26th May 2006 07:01
Chime Communications PLC26 May 2006 CHIME COMMUNICATIONS PLC ANNUAL INFORMATION UPDATE Chime Communications plc ("the Company") is pleased to provide an annualinformation update in accordance with the requirements of the Prospectus Rule5.2. This update refers to information that has been published or made availableby the Company to the public over the twelve months ended on 16 May 2006. Toavoid an unnecessarily lengthy document, information is referred to in thisupdate rather than included in full. In accordance with Article 27(3) of the Prospectus Rules, the informationreferred to in this update was up to date at the time the information waspublished but some information may now be out of date. This annual informationupdate does not constitute an offer of any securities addressed to any personand should not be relied on by any person. 1. Announcements made via RNS, a regulatory news service 17 May 2005 Issue of Equity08 June 2005 Re Possible Acquisition08 June 2005 Result of AGM28 June 2005 Acquisition and Placing19 July 2005 Result of EGM22 July 2005 Acquisition22 July 2005 Holding(s) in Company29 July 2005 Holding(s) in Company03 August 2005 Holding(s) in Company23 August 2005 Notice of Results13 September 2005 Interim Results20 September 2005 Acquisition30 September 2005 Holding(s) in Company09 December 2005 Holding(s) in Company13 December 2005 Trading Statement14 December 2005 Holding(s) in Company12 January 2006 Disposal and Share Buy-Back27 January 2006 Acquisition27 January 2006 Holding(s) in Company01 February 2006 Notice of Results01 February 2006 Cancellation of Warrants09 March 2006 Final Results09 March 2006 Payment of Dividend03 April 2006 Holding(s) in Company16 May 2006 Annual Report and Accounts Copies of all announcements can be obtained from the Regulatory News Service ofthe London Stock Exchange. 2. Documents filed at Companies House The documents listed below were filed with the Registrar of Companies in Englandand Wales on the dates indicated. Copies of these documents can be obtained fromCompanies House. DATE BRIEF DESCRIPTION 09 June 2005 Resolutions passed at AGM on 08 June 200509 June 2005 Annual Report & Accounts for financial year ended 31 December 200420 July 2005 Resolutions passed at EGM on 19 July 200508 March 2006 Form 363 -Annual Return14 March 2006 Form 288b - Resignation of Director In addition 2 Form 88(2)s were filed with Companies House throughout the year inconnection with increases in share capital of the Company. 3. Documents sent to Shareholders The following documents have been despatched by the Company to holders of itssecurities. DATE BRIEF DESCRIPTION 01 July 2005 Circular including Notice of EGM19 September 2005 Interim Results12 May 2006 Report & Accounts for financial year ended 31 December 2005 and Notice of AGM 4. Documents submitted to the UK Listing Authority Copies of the following documents have been submitted to the UK ListingAuthority for inspection at their Document Viewing Facility and can be obtainedfrom the Company Secretary. DATE BRIEF DESCRIPTION 12 May 2006 Report & Accounts for financial year ended 31 December 2005 and Notice of AGM For further enquiries, contact: Robert Davison, Company SecretaryChime Communications plc14 Curzon Street, London W1J 5HNTelephone: 020 7861 8515www.chime.plc.uk This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock ExchangeRelated Shares: