9th Jul 2012 11:11
UNITED UTILITIES GROUP PLC ANNUAL INFORMATION UPDATE 5 JULY 2011 - 9 JULY 2012 Date of Description of Document Place of Place where copy publication filing can be obtained
Various Forms SH01 reflecting the allotment Companies Companies House
of shares as a result of the House operation of the matching share plan and executive share option scheme
06.07.11 Accounts to 31 March 2011 - filed at Companies Companies House
Companies House House
08.07.11 Director/PDMR share interests - UK Listing LSE's and company's
Performance Share Plan and Matching Authority website Share Plan Awards
15.07.11 United Utilities PLC - Accounts UK Listing LSE's and company's
available at National Storage Authority website Mechanism and Company's Website
19.07.11 Director/PDMR share interests - SIP UK Listing LSE's and company's
Authority website 22.07.11 AGM and Trading Statement UK Listing LSE's and company's Authority website 25.07.11 AGM - Results of Poll UK Listing LSE's and company's Authority website 25.07.11 AGM - Resolutions passed UK Listing LSE's and company's Authority website 25.07.11 AGM - Resolutions passed Companies Companies House House 25.07.11 New Articles of Association Companies Companies House House 01.08.11 Total voting rights UK Listing LSE's and company's Authority website
01.08.11 Block Listing - Interim Review UK Listing LSE's and company's
Authority website
02.08.11 Director/PDMR share interests - UK Listing LSE's and company's
Dividend Reinvestment within share Authority website plans
10.08.11 Director/PDMR share interests - S UK Listing LSE's and company's
Cabrini - Deferred Share Plan Authority website Exercise
10.08.11 Director/PDMR share interests - N UK Listing LSE's and company's
Colman - Deferred Share Plan Exercise Authority website
10.08.11 Director/PDMR share interests - S UK Listing LSE's and company's
Fraser - Deferred Share Plan Exercise Authority website
10.08.11 Director/PDMR share interests - G UK Listing LSE's and company's
Kenyon Performance Share Plan and Authority website Matching Share Plan Exercises
18.08.11 Director/PDMR share interests - SIP UK Listing LSE's and company's
Authority website
24.08.11 Director/PDMR share interests - Dr C UK Listing LSE's and company's
Bell - Purchase of ordinary shares Authority website 02.09.11 Total voting rights UK Listing LSE's and company's Authority website
15.09.11 Director/PDMR share interests - David UK Listing LSE's and company's
Jones - Purchase of ordinary shares Authority website
20.09.11 Director/PDMR share interests - SIP UK Listing LSE's and company's
Authority website 22.09.11 Trading Statement UK Listing LSE's and company's Authority website
30.09.11 Director/PDMR share interests - S UK Listing LSE's and company's
Fraser - Disposal of ordinary shares Authority website 30.09.11 Total voting rights UK Listing LSE's and company's Authority website
18.10.11 Director/PDMR share interests - SIP UK Listing LSE's and company's
Authority website
21.10.11 Holding in company - Norges Bank - UK Listing LSE's and company's
2.99% Authority website 01.11.11 Total voting rights UK Listing LSE's and company's Authority website
18.11.11 Director/PDMR share interests - SIP UK Listing LSE's and company's
Authority website
23.11.11 Half year 11/12 Announcement UK Listing LSE's and company's
Authority website 01.12.11 Total voting rights UK Listing LSE's and company's Authority website
08.12.11 Form AD02 - SAIL Address changed Companies Companies House
20.12.11 Director/PDMR share interests - SIP UK Listing LSE's and company's
Authority website
20.12.11 Director/PDMR share interests - UK Listing LSE's and
Performance Share Plan Award Authority comnpany's website
10.01.12 Key Dates 2012 UK Listing LSE's and company's Authority website
11.01.12 Director/PDMR share interests - Gary UK Listing LSE's and company's
Dixon - Sale of Ordinary Shares Authority website
18.01.12 Director/PDMR share interests - SIP UK Listing LSE's and company's
Authority website
31.01.12 Block Listing - Interim Review UK Listing LSE's and company's
Authority website
01.02.12 Interim Management Statement UK Listing LSE's and company's
Authority website
02.02.12 Director/PDMR share interests - UK Listing LSE's and company's
Dividend Reinvestment within share Authority website plans
20.02.12 Director/PDMR share interests - SIP UK Listing LSE's and company's
Authority website 21.02.12 Sara Weller appointed as a UK Listing LSE's and company's Non-Executive Director Authority website
22.01.11 Regulatory announcement : Listing UK Listing LSE's and company's
Rule 9.6.13 - Sara Weller Authority website
01.03.12 Form AP01 - Appointment of Sara Companies Companies House
Weller House
20.03.12 Director/PDMR share interests - SIP UK Listing LSE's and company's
Authority website 22.03.12 Pre-Close Trading Statement UK Listing LSE's and company's Authority website 02.04.12 Total voting rights UK Listing LSE's and company's Authority website
18.04.12 Director/PDMR share interests - SIP UK Listing LSE's and company's
Authority website 15.05.12 Annual Return Companies Companies House House
18.05.12 Director/PDMR share interests - SIP UK Listing LSE's and company's
Authority website
24.05.12 Announcement of Final Results for UK Listing LSE's and company's
year ending 31 March 2012 Authority website 06.06.12 Total voting rights UK Listing LSE's and company's Authority website 11.06.12 David Jones to retire as a UK Listing LSE's and company's Non-Executive Director and Sara Authority website Weller to take over Chair of remuneration Committee
15.06.12 Director/PDMR share interests - UK Listing LSE's and company's
Matching Share Award Plan & Authority website Performance Share Plan
19.06.12 Director/PDMR share interests - SIP UK Listing LSE's and company's
Authority website
25.06.12 Accounts available at National UK Listing LSE's and company's
Storage Mechanism and Company's Authority website website
27.06.12 United Utilities Water PLC - Accounts UK Listing LSE's and company's
available at National Storage Authority website Mechanism and Company's Website
27.06.12 United Utilities PLC - Accounts UK Listing LSE's and company's
available at National Storage Authority website Mechanism and Company's Website
27.06.12 Director/PDMR share interests - UK Listing LSE's and company's
Exercise of Deferred Share Plan Award Authority website Plan - Sally Cabrini
27.06.12 Director/PDMR share interests - UK Listing LSE's and company's
Exercise of Deferred Share Plan Award Authority website Plan - Gary Dixon
28.06.12 Director/PDMR share interests - UK Listing LSE's and company's
Exercise of Deferred Share Plan Award Authority website Plan - Steven Fraser
28.06.12 Amended - Director/PDMR share UK Listing LSE's and company's
interests - Exercise of Deferred Authority website Share Plan Award Plan - Sally Cabrini
28.06.12 Amended - Director/PDMR share UK Listing LSE's and company's
interests - Exercise of Deferred Authority website Share Plan Award Plan - Gary Dixon 02.07.12 Total voting rights UK Listing LSE's and company's Authority website 09.07.12 Annual Information Update UK Listing LSE's and company's Authority website
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