2nd Apr 2013 11:20
The Rank Group Plc ("Rank")
- Annual Information Update
Rank announces that in accordance with the requirements of Prospectus Rule 5.2, the following information has been published or made available to the public during the 12-month period which ended on 31 March 2013 in compliance with laws and rules dealing with the regulation of securities, issuers of securities and securities markets.
For the purposes of this update the information is only referred to and full copies of each item can be found at the following locations:
§ Market announcements, report and accounts and other regulatory documents can be inspected at the National Storage Mechanism www.hemscott.com/nsm.do.
§ Reports and accounts are also available on the website, www.rank.com or from the Company Secretary, The Rank Group Plc, Statesman House, Stafferton Way, Maidenhead SL6 1AY.
Some of the information referred to below may be out of date at the submission of this Annual Information Update.
All of the documents listed below were published via RNS, a Regulatory News Service provided by the London Stock Exchange, on the dates indicated.
Date | Nature and Brief Description of Information |
APRIL 2012 | |
02.04.2012 | Annual Information Update - year ended 31 March 2012 |
02.04.2012 | Block Listing Interim Review - 1 October 2011 to 31 March 2012 |
MAY 2012 | |
10.05.2012 | Interim Management Statement - 19 and 45 weeks to 6 May 2012 |
12.05.2012 | Conditional agreement to acquire Gala Casinos for £205m |
JUNE 2012 | |
21.06.2012 | National Storage Mechanism: circular to shareholders and notice of general meeting re: proposed acquisition of Gala Casinos |
22.06.2012 | Director Declaration - John Warren |
JULY 2012 | |
26.07.2012 | Result of General Meeting re: proposed acquisition of Gala Casinos |
AUGUST 2012 | |
07.08.2012 | Appointment of Peel Hunt LLP as sole broker |
10.08.2012 | Notice of Results |
17.08.2012 | Preliminary announcement of 2011/12 final results - 18 months ended 30 June 2012 |
20.08.2012 | Proposed acquisition of Gala Casinos - response to Office of Fair Trading's referral to the Competition Commission |
SEPTEMBER 2012 | |
03.09.2012 | Proposed acquisition of Gala Casinos - publication of Office of Fair Trading decision |
19.09.2012 | Proposed acquisition of Gala Casinos - conditional agreement lapses; talks continue |
19.09.2012 | Document viewing facility notification re: 2012 AGM - 2011/12 annual report, notice of meeting and proxy form |
26.09.2012 | Directorate Change: appointment of Shaa Wasmund effective 1 November 2012 and resignation of Bill Shannon effective 31 December 2012 |
OCTOBER 2012 | |
01.10.2012 | Block Listing Interim Review - 1 April 2013 to 30 September 2012 |
19.10.2012 | Interim Management Statement - 15 weeks to 14 October 2012 |
19.10.2012 | Result of AGM |
JANUARY 2013 | |
02.01.2013 | Notification of Voting Rights and Capital - Update 15 |
10.01.2013 | Review of Blue Square Bet business |
16.01.2013 | Notice of Results |
30.01.2013 | Director Declaration - John Warren |
31.01.2013 | 2012/13 interim results - six months ended 31 December 2012 |
FEBRUARY 2013 | |
19.02.2013 | Proposed acquisition of Gala Casinos - Competition Commission's final report |
MARCH 2013 | |
06.03.2013 | Conditional agreement to acquire Gala Casinos for £179 million |
The Company has submitted filings to Companies House in relation to:
- Director's appointed - The Rt. Hon. Sir Richard Francis Needham (AP01)
- Authority to call general meetings on less than 14 days' notice (RES 13)
- Director appointed - Ms Lysa Shaa Wasmund (AP01)
- Group financial statements for 18 months ended 30 June 2012 (AA)
- Statement of capital (SH01)
- Statement of capital (SH01)
- Director's appointment terminated - Mr William Mervyn Frew Carey Shannon (TM01)
- Director's change of particulars - Mr Timothy James Scoble (CH01)
- Annual return (AR01)
Upon payment of a fee, copies of these documents can be found on the Companies House website at http://www.companieshouse.gov.uk/or (for registered users) through Companies House Direct athttp://direct.companieshouse.gov.uk/or can be obtained from Companies House, Crown Way, Cardiff CF14 3UZ.
Further information regarding Rank and its activities can be located on the Company's website www.rank.com
Frances Bingham
Company Secretary
+44 1628 504 250
2 April 2013
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