11th May 2011 14:27
R.E.A. Holdings plc ("REA" or the "company")
11 May 2011
Annual Information Update for the period 12 May 2010 to 11 May 2011.
In accordance with the requirements of rule 5.2 of the Prospectus Rules of the Financial Services Authority, REA sets out below a summary of the information which has been published or has been made available to the public during the defined period.
All such information was up to date when published but some information may now be out of date.
1. Announcements made via a Regulatory Information Service.
The following UK regulatory announcements have been made via RNS, a regulatory Information Service, on or around the dates indicated and may be found on www.londonstockexchange.commarket news under code RE. or downloaded from the company's website (www.rea.co.uk).
Date | Description |
06/05/2011 | Interim Management Statement |
21/04/2011 | Final results |
08/04/2011 | Holding(s) in company |
04/03/2011 | Trading statement-clarification |
21/01/2011 | Director/PDMR Shareholding |
17/01/2011 | Trading statement |
15/12/2010 | Dividend declaration |
30/11/2010 | Further re sterling notes |
04/11/2010 | Director/PDMR Shareholding |
01/11/2010 | Director/PDMR Shareholding |
28/10/2010 | Result of placing of preference shares |
05/10/2010 | Prospectus |
05/10/2010 | Interim management statement |
30/09/2010 | Director/PDMR Shareholding |
24/09/2010 | EGM Statement |
09/09/2010 | Result of meeting re sterling notes |
08/09/2010 | Director/PDMR Shareholding |
07/09/2010 | Submission of documents to NSM |
31/08/2010 | Director/PDMR Shareholding |
27/08/2010 | Capitalisation issue |
27/08/2010 | Half yearly report |
12/08/2010 | Circ re sterling notes |
08/06/2010 | Result of AGM |
08/06/2010 | AGM statement |
11/05/2010 | Annual Information Update |
2. Documents filed with Registrar of Companies
All of the documents listed below were filed with the registrar, Companies House, Crown Way, Cardiff, CF14 3UZ on or around the dates indicated. Copies of the documents can be obtained from Companies House Tel: +44 (0) 303 1234 500, email: [email protected]
Filing Date | Form | Description |
26/04/2011 | AA | Group Accounts for the year ended 31 December 2010 |
28/02/2011 | AR01 | Annual Return including Statement of Capital |
03/11/2010 | SH01 | Statement of Capital at 29/10/2010 |
26/10/2010 | SH01 | Statement of Capital at 27/09/2010 |
17/06/2010 | RES | Ordinary Resolution of 8 June 2010 authorising the directors to allot ordinary shares |
17/06/2010 | RES | Ordinary resolution of 8 June 2010 authorising the directors to allot preference shares |
17/06/2010 | RES | Special Resolution of 8 June 2010 to authorise the disapplication of pre-emption rights |
17/06/2010 | RES | Ordinary Resolution of 8 June 2010 to increase the authorised share capital |
17/06/2010 | RES | Special Resolution of 8 June 2010 permitting the company to call a general meeting on not less than 14 clear days' notice |
3. Documents filed with the UKLA Document Viewing Facility/National Storage Mechanism
The company filed the following documents with the UKLA Document Viewing Facility/National Storage Mechanism on or around the dates indicated.
Date | Description |
03/05/2011 | Annual Report for the year ended 31 December 2010 and Notice of Annual General Meeting for 2011 |
05/10/2010 | Prospectus relating to the proposed issue of up to 9,000,000 new 9 per cent cumulative preference shares of £1 each in the capital of the company |
07/09/2010 | Half Yearly Report for 30 June 2010 |
16/06/2010 | Special Resolution of 8 June 2010 permitting the company to call a general meeting on not less than 14 clear days' notice |
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