19th Oct 2012 07:00
Dunelm Group plc
Annual Information Update
19 October 2012
As required by the Prospectus Directive (Directive 2003/71/EC) Regulations 2005 and paragraph 5.2 of the Prospectus Rules, Dunelm Group plc presents its Annual Information Update.
This relates to information that has been published or made available to the public between 18 October 2011 and 19 October 2012. The information was up to date at the time that it was published but may now be out of date.
This Update will also be available on the Investors section of our website www.dunelm-mill.com.
1. Announcements made via an RIS
The documents listed below were published via a Regulatory Information Service on or around the dates indicated.
Date Description of contents of announcement
18/10/2012 Director / PDMR Shareholding
17/10/2012 Holding(s) in Company
15/10/2012 Return of Capital Announcement / Annual report
04/10/2012 Director Declaration
03/10/2012 Interim Management Statement
13/09/2012 Final Results
28/08/2012 Holding(s) in Company
13/07/2012 Presentations to investors
05/07/2012 Trading Update
22/06/2012 Holding(s) in Company
09/05/2012 Director / PDMR Shareholding
13/04/2012 Blocklisting Interim Review
11/04/2012 Interim Management Statement
30/03/2012 Total Voting Rights
19/03/2012 Blocklisting Interim Review
19/03/2012 Blocklisting Interim Review
19/03/2012 Blocklisting Interim Review
19/03/2012 Blocklisting Interim Review
09/03/2012 Director / PDMR Shareholding
08/03/2012 Holding(s) in Company
08/03/2012 Director / PDMR Shareholding
06/03/2012 Director / PDMR Shareholding
05/03/2012 Further re Secondary Placing
05/03/2012 Secondary Placing
29/02/2012 Total Voting Rights
23/02/2012 Director / PDMR Shareholding
08/02/2012 Directorate Change
08/02/2012 Half Yearly Report
03/02/2012 Holding(s) in Company
31/01/2012 Total Voting Rights
25/01/2012 Holding(s) in Company
10/01/2012 Trading update
30/12/2011 Total Voting Rights
28/11/2011 Director / PDMR Shareholding
17/11/2011 Results of AGM
31/10/2011 Total Voting Rights
24/10/2011 Annual Information Update
All of the above documents are available on the investors section of our website at www.dunelm-mill.com.
2. Documents filed at Companies House
The documents listed below were filed with the Registrar of Companies in England and Wales on or around the dates indicated:
29/03/2012 AR01 Annual return
26/03/2012 SH01 Return of Allotments
26/03/2012 SH01 Return of Allotments
23/03/2012 SH01 Return of Allotments
24/02/2012 SH01 Return of Allotments
24/02/2012 SH01 Return of Allotments
24/02/2012 SH01 Return of Allotments
24/02/2012 SH01 Return of Allotments
13/02/2012 AP01 Director appointed Matthew Samuel Davies
31/01/2012 SH01 Return of Allotments
23/01/2012 SH01 Return of Allotments
13/01/2012 SH01 Return of Allotments
22/12/2012 SH01 Return of Allotments
21/12/2011 Group Company Accounts to 02/07/11
14/12/2011 AD04 SAIL Address change
09/12/2011 SH01 Return of Allotments
01/12/2011 Special resolution
18/11/2011 AP03 Secretary appointed Dawn Elizabeth Durrant
18/11/2011 AP02 Secretary terminated David Anthony Stead
18/11/2011 SH01 Return of Allotments
11/11/2011 SH01 Return of Allotments
03/11/2011 AD01 Registered office change
03/11/2011 SH01 Return of Allotments
21/10/2011 SH01 Return of Allotments
The above documents are available for download from the Companies House website on www.companieshouse.gov.uk, or copies can be obtained from Companies House, Crown Way, Maindy, Cardiff CF14 3UZ.
3. Documents submitted to the FSA
The following documents were submitted to the Financial Services Authority on or around the dates indicated:
15/10/2012 Annual report and accounts 2010
15/10/2012 Return of Capital and Notice of AGM and GM circular
Documents submitted to the FSA are available for inspection at at: www.Hemscott.com/nsm.do.
These documents are also available on the Investors section of our website at www.dunelm-mill.com.
4. Documents sent to shareholders
The following documents were sent to shareholders on or about the dates listed:
15/10/2012 Annual report and accounts 2010
15/10/2012 Return of Capital and Notice of AGM and GM circular Notice of AGM circular and proxy card
18/04/2012 Half yearly report.
These documents are also available on the Investors section of our website at www.dunelm-mill.com.
5. Further information
Further information about Dunelm Group plc can be found on our website www.dunelm-mill.com.
Dawn Durrant
Company Secretary
0116 2644 356
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