23rd Jan 2017 07:00
Central Rand Gold Limited (Incorporated as a company with limited liability under the laws of Guernsey, Company Number 45108) (Incorporated as an external company with limited liability under the laws of South Africa, Registration number 2007/019223/10) ISIN: GG00B92NXM24 LSE share code: CRND JSE share code: CRD ("Central Rand Gold" or the "Company")
Appointment of Brandon Hill Capital Limited as Broker |
Shareholders are advised that in accordance with rule 35 of the AIM Rules for Companies, the Company is pleased to announce the appointment, with immediate effect, of Brandon Hill Capital Limited ("Brandon Hill") as its broker.
Simon Charles, non-executive chairman of Central Rand Gold, had the following to say in respect of the appointment, "We are extremely pleased to have Brandon Hill on board. The Company will be focusing its efforts on optimising both its operations and its capital base for the benefit of shareholders. The addition of Brandon Hill to the advisory team is a further step in the right direction for the Company, and as a result I hope to report positive progress in due course."
For further information, please contact:
Central Rand Gold +27(0) 87 310 4400
Lola Trollip
ZAI Corporate Finance Limited - Nominated Adviser +44 (0) 20 7060 2220
John Treacy / Jamie Spotswood
Brandon Hill Capital Limited - Broker +44 (0)20 3463 5000
Jonathan Evans / Wei Jiao
Merchantec Capital - JSE Sponsor +27 (0) 11 325 6363
Monique Martinez / Marcel Goncalves
23 January 2017
Merchantec Capital
The information communicated in this announcement is inside information for the purposes of Article 7 of Market Abuse Regulation 596/2014 ("MAR").
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