1st Jun 2023 07:00
1 June 2023
Actual Experience plc (the "Company" or "Actual Experience")
Appointment of Chief Executive Officer
Actual Experience plc (AIM: ACT), the analytics-as-a-service company, confirms that, further to the announcement of the appointment of Iain McCready as Chief Executive Officer of the Company on 26 May 2023, regulatory due diligence has been completed by the Company's Nomad and the appointment of Iain McCready to the board of the Company as an Executive Director is effective immediately.
The following information regarding the appointment of Iain Alexander McCready, aged 61, is disclosed under Schedule 2(g) of the AIM Rules for Companies:
Current Directorships | Previous Directorships (within the last five years) |
Project Firefly Limited Quorum Cyber Security Limited Project Falcon Bidco Limited Project Falcon Midco Limited Project Falcon Topco Limited | Cortexica Vision Systems Limited
As at the date of this announcement, Iain McCready does not hold any ordinary shares in the Company.
Iain McCready was a director of TelesensKSCL (Holdings) Limited and TK Realisations Limited (formerly TelesensKSCL Limited) within 12 months of an administrative receiver being appointed to these companies in June 2002 and then these companies entering compulsory liquidation in November 2002 and January 2003 respectively. A dividend of 6.1923 pence in the pound was distributed to unsecured creditors of TelesensKSCL (Holdings) Limited and a dividend of 30.3181 pence in the pound was distributed to unsecured creditors of TK Realisations Limited.
Save as set out above there are no further disclosures pursuant to Rule 17 or Schedule Two paragraph (g) of the AIM Rules for Companies in respect of the appointment of Iain McCready.
Actual Experience plc Steve Bennetts, Chief Financial Officer
| Tel: +44 (0)207 129 1474 |
Singer Capital Markets Advisory LLP Shaun Dobson James Fischer
| Tel: +44 (0)207 496 3000 |
Turner Pope Investments (TPI) Ltd James Pope Andy Thacker
| Tel: + 44 (0)203 657 0050 |
Flagstaff Strategic and Investor Communications Tim Thompson Mark Edwards Andrea Seymour Anna Probert | Tel: +44 (0)207 129 1474
About Actual Experience
Actual Experience's goal is to make the digital world work for everyone, everywhere, all of the time. As the working world evolves post-pandemic, the global shift to a flexible hybrid model has brought with it a significant challenge; how do businesses create an environment that gives their people what they need to thrive, whilst protecting the commercial efficiency of the business and driving growth at the same time?
For further information please visit www.actual-experience.com
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