1st Jul 2009 09:31
Rule 3.19A.1 Appendix 3X Initial Director's Interest Notice Information or documents not available now must be given to ASX as soon asavailable. Information and documents given to ASX become ASX's property and maybe made public.Introduced 30/9/2001.Name of entity OILEX LTD ABN 50 078 652 632 We (the entity) give ASX the following information under listing rule 3.19A.1and as agent for the director for the purposes of section 205G of theCorporations Act.Name of Director BENEDICT JAMES MURRAY CLUBE Date of appointment 1 JULY 2009
Part 1 - Director's relevant interests in securities of which the director is the registered holder
In the case of a trust, this includes interests in the trust made available by the responsible entity of the trust
Note: In the case of a company, interests which come within paragraph (i) ofthe definition of "notifiable interest of a director" should be disclosed inthis part.Number & class of securities Part 2 - Director's relevant interests in securities of which the director isnot the registered holderIn the case of a trust, this includes interests in the trust made available bythe responsible entity of the trustName of holder & nature of Number & class of Securities interest
Note: Provide details of the circumstances giving rise to the relevant interest. CLUBE SUPERANNUATION FUND 52,174 FULLY PAID SHARES BENEDICT CLUBE 500,000 $1.75 OPTIONS EXPIRY 30/06/11 500,000 $2.25 OPTIONS EXPIRY 30/06/11 500,000 $2.75 OPTIONS EXPIRY 30/06/12 Part 3 - Director's interests in contractsNote: In the case of a company, interests which come within paragraph (ii) ofthe definition of "notifiable interest of a director" should be disclosed inthis part.Detail of contract OEX has agreed to issue 1,500,000 unlisted options to Benedict Clube exercisable @ 30c per share with a 5 year term, subject to shareholder approval. Nature of interest Name of registered holder (if issued securities)
No. and class of securities to which interest relates Rule 3.19A.1 Appendix 3X Initial Director's Interest Notice Information or documents not available now must be given to ASX as soon asavailable. Information and documents given to ASX become ASX's property and maybe made public.Introduced 30/9/2001.Name of entity OILEX LTD ABN 50 078 652 632 We (the entity) give ASX the following information under listing rule 3.19A.1and as agent for the director for the purposes of section 205G of theCorporations Act.Name of Director RONALD LAWRENCE MILLER Date of appointment 1 JULY 2009
Part 1 - Director's relevant interests in securities of which the director is the registered holder
In the case of a trust, this includes interests in the trust made available by the responsible entity of the trust
Note: In the case of a company, interests which come within paragraph (i) ofthe definition of "notifiable interest of a director" should be disclosed inthis part.Number & class of securities N/A
Part 2 - Director's relevant interests in securities of which the director is not the registered holder
In the case of a trust, this includes interests in the trust made available by the responsible entity of the trust
Name of holder & nature of Number & class of Securities interest
Note: Provide details of the circumstances giving rise to the relevant interest. MIRAMAR SUPERANNUATION PTY LTD 700,000 FULLY PAID SHARES
TRUSTEES FOR THE MILLER FAMILY TRUST Part 3 - Director's interests in contractsNote: In the case of a company, interests which come within paragraph (ii) ofthe definition of "notifiable interest of a director" should be disclosed inthis part.Detail of contract OEX has agreed to issue 750,000 unlisted options to Ronald Miller exercisable @ 30c per share with a 5 year term, and 12 month vesting period, subject to shareholder approval. Nature of interest Name of registered holder (if issued securities)
No. and class of securities to
which interest relates 1/7/09 ATTACHMENT 1 Ronald Miller
Full Name: Ronald Lawrence Miller
Age: 56
Directorships Over past 5 years: Salinas Energy Limited - currently non-executive directorEmatvil Pty Ltd - currently executive directorMiramar Superannuation Pty Ltd - currently executive directorIndependence Oil and Gas Pty Ltd - former directorEast Timor Logistics Pty Ltd - former director
Other disclosures required by Schedule 2 para (g)of Aim Rules: None
Shareholding in Oilex: 2,424,436 fully paid shares plus 750,000 options (subject to shareholder approval) comprised as follows:
* Miramar Superannuation Pty Ltd - 700,000 fully paid shares * Miramar Superannuation Fund Pty Ltd -1,560,000 fully paid shares * Ronald Lawrence Miller & Miriam Miller as trustees of the Miller Family Trust - 164,436 fully paid shares
* Ronald Miller - OEX has agreed to issue 750,000 unlisted options to Ronald
Miller exercisable @ 30c per share with a 5 year term, and 12 month vesting
period, subject to shareholder approval.
Benedict ClubeFull Name: Benedict James Murray ClubeAge: 43Directorships Over past 5 years: BHP Billiton Petroleum (Australia) Pty Ltd - former directorBHP Billiton Petroleum (Bass Strait) Pty Ltd - former directorBHP Billiton Petroleum (North West Shelf) Pty Ltd - former directorBHP Billiton Petroleum (Pipelines Investments) Pty Ltd - former directorBHP Billiton Petroleum Pty Ltd - former directorBHP Billiton Petroleum (Victoria) Pty Ltd - former directorBHP Billiton Petroleum (Pilbara LNG) Pty Ltd - former directorBHP Investments (Europe) Limited - former directorBHP Petroleum (Ashmore Operations) Pty Ltd - former directorBHP Petroleum (Cambodia) Pty Ltd - former directorBHP Petroleum (Otiti) Inc. - former directorBHP Billiton CBM Investments Pty Ltd - former directorBHP Billiton Petroleum (Angola 21) Inc. - former directorBHP Petroleum (Pakistan) Pty Ltd - former directorBHP Petroleum (Tankers) Limited - former directorBHP Petroleum (Tankers) Limited Australian Branch - former directorBHP Petroleum (Tolo) Inc. - former director
Other disclosures required by Schedule 2 para (g)of Aim Rules: None
Shareholding in Oilex: 52,174 fully paid shares plus 3 million options (1.5 million options subject to shareholder approval) comprised as follows:
* Benedict Clube: 500,000 $1.75 options expiry 30/06/11;500,000 $2.25 options
expiry 30/06/11; and 500,000 $2.75 options expiry 30/06/12;
* Clube Superannuation Fund: 52,174 fully paid ordinary shares.
* Benedict Clube: OEX has agreed to issue 1,500,000 unlisted options to
Benedict Clube exercisable @ 30c per share with a 5 year term, subject to
shareholder approval.
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