10th Sep 2020 15:29
10 September 2020
S4 Capital plc
("S4Capital" or "the Company")
The following release was issued by BMW at 12.00pm BST today.
Corporate Communications
Media Information
10 September 2020
New agencies for the European marketing activities of
the BMW and MINI brands.
• Performance marketing and digitalised sales for modern,
tailor-made customer relationship management.
• New agency constellation will become operational in the third
Munich. The BMW Group is reorganising its European marketing activities for its
BMW and MINI brands. The related call for tenders initiated in February 2020 by
the BMW Marketing and Purchasing departments reflects the consistent
evolution of BMW Group Sales and Marketing towards a data-driven and
customer-oriented organisation. By consolidating contents and centralising the
European agency and partner network, the BMW Group is establishing an
extremely efficient, high-performance marketing engine capable of supporting
individualised and modern customer relationship management across all
touchpoints for both the BMW and MINI brands. This will enable the organisation
to better anticipate the wishes and requirements of existing and prospective
customers, with the aim of offering timely, individually and contextually relevant
information at each step of the customer journey. As a result, the quality of the
customer experience and sense of orientation within the brands' overall
ecosystems will be considerably upgraded. The system is focused on advanced
customer data analytics, highly automated production and delivery of
communications media, digital media and strong e-commerce support. The aim
is to enhance Marketing input in the areas of vehicle sales, aftersales services
and digital services and leverage efficiencies.
"Our decision to select 'THE ENGINE' as our new agency constellation for all of
Europe clearly dovetails with our claim to provide the best premium customer
experience within the automotive industry," explains Pieter Nota, Member of the
Board of Management of BMW AG, Customer, Brands, Sales. "In the process, we
are steadily expanding our expertise in the digitalisation of customer, brand and
sales processes and are thus investing in the future of our commitment to
providing customers with a source of joy in their lives. I would like to express my
gratitude to all those who participated in the pitch stage; everyone delivered
professional presentations they'd put their heart and soul into."
Transnational agency operating system for all 26 European markets.
"This system will comprehensively integrate the classic marketing disciplines of
strategy, creation and production with all relevant aspects of the customer journey
- while elevating them to a high-tech level. In practice, this includes all areas of
data-driven performance marketing and analytics, marketing automation,
programmatic media and CRM support," says Jens Thiemer, Senior Vice
President Customer & Brand, BMW. "In addition, we are consolidating the
management of web operations and e-commerce within our new agency
operating system." The fully transnational system will cover all 26 European
markets including Germany.
A high-performance marketing engine that eliminates friction.
The future unit will bear the project name "THE ENGINE". It is a new partner
network made up of MediaMonks, the Serviceplan Group and Berylls Strategy
Advisors. At the heart of the new constellation will be the Dutch agency
MediaMonks with its highly automated and data-based creative and production
skills. The Serviceplan Group will be responsible for the technological and datadriven
components as well as management of the local interfaces to support
marketing-as-a-service responsibilities. Berylls Strategy Advisors will take on
responsibility for the transformation and onboarding of the markets. "'THE
ENGINE' has given the BMW Group the opportunity to not only secure
efficiencies and synergies but also improve innovation, flexibility and quality," says
Ralf Hattler, Senior Vice President Indirect Purchasing. Local Service Hubs will be
installed to serve as direct contacts for the national BMW Group subsidiaries in
the various markets. "THE ENGINE" will complement the existing international
agency hubs for China and the US. The new agency configuration will become
operational as soon as the third quarter of this year and start by serving the two
large markets of Germany and France.
If you have any questions, please contact:
Christophe Koenig
Digital Innovations Communication
BMW Group Design, Innovations and Motorsports Communications
Telephone: +49-89-382-56097
Email: [email protected]
Eckhard Wannieck
Head of Corporate and Culture Communications
BMW Group
Telephone: +49-89-382-24544
Email: [email protected]
Media website: www.press.bmwgroup.com
Email: [email protected]
The BMW Group
With its four brands BMW, MINI, Rolls-Royce and BMW Motorrad, the BMW Group is the world's
leading premium manufacturer of automobiles and motorcycles and also provides premium
financial and mobility services. The BMW Group production network comprises 31 production and
assembly facilities in 15 countries; the company has a global sales network in more than 140
In 2019, the BMW Group sold over 2.5 million passenger vehicles and more than 175,000 motorcycles
worldwide. The profit before tax in the financial year 2019 was € 7.118 billion on revenues amounting to
€ 104.210 billion. As of 31 December 2019, the BMW Group had a workforce of 126,016 employees.
The success of the BMW Group has always been based on long-term thinking and responsible
action. The company has therefore established ecological and social sustainability throughout the
value chain, comprehensive product responsibility and a clear commitment to conserving
resources as an integral part of its strategy.
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/BMWGroup
Twitter: http://twitter.com/BMWGroup
YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/BMWGroupView
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bmwgroup
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/bmw-group/
Presse- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit
10. September 2020
Neue Agenturen für europaweite Marketingaktivitäten
der Marken BMW und MINI.
• Maßgeschneiderte und zeitgemäße Kundenansprache dank
Performance Marketing und Digitalisierung des Vertriebs.
• Neu geschaffene Agenturkonstellation nimmt im dritten Quartal
ihre Arbeit auf.
München. Die BMW Group stellt die europaweiten Marketingaktivitäten für ihre
Marken BMW und MINI neu auf. Die im Februar 2020 vom BMW Marketing und
Einkauf gestartete Ausschreibung spiegelt dabei die konsequente Transformation
des Vertriebs und Marketings der BMW Group hin zu einer datengetriebenen und
kundenzentrierten Organisation wider. Mit einer inhaltlichen Konsolidierung sowie
Zentralisierung der europäischen Agentur- und Partnerlandschaft wird bei der
BMW Group im Marketing eine hocheffiziente Höchstleistungsmaschine
aufgebaut, die sowohl für die Marke BMW als auch für MINI eine individualisierte
und moderne Kundenansprache über alle Touchpoints hinweg unterstützt. Somit
können die Wünsche und Bedürfnisse der KundInnen und InteressentInnen
zukünftig noch besser antizipiert werden mit dem Ziel, individuell relevante und
kontextbezogene Informationen zu dem jeweils richtigen Zeitpunkt entlang der
Customer Journey anzubieten. Die Qualität des Kundenerlebnisses sowie die
Orientierung innerhalb des gesamten Marken-Ökosystems werden dadurch
spürbar intensiviert. Im Fokus stehen hierbei modernste Kundendatenanalytik,
hochautomatisierte Produktion von Kommunikationsmitteln und deren
Ausspielung, digitale Medien sowie eine starke E-Commerce-Unterstützung.
Dabei lautet das Ziel, den Input des Marketings auf den Fahrzeugvertrieb,
Aftersales-Services sowie die digitalen Dienste zu steigern und Effizienzen zu
"Unsere Entscheidung für 'THE ENGINE' als unsere neue europaweite
Agenturkonstellation ist ein klares Signal für unseren Anspruch, das beste
Premium-Kundenerlebnis der Automobilwirtschaft zu bieten", erklärt Pieter Nota,
Mitglied des Vorstands der BMW AG, zuständig für Kunde, Marken und Vertrieb.
"Wir bauen damit konsequent unsere Kompetenz in der Digitalisierung der
Kunden-, Marken und Vertriebsprozesse aus und investieren somit in die Zukunft
unseres Kundenversprechens "Freude". Ich bedanke mich bei allen Pitch-
Teilnehmern, die allesamt professionelle Präsentationen mit viel Herzblut
abgegeben haben."
Übergreifendes Agentur-Betriebssystem für alle 26 Märkte Europas.
"Hierfür werden die klassischen, aber jetzt auf Hightech-Format zu bringenden
Marketing-Disziplinen - Strategie, Kreation und Produktion - vollintegriert ergänzt
um alle relevanten Aspekte der Customer Journey. Konkret sind das alle Aufgaben
aus den Bereichen des datengetriebenen Performance Marketings und der
Analytik, der Marketing-Automatisierung, der Programmatic Media sowie der
Unterstützung bei Customer Relationship Management", so Jens Thiemer, Senior
Vice President Kunde & Marke BMW. "Zudem bündeln wir die Verantwortungen
im Bereich Web Operations & E-Commerce in unserem neuen Agentur-
Betriebssystem." Dieses wird länderübergreifend alle 26 Märkte in ganz Europa
inklusive Deutschland betreuen.
Hochleistungs-Marketingmaschine ohne Reibungsverluste.
Die zukünftige Einheit trägt den Projektnamen "THE ENGINE" und ist eine neu
geformte, partnerschaftliche Konstellation aus MediaMonks, Serviceplan Group
und Berylls Strategy Advisors. Das Herzstück dieser neuen Konstellation bildet die
niederländische Agentur MediaMonks mit ihren hochautomatisierten und
datenbasierten Kreations- sowie Produktionsfähigkeiten. Die Serviceplan Group
übernimmt die technologischen und datengetriebenen Komponenten sowie die
Betreuung der lokalen Schnittstellen im Sinne einer Marketing-as-a-Service-
Verantwortung. Berylls Strategy Advisors zeichnet für die Themen Transformation
und Onboarding der Märkte verantwortlich. ",THE ENGINE' gibt der BMW Group
die Möglichkeit, nicht nur Effizienzen und Synergien sicherzustellen, sondern
gleichzeitig auch Innovation, Flexibilität und Qualität auf ein höheres Niveau zu
bringen", sagt Ralf Hattler, Senior Vice President Indirekter Einkauf. Auf lokaler
Ebene werden sogenannte "Local Service Hubs" als direkte Ansprechpartner für
die BMW Group Landesgesellschaften vor Ort installiert. "THE ENGINE" agiert
komplementär zu den international bereits bestehenden Agenturhubs für China
und die USA. Die neue Agentureinheit wird bereits im dritten Quartal dieses
Jahres ihre Arbeit aufnehmen und zuerst mit der Betreuung der zwei großen
Ländergesellschaften Deutschland und Frankreich starten.
Bitte wenden Sie sich bei Rückfragen an:
Christophe Koenig
Digital Innovations Communication
BMW Group Design, Innovations and Motorsports Communications
Tel: +49-89-382-56097
E-Mail: [email protected]
Eckhard Wannieck
Head of Corporate and Culture Communications
BMW Group
Tel: +49-89-382-24544
E-Mail: [email protected]
Internet: www.press.bmwgroup.com
E-Mail: [email protected]
Die BMW Group
Die BMW Group ist mit ihren Marken BMW, MINI, Rolls-Royce und BMW Motorrad der weltweit
führende Premium-Hersteller von Automobilen und Motorrädern und Anbieter von Premium-
Finanz- und Mobilitätsdienstleistungen. Das BMW Group Produktionsnetzwerk umfasst 31
Produktions- und Montagestätten in 15 Ländern; das Unternehmen verfügt über ein globales
Vertriebsnetzwerk mit Vertretungen in über 140 Ländern.
Im Jahr 2019 erzielte die BMW Group einen weltweiten Absatz von mehr als 2,5 Mio. Automobilen und
über 175.000 Motorrädern. Das Ergebnis vor Steuern im Geschäftsjahr 2019 belief sich auf
7,118 Mrd. €, der Umsatz auf 104,210 Mrd. €. Zum 31. Dezember 2019 beschäftigte das
Unternehmen weltweit 126.016 Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter.
Seit jeher sind langfristiges Denken und verantwortungsvolles Handeln die Grundlage des
wirtschaftlichen Erfolges der BMW Group. Das Unternehmen hat ökologische und soziale
Nachhaltigkeit entlang der gesamten Wertschöpfungskette, umfassende Produktverantwortung
sowie ein klares Bekenntnis zur Schonung von Ressourcen fest in seiner Strategie verankert.
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/BMWGroup
Twitter: http://twitter.com/BMWGroup
YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/BMWGroupView
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bmwgroup
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/bmw-group/
S4Capital plc | Tel: +44 (0)20 3793 0003 |
Sir Martin Sorrell, Executive Chairman | |
Powerscourt (PR adviser to S4Capital plc) | Tel: +44 (0)7970 246 725 |
Elly Williamson | |
Jessica Hodgson |
This announcement contains inside information.
About S4Capital
S4Capital plc (SFOR.L) is the tech-led, new age, new era digital advertising and marketing services company, established by Sir Martin Sorrell in May 2018.
Its strategy is to build a purely digital advertising and marketing services business for global, multinational, regional, local clients and millennial-driven influencer brands. This will be achieved initially by integrating leading businesses in two practice areas: Data & digital media and Content, along with an emphasis on "faster, better, cheaper" executions in an always-on consumer-led environment, with a unitary structure.
Digital is by far the fastest-growing segment of the advertising market. S4Capital estimates that in 2019 digital accounted for approximately 47.5% or $275 billion of total global advertising spend of $550-600 billion (excluding about $400 billion of trade support, the primary target of the Amazon advertising platform), and projects that by 2022 this share will grow to approximately 55-60%. It is anticipated that in 2020, total global advertising spend will shrink to approximately $500-550 billion, driven by a fall in traditional media advertising expenditure. However digital advertising spend is expected to remain constant or increase slightly and therefore improve its market share of total advertising spend to over 50% for the first time.
S4Capital combined with MediaMonks, the leading AdAge A-listed creative digital content production company led by Victor Knaap and Wesley ter Haar, in July 2018 and with MightyHive, the market-leading digital media solutions provider for future thinking marketers and agencies, led by Peter Kim and Christopher S. Martin, in December 2018.
In April 2019, MightyHive combined with ProgMedia to expand operations into Latin America and MediaMonks acquired film studio Caramel Pictures to expand content studio capabilities. In June 2019, MediaMonks announced a planned combination with Australia-based BizTech, a leading marketing transformation and customer experience company. In August 2019, MediaMonks combined with Amsterdam-based digital influencer marketing agency IMA. In October 2019, MediaMonks combined with Firewood Marketing, the largest digital marketing agency based in Silicon Valley, that was recently ranked, along with MediaMonks, as one of the fastest growing agencies by Adweek, and MightyHive combined with award-winning UK-based digital analytics, biddable media and data science company ConversionWorks and South Korea-based data consultancy MightyHive Korea (formerly Datalicious). In November 2019, MediaMonks announced its combination with Delhi-based content creation and production company WhiteBalance (completed in August 2020 - the delay due to necessary merger clearance procedures) and then with fully integrated digital agency Circus Marketing in January 2020 (completed in March 2020).
In May 2020, MightyHive announced a combination with Digodat, one of the leading Latin American data consultancies, and in June 2020, MightyHive announced its combination with Lens10, a leading Australian digital strategy and analytics consultancy. In July 2020, MightyHive announced a combination with Orca Pacific, a market leading full-service Amazon agency and boutique consultancy firm based in Seattle. In August 2020, MightyHive announced a combination with London-based Brightblue, an econometric and media optimisation consultancy. In September 2020, MediaMonks entered into exclusivity in relation to a merger with Dare.Win, an award-winning Paris-based digital creative agency.
On 16 July 2020 S4Capital announced the successful placing of 36,766,642 new ordinary shares at a price of 315p raising approximately £116m gross proceeds which will be used for further expansion and M&A purposes.
Victor, Wesley, Pete, Christopher and Peter Rademaker (formerly Chief Financial Officer of MediaMonks, now Chief Financial Officer of S4Capital), all joined the S4Capital Board as Directors. The S4Capital Board also includes Rupert Faure Walker, Paul Roy, Daniel Pinto, Sue Prevezer, Elizabeth Buchanan, Scott Spirit, Naoko Okumoto, Margaret Ma Connolly and Miles Young.
The Company has approximately 2,750 people in 30 countries across the Americas, Europe, the Middle East and Africa and Asia-Pacific and a current market capitalisation of approximately £2 billion (c.$2.6 billion), and would rank well into the FTSE 250. It has achieved Unicorn status in a little over one year, unique in the advertising and marketing services industry.
Sir Martin was CEO of WPP for 33 years, building it from a £1 million "shell" company in 1985 into the world's largest advertising and marketing services company with a market capitalisation of over £16 billion on the day he left. Today its market capitalisation is less than £8 billion. Prior to that Sir Martin was Group Financial Director of Saatchi & Saatchi Company Plc for nine years.
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