2nd Sep 2011 17:00
The Berkeley Group Holdings plc (the "Company")
Annual Information Update for the 12 months up to and including 2 September 2011.
In accordance with Prospectus Rule 5.2, the following information has been published or made available to the public over the previous 12 months in compliance with laws and rules dealing with the regulation of securities, issuers of securities and securities markets.
1. Regulatory announcements
The following regulatory announcements have been made by the Company via a Regulatory Information Service over the previous 12 months.
Date of Announcement | Headline of Announcement |
23.08.2011 | Director/PDMR Shareholding |
22.08.2011 | Director/PDMR Shareholding |
16.08.2011 | Director/PDMR Shareholding |
05.08.2011 | Director/PDMR Shareholding |
05.08.2011 | Annual Report and Accounts and Notice of AGM |
28.07.2011 | Holding(s) in Company |
07.07.2011 | Director/PDMR Shareholding |
27.06.2011 | Holding(s) in Company |
27.06.2011 | Holding(s) in Company |
24.06.2011 | Final Results |
19.05.2011 | Notice of Results |
11.05.2011 | Holding(s) in Company |
21.04.2011 | Holding(s) in Company |
18.03.2011 | Director/PDMR Shareholding |
18.03.2011 | Interim Management Statement |
03.12.2010 | Holding(s) in Company |
03.12.2010 | Half Yearly Report |
22.11.2010 | Holding(s) in Company |
18.11.2010 | Holding(s) in Company |
04.11.2010 | Notice of Results |
22.10.2010 | Holding(s) in Company |
16.09.2010 | Directorate Change |
13.09.2010 | AGM Docs to be Available for Inspection Online |
09.09.2010 | AGM Documents Available for Inspection |
08.09.2010 | Result of AGM |
08.09.2010 | Interim Management Statement |
03.09.2010 | Annual Information Update |
Details of all regulatory announcements for The Berkeley Group Holdings plc can be found in full on the London Stock Exchange website at:
and in the News section of the Company's website at:
2. Documents filed at Companies House
The documents listed below were filed with the Registrar of Companies at Companies House and can be obtained from Companies House, Crown Way, Cardiff C14 3UZ. They are also available through Companies House Direct at www.direct.companieshouse.gov.uk.
Date Filed | Form |
02.08.2011 | Form AR01 - Annual Return |
16.09.2010 | Form TM01 - Termination of appointment of Director |
09.09.2010 | Form AP01 - Appointment of Director |
08.09.2010 | Form TM01 - Termination of appointment of Director |
08.09.2010 | The Berkeley Group Holdings plc Annual Report 2010 |
08.09.2010 | New Articles of Association, as adopted at the Company's AGM on 8 September 2010 |
Resolutions passed 8 September 2010 have been filed approving the:
1. adoption of new Articles of Association of the Company
2. Section 551 authority to allot relevant securities
3. authority of the directors to allot relevant securities in relation to the 2009 LTIP
4. Sections 570(1) and 573 authority regarding the disapplication of pre-emption rights
5. authority to make market purchases of its own shares
6. authority to make donations to EU political organisations and incur EU political expenditure
7. calling of extraordinary general meetings of the Company (other than annual general meetings) by notice of not less than 14 days
Copies of the Annual and Interim Report & Accounts, along with further information regarding the Company and its activities are available on the following website:
3. Documents provided to shareholders and the FSA
The following documents were sent to shareholders and were submitted to the FSA. Documents submitted to the FSA may be viewed at the National Storage Mechanism located at:
Date Filed | Document |
05.08.2011 | Annual Report 2011 |
05.08.2011 | Notice of AGM 2011 |
05.08.2011 | Shareholder Proxy Form 2011 |
In accordance with Prospectus Rule 5.2.7, we confirm that, to the best of our knowledge, whilst the information referred to in this update was correct at the time the information was published, some information may now be out of date due to changing circumstances.
Richard Stearn
Company Secretary
2 September 2011
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