3rd Jul 2012 16:30
e2v technologies plc
Awards under Long Term Incentive Plan
This notification is made in accordance with DTR 3.1.4 (1)(a).
e2v technologies plc (the Company) has made the following awards of ordinary shares on 2nd July 2012 under the Company's Long Term Incentive Plan (LTIP) to the following Directors of the Company (the Directors). Details of the Plan are set out in the Listing Particulars published on 19 July 2004, as amended, and herein:
Normal Award:
Keith Attwood: 187,846 shares (normal award - awarded based on 100% of salary)
Charles Hindson: 148,595 shares (normal award - awarded based on 100% of salary)
Additional Award:
Keith Attwood: 46,962 shares (additional award - awarded based on 25% of salary)
In the normal course of events these awards vest at the third anniversary of the grant on the basis of achievement of performance conditions. The vesting of the awards will be assessed against two performance measures over the three year period.
Normal awards will be assessed as follows:
- 50% of the normal award will be subject to relative Total Shareholder Return (TSR) performance of the Company against a group of selected peers on a straight line basis from 25% of the award for median performance through to 100% of the award for upper quartile performance; and
- 50% of the normal award will be subject to absolute TSR performance with vesting on a straight line basis from 25% of the award for absolute TSR of 200p, through to 100% of the award for absolute TSR of 290p.
The additional award granted to Keith Attwood will be assessed as follows:
- 50% of the additional award will be subject to relative TSR performance of the Company against a group of selected peers on a straight line basis with nil vesting for upper quartile performance and full vesting for upper quintile performance; and
- 50% of the additional award will be subject to absolute TSR performance with vesting on a straight line basis from nil vesting for absolute TSR of 290p and full vesting for absolute TSR of 315p.
An award amounts to a contractual right to acquire an interest in shares. No consideration was paid for the grant of an award, which is structured as an option with a nil option price.
The total holdings of LTIPs held by the Directors following this grant are as follows:
Keith Attwood: 1,048,312 shares
Charles Hindson 791,681 shares
The total holdings of ordinary shares in the Company held by the Directors at the date of this announcement, excluding any deferred or LTIP element, are as follows:
Keith Attwood: 3,067,799 shares (includes 1,000,000 shares held by spouse)
Charles Hindson 1,581,908 shares
The Company was informed of the above transaction on 2 July 2012.
Name of contact and telephone number for queries:
Charlotte Parmenter
Company Secretary
01245 493 493
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