12th Sep 2005 07:03
Sarantel Group PLC12 September 2005 Sarantel Appoints Former Institute of Navigation (ION) President as Technical Adviser Wellingborough, UK, 12 September 2005 - Sarantel, the leading manufacturer ofrevolutionary filtering antennas for mobile and wireless devices, announcestoday that Dr. Per Enge has agreed to act as an intellectual property andtechnical advisor to the company. Dr. Enge, a professor of Aeronautics andAstronautics in the School of Engineering at Stanford University, Palo Alto,California, will advise Dr. Oliver Leisten, Sarantel's Co-Founder and ChiefTechnology Officer, and Sarantel's technical staff in the areas of intellectualproperty protection and research. Dr. Enge, a Fellow and former President of the Institute of Navigation (ION),has for many years played a key role in research on satellite navigation,publishing over one hundred articles and holding 12 patents in the field ofradio navigation. Recognised as a leading authority in the field of satellitenavigation, Dr. Enge is frequently asked to speak at global symposia andconferences, including ION, the Munich Satellite Navigation Summit, theAustralian International Aerospace Congress, and at many internationaluniversities. Dr. Enge also advises other leading companies in the GPS industry,including SiRF and Rosum. He is a member of the National Academy of Engineers. "I am very pleased to be working with Sarantel and assisting them in protectingtheir very well developed intellectual property portfolio," says Dr. Enge."Sarantel has a uniquely differentiated antenna, which is a great advantage whenbacked by a very robust set of patents. Sarantel has done good work in thisarea, and I am glad to add my own expertise to help further their success." "I am personally flattered that Dr. Enge has taken an interest in Sarantel'santenna technology," says Dr. Leisten. "As a scientist, I have followed his workwith great interest, and value his advice as we keep pushing Sarantel'sintellectual property forward. As a businessman, I recognise the importance ofgetting the 'outside' view to protect our IP and keep our focus sharp. Dr. Engewill contribute significantly to Sarantel's IP development and researchefforts." Sarantel CEO David Wither, comments: "We are very pleased that Dr. Enge hasagreed to advise our team at Sarantel. His experience with IP protection, hispragmatic approach and his commitment to bringing academic resources toreal-world challenges will help Sarantel move to the next level." -ends- For further information please contact: Sarantel Group PLC www.sarantel.comDavid Wither, CEO/Sitkow Yeung, CFO 01933 670560 Smithfield 020 7360 4900Sara Musgrave Pictures are available for the media to view and download fromwww.vismedia.co.uk About Sarantel Sarantel designs, manufactures and sells patented, ceramic, filtering antennasfor use in portable wireless devices such as PDAs, laptops and 3G mobiledevices. Its current focus is on producing antennas for the GPS market whichallow a clearer signal than conventional antennas whilst reducing the amount ofenergy absorbed by the head by approximately 90 per cent. The antennas simplifysystem design, thus allowing design standardisation and reduced time to marketand cost for manufacturers. As well as GPS, Sarantel's antennas are designed to service Wi-Fi, 3G andBluetooth platforms which are expected to be a key element in the future successof mobile network operators and device manufacturers. Sarantel's antennas cansignificantly increase the range and effective bandwidth of Wi-Fi devices andSarantel is planning to commence high volume delivery of its antennas into thesatellite radio market within the next 12 months. Sarantel listed on AIM, a market operated by the London Stock Exchange, on 2ndMarch 2005 at an issue price of 82p. Sarantel is included in the IT Hardwaresector (93) within the Telecommunications equipment sub-sector (938) and has aRIC code of SLG.L This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock ExchangeRelated Shares:
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