED at Northern Trust Ireland Limited and was previously Head of Group IT delivery/digital development at International Airline Group until 2020 and prior to that was Director of IT at Aerlingus Group. Anne was also an INED at Dublin Bus between 2015 and 2018.
Celine is an INED at the commercial semi-state company Ervia and has previous senior executive experience in the managed services and telecommunications industries. Celine was also an INED on the VHI Main Board between 2009 and 2020 and was General Manager at the charity Goal between 2016 and 2018 and has contributed her time to other charitable foundations.
Speaking today, Robert Elliott welcomed Celine and Anne to the Board; "I am delighted to announce the appointment of two experienced and high calibre individuals to the Board. Celine and Anne bring a wealth of cross industry knowledge and experience to the Board together with specific skills that will support the Bank as it drives positive culture change, evolves its sustainability programme and continues its digital transformation journey. I really look forward to working with Anne and Celine at both Board and Board Committee level which itself has been re-organised to maximise the effectiveness of these appointments".
Following the appointment of Celine Fitzgerald and Anne Bradley to the Board, the following sets out the updated Board Committee structure:
Risk and Compliance Committee
Ronan O'Neill (Chairperson) Anne Bradley Marian Corcoran Donal Courtney Paul Doddrell Ruth Wandhofer
| Audit Committee
Donal Courtney (Chairperson) Anne Bradley Paul Doddrell Andrew Power
Nomination, Culture and Ethics Committee
Robert Elliott (Chairperson) Marian Corcoran Celine Fitzgerald Ronan O'Neill Ken Slattery
| Remuneration Committee
Ken Slattery (Chairperson) Robert Elliott Celine Fitzgerald Andrew Power Ruth Wandhofer
- Ends -
For Further Information Please Contact:
Conor Ryan Company Secretary and Head of Corporate Governance
| Leontia Fannin Head of Corporate Affairs and Communications
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