10th Apr 2012 09:05
Fidessa group plc
10 April 2012
Fidessa group plc - Annual Information Update
In accordance with Prospectus Rule 5.2, Fidessa group plc ("the Company") is pleased to provide its Annual Information Update relating to information that was published or made available to the public between 7 April 2011 and 6 April 2012. This annual information update is required by, and is being made pursuant to, Article 10 of the Prospectus Directive as implemented in the UK by Prospectus Rule 5.2 and not for any other purpose and neither the Company, nor any other person, takes any responsibility for, or makes any representation, express or implied, as to the accuracy or completeness of, the information which it contains. The information is not necessarily up to date as at the date of this annual information update and the Company does not undertake any obligation to update any such information in the future. Furthermore, such information may have been prepared in accordance with the laws or regulation of a particular jurisdiction and may not comply with or meet the relevant standards of disclosure in any other jurisdiction. Neither this Annual Information Update nor the information referred to in it, constitutes by virtue of this information an offer of any securities addressed to any person and it should not be relied on by any person.
1. Announcements made via RNS or PR Newswire, both regulatory information
Date Brief Description of announcement Via 20/04/11 Interim Management Statement PRN 21/04/11 Director/PDMR Shareholding PRN 27/04/11 Director/PDMR Shareholding - SIP Purchase PRN 03/05/11 Total Voting Rights PRN 06/05/11 Results of AGM PRN 09/05/11 Director/PDMR Shareholding PRN 10/05/11 Director/PDMR Shareholding PRN 01/06/11 Total Voting Rights PRN 01/06/11 Director/PDMR Shareholding - SIP Purchase PRN 03/06/11 Director/PDMR Shareholding PRN 07/06/11 Director/PDMR Shareholding PRN 08/06/11 Director/PDMR Shareholding PRN 09/06/11 Blocklisting - Interim Review PRN 09/06/11 Director/PDMR Shareholding PRN 16/06/11 Director/PDMR Shareholding PRN 29/06/11 Director/PDMR Shareholding - SIP Purchase PRN 01/07/11 Total Voting Rights PRN 11/07/11 Notice of Results RNS 27/07/11 Director/PDMR Shareholding - SIP Purchase PRN 01/08/11 Half Yearly Report RNS 01/08/11 Director/PDMR Shareholding PRN 01/08/11 Total Voting Rights PRN 31/08/11 Director/PDMR Shareholding PRN 31/08/11 Director/PDMR Shareholding - SIP Purchase PRN 01/09/11 Total Voting Rights PRN 23/09/11 Director/PDMR Shareholding PRN 27/09/11 Director/PDMR Shareholding - SIP Purchase PRN 03/10/11 Total Voting Rights PRN 04/10/11 Director/PDMR Shareholding PRN 05/10/11 Director/PDMR Shareholding PRN 05/10/11 Director/PDMR Shareholding PRN 20/10/11 Director/PDMR Shareholding PRN 25/10/11 Director/PDMR Shareholding - SIP Purchase PRN 01/11/11 Interim Management Statement PRN 01/11/11 Total Voting Rights PRN 01/11/11 Director/PDMR Shareholding PRN 23/11/11 Director/PDMR Shareholding PRN 23/11/11 Holding(s) in Company PRN 30/11/11 Director/PDMR Shareholding - SIP Purchase PRN 01/12/11 Total Voting Rights PRN 12/12/11 Blocklisting - Interim Review PRN 19/12/11 Holding(s) in Company PRN 21/12/11 Director/PDMR Shareholding - SIP Purchase PRN 21/12/11 Holding(s) in Company PRN 30/12/11 Holding(s) in Company PRN 03/01/12 Total Voting Rights PRN 13/01/12 Holding(s) in Company PRN 13/01/12 Holding(s) in Company PRN 16/01/12 Notice of Results PRN 31/01/12 Total Voting Rights PRN 31/01/12 Director/PDMR Shareholding - SIP Purchase PRN 09/02/12 Holding(s) in Company PRN 13/02/12 Final Results RNS 14/02/12 Holding(s) in Company PRN 15/02/12 Director/PDMR Shareholding PRN 16/02/12 Holding(s) in Company PRN 16/02/12 Holding(s) in Company PRN 20/02/12 Holding(s) in Company PRN 22/02/12 Director/PDMR Shareholding PRN 23/02/12 Director/PDMR Shareholding PRN 23/02/12 Director/PDMR Shareholding PRN 24/02/12 Director/PDMR Shareholding PRN 24/02/12 Director/PDMR Shareholding - Correction PRN 24/02/12 Director/PDMR Shareholding- Correction PRN 27/02/12 Director/PDMR Shareholding PRN 29/02/12 Director/PDMR Shareholding - SIP Purchase PRN 01/03/12 Total Voting Rights PRN 01/03/12 Director/PDMR Shareholding PRN
07/03/12 Director/PDMR Shareholding - Monthly Share Purchase PRN
Plan 20/03/12 Director/PDMR Shareholding PRN
21/03/12 PDMR Shareholding - Grant of Share Incentives PRN
22/03/12 Annual Financial Report PRN 23/03/12 Director/PDMR Shareholding - SIP Purchase PRN 23/03/12 Director/PDMR Shareholding PRN 29/03/12 Director/PDMR Shareholding PRN 30/03/12 Total Voting Rights PRN 04/04/12 Director/PDMR Shareholding PRN 04/04/12 Director/PDMR Shareholding PRN
Copies of announcements made via a Regulatory Information Service can be obtained from the Company's website at www.fidessa.com or on the London Stock Exchange website www.londonstockexchange.com in the Prices and News/Market News area and searching under the Company's Code FDSA.
2. Documents filed at Companies House
During the 12 month period from 7 April 2011 to 6 April 2012, the Company has submitted filings to Companies House in relation to:
* Statements of Capital and Return of Allotments * The Company's Annual Return and Group Accounts * A change of Company Secretary * Resolutions passed at the Company's Annual General Meeting held on 4th May 2011
Copies of documents filed at Companies House can be obtained upon payment of a fee from Companies House, Crown Way, Cardiff CF14 3UZ, website address www.companieshouse.gov.uk
3. Documents provided to shareholders
The Company's Interim Report was mailed to shareholders in August 2011 and the Company's Annual Report and Accounts for the period ending 31st December 2011 with Notice of Annual General Meeting and Form of Proxy for the 2012 Annual General Meeting were mailed to shareholders on 22nd March 2012. Copies of both documents can be found at the Company's website www.fidessa.com.
A copy of this Annual Information Update and all documents referred to in it can be obtained from the Company's registered office at Dukes Court, Duke Street, Woking, Surrey GU21 5BH.
Further enquiries:Company Secretary10th April 201201483 206300
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