17th May 2006 12:21
Mandarin Oriental International Ld17 May 2006 MANDARIN ORIENTAL INTERNATIONAL LIMITED ANNUAL INFORMATION UPDATE In accordance with Prospectus Rule 5.2, the following information of MandarinOriental International Limited ("MOIL" or the "Company") has been published ormade available to the public over the previous 12 months up to and including27th April 2006. In accordance with Article 27(3) of the Prospectus Directive Regulation theinformation referred to below was up to date at the time of publication of theinformation but some information may now be out of date due to change incircumstances. 1. The information below was made available via a Regulatory InformationServices (RNS). The announcements lodged through RNS are available at the LondonStock Exchange website at www.londonstockexchange.com/rns. Those announcementsindicated with an asterisk (*) are also available at the Company's website atwww.mandarinoriental.com. Date of DescriptionAnnouncement04/05/2005 2005 Annual General Meeting Statement - All resolutions passed04/05/2005 Special General Meeting Statement - Ordinary resolution passed04/05/2005 Non-routine resolutions of the 2005 Annual General Meeting and ordinary resolution of Special General Meeting submitted to the UK Listing Authority (the "UKLA")11/05/2005 Director's Share Transaction in MOIL11/05/2005 Directors' Share Transactions in Jardine Matheson Holdings Limited ("JMH"), holding company of MOIL11/05/2005 Directors' Share Transactions in Jardine Strategic Holdings Limited ("JSH"), holding company of MOIL13/05/2005 Director's Share Transaction in JMH27/05/2005 Director's Share Transactions in JMH03/06/2005 Director's Share Transactions in JMH08/06/2005 Mandarin Oriental Completes the Sale of its 40% Ownership Interest in Kahala Mandarin Oriental, Hawaii*29/06/2005 Director's Share Transaction in MOIL29/06/2005 Director's Share Transaction in JMH06/07/2005 2005 Interim Results Announcement Date26/07/2005 2005 Interim Results*08/08/2005 Directorate*18/08/2005 Interim Report 200525/08/2005 Director's Share Transactions in JMH01/09/2005 Director's Share Transaction in PT Astra International Tbk ("Astra"), a fellow subsidiary05/09/2005 Director's Share Transaction in JSH26/09/2005 Director's Share Transaction in PT United Tractors Tbk ("PTUT"), a fellow subsidiary06/10/2005 Jardine Matheson Group Management Changes*12/10/2005 Directors' Share Transactions in JMH12/10/2005 Directors' Share Transactions in JMH12/10/2005 Directors' Share Transactions in JSH24/10/2005 Enhanced Renovation Programme for Mandarin Oriental, Hong Kong to be Completed in a Single-Phase*01/11/2005 Mandarin Oriental to Open New Luxury Hotel in the MGM Mirage "Project Citycenter" in Las Vegas, USA*19/12/2005 Director's Share Transaction in Dairy Farm International Holdings Limited ("DFIH"), a fellow subsidiary21/12/2005 Director's Share Transaction in DFIH30/12/2005 Mandarin Oriental to Sell The Mark, New York*30/12/2005 Repurchase and cancellation of shares09/01/2006 Director's Share Transaction in JMH09/01/2006 Director's Share Transaction in JSH09/01/2006 Director's Share Transaction in DFIH09/01/2006 Director's Share Transaction in MOIL06/02/2006 2005 Final Results Announcement Date17/02/2006 Mandarin Oriental Completes Sale of The Mark, New York*22/02/2006 Director Change and Declaration23/02/2006 2005 Preliminary Announcement of Results*28/02/2006 Share Transactions of Person Discharging Managerial Responsibilities ("PDMR") in MOIL03/03/2006 Share Transactions of Directors and PDMR in MOIL30/03/2006 Director's Share Transaction in DFIH30/03/2006 Director's Share Transaction in JMH30/03/2006 Director's Share Transaction in JSH31/03/2006 Director's Share Transaction in JSH03/04/2006 Director Declaration03/04/2006 Director's Shareholdings in JSH, JMH, DFIH, Astra, Cycle & Carriage Bintang Berhad, a fellow subsidiary, and Jardine Davies Inc, a fellow subsidiary03/04/2006 Director's Share Transaction in JMH03/04/2006 Director's Share Transaction in JMH03/04/2006 Director's Share Transactions in JMH03/04/2006 Director's Share Transaction in JSH20/04/2006 Director's Share Transaction in JMH27/04/2006 Annual Report 2005 and Notice of the 2006 Annual General Meeting 2. Copies of the documents below were lodged and are available for inspectionat the UKLA's Document Viewing Facility which is situated at The FinancialServices Authority, 25 The North Colonnade, Canary Wharf, London E14 5HS.Copies of the annual and interim reports and circulars are also available at theCompany's website at www.mandarinoriental.com. Date of Issue of DescriptionDocument04/05/2005 Non-routine resolutions passed at the 2005 Annual General Meeting and ordinary resolution passed at Special General Meeting18/08/2005 Interim Report 200527/04/2006 Annual Report 2005, Notice of the 2006 Annual General Meeting and Proxy Form 3. The information below was made available via the SGXNET of the SingaporeExchange Limited. The announcements are available at the website of theSingapore Exchange Limited at www.sgx.com. Date of DescriptionAnnouncement03/05/2005 Movement in the Issued Share Capital of MOIL for April 200501/06/2005 Movement in the Issued Share Capital of MOIL for May 200504/07/2005 Movement in the Issued Share Capital of MOIL for June 200501/08/2005 Movement in the Issued Share Capital of MOIL for July 200501/09/2005 Movement in the Issued Share Capital of MOIL for August 200503/10/2005 Movement in the Issued Share Capital of MOIL for September 200501/11/2005 Movement in the Issued Share Capital of MOIL for October 200501/12/2005 Movement in the Issued Share Capital of MOIL for November 200503/01/2006 Movement in the Issued Share Capital of MOIL for December 200501/02/2006 Movement in the Issued Share Capital of MOIL for January 200601/03/2006 Movement in the Issued Share Capital of MOIL for February 200603/04/2006 Movement in the Issued Share Capital of MOIL for March 2006 4. The notices below were advertised in the newspapers in Bermuda as requiredby the Bermuda Companies Act. Copies of the notices can be obtained at theCompany's registered office at Jardine House, 33-35 Reid Street, Hamilton,Bermuda. Date of DescriptionPublication08/08/2005 Notice of Closing of the Register of Members of MOIL10/03/2006 Notice of Closing of the Register of Members of MOIL Neil M McNamara, Jardine Matheson LimitedFor and on behalf of Mandarin Oriental International Limited 17th May 2006 www.mandarinoriental.com This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock ExchangeRelated Shares:
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