2nd Apr 2012 15:27
2 April 2012 Communisis plc ANNUAL INFORMATION UPDATE (`AIU')
Communisis plc (the 'Company') published its Annual Report on 26 March 2012. We are pleased to provide an AIU, in accordance with the requirements of Prospectus Rule 5.2, in respect of the relevant information which Communisis plc has published or made available to the public since the AIU of the Company published on 6 April 2011 up to and including the date of this announcement.
To avoid an unnecessarily lengthy document, information is referred to in this AIU rather than included in full.
A copy of this AIU is available in the Investors section of our website www.communisis.com, or on request from the Company Secretary at the Company's registered office: Communisis plc, Wakefield Road, Leeds, LS10 1DU.
1. Announcements made through a Regulatory Information Service (`RIS') under the code CMS
The following is a list of news releases and announcements of a regulatory nature which have been made via an RIS during the period, together with, in each case, the date of the release. A full copy of each of these announcements can be viewed at www.londonstockexchange.com or is available in the Investors section of our website www.communisis.com.
Date of Publication Regulatory Headline
02/04/12 Blocklisting - Interim Review
26/03/12 Statement re AR mailing; FSA lodging; AGM; Dividend; DTR4
05/03/12 Holding(s) in Company
01/03/12 Preliminary Results
17/02/12 Holding(s) in Company
26/01/12 Holding(s) in Company
25/01/12 Trading Update
20/01/12 Holding(s) in Company
19/01/12 Holding(s) in Company
06/01/12 Holding(s) in Company
23/11/11 Holding(s) in Company
22/11/11 Board Change
15/11/11 Holding(s) in Company
31/10/11 Total Voting Rights
24/10/11 Interim Management Statement
03/10/11 Blocklisting - Interim Review
31/08/11 Total Voting Rights
29/07/11 Total Voting Rights
26/07/11 Interim Results
11/07/11 Re Contract
01/07/11 Director Declaration
29/06/11 Notice of Results
22/06/11 Holding(s) in Company
14/06/11 Acquisition
05/05/11 Doc re Results of AGM and Documents Lodged with FSA
27/04/11 Director/PDMR Shareholding
27/04/11 Director/PDMR Shareholding
21/04/11 Interim Management Statement
20/04/11 Holding(s) in Company
13/04/11 Holding(s) in Company
06/04/11 Annual Information Update
2. Documents filed with the Registrar of Companies
The following documents have been filed by the Company with the Registrar of Companies at Companies House on or around the dates indicated.
Date of Document
Publication Type Brief Description of Document Filed
22/11/11 TM01 Appointment terminated, Director Alistair Blaxill
08/08/11 AR01 Bulk List
20/04/11 AA Group of companies' accounts made up to 31/12/10
Copies of these documents may be obtained from Companies House, Crown Way, Cardiff, CF14 3UZ. Telephone: (0)303 1234 500; e-mail: [email protected]. If you are a registered user, you can access these filings through Companies House Direct at www.direct.companieshouse.gov.uk
3. Documents filed with the Financial Services Authority and sent to shareholders
During the period, the following documents have been filed by the Company with the Financial Services Authority and sent to shareholders on or around the dates indicated.
Date Brief Description of Document filed
26/03/12 Annual Report & Accounts 2010, circular to shareholders which contained the Notice of the Annual General Meeting and Form of Proxy
15/08/11 Half Year Report
The above documents are available for inspection through the National Storage Mechanism which can be found at http://www.Hemscott.com/nsm.do. Copies of the documents are also available on request from the Company Secretary at the Company's registered office at Communisis plc, Wakefield Road, Leeds, LS10 1DU.
4. Accuracy of Information
The information referred to in this update was, to the best knowledge and belief of the Company, accurate at the time it was disclosed and published. The Company cannot guarantee that the information is up to date as at the date of this Annual Information Update and the Company does not undertake any obligation to update any such information in the future.
Sarah MortonCompany Secretary2 April 2012
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