22nd Feb 2022 16:30
Financial statements
The financial statements provide detailed information and notes on our income, balance sheet, cash flows and changes in equity, alongside a report from our independent auditors.
298 Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm to the Board of Directors and Shareholders of HSBC Holdings plc
308 Financial statements
318 Notes on the financial statements
Making our cards more sustainable and accessible
We are ending single-use plastic in our payment cards. By the end of 2026, the approximately 23 million cards we issue each year will be made from recycled PVC plastic. This action is expected to reduce CO2 emissions by 161 tonnes and save 73 tonnes of plastic waste per year as part of our net zero strategy. We rolled out recycled PVC cards for 13 markets in 2021, issuing them for customers needing new or replacement cards.
Our UK cards also feature a range of accessibility features as standard for all customers. Working with charities such as Alzheimer's Society, the new features include considerations for people with dementia, visual impairments, learning difficulties, dyslexia and colour blindness. These include tactile raised dots to differentiate credit cards from debit cards, and retail cards from commercial ones.
Independent auditors' report to the members of HSBC Holdings plc |
Report on the audit of the financial statements
In our opinion, HSBC Holdings plc's group financial statements1 and company financial statements (the 'financial statements'):
• give a true and fair view of the state of the group's and of the company's affairs as at 31 December 2021 and of the group's and company's profit and the group's and company's cash flows for the year then ended;
• have been properly prepared in accordance with UK-adopted international accounting standards; and
• have been prepared in accordance with the requirements of the Companies Act 2006.
Our opinion is consistent with our reporting to the Group Audit Committee ('GAC').
Separate opinion in relation to international financial reporting standards adopted pursuant to Regulation (EC) No 1606/2002 as it applies in the European Union
As explained in note 1.1(a) to the financial statements, the group and company, in addition to applying UK-adopted international accounting standards, have also applied international financial reporting standards adopted pursuant to Regulation (EC) No 1606/2002 as it applies in the European Union.
In our opinion, the group and company financial statements have been properly prepared in accordance with international financial reporting standards adopted pursuant to Regulation (EC) No 1606/2002 as it applies in the European Union.
Separate opinion in relation to IFRSs as issued by the IASB
As explained in note 1.1(a) to the financial statements, the group and company, in addition to applying UK-adopted international accounting standards, have also applied international financial reporting standards ('IFRSs') as issued by the International Accounting Standards Board ('IASB').
In our opinion, the group and company financial statements have been properly prepared in accordance with IFRSs as issued by the IASB.
Basis for opinion
We conducted our audit in accordance with International Standards on Auditing (UK) ('ISAs (UK)'), International Standards on Auditing issued by the International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board ('ISAs') and applicable law. Our responsibilities under ISAs (UK) and ISAs are further described in the Auditors' responsibilities for the audit of the financial statements section of our report. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our opinion.
During the period, we identified that PricewaterhouseCoopers provided an impermissible training service via a publicly available seminar in respect of the implementation of a new Indonesian IT security regulation. The attendees at this seminar included six members of staff from HSBC Indonesia. The HSBC staff who attended the course were not from the Finance function and were not in roles relevant to our audit. In addition, HSBC Indonesia is not within the scope of the group audit. We confirm that based on our assessment of the breach, nature and scope of the service and our communication with the GAC, that the provision of this service has not compromised our professional judgement or integrity and as such believe that an objective, reasonable and informed third party in possession of these facts would conclude that our integrity and objectivity has not been impaired and accordingly we remain independent for the purposes of the audit.
Other than the matter referred to above, to the best of our knowledge, we declare that no other non-audit services prohibited by the FRC's Ethical Standard were provided to the company or its controlled undertakings in the period under audit.
Other than those disclosed in Note 6, we have provided no non-audit services to the company or its controlled undertakings in the period under audit.
Our audit approach
Audit scope
• This was the third year that it has been my responsibility to form this opinion on behalf of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP ('PwC'), who you first appointed on 31 March 2015 in relation to that year's audit. In addition to forming this opinion, in this report we have also provided information on how we approached the audit, how it changed from the previous year and details of the significant discussions that we had with the GAC.
1 We have audited the financial statements, included within the Annual Report and Accounts 2021 (the 'Annual Report'), which comprise: the consolidated and company balance sheets as at 31 December 2021, the consolidated and company income statements and the consolidated and company statements of comprehensive income for the year then ended, the consolidated and company statements of cash flows for the year then ended, the consolidated and company statements of changes in equity for the year then ended, and the notes to the financial statements, which include a summary of significant accounting policies and other explanatory information. Certain notes to the financial statements have been presented elsewhere in the Annual Report, rather than in the notes to the financial statements. These are cross-referenced from the financial statements and are identified as '(Audited)'. The relevant disclosures are included in the Risk review section on pages 127 to 216 and the Directors' remuneration report disclosures on pages 268 to 276.
Key audit matters
• Expected credit losses - Impairment of loans and advances (group)
• Investment in associate - Bank of Communications Co., Ltd ('BoCom') (group)
• Impairment of investments in subsidiaries (parent)
• Valuation of defined benefit pensions obligations (group)
• Overall group materiality: US$970m (2020: US$900m) based on 5% of adjusted profit before tax.
• Overall company materiality: US$920m (2020: US$855m) based on 0.75% of total assets. This would result in an overall materiality of US$2bn and was therefore reduced below the group materiality.
• Performance materiality: US$725m (2020: US$675m) (group) and US$690m (2020: US$641m) (company).
The scope of our audit
As part of designing our audit, we determined materiality and assessed the risks of material misstatement in the financial statements.
Key audit matters
Key audit matters are those matters that, in the auditors' professional judgement, were of most significance in the audit of the financial statements of the current period and include the most significant assessed risks of material misstatement (whether or not due to fraud) identified by the auditors, including those which had the greatest effect on: the overall audit strategy; the allocation of resources in the audit; and directing the efforts of the engagement team. These matters, and any comments we make on the results of our procedures thereon, were addressed in the context of our audit of the financial statements as a whole, and in forming our opinion thereon, and we do not provide a separate opinion on these matters.
This is not a complete list of all risks identified by our audit.
Compared to last year the number of key audit matters has reduced from eight to four. The following are no longer considered to be key audit matters.
• Impact of Covid-19 (group and company) - Given the impact of Covid-19 on working practices and international travel, the majority of our interactions continued to be undertaken virtually, including those with the partners and teams for Significant Subsidiaries and operations centres, and with HSBC Board members and management. Similarly, a substantial part of our audit testing was performed remotely. We used established practices throughout 2021 for interacting and undertaking our audit testing virtually, consistent with the hybrid working models at both PwC network teams and HSBC.
• IT access management (group) - Management has remediated a number of the control deficiencies in relation to IT access management.
• Valuation of financial instruments (group) - The financial instruments where significant pricing inputs are unobservable, the most material of which are the private equity investments held by Global Banking and Markets and the Insurance business, experienced reduced market volatility during the year that impacted the determination of the fair value.
• Impairment of goodwill and intangible assets (group) - The risk of impairment at the period end is reduced due to the significant surplus between the recoverable amounts and the carrying value for the goodwill and intangible asset balances at the year end, after the full impairment recognised for the WPB LatAm goodwill in 2021.
The remaining four key audit matters are consistent with last year.
Expected credit losses - Impairment of loans and advances (group) |
Determining expected credit losses ('ECL') involves management judgement and is subject to a high degree of estimation uncertainty. Management makes various assumptions when estimating ECL. The significant assumptions that we focused on in our audit included those with greater levels of management judgement and for which variations had the most significant impact on ECL. These included assumptions made in determining forward looking economic scenarios and their probability weightings and estimating material management judgemental adjustments. The impact of Covid-19, including the nature and extent of government support, supply chain constraints and increasing energy prices, and more recent factors, including developments in China's commercial real estate sector, have resulted in unprecedented economic conditions that vary between territories and industries, leading to uncertainty around judgements made in determining the severity and probability weighting of macroeconomic variable ('MEV') forecasts across the different economic scenarios used in ECL models. The modelling methodologies used to estimate ECL are developed using historical experience. The impact of the unprecedented economic conditions has also resulted in certain limitations in the reliability of these methodologies to forecast the extent and timing of future customer defaults and therefore estimate ECL. In addition, modelling methodologies do not incorporate all factors that are relevant to estimating ECL, such as differentiating the impact on industry sectors of economic conditions. These limitations are addressed with management judgemental adjustments, the measurement of which is inherently judgemental and subject to a high level of estimation uncertainty. Management makes other assumptions which are less judgemental or for which variations have a less significant impact on ECL. These assumptions include: • The methodologies used in quantitative scorecards for determining customer risk ratings ('CRRs'); • Estimating expected cash flows and collateral valuations for credit impaired wholesale exposures; • Model methodologies themselves; and • Quantitative and qualitative criteria used to assess significant increases in credit risk. |
We held discussions with the GAC covering governance and controls over ECL, with a significant focus on the continuing impact of Covid-19 and other economic conditions, including recent developments in China's commercial real estate sector. We discussed a number of areas, including: • The severity of MEV forecasts in economic scenarios, and their related probability weightings, across territories; • Management judgemental adjustments and the nature and extent of analysis used to support those adjustments; • The criteria and conditions used to assess to what extent management judgemental adjustments continue to be needed; • Management's policies, governance and controls over model validation and monitoring; and • The disclosures made in relation to ECL, in particular the impact of adjustments on determining ECL and the resulting estimation uncertainty. |
We assessed the design and effectiveness of governance and controls over the estimation of ECL. We observed management's review and challenge in governance forums for (1) the determination of MEV forecasts and their probability weightings for different economic scenarios, and (2) the assessment of ECL for Retail and Wholesale portfolios, including the assessment of model limitations and any resulting management judgemental adjustments. We also tested controls over: • Model validation and monitoring; • Credit reviews that determine customer risk ratings for wholesale customers; • The identification of credit impaired events; • The input of critical data into source systems and the flow and transformation of critical data from source systems to impairment models and management judgemental adjustments; and • The calculation and approval of management judgemental adjustments to modelled outcomes. We involved our economic experts in assessing the significant assumptions made in determining the severity and probability weighting of MEV forecasts. These assessments considered the sensitivity of ECL to variations in the severity and probability weighting of MEVs for different economic scenarios. We involved our modelling experts in assessing the appropriateness of the significant assumptions and methodologies used for models and management judgemental adjustments. We independently reperformed the calculations for a sample of those models and management judgemental adjustments. We further considered whether the judgements made in selecting the significant assumptions would give rise to indicators of possible management bias. In addition, we performed substantive testing over: • The compliance of ECL methodologies and assumptions with the requirements of IFRS 9; • The appropriateness and application of the quantitative and qualitative criteria used to assess significant increases in credit risk; • A sample of critical data used in ECL models and to estimate management judgemental adjustments as at 31 December 2021; • Assumptions and critical data for a sample of credit impaired wholesale exposures; and • A sample of CRRs applied to wholesale exposures. We evaluated and tested the Credit Risk disclosures made in the Annual Report. |
• Credit risk disclosures, page 137. • GAC Report, page 245. • Note 1.2(d): Financial instruments measured at amortised cost, page 321. • Note 1.2(i): Impairment of amortised cost and FVOCI financial assets, page 323. |
Impairment of investment in associate - Bank of Communications Co., Ltd ('BoCom') (group) |
At 31 December 2021, the fair value of the investment in BoCom, based on the share price, was US$15.1bn lower than the carrying value ('CV') of US$23.6bn. This is an indicator of potential impairment. An impairment test was performed by management, with supporting sensitivity analysis, using the higher of fair value and value in use ('VIU'). The VIU was US$1.2bn in excess of the CV. On this basis, management concluded no impairment was required. The methodology in the VIU model is dependent on various assumptions, both short term and long term in nature. These assumptions, which are subject to estimation uncertainty, are derived from a combination of management's judgement, analysts' forecasts and market data. The significant assumptions that we focused our audit on were those with greater levels of management judgement and for which variations had the most significant impact on the VIU. Specifically, these included: • The discount rate; • Short term assumptions for operating income growth rate, cost-income ratio, expected credit losses and effective tax rates; • Long term assumptions for profit and asset growth rates, expected credit losses, and effective tax rates; and • Capital related assumptions (risk-weighted assets, capital adequacy ratio and tier 1 capital adequacy ratio). |
We discussed the appropriateness of the VIU methodology and significant assumptions with the GAC, giving consideration to the macroeconomic environment, the outlook for the Chinese banking market and the fair value, which has been lower than the carrying value for approximately 10 years. We also discussed the disclosures made in relation to BoCom, including reasonably possible alternatives for the significant assumptions, the use of sensitivity analysis to explain estimation uncertainty and the changes in certain assumptions that would result in the VIU being equal to the CV. |
We tested controls in place over significant assumptions and the model used to determine the VIU. We assessed the appropriateness of the methodology used, and the mathematical accuracy of the calculations, to estimate the VIU. In respect of the significant assumptions, our testing included the following: • Challenging the appropriateness of the significant assumptions and, where relevant, their interrelationships; • Obtaining evidence for data supporting significant assumptions including historic experience, external market information, third-party sources including analyst reports, information from BoCom management and historical publicly available BoCom financial information; • Assessing the sensitivity of the VIU to reasonable variations in certain significant assumptions, both individually and in aggregate; • Determining a reasonable range for the discount rate used within the model, with the assistance of our valuation experts, and comparing it to the discount rate used by management; and • Assessing whether the judgements made in deriving the significant assumptions give rise to indicators of possible management bias. We observed the quarterly meetings in March, May, September, and November 2021 between management and BoCom management, held specifically to identify facts and circumstances impacting assumptions relevant to the determination of the VIU. Representations were obtained from management that assumptions used were consistent with information currently available to the group. . We evaluated and tested the disclosures made in the Annual Report in relation to BoCom. |
• GAC Report, page 245. • Note 1.2(a): Critical accounting estimates and judgements, page 320. • Note 18 Interests in associates and joint ventures, page 359. |
Impairment of investments in subsidiaries (company) |
The macroeconomic and geopolitical environment continues to be challenging, impacting both 2021 and the outlook into 2022 and beyond. These external factors, as well as HSBC's strategy, impact the financial position and performance of subsidiaries within the group. These factors were considered by management in determining if there were potential indicators of impairment that required an impairment assessment for investment in subsidiaries. Management compared the net assets to the carrying value of each direct subsidiary of HSBC Holdings plc. Where the net assets did not support the carrying value or the subsidiary made a loss during the period, management estimated the recoverable amount using the higher of value in use ('VIU') or fair value less cost to sell. Management predominantly used VIU in its impairment tests, unless it believed that fair value would result in a higher recoverable amount for any subsidiary. The impairment test resulted in a partial reversal of an impairment charge of US$3.1bn in relation to the investment in HSBC Overseas Holdings (UK) Limited ('HOHU'). This resulted in investment in subsidiaries of US$163bn at 31 December 2021. The methodology used to estimate the recoverable amount is dependent on various assumptions, both short term and long term in nature. These assumptions, which are subject to estimation uncertainty, are derived from a combination of management's judgement, experts engaged by management and market data. The significant assumptions that we focused our audit on were those with greater levels of management judgement and for which variations had the most significant impact on the recoverable amount. Specifically, these included HSBC's strategic planning cycle for 2022 to 2026 including revenue forecasts and cost reduction targets, regulatory capital requirements, long term growth rates and discount rates. |
We discussed the partial reversal of the impairment charge for HOHU, the appropriateness of methodologies used and significant assumptions with the GAC, giving consideration to the macroeconomic outlook and HSBC's strategy. We considered reasonably possible alternatives for significant assumptions. |
We tested controls in place over significant assumptions and the model used to determine the recoverable amounts. We assessed the appropriateness of the methodology used, and tested the mathematical accuracy of the calculations, to estimate the recoverable amounts. In respect of the significant assumptions, our testing included the following: • Challenging the achievability of management's strategic planning cycle and the prospects for HSBC's businesses, as well as considering the achievement of historic forecasts; • Obtaining and evaluating evidence where available for critical data relating to significant assumptions, from a combination of historic experience and external market and other financial information; • Assessing whether the cash flows included in the model were in accordance with the relevant accounting standard; • Assessing the sensitivity of the VIU to reasonable variations in significant assumptions, both individually and in aggregate; and • Determining a reasonable range for the discount rate used within the model, with the assistance of our valuation experts, and comparing it to the discount rate used by management. We evaluated and tested the disclosures made in the Annual Report in relation to investment in subsidiaries. |
• Note 19: Investments in subsidiaries, page 362. |
Valuation of defined benefit pensions obligations (group)
The group has a defined benefit obligation of US$42.8bn, of which US$32.3bn relates to HSBC Bank (UK) pension scheme. The valuation of the defined benefit obligation for HSBC Bank (UK) pension scheme is dependent on a number of actuarial assumptions. Management uses an actuarial expert to determine the valuation of the defined benefit obligation. The valuation methodology uses a number of market based inputs and other financial and demographic assumptions. The significant assumptions that we focused our audit on were those with greater levels of management judgement and for which variations had the most significant impact on the liability. Specifically, these included the discount rate, inflation rate and mortality rate. |
We discussed with the GAC the methodologies and significant assumptions used by management to determine the value of the defined benefit obligation. |
We tested governance and controls in place over the methodologies and the significant assumptions, including those in relation to the use of management's experts. We also evaluated the objectivity and competence of management's expert involved in the valuation of the defined benefit obligation. We assessed the appropriateness of the methodology used, and the mathematical accuracy of the calculations, to estimate the liability. In respect of the significant assumptions, we used our actuarial experts to understand the judgements made by management and their actuarial expert in determining the significant assumptions and compared these assumptions to our independently compiled expected ranges based on market observable indices and the knowledge and opinions of our actuarial experts. We evaluated and tested the disclosures made in the Annual Report in relation to the defined benefit pension obligation. |
• GAC Report, page 246. • Note 1.2(k): Critical accounting estimates and judgements, page 327. • Note 5: Employee compensation and benefits, page 331. |
How we tailored the audit scope
We performed a risk assessment, giving consideration to relevant external and internal factors, including Covid-19, climate change, geopolitical and economic risks, relevant accounting and regulatory developments, HSBC's strategy and the changes taking place across the group. We also considered our knowledge and experience obtained in prior year audits. As part of considering the impact of climate change in our risk assessment, we evaluated management's assessment of the impact of climate risk, which is set out on page 45, including their conclusion that there is no material impact on the financial statements. In particular, we considered management's assessment of the impact on ECL on loans and advances to customers, the financial statement line item we determined to be most likely to be impacted by climate risk. Management's assessment gave consideration to a number of matters, including the climate stress testing performed in 2021.
Using our risk assessment, we tailored the scope of our audit to ensure that we performed enough work to be able to give an opinion on the financial statements as a whole, taking into account the structure of the group and the company, the accounting processes and controls, and the industry in which they operate. We continually assessed risks and changed the scope of our audit where necessary.
Our risk assessment and scoping identified certain entities (collectively the Significant Subsidiaries) for which we obtained audit opinions. We obtained full scope audit opinions for the consolidated financial position and performance of Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited, HSBC Bank plc, and HSBC North America Holdings Limited. We also obtained full scope audit opinions for the company financial position and performance of HSBC UK Bank plc, HSBC Bank Canada and HSBC Mexico S.A. We obtained audit opinions over specific balances for HSBC Bank Middle East Limited - UAE Operations. The audits for HSBC Bank plc and HSBC UK Bank plc were performed by other PwC teams in the UK. All other audits were performed by other PwC network firms.
We continued with our approach for rotating certain smaller locations in and out of scope over a number of reporting periods. These locations, which are subject to local external audits, are individually relatively small compared to the group. Notwithstanding their size, the rotational approach is designed to ensure that over time these locations are subject to audit work as part of the group audit. HSBC Bank Malaysia was removed from the scope of The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited audit for 2021 and India was included.
Group-wide audit approach
HSBC has entity level controls that have a pervasive influence across the group, as well as other global and regional governance and controls over aspects of financial reporting, such as those operated by the Global Risk function for expected credit losses. A significant amount of IT and operational processes and controls relevant to financial reporting are undertaken in operations centres run by Digital Business Services ('DBS') across different locations. Financial reporting processes and controls are performed centrally in HSBC's Group Finance function and the four Finance operations centres, including the impairment assessment of goodwill and intangible assets, the consolidation of the group's results, the preparation of the financial statements, and management's oversight controls relevant to the group's financial reporting.
For these areas, we either performed audit work ourselves, or directed and provided oversight of the audit work performed by PwC teams in the UK, Poland, China, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, India and the Philippines. A substantial part of our audit testing in these locations was performed remotely. Some of this work was relied upon by the PwC teams auditing the Significant Subsidiaries. This audit work, together with analytical review procedures and assessing the outcome of local external audits, also mitigated the risk of material misstatement for balances in entities that were not part of a Significant Subsidiary.
Significant Subsidiaries audit approach
We asked the partners and teams reporting to us on the Significant Subsidiaries to work to assigned materiality levels reflecting the size of the operations they audited. The performance materiality levels ranged from US$48m to US$690m. Certain Significant Subsidiaries were audited to a local statutory audit materiality that was less than our overall group materiality.
We designed global audit approaches for the products and services that substantially make up HSBC's global businesses, such as lending, deposits and derivatives. These approaches were provided to the partners and teams performing audit testing for the Significant Subsidiaries.
We were in active dialogue throughout the year with the partners and teams responsible for the audits of the Significant Subsidiaries, including consideration of how they planned and performed their work. We attended Audit Committee meetings for some of the Significant Subsidiaries. We also attended meetings with management in each of these Significant Subsidiaries at the year-end. Given the impact of Covid-19 on working practices and international travel, the majority of our interactions continued to be undertaken virtually.
The audit of The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited in Hong Kong relied upon work performed by other teams in Hong Kong and the PwC network firms in India, mainland China and Singapore. Similarly, the audit of HSBC Bank plc in the UK relied upon work performed by other teams in the UK and the PwC network firms in France and Germany. We considered how the audit partners and teams for the Significant Subsidiaries instructed and provided oversight to the work performed in these locations. Collectively, Significant Subsidiaries covered 85% of total assets and 75% of total operating income.
Using the work of others
We continued to make use of evidence provided by others. This included testing of controls performed by Global Internal Audit and management themselves in some low risk areas. We used the work of PwC experts, for example, economic experts for our work around the severity and probability weighting of macroeconomic variables used as part of the expected credit loss allowance and actuaries on the estimates used in determining pension liabilities. An increasing number of controls are operated on behalf of HSBC by third parties. We obtained audit evidence from work that is scoped and provided by other auditors that are engaged by those third parties. For example, we obtained a report evidencing the testing of external systems and controls supporting HSBC's payroll and HR processes.
The scope of our audit was influenced by our application of materiality. We set certain quantitative thresholds for materiality. These, together with qualitative considerations, helped us to determine the scope of our audit and the nature, timing and extent of our audit procedures on the individual financial statement line items and disclosures and in evaluating the effect of misstatements, both individually and in aggregate on the financial statements as a whole.Based on our professional judgement, we determined materiality for the financial statements as a whole as follows:
Overall materiality | US$970m (2020: US$900m). | US$920m (2020: US$855m). |
How we determined it | 5% of adjusted profit before tax | 0.75% of total assets. This would result in an overall materiality of US$2bn and was therefore reduced below the group materiality level. |
Rationale for benchmark applied | We believe a standard benchmark of 5% of adjusted profit before tax is an appropriate quantitative indicator of materiality, although certain items could also be material for qualitative reasons. This benchmark is standard for listed entities and consistent with the wider industry. We selected adjusted profit because, as discussed on page 28, management believes it best reflects the performance of HSBC and how the group is run. We excluded the adjustments made by management on page 28 for certain customer redress programmes and fair value movements of financial instruments, as in our opinion they are recurring items that form part of ongoing business performance. | A benchmark of total assets has been used, as the company's primary purpose is to act as a holding company with investments in the group's subsidiaries, not to generate operating profits and therefore a profit based measure is not relevant. |
We use performance materiality to reduce to an appropriately low level the probability that the aggregate of uncorrected and undetected misstatements exceeds overall materiality. Specifically, we use performance materiality in determining the scope of our audit and the nature and extent of our testing of account balances, classes of transactions and disclosures, for example in determining sample sizes. Our performance materiality was 75% of overall materiality, amounting to US$725m for the group financial statements and US$690m for the company financial statements.
In determining the performance materiality, we considered a number of factors, including the history of misstatements, our risk assessment and aggregation risk, and the effectiveness of controls. We concluded that an amount at the upper end of our normal range was appropriate.
We agreed with the GAC that we would report to them misstatements identified during our audit above US$48m (group audit) (2020: US$45m) and US$48m (company audit) (2020: US$45m) as well as misstatements below those amounts that, in our view, warranted reporting for qualitative reasons.
Conclusions relating to going concern
Our evaluation of the directors' assessment of the group's and the company's ability to continue to adopt the going concern basis of accounting included:
• Performing a risk assessment to identify factors that could impact the going concern basis of accounting, including the impact of external risks including geopolitical, Covid-19 and climate change risks.
• Understanding and evaluating the group's financial forecasts and the group's stress testing of liquidity and regulatory capital, including the severity of the stress scenarios that were used.
• Understanding and evaluating credit rating agency ratings and actions.
• Reading and evaluating the adequacy of the disclosures made in the financial statements in relation to going concern.
Based on the work we have performed, we have not identified any material uncertainties relating to events or conditions that, individually or collectively, may cast significant doubt on the group's and the company's ability to continue as a going concern for a period of at least twelve months from when the financial statements are authorised for issue.
In auditing the financial statements, we have concluded that the directors' use of the going concern basis of accounting in the preparation of the financial statements is appropriate.
However, because not all future events or conditions can be predicted, this conclusion is not a guarantee as to the group's and the company's ability to continue as a going concern.
In relation to the directors' reporting on how they have applied the UK Corporate Governance Code, we have nothing material to add or draw attention to in relation to the directors' statement in the financial statements about whether the directors considered it appropriate to adopt the going concern basis of accounting.
Our responsibilities and the responsibilities of the directors with respect to going concern are described in the relevant sections of this report.
Reporting on other information
The other information comprises all of the information in the Annual Report other than the financial statements and our auditors' report thereon. The directors are responsible for the other information, which includes reporting based on the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures ('TCFD') recommendations. Our opinion on the financial statements does not cover the other information and, accordingly, we do not express an audit opinion or, except to the extent otherwise explicitly stated in this report, any form of assurance thereon.
In connection with our audit of the financial statements, our responsibility is to read the other information and, in doing so, consider whether the other information, including the TCFD reporting and other information related to climate change, is materially inconsistent with the financial statements or our knowledge obtained in the audit, or otherwise appears to be materially misstated. If we identify an apparent material inconsistency or material misstatement, we are required to perform procedures to conclude whether there is a material misstatement of the financial statements or a material misstatement of the other information. If, based on the work we have performed, we conclude that there is a material misstatement of this other information, we are required to report that fact. We have nothing to report based on these responsibilities.
With respect to the Strategic report and Report of the Directors, we also considered whether the disclosures required by the UK Companies Act 2006 have been included.Based on our work undertaken in the course of the audit, the Companies Act 2006 requires us also to report certain opinions and matters as described below.
Strategic Report and Report of the Directors'
In our opinion, based on the work undertaken in the course of the audit, the information given in the Strategic report and Report of the Directors' for the year ended 31 December 2021 is consistent with the financial statements and has been prepared in accordance with applicable legal requirements.
In light of the knowledge and understanding of the group and company and their environment obtained in the course of the audit, we did not identify any material misstatements in the Strategic report and Report of the Directors'.
Directors' Remuneration
In our opinion, the part of the Directors' Remuneration Report to be audited has been properly prepared in accordance with the Companies Act 2006.
Corporate governance statement
The Listing Rules require us to review the directors' statements in relation to going concern, longer-term viability and that part of the corporate governance statement relating to the company's compliance with the provisions of the UK Corporate Governance Code specified for our review. Our additional responsibilities with respect to the corporate governance statement as other information are described in the Reporting on other information section of this report.
Based on the work undertaken as part of our audit, we have concluded that each of the following elements of the corporate governance statement is materially consistent with the financial statements and our knowledge obtained during the audit, and we have nothing material to add or draw attention to in relation to:
• The directors' confirmation that they have carried out an assessment of the emerging and principal risks;
• The disclosures in the Annual Report that describe those principal risks, what procedures are in place to identify emerging risks and an explanation of how these are being managed or mitigated;
• The directors' statement in the financial statements about whether they considered it appropriate to adopt the going concern basis of accounting in preparing them, and their identification of any material uncertainties to the group's and company's ability to continue to do so over a period of at least twelve months from the date of approval of the financial statements;
• The directors' explanation as to their assessment of the group's and company's prospects, the period this assessment covers and why the period is appropriate; and
• The directors' statement as to whether they have a reasonable expectation that the company will be able to continue in operation and meet its liabilities as they fall due over the period of its assessment, including any related disclosures drawing attention to any necessary qualifications or assumptions.
Our review of the directors' statement regarding the longer-term viability of the group was substantially less in scope than an audit and only consisted of making inquiries and considering the directors' process supporting their statement; checking that the statement is in alignment with the relevant provisions of the UK Corporate Governance Code; and considering whether the statement is consistent with the financial statements and our knowledge and understanding of the group and company and their environment obtained in the course of the audit.
In addition, based on the work undertaken as part of our audit, we have concluded that each of the following elements of the corporate governance statement is materially consistent with the financial statements and our knowledge obtained during the audit:
• The directors' statement that they consider the Annual Report, taken as a whole, is fair, balanced and understandable, and provides the information necessary for the members to assess the group's and company's position, performance, business model and strategy;
• The section of the Annual Report that describes the review of effectiveness of risk management and internal control systems; and
• The section of the Annual Report describing the work of the GAC.
We have nothing to report in respect of our responsibility to report when the directors' statement relating to the company's compliance with the Code does not properly disclose a departure from a relevant provision of the Code specified under the Listing Rules for review by the auditors.
Responsibilities for the financial statements and the audit
Responsibilities of the directors for the financial statements
As explained more fully in the Directors' responsibility statement, the directors are responsible for the preparation of the financial statements in accordance with the applicable framework and for being satisfied that they give a true and fair view. The directors are also responsible for such internal control as they determine is necessary to enable the preparation of financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error.
In preparing the financial statements, the directors are responsible for assessing the group's and the company's ability to continue as a going concern, disclosing, as applicable, matters related to going concern and using the going concern basis of accounting unless the directors either intend to liquidate the group or the company or to cease operations, or have no realistic alternative but to do so.
Auditors' responsibilities for the audit of the financial statements
Our objectives are to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements as a whole are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error, and to issue an auditors' report that includes our opinion. Reasonable assurance is a high level of assurance, but is not a guarantee that an audit conducted in accordance with ISAs (UK) and ISAs will always detect a material misstatement when it exists. Misstatements can arise from fraud or error and are considered material if, individually or in the aggregate, they could reasonably be expected to influence the economic decisions of users taken on the basis of these financial statements.
Irregularities, including fraud, are instances of non-compliance with laws and regulations. We design procedures in line with our responsibilities, outlined above, to detect material misstatements in respect of irregularities, including fraud. The extent to which our procedures are capable of detecting irregularities, including fraud, is detailed below.
Based on our understanding of the group and industry, we identified that the principal risks of non-compliance with laws and regulations related to breaches of financial crime laws and regulations and regulatory compliance, including regulatory reporting requirements and conduct of business, and we considered the extent to which non-compliance might have a material effect on the financial statements. We also considered those laws and regulations that have a direct impact on the financial statements such as the Companies Act 2006. We evaluated management's incentives and opportunities for fraudulent manipulation of the financial statements (including the risk of override of controls), and determined that the principal risks were related to posting inappropriate journal entries to increase revenue or reduce costs, creating fictitious trades to hide losses or to improve financial performance, and management bias in accounting estimates. The group engagement team shared this risk assessment with the Significant Subsidiaries auditors so that they could include appropriate audit procedures in response to such risks in their work. Audit procedures performed by the group engagement team and/or component auditors included:
• Review of correspondence with and reports from the regulators, including the Prudential Regulation Authority ('PRA') and Financial Conduct Authority ('FCA');
• Reviewed reporting to the GAC and GRC in respect of compliance and legal matters;
• Review a sample of legal correspondence with legal advisors;
• Enquiries of management and review of internal audit reports, insofar as they related to the financial statements;
• Obtain legal confirmations from legal advisors relating to material litigation and compliance matters;
• Assessment of matters reported on the group's whistleblowing programmes and the results of management's investigation of such matters; insofar as they related to the financial statements.
• Challenging assumptions and judgements made by management in its significant accounting estimates, in particular in relation to the determination of expected credit losses, the impairment assessments of the investment in BoCom, valuation of defined benefit pensions obligations and investment in subsidiaries (see related key audit matters);
• Obtaining confirmations from third parties to confirm the existence of a sample of transactions and balances; and
• Identifying and testing journal entries, including those posted with certain descriptions, posted and approved by the same individual, backdated journals or posted by infrequent and unexpected users.
There are inherent limitations in the audit procedures described above. We are less likely to become aware of instances of non-compliance with laws and regulations that are not closely related to events and transactions reflected in the financial statements. Also, the risk of not detecting a material misstatement due to fraud is higher than the risk of not detecting one resulting from error, as fraud may involve deliberate concealment by, for example, forgery or intentional misrepresentations, or through collusion.
Our audit testing might include testing complete populations of certain transactions and balances, possibly using data auditing techniques. However, it typically involves selecting a limited number of items for testing, rather than testing complete populations. We will often seek to target particular items for testing based on their size or risk characteristics. In other cases, we will use audit sampling to enable us to draw a conclusion about the population from which the sample is selected.
A further description of our responsibilities for the audit of the financial statements in accordance with ISAs (UK) is located on the FRC's website at: www.frc.org.uk/auditorsresponsibilities. This description forms part of our auditors' report.
As part of an audit in accordance with ISAs, we exercise professional judgement and maintain professional scepticism throughout the audit. We also:
• Identify and assess the risks of material misstatement of the consolidated financial statements, whether due to fraud or error, design and perform audit procedures responsive to those risks, and obtain audit evidence that is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our opinion. The risk of not detecting a material misstatement resulting from fraud is higher than for one resulting from error, as fraud may involve collusion, forgery, intentional omissions, misrepresentations, or the override of internal control.
• Obtain an understanding of internal control relevant to the audit in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the group's and company's internal control.
• Evaluate the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates and related disclosures made by management.
• Conclude on the appropriateness of management's use of the going concern basis of accounting and, based on the audit evidence obtained, whether a material uncertainty exists related to events or conditions that may cast significant doubt on the group's and company's ability to continue as a going concern. If we conclude that a material uncertainty exists, we are required to draw attention in our auditor's report to the related disclosures in the consolidated financial statements or, if such disclosures are inadequate, to modify our opinion. Our conclusions are based on the audit evidence obtained up to the date of our auditor's report. However, future events or conditions may cause the group to cease to continue as a going concern.
• Evaluate the overall presentation, structure and content of the consolidated financial statements, including the disclosures, and whether the consolidated financial statements represent the underlying transactions and events in a manner that achieves fair presentation.
• Obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence regarding the financial information of the entities or business activities within the group and company to express an opinion on the consolidated financial statements. We are responsible for the direction, supervision and performance of the group and company audit. We remain solely responsible for our audit opinion.
We communicate with those charged with governance regarding, among other matters, the planned scope and timing of the audit and significant audit findings, including any significant deficiencies in internal control that we identify during our audit.
We also provide those charged with governance with a statement that we have complied with relevant ethical requirements regarding independence, and to communicate with them all relationships and other matters that may reasonably be thought to bear on our independence, and where applicable, actions taken to eliminate threats or safeguards applied.
From the matters communicated with those charged with governance, we determine those matters that were of most significance in the audit of the consolidated financial statements of the current period and are therefore the key audit matters. We describe these matters in our auditor's report unless law or regulation precludes public disclosure about the matter or when, in extremely rare circumstances, we determine that a matter should not be communicated in our report because the adverse consequences of doing so would reasonably be expected to outweigh the public interest benefits of such communication.
Use of this report
This report, including the opinions, has been prepared for and only for the company's members as a body in accordance with Chapter 3 of Part 16 of the Companies Act 2006 and for no other purpose. We do not, in giving these opinions, accept or assume responsibility for any other purpose or to any other person to whom this report is shown or into whose hands it may come save where expressly agreed by our prior consent in writing.
Other required reporting
Companies Act 2006 exception reporting
Under the Companies Act 2006 we are required to report to you if, in our opinion:
• we have not obtained all the information and explanations we require for our audit; or
• adequate accounting records have not been kept by the company, or returns adequate for our audit have not been received from branches not visited by us; or
• certain disclosures of directors' remuneration specified by law are not made; or
• the company financial statements and the part of the Directors' Remuneration Report to be audited are not in agreement with the accounting records and returns.
We have no exceptions to report arising from this responsibility.
Following the recommendation of the GAC, we were appointed by the members on 31 March 2015 to audit the financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2015 and subsequent financial periods. The period of total uninterrupted engagement is seven years, covering the years ended 31 December 2015 to 31 December 2021.
Other matter
As required by the Financial Conduct Authority Disclosure Guidance and Transparency Rule 4.1.14R, these financial statements form part of the ESEF-prepared annual financial report filed on the National Storage Mechanism of the Financial Conduct Authority in accordance with the ESEF Regulatory Technical Standard ('ESEF RTS'). This auditors' report provides no assurance over whether the annual financial report has been prepared using the single electronic format specified in the ESEF RTS.
Scott Berryman (Senior Statutory Auditor)
for and on behalf of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
Chartered Accountants and Statutory Auditors
22 February 2022
Financial statements | |
| Page |
Consolidated income statement | 308 |
Consolidated statement of comprehensive income | 308 |
Consolidated balance sheet | 310 |
Consolidated statement of cash flows | 311 |
Consolidated statement of changes in equity | 312 |
HSBC Holdings income statement | 314 |
HSBC Holdings statement of comprehensive income | 314 |
HSBC Holdings balance sheet | 315 |
HSBC Holdings statement of cash flows | 316 |
HSBC Holdings statement of changes in equity | 317 |
Consolidated income statement | ||||
for the year ended 31 December | ||||
| 2021 | 2020 | 2019 |
| Notes* | $m | $m | $m |
Net interest income |
| 26,489 | 27,578 | 30,462 |
- interest income1,2 |
| 36,188 | 41,756 | 54,695 |
- interest expense3 |
| (9,699) | (14,178) | (24,233) |
Net fee income | 2 | 13,097 | 11,874 | 12,023 |
- fee income |
| 16,788 | 15,051 | 15,439 |
- fee expense |
| (3,691) | (3,177) | (3,416) |
Net income from financial instruments held for trading or managed on a fair value basis | 3 | 7,744 | 9,582 | 10,231 |
Net income/(expense) from assets and liabilities of insurance businesses, including related derivatives, measured at fair value through profit or loss | 3 | 4,053 | 2,081 | 3,478 |
Changes in fair value of designated debt and related derivatives4 | 3 | (182) | 231 | 90 |
Changes in fair value of other financial instruments mandatorily measured at fair value through profit or loss | 3 | 798 | 455 | 812 |
Gains less losses from financial investments |
| 569 | 653 | 335 |
Net insurance premium income | 4 | 10,870 | 10,093 | 10,636 |
Other operating income |
| 502 | 527 | 2,957 |
Total operating income |
| 63,940 | 63,074 | 71,024 |
Net insurance claims and benefits paid and movement in liabilities to policyholders | 4 | (14,388) | (12,645) | (14,926) |
Net operating income before change in expected credit losses and other credit impairment charges |
| 49,552 | 50,429 | 56,098 |
Change in expected credit losses and other credit impairment charges |
| 928 | (8,817) | (2,756) |
Net operating income |
| 50,480 | 41,612 | 53,342 |
Employee compensation and benefits | 5 | (18,742) | (18,076) | (18,002) |
General and administrative expenses |
| (11,592) | (11,115) | (13,828) |
Depreciation and impairment of property, plant and equipment and right-of-use assets5 |
| (2,261) | (2,681) | (2,100) |
Amortisation and impairment of intangible assets |
| (1,438) | (2,519) | (1,070) |
Goodwill impairment | 21 | (587) | (41) | (7,349) |
Total operating expenses |
| (34,620) | (34,432) | (42,349) |
Operating profit |
| 15,860 | 7,180 | 10,993 |
Share of profit in associates and joint ventures | 19 | 3,046 | 1,597 | 2,354 |
Profit before tax |
| 18,906 | 8,777 | 13,347 |
Tax expense | 7 | (4,213) | (2,678) | (4,639) |
Profit for the year |
| 14,693 | 6,099 | 8,708 |
Attributable to: |
- ordinary shareholders of the parent company |
| 12,607 | 3,898 | 5,969 |
- preference shareholders of the parent company |
| 7 | 90 | 90 |
- other equity holders |
| 1,303 | 1,241 | 1,324 |
- non-controlling interests |
| 776 | 870 | 1,325 |
Profit for the year |
| 14,693 | 6,099 | 8,708 |
| $ | $ | $ |
Basic earnings per ordinary share | 9 | 0.62 | 0.19 | 0.30 |
Diluted earnings per ordinary share | 9 | 0.62 | 0.19 | 0.30 |
* For Notes on the financial statements, see page 318.
1 Interest income includes $30,916m (2020: $35,293m) of interest recognised on financial assets measured at amortised cost and $4,337m (2020: $5,614m) of interest recognised on financial assets measured at fair value through other comprehensive income.
2 Interest revenue calculated using the effective interest method comprises interest recognised on financial assets measured at either amortised cost or fair value through other comprehensive income.
3 Interest expense includes $8,227m (2020: $12,426m) of interest on financial instruments, excluding interest on financial liabilities held for trading or designated or otherwise mandatorily measured at fair value.
4 The debt instruments, issued for funding purposes, are designated under the fair value option to reduce an accounting mismatch.
5 Includes depreciation of the right-of-use assets of $878m (2020: $1,029m).
Consolidated statement of comprehensive income | |||
for the year ended 31 December | |||
| 2021 | 2020 | 2019 |
| $m | $m | $m |
Profit for the year | 14,693 | 6,099 | 8,708 |
Other comprehensive income/(expense) |
Items that will be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss when specific conditions are met: |
Debt instruments at fair value through other comprehensive income | (2,139) | 1,750 | 1,152 |
- fair value gains/(losses) | (2,270) | 2,947 | 1,793 |
- fair value gains transferred to the income statement on disposal | (464) | (668) | (365) |
- expected credit (recoveries)/losses recognised in the income statement | (49) | 48 | 109 |
- income taxes | 644 | (577) | (385) |
Cash flow hedges | (664) | 471 | 206 |
- fair value gains/(losses) | 595 | (157) | 551 |
- fair value (gains)/losses reclassified to the income statement - fair value (gains)/losses reclassified to the income statement | (1,514) | 769 | (286) |
- income taxes | 255 | (141) | (59) |
Share of other comprehensive income/(expense) of associates and joint ventures | 103 | (73) | 21 |
- share for the year | 103 | (73) | 21 |
Exchange differences | (2,393) | 4,855 | 1,044 |
Items that will not be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss: |
Remeasurement of defined benefit asset/liability | (274) | 834 | 13 |
- before income taxes | (107) | 1,223 | (17) |
- income taxes | (167) | (389) | 30 |
Changes in fair value of financial liabilities designated at fair value upon initial recognition arising from changes in own credit risk
| 531 | 167 | (2,002) |
- before income taxes - before income taxes | 512 | 190 | (2,639) |
- income taxes - income taxes | 19 | (23) | 637 |
Equity instruments designated at fair value through other comprehensive income | (446) | 212 | 366 |
- fair value gains/(losses) | (443) | 212 | 364 |
- income taxes | (3) | - | 2 |
Effects of hyperinflation | 315 | 193 | 217 |
Other comprehensive income/(expense) for the period, net of tax | (4,967) | 8,409 | 1,017 |
Total comprehensive income for the year | 9,726 | 14,508 | 9,725 |
Attributable to: |
- ordinary shareholders of the parent company | 7,765 | 12,146 | 6,838 |
- preference shareholders of the parent company | 7 | 90 | 90 |
- other equity holders | 1,303 | 1,241 | 1,324 |
- non-controlling interests | 651 | 1,031 | 1,473 |
Total comprehensive income for the year | 9,726 | 14,508 | 9,725 |
Consolidated balance sheet | |||
| At | |
| 31 Dec | 31 Dec |
| 2021 | 2020 |
| Notes* | $m | $m |
Assets |
Cash and balances at central banks |
| 403,018 | 304,481 |
Items in the course of collection from other banks |
| 4,136 | 4,094 |
Hong Kong Government certificates of indebtedness |
| 42,578 | 40,420 |
Trading assets | 11 | 248,842 | 231,990 |
Financial assets designated and otherwise mandatorily measured at fair value through profit or loss | 14 | 49,804 | 45,553 |
Derivatives | 15 | 196,882 | 307,726 |
Loans and advances to banks |
| 83,136 | 81,616 |
Loans and advances to customers |
| 1,045,814 | 1,037,987 |
Reverse repurchase agreements - non-trading |
| 241,648 | 230,628 |
Financial investments | 16 | 446,274 | 490,693 |
Prepayments, accrued income and other assets | 22 | 139,982 | 156,412 |
Current tax assets |
| 970 | 954 |
Interests in associates and joint ventures | 18 | 29,609 | 26,684 |
Goodwill and intangible assets | 21 | 20,622 | 20,443 |
Deferred tax assets | 7 | 4,624 | 4,483 |
Total assets |
| 2,957,939 | 2,984,164 |
Liabilities and equity |
Liabilities |
Hong Kong currency notes in circulation |
| 42,578 | 40,420 |
Deposits by banks |
| 101,152 | 82,080 |
Customer accounts |
| 1,710,574 | 1,642,780 |
Repurchase agreements - non-trading |
| 126,670 | 111,901 |
Items in the course of transmission to other banks |
| 5,214 | 4,343 |
Trading liabilities | 23 | 84,904 | 75,266 |
Financial liabilities designated at fair value | 24 | 145,502 | 157,439 |
Derivatives | 15 | 191,064 | 303,001 |
Debt securities in issue | 25 | 78,557 | 95,492 |
Accruals, deferred income and other liabilities | 26 | 123,778 | 128,624 |
Current tax liabilities |
| 698 | 690 |
Liabilities under insurance contracts | 4 | 112,745 | 107,191 |
Provisions | 27 | 2,566 | 3,678 |
Deferred tax liabilities | 7 | 4,673 | 4,313 |
Subordinated liabilities | 28 | 20,487 | 21,951 |
Total liabilities |
| 2,751,162 | 2,779,169 |
Equity |
Called up share capital | 31 | 10,316 | 10,347 |
Share premium account | 31 | 14,602 | 14,277 |
Other equity instruments |
| 22,414 | 22,414 |
Other reserves |
| 6,460 | 8,833 |
Retained earnings |
| 144,458 | 140,572 |
Total shareholders' equity |
| 198,250 | 196,443 |
Non-controlling interests | 19 | 8,527 | 8,552 |
Total equity |
| 206,777 | 204,995 |
Total liabilities and equity |
| 2,957,939 | 2,984,164 |
* For Notes on the financial statements, see page 318.
The accompanying notes on pages 318 to 396 and the audited sections in 'Risk' on pages 120 to 216 (including 'Measurement uncertainty and sensitivity analysis of ECL estimates' on pages 144 to 152), and 'Directors' remuneration report' on pages 254 to 287 form an integral part of these financial statements.
These financial statements were approved by the Board of Directors on 22 February 2022 and signed on its behalf by:
Mark E Tucker |
| Ewen Stevenson |
Group Chairman |
| Group Chief Financial Officer |
Consolidated statement of cash flows | |||
for the year ended 31 December | |||
| 2021 | 2020 | 2019 |
| $m | $m | $m |
Profit before tax | 18,906 | 8,777 | 13,347 |
Adjustments for non-cash items: |
Depreciation, amortisation and impairment | 4,286 | 5,241 | 10,519 |
Net gain from investing activities | (647) | (541) | (399) |
Share of profits in associates and joint ventures | (3,046) | (1,597) | (2,354) |
Gain on disposal of subsidiaries, businesses, associates and joint ventures | - | - | (929) |
Change in expected credit losses gross of recoveries and other credit impairment charges | (519) | 9,096 | 3,012 |
Provisions including pensions | 1,063 | 1,164 | 2,423 |
Share-based payment expense | 467 | 433 | 478 |
Other non-cash items included in profit before tax | 510 | (906) | (2,297) |
Elimination of exchange differences1 | 18,937 | (25,749) | (3,742) |
Changes in operating assets and liabilities |
Change in net trading securities and derivatives | (9,226) | 13,150 | (18,910) |
Change in loans and advances to banks and customers | (11,014) | (14,131) | (53,760) |
Change in reverse repurchase agreements - non-trading | 552 | 9,950 | (7,390) |
Change in financial assets designated and otherwise mandatorily measured at fair value | (4,254) | (1,962) | (2,308) |
Change in other assets | 19,899 | (19,610) | (21,863) |
Change in deposits by banks and customer accounts | 95,703 | 226,723 | 79,163 |
Change in repurchase agreements - non-trading | 14,769 | (28,443) | (25,540) |
Change in debt securities in issue | (16,936) | (9,075) | 19,268 |
Change in financial liabilities designated at fair value | (11,425) | (6,630) | 20,068 |
Change in other liabilities | (10,935) | 20,323 | 23,124 |
Dividends received from associates | 808 | 761 | 633 |
Contributions paid to defined benefit plans | (509) | (495) | (533) |
Tax paid | (3,077) | (4,259) | (2,267) |
Net cash from operating activities | 104,312 | 182,220 | 29,743 |
Purchase of financial investments | (493,042) | (496,669) | (445,907) |
Proceeds from the sale and maturity of financial investments | 521,190 | 476,990 | 413,186 |
Net cash flows from the purchase and sale of property, plant and equipment | (1,086) | (1,446) | (1,343) |
Net cash flows from purchase/(disposal) of customer and loan portfolios | 3,059 | 1,362 | 1,118 |
Net investment in intangible assets | (2,479) | (2,064) | (2,289) |
Net cash flow from acquisition and disposal of subsidiaries, businesses, associates and joint ventures | (106) | (603) | (83) |
Net cash from investing activities | 27,536 | (22,430) | (35,318) |
Issue of ordinary share capital and other equity instruments | 1,996 | 1,497 | - |
Cancellation of shares | (707) | - | (1,000) |
Net sales/(purchases) of own shares for market-making and investment purposes | (1,386) | (181) | 141 |
Redemption of preference shares and other equity instruments | (3,450) | (398) | - |
Subordinated loan capital repaid2 | (864) | (3,538) | (4,210) |
Dividends paid to shareholders of the parent company and non-controlling interests | (6,383) | (2,023) | (9,773) |
Net cash from financing activities | (10,794) | (4,643) | (14,842) |
Net increase/(decrease) in cash and cash equivalents | 121,054 | 155,147 | (20,417) |
Cash and cash equivalents at 1 Jan | 468,323 | 293,742 | 312,911 |
Exchange differences in respect of cash and cash equivalents | (15,345) | 19,434 | 1,248 |
Cash and cash equivalents at 31 Dec3 | 574,032 | 468,323 | 293,742 |
Cash and cash equivalents comprise: |
- cash and balances at central banks | 403,018 | 304,481 | 154,099 |
- items in the course of collection from other banks | 4,136 | 4,094 | 4,956 |
- loans and advances to banks of one month or less | 55,705 | 51,788 | 41,626 |
- reverse repurchase agreements with banks of one month or less | 76,658 | 65,086 | 65,370 |
- treasury bills, other bills and certificates of deposit less than three months | 28,488 | 30,023 | 20,132 |
- cash collateral and net settlement accounts | 11,241 | 17,194 | 12,376 |
- less: items in the course of transmission to other banks | (5,214) | (4,343) | (4,817) |
Cash and cash equivalents at 31 Dec3 | 574,032 | 468,323 | 293,742 |
Interest received was $40,175m (2020: $45,578m; 2019: $58,627m), interest paid was $12,695m (2020: $17,740m; 2019: $27,384m) and dividends received (excluding dividends received from associates, which are presented separately above) were $1,898m (2020: $1,158m; 2019: $2,369m).
1 Adjustment to bring changes between opening and closing balance sheet amounts to average rates. This is not done on a line-by-line basis, as details cannot be determined without unreasonable expense.
2 Subordinated liabilities changes during the year are attributable to repayments of $(0.9)bn (2020: $(3.5)bn; 2019: $(4.2)bn) of securities. Non-cash changes during the year included foreign exchange gains/(losses) of $(0.3)bn (2020: $0.5bn; 2019: $0.6bn) and fair value gains/(losses) of $(1.0)bn (2020: $1.1bn; 2019: $1.4bn).
3 At 31 December 2021 $33,634m (2020: $41,912m; 2019: $35,735m) was not available for use by HSBC, of which $15,357m (2020: $16,935m; 2019: $19,353m) related to mandatory deposits at central banks.
Consolidated statement of changes in equity | ||||||||||
for the year ended 31 December | ||||||||||
| Other reserves |
| |||
| Called up share capital and share premium | Other equity instru-ments | Retained earnings3,4 | Financial assets at FVOCI reserve | Cash flow hedging reserve | Foreign exchange reserve | Merger and other reserves4,5 | Total share- holders' equity | Non- controlling interests | Total equity |
| $m | $m | $m | $m | $m | $m | $m | $m | $m | $m |
At 1 Jan 2021 | 24,624 | 22,414 | 140,572 | 1,816 | 457 | (20,375) | 26,935 | 196,443 | 8,552 | 204,995 |
Profit for the year | - | - | 13,917 | - | - | - | - | 13,917 | 776 | 14,693 |
Other comprehensive income (net of tax) | - | - | 661 | (2,455) | (654) | (2,394) | - | (4,842) | (125) | (4,967) |
- debt instruments at fair value through other comprehensive income | - | - | - | (2,105) | - | - | - | (2,105) | (34) | (2,139) |
- equity instruments designated at fair value through other comprehensive income | - | - | - | (350) | - | - | - | (350) | (96) | (446) |
- cash flow hedges | - | - | - | - | (654) | - | - | (654) | (10) | (664) |
- changes in fair value of financial liabilities designated at fair value upon initial recognition arising from changes in own credit risk | - | - | 531 | - | - | - | - | 531 | - | 531 |
- remeasurement of defined benefit asset/liability | - | - | (288) | - | - | - | - | (288) | 14 | (274) |
- share of other comprehensive income of associates and joint ventures | - | - | 103 | - | - | - | - | 103 | - | 103 |
- effects of hyperinflation | - | - | 315 | - | - | - | - | 315 | - | 315 |
- exchange differences | - | - | - | - | - | (2,394) | - | (2,394) | 1 | (2,393) |
Total comprehensive income for the year | - | - | 14,578 | (2,455) | (654) | (2,394) | - | 9,075 | 651 | 9,726 |
Shares issued under employee remuneration and share plans | 354 | - | (336) | - | - | - | - | 18 | - | 18 |
Capital securities issued1 | - | 2,000 | (4) | - | - | - | - | 1,996 | - | 1,996 |
Dividends to shareholders | - | - | (5,790) | - | - | - | - | (5,790) | (593) | (6,383) |
Redemption of securities2 | - | (2,000) | - | - | - | - | - | (2,000) | - | (2,000) |
Transfers6 | - | - | (3,065) | - | - | - | 3,065 | - | - | - |
Cost of share-based payment arrangements | - | - | 467 | - | - | - | - | 467 | - | 467 |
Cancellation of shares7 | (60) | - | (2,004) | - | - | - | 60 | (2,004) | - | (2,004) |
Other movements | - | - | 40 | 5 | - | - | - | 45 | (83) | (38) |
At 31 Dec 2021 | 24,918 | 22,414 | 144,458 | (634) | (197) | (22,769) | 30,060 | 198,250 | 8,527 | 206,777 |
At 1 Jan 2020 | 24,278 | 20,871 | 136,679 | (108) | (2) | (25,133) | 27,370 | 183,955 | 8,713 | 192,668 |
Profit for the year | - | - | 5,229 | - | - | - | - | 5,229 | 870 | 6,099 |
Other comprehensive income (net of tax) | - | - | 1,118 | 1,913 | 459 | 4,758 | - | 8,248 | 161 | 8,409 |
- debt instruments at fair value through other comprehensive income | - | - | - | 1,746 | - | - | - | 1,746 | 4 | 1,750 |
- equity instruments designated at fair value through other comprehensive income | - | - | - | 167 |
| - | - | 167 | 45 | 212 |
- cash flow hedges | - | - | - | - | 459 | - | - | 459 | 12 | 471 |
- changes in fair value of financial liabilities designated at fair value upon initial recognition arising from changes in own credit risk | - | - | 167 | - | - | - | - | 167 | - | 167 |
- remeasurement of defined benefit asset/liability | - | - | 831 | - | - | - | - | 831 | 3 | 834 |
- share of other comprehensive income of associates and joint ventures | - | - | (73) | - | - | - | - | (73) | - | (73) |
- effects of hyperinflation | - | - | 193 | - | - | - | - | 193 | - | 193 |
- exchange differences | - | - | - | - | - | 4,758 | - | 4,758 | 97 | 4,855 |
Total comprehensive income for the year | - | - | 6,347 | 1,913 | 459 | 4,758 | - | 13,477 | 1,031 | 14,508 |
Shares issued under employee remuneration and share plans | 346 | - | (339) | - | - | - | - | 7 | - | 7 |
Capital securities issued1 | - | 1,500 | (3) | - | - | - | - | 1,497 | - | 1,497 |
Dividends to shareholders | - | - | (1,331) | - | - | - | - | (1,331) | (692) | (2,023) |
Redemption of securities2 | - | - | (1,450) | - | - | - | - | (1,450) | - | (1,450) |
Transfers6 | - | - | 435 | - | - | - | (435) | - | - | - |
Cost of share-based payment arrangements | - | - | 434 | - | - | - | - | 434 | - | 434 |
Other movements | - | 43 | (200) | 11 | - | - | - | (146) | (500) | (646) |
At 31 Dec 2020 | 24,624 | 22,414 | 140,572 | 1,816 | 457 | (20,375) | 26,935 | 196,443 | 8,552 | 204,995 |
Consolidated statement of changes in equity (continued) | ||||||||||
for the year ended 31 December | ||||||||||
| Other reserves |
| |||
| Called up share capital and share premium | Other equity instru-ments | Retained earnings3,4 | Financial assets at FVOCI reserve | Cash flow hedging reserve | Foreign exchange reserve | Merger and other reserves4,5 | Total share- holders' equity | Non- controlling interests | Total equity |
| $m | $m | $m | $m | $m | $m | $m | $m | $m | $m |
At 1 Jan 2019 | 23,789 | 22,367 | 138,191 | (1,532) | (206) | (26,133) | 29,777 | 186,253 | 7,996 | 194,249 |
Profit for the year | - | - | 7,383 | - | - | - | - | 7,383 | 1,325 | 8,708 |
Other comprehensive income (net of tax) | - | - | (1,759) | 1,424 | 204 | 1,000 | - | 869 | 148 | 1,017 |
- debt instruments at fair value through other comprehensive income | - | - | - | 1,146 | - | - | - | 1,146 | 6 | 1,152 |
- equity instruments designated at fair value through other comprehensive income | - | - | - | 278 | - | - | - | 278 | 88 | 366 |
- cash flow hedges | - | - | - | - | 204 | - | - | 204 | 2 | 206 |
- changes in fair value of financial liabilities designated at fair value due to movement in own credit risk | - | - | (2,002) | - | - | - | - | (2,002) | - | (2,002) |
- remeasurement of defined benefit asset/liability | - | - | 5 | - | - | - | - | 5 | 8 | 13 |
- share of other comprehensive income of associates and joint ventures | - | - | 21 | - | - | - | - | 21 | - | 21 |
- effects of hyperinflation | - | - | 217 | - | - | - | - | 217 | - | 217 |
- exchange differences | - | - | - | - | - | 1,000 | - | 1,000 | 44 | 1,044 |
Total comprehensive income for the year | - | - | 5,624 | 1,424 | 204 | 1,000 | - | 8,252 | 1,473 | 9,725 |
Shares issued under employee remuneration and share plans | 557 | - | (495) | - | - | - | - | 62 | - | 62 |
Shares issued in lieu of dividends and amounts arising thereon | - | - | 2,687 | - | - | - | - | 2,687 | - | 2,687 |
Dividends to shareholders | - | - | (11,683) | - | - | - | - | (11,683) | (777) | (12,460) |
Redemption of securities2 | - | (1,496) | (12) | - | - | - | - | (1,508) | - | (1,508) |
Transfers6 | - | - | 2,475 | - | - | - | (2,475) | - | - | - |
Cost of share-based payment arrangements | - | - | 478 | - | - | - | - | 478 | - | 478 |
Cancellation of shares7 | (68) | - | (1,000) | - | - | - | 68 | (1,000) | - | (1,000) |
Other movements | - | - | 414 | - | - | - | - | 414 | 21 | 435 |
At 31 Dec 2019 | 24,278 | 20,871 | 136,679 | (108) | (2) | (25,133) | 27,370 | 183,955 | 8,713 | 192,668 |
1 During 2021, HSBC Holdings issued $2,000m of additional tier 1 instruments on which there were $4m of external issue costs. In 2020, HSBC Holdings issued $1,500m of perpetual subordinated contingent convertible capital securities.
2 During 2021, HSBC Holdings redeemed $2,000m 6.875% perpetual subordinated contingent convertible capital securities. For further details, see Note 31 in the Annual Report and Accounts 2021. In 2020, HSBC Holdings called and later redeemed $1,450m 6.20% non-cumulative US dollar preference shares. In 2019, HSBC Holdings redeemed $1,500m 5.625% perpetual subordinated capital securities on which there were $12m of external issuance costs. Under IFRSs external issuance costs are classified as equity.
3 At 31 December 2021, retained earnings included 558,397,704 treasury shares (2020: 509,825,249; 2019: 432,108,782). In addition, treasury shares are also held within HSBC's Insurance business retirement funds for the benefit of policyholders or beneficiaries within employee trusts for the settlement of shares expected to be delivered under employee share schemes or bonus plans, and the market-making activities in Markets and Security Services.
4 Cumulative goodwill amounting to $5,138m has been charged against reserves in respect of acquisitions of subsidiaries prior to 1 January 1998, including $3,469m charged against the merger reserve arising on the acquisition of HSBC Bank plc. The balance of $1,669m has been charged against retained earnings.
5 Statutory share premium relief under section 131 of the Companies Act 1985 (the 'Act') was taken in respect of the acquisition of HSBC Bank plc in 1992, HSBC Continental Europe in 2000 and HSBC Finance Corporation in 2003, and the shares issued were recorded at their nominal value only. In HSBC's consolidated financial statements, the fair value differences of $8,290m in respect of HSBC Continental Europe and $12,768m in respect of HSBC Finance Corporation were recognised in the merger reserve. The merger reserve created on the acquisition of HSBC Finance Corporation subsequently became attached to HSBC Overseas Holdings (UK) Limited ('HOHU'), following a number of intra-Group reorganisations. During 2009, pursuant to section 131 of the Companies Act 1985, statutory share premium relief was taken in respect of the rights issue and $15,796m was recognised in the merger reserve.
6 Permitted transfers from the merger reserve to retained earnings were made when the investment in HSBC Overseas Holdings (UK) Limited was previously impaired. In the comparative periods, impairments (2020: $435m; 2019: $2,475m) were recognised and a permitted transfer of these amounts was made from the merger reserve to retained earnings. During 2021, a part reversal of these impairments resulted in a transfer from retained earnings back to the merger reserve of $3,065m.
7 For further details, see Note 31 in the Annual Report and Accounts 2021. In October 2021, HSBC announced a share buy-back of up to $2.0bn, which will be completed no later than April 2022. At 31 December 2021, 120,366,714 ordinary shares had been purchased and cancelled representing a nominal value of $60m, which has been transferred from share capital to capital redemption reserve within merger and other reserves. In August 2019, HSBC announced a share buy-back of up to $1.0bn, which was completed in September 2019.
HSBC Holdings income statement | ||||
for the year ended 31 December | ||||
| 2021 | 2020 | 2019 |
| Notes* | $m | $m | $m |
Net interest expense |
| (2,367) | (2,632) | (2,554) |
- interest income |
| 380 | 473 | 1,249 |
- interest expense |
| (2,747) | (3,105) | (3,803) |
Fee (expense)/income |
| (5) | (12) | (2) |
Net income from financial instruments held for trading or managed on a fair value basis | 3 | 110 | 801 | 1,477 |
Changes in fair value of designated debt and related derivatives1 | 3 | 349 | (326) | (360) |
Changes in fair value of other financial instruments mandatorily measured at fair value through profit or loss | 3 | (420) | 1,141 | 1,659 |
Dividend income from subsidiaries |
| 11,404 | 8,156 | 15,117 |
Other operating income |
| 230 | 1,889 | 1,293 |
Total operating income |
| 9,301 | 9,017 | 16,630 |
Employee compensation and benefits | 5 | (30) | (56) | (37) |
General and administrative expenses |
| (1,845) | (4,276) | (4,772) |
Impairment of subsidiaries |
| 3,065 | (435) | (2,562) |
Total operating expenses |
| 1,190 | (4,767) | (7,371) |
Profit before tax |
| 10,491 | 4,250 | 9,259 |
Tax (charge)/credit |
| 343 | (165) | (218) |
Profit for the year |
| 10,834 | 4,085 | 9,041 |
* For Notes on the financial statements, see page 318.
1 The debt instruments, issued for funding purposes, are designated under the fair value option to reduce an accounting mismatch.
HSBC Holdings statement of comprehensive income | |||
for the year ended 31 December | |||
| 2021 | 2020 | 2019 |
| $m | $m | $m |
Profit for the year | 10,834 | 4,085 | 9,041 |
Other comprehensive income/(expense) |
Items that will not be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss: |
Changes in fair value of financial liabilities designated at fair value upon initial recognition arising from changes in own credit risk | 267 | 176 | (396) |
- before income taxes | 259 | 176 | (573) |
- income taxes | 8 | - | 177 |
Other comprehensive income/(expense) for the year, net of tax | 267 | 176 | (396) |
Total comprehensive income for the year | 11,101 | 4,261 | 8,645 |
HSBC Holdings balance sheet | |||
| 31 Dec 2021 | 31 Dec 2020 |
| Notes* | $m | $m |
Assets |
Cash and balances with HSBC undertakings |
| 2,590 | 2,913 |
Financial assets with HSBC undertakings designated and otherwise mandatorily measured at fair value |
| 51,408 | 65,253 |
Derivatives | 15 | 2,811 | 4,698 |
Loans and advances to HSBC undertakings |
| 25,108 | 10,443 |
Financial investments |
| 26,194 | 17,485 |
Prepayments, accrued income and other assets |
| 1,513 | 1,445 |
Current tax assets |
| 122 | - |
Investments in subsidiaries |
| 163,211 | 160,660 |
Intangible assets |
| 215 | 276 |
Total assets at 31 Dec |
| 273,172 | 263,173 |
Liabilities and equity |
Liabilities |
Amounts owed to HSBC undertakings |
| 111 | 330 |
Financial liabilities designated at fair value | 24 | 32,418 | 25,664 |
Derivatives | 15 | 1,220 | 3,060 |
Debt securities in issue | 25 | 67,483 | 64,029 |
Accruals, deferred income and other liabilities |
| 4,240 | 4,865 |
Subordinated liabilities | 28 | 17,059 | 17,916 |
Current tax liabilities |
| - | 71 |
Deferred tax liabilities |
| 311 | 438 |
Total liabilities |
| 122,842 | 116,373 |
Equity |
Called up share capital | 31 | 10,316 | 10,347 |
Share premium account |
| 14,602 | 14,277 |
Other equity instruments |
| 22,414 | 22,414 |
Merger and other reserves |
| 37,882 | 34,757 |
Retained earnings |
| 65,116 | 65,005 |
Total equity |
| 150,330 | 146,800 |
Total liabilities and equity at 31 Dec |
| 273,172 | 263,173 |
* For Notes on the financial statements, see page 318.
The accompanying notes on pages 318 to 396 and the audited sections in 'Risk' on pages 120 to 216 (including 'Measurement uncertainty and sensitivity analysis of ECL estimates' on pages 144 to 152), and 'Directors' remuneration report' on pages 254 to 287 form an integral part of these financial statements.
These financial statements were approved by the Board of Directors on 22 February 2022 and signed on its behalf by:
Mark E Tucker |
| Ewen Stevenson |
Group Chairman |
| Group Chief Financial Officer |
HSBC Holdings statement of cash flows | |||
for the year ended 31 December | |||
| 2021 | 2020 | 2019 |
| $m | $m | $m |
Profit before tax | 10,491 | 4,250 | 9,259 |
Adjustments for non-cash items | (2,954) | 442 | 2,657 |
- depreciation, amortisation and impairment/expected credit losses | (2,976) | 87 | 72 |
- share-based payment expense | 2 | 1 | 1 |
- other non-cash items included in profit before tax | 20 | 354 | 2,584 |
Changes in operating assets and liabilities |
Change in loans to HSBC undertakings | 3,364 | (327) | 41,471 |
Change in financial assets with HSBC undertakings designated and otherwise mandatorily measured at fair value | (4,409) | (3,289) | (38,451) |
Change in net trading securities and net derivatives | 47 | (1,657) | (1,433) |
Change in other assets | (226) | (633) | (437) |
Change in financial investments | 20 | 449 | (70) |
Change in debt securities in issue | (2,833) | 3,063 | 1,899 |
Change in financial liabilities designated at fair value | (1,396) | 1,258 | 1,227 |
Change in other liabilities | (691) | 1,366 | 437 |
Tax received | 32 | 270 | 459 |
Net cash from operating activities | 1,445 | 5,192 | 17,018 |
Purchase of financial investments | (16,966) | (11,652) | (19,293) |
Proceeds from the sale and maturity of financial investments | 16,074 | 9,342 | 6,755 |
Net cash outflow from acquisition of or increase in stake of subsidiaries | (1,337) | (2,558) | (3,721) |
Repayment of capital from subsidiaries | 2,000 | 1,516 | - |
Net investment in intangible assets | (26) | (33) | (44) |
Net cash from investing activities | (255) | (3,385) | (16,303) |
Issue of ordinary share capital and other equity instruments | 2,334 | 1,846 | 500 |
Redemption of preference shares and other equity instruments | (3,450) | - | - |
Purchase of treasury shares | (28) | - | - |
Cancellation of shares | (707) | - | (1,006) |
Subordinated loan capital repaid | - | (1,500) | (4,107) |
Debt securities issued | 19,379 | 15,951 | 10,817 |
Debt securities repaid | (5,569) | (16,577) | - |
Dividends paid on ordinary shares | (4,480) | - | (7,582) |
Dividends paid to holders of other equity instruments | (1,310) | (1,331) | (1,414) |
Net cash from financing activities | 6,169 | (1,611) | (2,792) |
Net increase/(decrease) in cash and cash equivalents | 7,359 | 196 | (2,077) |
Cash and cash equivalents at 1 January | 6,176 | 5,980 | 8,057 |
Cash and cash equivalents at 31 Dec | 13,535 | 6,176 | 5,980 |
Cash and cash equivalents comprise: |
- cash at bank with HSBC undertakings | 2,590 | 2,913 | 2,382 |
- loans and advances to banks of one month or less | 93 | 249 | 102 |
- treasury and other eligible bills | 10,852 | 3,014 | 3,496 |
Interest received was $1,636m (2020: $1,952m; 2019: $2,216m), interest paid was $2,724m (2020: $3,166m; 2019: $3,819m) and dividends received were $11,404m (2020: $8,156m; 2019: $15,117m).
HSBC Holdings statement of changes in equity | ||||||
for the year ended 31 December | ||||||
| Called up share capital | Share premium | Other equity instruments | Retained earnings1 | Merger and other reserves | Total shareholders' equity |
| $m | $m | $m | $m | $m | $m |
At 1 Jan 2021 | 10,347 | 14,277 | 22,414 | 65,005 | 34,757 | 146,800 |
Profit for the year | - | - | - | 10,834 | - | 10,834 |
Other comprehensive income (net of tax) | - | - | - | 267 | - | 267 |
- changes in fair value of financial liabilities designated at fair value due to movement in own credit risk | - | - | - | 267 | - | 267 |
Total comprehensive income for the year | - | - | - | 11,101 | - | 11,101 |
Shares issued under employee share plans | 29 | 325 | - | (103) | - | 251 |
Capital securities issued | - | - | 2,000 | (20) | - | 1,980 |
Cancellation of shares2 | (60) | - | - | (2,004) | 60 | (2,004) |
Dividends to shareholders | - | - | - | (5,790) | - | (5,790) |
Redemption of capital securities | - | - | (2,000) | - | - | (2,000) |
Transfers3 | - | - | - | (3,065) | 3,065 | - |
Other movements | - | - | - | (8) | - | (8) |
At 31 Dec 2021 | 10,316 | 14,602 | 22,414 | 65,116 | 37,882 | 150,330 |
At 1 Jan 2020 | 10,319 | 13,959 | 20,743 | 62,484 | 37,539 | 145,044 |
Profit for the year | - | - | - | 4,085 | - | 4,085 |
Other comprehensive income (net of tax) | - | - | - | 176 | - | 176 |
- changes in fair value of financial liabilities designated at fair value due to movement in own credit risk | - | - | - | 176 | - | 176 |
Total comprehensive income for the year | - | - | - | 4,261 | - | 4,261 |
Shares issued under employee share plans | 28 | 318 | - | 2,540 | (2,347) | 539 |
Capital securities issued | - | - | 1,500 | (15) | - | 1,485 |
Dividends to shareholders | - | - | - | (1,331) | - | (1,331) |
Redemption of capital securities | - | - | - | (1,450) | - | (1,450) |
Transfers3 | - | - | - | 435 | (435) | - |
Other movements4 | - | - | 171 | (1,919) | - | (1,748) |
At 31 Dec 2020 | 10,347 | 14,277 | 22,414 | 65,005 | 34,757 | 146,800 |
At 1 Jan 2019 | 10,180 | 13,609 | 22,231 | 61,434 | 39,899 | 147,353 |
Profit for the year | - | - | - | 9,041 | - | 9,041 |
Other comprehensive income (net of tax) | - | - | - | (396) | - | (396) |
- changes in fair value of financial liabilities designated at fair value due to movement in own credit risk | - | - | - | (396) | - | (396) |
Total comprehensive income for the year | - | - | - | 8,645 | - | 8,645 |
Shares issued under employee share plans | 36 | 521 | - | (56) | - | 501 |
Shares issued in lieu of dividends and amounts arising thereon | 171 | (171) | - | 2,687 | - | 2,687 |
Cancellation of shares | (68) | - | - | (1,000) | 68 | (1,000) |
Capital securities issued | - | - | - | - | - | - |
Dividends to shareholders | - | - | - | (11,683) | - | (11,683) |
Redemption of capital securities | - | - | (1,488) | (20) | - | (1,508) |
Transfers3 | - | - | - | 2,475 | (2,475) | - |
Other movements | - | - | - | 2 | 47 | 49 |
At 31 Dec 2019 | 10,319 | 13,959 | 20,743 | 62,484 | 37,539 | 145,044 |
Dividends per ordinary share at 31 December 2021 were $0.22 (2020: nil; 2019: $0.51).
1 At 31 December 2021, retained earnings included 329,871,829 ($2,542m) treasury shares (2020: 326,766,253 ($2,521m); 2019: 326,191,804 ($2,543m)).
2 On 26 October 2021, HSBC announced a share buy-back of up to $2.0bn, which is to be completed no later than 20 April 2022.
3 Permitted transfers from the merger reserve to retained earnings were made when the investment in HSBC Overseas Holdings (UK) Limited was previously impaired. In 2021, a part reversal of this impairment resulted in a transfer from retained earnings back to the merger reserve of $3,065m. At 31 December 2020, an additional impairment of $435m (2019: $2,475m) was recognised and a permitted transfer of this amount was made from the merger reserve to retained earnings.
4 Includes an adjustment to retained earnings for a repayment of capital by a subsidiary of $1,650m, which had been recognised as dividend income in 2019.
Notes on the financial statements | ||||||
| Page |
| Page |
1 | Basis of preparation and significant accounting policies | 318 |
| 21 | Goodwill and intangible assets
| 365 |
2 | Net fee income | 329 |
| 22 | Prepayments, accrued income and other assets | 368 |
3 | Net income from financial instruments measured at fair value through profit or loss | 329 |
| 23 | Trading liabilities | 368 |
| 24 | Financial liabilities designated at fair value | 368 | |||
4 | Insurance business | 330 |
| 25 | Debt securities in issue | 369 |
5 | Employee compensation and benefits | 331 |
| 26 | Accruals, deferred income and other liabilities | 369 |
6 | Auditors' remuneration | 337 |
| 27 | Provisions | 369 |
7 | Tax | 338 |
| 28 | Subordinated liabilities | 370 |
8 | Dividends | 340 |
| 29 | Maturity analysis of assets, liabilities and off-balance sheet commitments | 373 |
9 | Earnings per share | 340 |
| |||
10 | Segmental analysis | 341 |
| 30 | Offsetting of financial assets and financial liabilities | 378 |
11 | Trading assets | 344 |
| 31 | Called up share capital and other equity instruments | 379 |
12 | Fair values of financial instruments carried at fair value | 344 |
| 32 | Contingent liabilities, contractual commitments and guarantees | 381 |
13 | Fair values of financial instruments not carried at fair value | 350 |
| 33 | Finance lease receivables | 382 |
14 | Financial assets designated and otherwise mandatorily measured at fair value through profit or loss | 351 |
| 34 | Legal proceedings and regulatory matters | 382 |
| 35 | Related party transactions | 385 | |||
15 | Derivatives | 352 |
| 36 | Business disposals | 387 |
16 | Financial investments | 356 |
| 37 | Events after the balance sheet date | 388 |
17 | Assets pledged, collateral received and assets transferred | 358 |
| 38 | HSBC Holdings' subsidiaries, joint ventures and associates | 388 |
18 | Interests in associates and joint ventures | 359 |
19 | Investments in subsidiaries | 362 |
20 | Structured entities | 363 |
1 | Basis of preparation and significant accounting policies |
1.1 Basis of preparation
(a) Compliance with International Financial Reporting Standards
The consolidated financial statements of HSBC and the separate financial statements of HSBC Holdings comply with UK-adopted international accounting standards and with the requirements of the Companies Act 2006, and have also applied international financial reporting standards adopted pursuant to Regulation (EC) No 1606/2002 as it applies in the European Union. These financial statements are also prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards ('IFRSs') as issued by the International Accounting Standards Board ('IASB'), including interpretations issued by the IFRS Interpretations Committee, as there are no applicable differences from IFRSs as issued by the IASB for the periods presented. There were no unendorsed standards effective for the year ended31 December 2021 affecting these consolidated and separate financial statements.
Standards adopted during the year ended 31 December 2021
There were no new accounting standards or interpretations that had a significant effect on HSBC in 2021. Accounting policies have been consistently applied.
(b) Differences between IFRSs and Hong Kong Financial Reporting Standards
There are no significant differences between IFRSs and Hong Kong Financial Reporting Standards in terms of their application to HSBC, and consequently there would be no significant differences had the financial statements been prepared in accordance with Hong Kong Financial Reporting Standards. The 'Notes on the financial statements', taken together with the 'Report of the Directors', include the aggregate of all disclosures necessary to satisfy IFRSs and Hong Kong reporting requirements.
(c) Future accounting developments
Minor amendments to IFRSs
The IASB has not published any minor amendments effective from 1 January 2021 that are applicable to HSBC. However, the IASB has published a number of minor amendments to IFRSs that are effective from 1 January 2022 and 1 January 2023. HSBC expects they will have an insignificant effect, when adopted, on the consolidated financial statements of HSBC and the separate financial statements of HSBC Holdings.
IFRS 17 'Insurance Contracts'
IFRS 17 'Insurance Contracts' was issued in May 2017, with amendments to the standard issued in June 2020. The standard sets out the requirements that an entity should apply in accounting for insurance contracts it issues and reinsurance contracts it holds. Following the amendments, IFRS 17 is effective from 1 January 2023. The standard has been endorsed for use in the EU but has not yet been endorsed for use in the UK. The Group is in the process of implementing IFRS 17. Industry practice and interpretation of the standard are still developing. Therefore, the likely financial impact of its implementation remains uncertain. However, we have the following expectations as to the impact compared with our current accounting policy for insurance contracts, which is set out in policy 1.2(j) below:
• Under IFRS 17, there will be no present value of in-force business ('PVIF') asset recognised. Instead the estimated future profit will be included in the measurement of the insurance contract liability as the contractual service margin ('CSM'), representing unearned profit, and this will be gradually recognised in revenue as services are provided over the duration of the insurance contract. While the profit over the life of an individual contract will be unchanged, its emergence will be later under IFRS 17. The removal of the PVIF asset and the recognition of CSM, which is a liability, will reduce equity. The PVIF asset will be eliminated to equity on transition, together with other adjustments to assets and liabilities to reflect IFRS 17 measurement requirements and any consequential amendments to financial assets in the scope of IFRS 9.
• IFRS 17 requires increased use of current market values in the measurement of insurance liabilities. Changes in market conditions for certain products measured under the general measurement approach are immediately recognised in profit or loss, while changes in market conditions for other products measured under the variable fee approach are included in the measurement of CSM.
• In accordance with IFRS 17, directly attributable costs will be incorporated in the CSM and recognised in the results of insurance services as a reduction in reported revenue, as profit is recognised over the duration of insurance contracts. Costs that are not directly attributable will remain in operating expenses. This will result in a reduction in reported operating expenses compared with the current accounting policy.
• We intend to provide an update on the likely financial impacts at or around our 2022 interim results announcement, when we expect that this will be reasonably estimable.
(d) Foreign currencies
HSBC's consolidated financial statements are presented in US dollars because the US dollar and currencies linked to it form the major currency bloc in which HSBC transacts and funds its business. The US dollar is also HSBC Holdings' functional currency because the US dollar and currencies linked to it are the most significant currencies relevant to the underlying transactions, events and conditions of its subsidiaries, as well as representing a significant proportion of its funds generated from financing activities.
Transactions in foreign currencies are recorded at the rate of exchange on the date of the transaction. Assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies are translated at the rate of exchange at the balance sheet date, except non-monetary assets and liabilities measured at historical cost, which are translated using the rate of exchange at the initial transaction date. Exchange differences are included in other comprehensive income or in the income statement depending on where the gain or loss on the underlying item is recognised. In the consolidated financial statements, the assets and liabilities of branches, subsidiaries, joint ventures and associates whose functional currency is not US dollars are translated into the Group's presentation currency at the rate of exchange at the balance sheet date, while their results are translated into US dollars at the average rates of exchange for the reporting period. Exchange differences arising are recognised in other comprehensive income. On disposal of a foreign operation, exchange differences previously recognised in other comprehensive income are reclassified to the income statement.
(e) Presentation of information
Certain disclosures required by IFRSs have been included in the sections marked as ('Audited') in the Annual Report and Accounts 2021 as follows:
• Disclosures concerning the nature and extent of risks relating to insurance contracts and financial instruments are included in the 'Risk review' on pages 120 to 216.
• The 'Own funds disclosure' is included in the 'Risk review' on page 193.
• Disclosures relating to HSBC's securitisation activities and structured products are included in the 'Risk review' on pages 120 to 216.
HSBC follows the UK Finance Disclosure Code. The UK Finance Disclosure Code aims to increase the quality and comparability of UK banks' disclosures and sets out five disclosure principles together with supporting guidance agreed in 2010. In line with the principles of the UK Finance Disclosure Code, HSBC assesses good practice recommendations issued from time to time by relevant regulators and standard setters, and will assess the applicability and relevance of such guidance, enhancing disclosures where appropriate.
(f) Critical accounting estimates and judgements
The preparation of financial information requires the use of estimates and judgements about future conditions. In view of the inherent uncertainties and the high level of subjectivity involved in the recognition or measurement of items, highlighted as the 'critical accounting estimates and judgements' in section 1.2 below, it is possible that the outcomes in the next financial year could differ from those on which management's estimates are based. This could result in materially different estimates and judgements from those reached by management for the purposes of these financial statements. Management's selection of HSBC's accounting policies that contain critical estimates and judgements reflects the materiality of the items to which the policies are applied and the high degree of judgement and estimation uncertainty involved.
(g) Segmental analysis
HSBC's Chief Operating Decision Maker is the Group Chief Executive, who is supported by the rest of the Group Executive Committee ('GEC'), which operates as a general management committee under the direct authority of the Board. Operating segments are reported in a manner consistent with the internal reporting provided to the Group Chief Executive and the GEC.
Measurement of segmental assets, liabilities, income and expenses is in accordance with the Group's accounting policies. Segmental income and expenses include transfers between segments, and these transfers are conducted at arm's length. Shared costs are included in segments on the basis of the actual recharges made.
(h) Going concern
The financial statements are prepared on a going concern basis, as the Directors are satisfied that the Group and parent company have the resources to continue in business for the foreseeable future. In making this assessment, the Directors have considered a wide range of information relating to present and future conditions, including future projections of profitability, cash flows, capital requirements and capital resources. These considerations include stressed scenarios that reflect the uncertainty that the global Covid-19 pandemic has had on HSBC's operations, as well as considering potential impacts from other top and emerging risks, and the related impact on profitability, capital and liquidity.
1.2 Summary of significant accounting policies
(a) Consolidation and related policies
Investments in subsidiaries
Where an entity is governed by voting rights, HSBC consolidates when it holds - directly or indirectly - the necessary voting rights to pass resolutions by the governing body. In all other cases, the assessment of control is more complex and requires judgement of other factors, including having exposure to variability of returns, power to direct relevant activities, and whether power is held as agent or principal.
Business combinations are accounted for using the acquisition method. The amount of non-controlling interest is measured either at fair value or at the non-controlling interest's proportionate share of the acquiree's identifiable net assets. This election is made for each business combination.
HSBC Holdings' investments in subsidiaries are stated at cost less impairment losses.
Goodwill is allocated to cash-generating units ('CGUs') for the purpose of impairment testing, which is undertaken at the lowest level at which goodwill is monitored for internal management purposes. HSBC's CGUs are based on geographical regions subdivided by global business, except for Global Banking and Markets, for which goodwill is monitored on a global basis.
Impairment testing is performed at least once a year, or whenever there is an indication of impairment, by comparing the recoverable amount of a CGU with its carrying amount.
Goodwill is included in a disposal group if the disposal group is a CGU to which goodwill has been allocated or it is an operation within such a CGU. The amount of goodwill included in a disposal group is measured on the basis of the relative values of the operation disposed of and the portion of the CGU retained.
Critical accounting estimates and judgements
The review of goodwill and non-financial assets (see Note 1.2(n)) for impairment reflects management's best estimate of the future cash flows of the CGUs and the rates used to discount these cash flows, both of which are subject to uncertain factors as follows: | |
• The accuracy of forecast cash flows is subject to a high degree of uncertainty in volatile market conditions. Where such circumstances are determined to exist, management re-tests goodwill for impairment more frequently than once a year when indicators of impairment exist. This ensures that the assumptions on which the cash flow forecasts are based continue to reflect current market conditions and management's best estimate of future business prospects. | • The future cash flows of the CGUs are sensitive to the cash flows projected for the periods for which detailed forecasts are available and to assumptions regarding the long-term pattern of sustainable cash flows thereafter. Forecasts are compared with actual performance and verifiable economic data, but they reflect management's view of future business prospects at the time of the assessment. • The rates used to discount future expected cash flows can have a significant effect on their valuation, and are based on the costs of equity assigned to individual CGUs. The cost of equity percentage is generally derived from a capital asset pricing model and market implied cost of equity, which incorporates inputs reflecting a number of financial and economic variables, including the risk-free interest rate in the country concerned and a premium for the risk of the business being evaluated. These variables are subject to fluctuations in external market rates and economic conditions beyond management's control. • Key assumptions used in estimating goodwill and non-financial asset impairment are described in Note 21. |
HSBC sponsored structured entities
HSBC is considered to sponsor another entity if, in addition to ongoing involvement with the entity, it had a key role in establishing that entity or in bringing together relevant counterparties so the transaction that is the purpose of the entity could occur. HSBC is generally not considered a sponsor if the only involvement with the entity is merely administrative.
Interests in associates and joint arrangements
Joint arrangements are investments in which HSBC, together with one or more parties, has joint control. Depending on HSBC's rights and obligations, the joint arrangement is classified as either a joint operation or a joint venture. HSBC classifies investments in entities over which it has significant influence, and that are neither subsidiaries nor joint arrangements, as associates.
HSBC recognises its share of the assets, liabilities and results in a joint operation. Investments in associates and interests in joint ventures are recognised using the equity method. The attributable share of the results and reserves of joint ventures and associates is included in the consolidated financial statements of HSBC based on either financial statements made up to 31 December or pro-rated amounts adjusted for any material transactions or events occurring between the date the financial statements are available and 31 December.
Investments in associates and joint ventures are assessed at each reporting date and tested for impairment when there is an indication that the investment may be impaired. Goodwill on acquisitions of interests in joint ventures and associates is not tested separately for impairment, but is assessed as part of the carrying amount of the investment.
Critical accounting estimates and judgements
The most significant critical accounting estimates relate to the assessment of impairment of our investment in Bank of Communications Co. Limited ('BoCom'), which involves estimations of value in use: | |
| • Management's best estimate of BoCom's earnings are based on management's explicit forecasts over the short to medium term and the capital maintenance charge, which is management's forecast of the earnings that need to be withheld in order for BoCom to meet capital requirements over the forecast period, both of which are subject to uncertain factors. • Key assumptions used in estimating BoCom's value in use, the sensitivity of the value in use calculations to different assumptions and a sensitivity analysis that shows the changes in key assumptions that would reduce the excess of value in use over the carrying amount (the 'headroom') to nil are described in Note 18. |
(b) Income and expense
Operating income
Interest income and expense
Interest income and expense for all financial instruments, excluding those classified as held for trading or designated at fair value, are recognised in 'Interest income' and 'Interest expense' in the income statement using the effective interest method. However, as an exception to this, interest on debt instruments issued by HSBC for funding purposes that are designated under the fair value option to reduce an accounting mismatch and on derivatives managed in conjunction with those debt instruments is included in interest expense.
Interest on credit-impaired financial assets is recognised using the rate of interest used to discount the future cash flows for the purpose of measuring the impairment loss.
Non-interest income and expense
HSBC generates fee income from services provided at a fixed price over time, such as account service and card fees, or when HSBC delivers a specific transaction at a point in time, such as broking services and import/export services. With the exception of certain fund management and performance fees, all other fees are generated at a fixed price. Fund management and performance fees can be variable depending on the size of the customer portfolio and HSBC's performance as fund manager. Variable fees are recognised when all uncertainties are resolved. Fee income is generally earned from short-term contracts with payment terms that do not include a significant financing component.
HSBC acts as principal in the majority of contracts with customers, with the exception of broking services. For most brokerage trades, HSBC acts as agent in the transaction and recognises broking income net of fees payable to other parties in the arrangement.
HSBC recognises fees earned on transaction-based arrangements at a point in time when it has fully provided the service to the customer. Where the contract requires services to be provided over time, income is recognised on a systematic basis over the life of the agreement.
Where HSBC offers a package of services that contains multiple non-distinct performance obligations, such as those included in account service packages, the promised services are treated as a single performance obligation. If a package of services contains distinct performance obligations, such as those including both account and insurance services, the corresponding transaction price is allocated to each performance obligation based on the estimated stand-alone selling prices.
Dividend income is recognised when the right to receive payment is established. This is the ex-dividend date for listed equity securities, and usually the date when shareholders approve the dividend for unlisted equity securities.
Net income/(expense) from financial instruments measured at fair value through profit or loss includes the following:
• 'Net income from financial instruments held for trading or managed on a fair value basis': This comprises net trading income, which includes all gains and losses from changes in the fair value of financial assets and financial liabilities held for trading and other financial instruments managed on a fair value basis, together with the related interest income, expense and dividends, excluding the effect of changes in the credit risk of liabilities managed on a fair value basis. It also includes all gains and losses from changes in the fair value of derivatives that are managed in conjunction with financial assets and liabilities measured at fair value through profit or loss.
• 'Net income/(expense) from assets and liabilities of insurance businesses, including related derivatives, measured at fair value through profit or loss': This includes interest income, interest expense and dividend income in respect of financial assets and liabilities measured at fair value through profit or loss; and those derivatives managed in conjunction with the above that can be separately identifiable from other trading derivatives.
• 'Changes in fair value of designated debt instruments and related derivatives': Interest paid on debt instruments and interest cash flows on related derivatives is presented in interest expense where doing so reduces an accounting mismatch.
• 'Changes in fair value of other financial instruments mandatorily measured at fair value through profit or loss': This includes interest on instruments that fail the solely payments of principal and interest test, see (d) below.
The accounting policies for insurance premium income are disclosed in Note 1.2(j).
(c) Valuation of financial instruments
All financial instruments are initially recognised at fair value. Fair value is the price that would be received to sell an asset or paid to transfer a liability in an orderly transaction between market participants at the measurement date. The fair value of a financial instrument on initial recognition is generally its transaction price (that is, the fair value of the consideration given or received). However, if there is a difference between the transaction price and the fair value of financial instruments whose fair value is based on a quoted price in an active market or a valuation technique that uses only data from observable markets, HSBC recognises the difference as a trading gain or loss at inception (a 'day 1 gain or loss'). In all other cases, the entire day 1 gain or loss is deferred and recognised in the income statement over the life of the transaction until the transaction matures, is closed out, the valuation inputs become observable or HSBC enters into an offsetting transaction. The fair value of financial instruments is generally measured on an individual basis. However, in cases where HSBC manages a group of financial assets and liabilities according to its net market or credit risk exposure, the fair value of the group of financial instruments is measured on a net basis but the underlying financial assets and liabilities are presented separately in the financial statements, unless they satisfy the IFRS offsetting criteria.
Critical accounting estimates and judgements
The majority of valuation techniques employ only observable market data. However, certain financial instruments are classified on the basis of valuation techniques that feature one or more significant market inputs that are unobservable, and for them, the measurement of fair value is more judgemental: | |
• An instrument in its entirety is classified as valued using significant unobservable inputs if, in the opinion of management, a significant proportion of the instrument's inception profit or greater than 5% of the instrument's valuation is driven by unobservable inputs. • 'Unobservable' in this context means that there is little or no current market data available from which to determine the price at which an arm's length transaction would be likely to occur. It generally does not mean that there is no data available at all upon which to base a determination of fair value (consensus pricing data may, for example, be used). | • Details on the Group's level 3 financial instruments and the sensitivity of their valuation to the effect of applying reasonable possible alternative assumptions in determining their fair value are set out in Note 12. |
(d) Financial instruments measured at amortised cost
Financial assets that are held to collect the contractual cash flows and which contain contractual terms that give rise on specified dates to cash flows that are solely payments of principal and interest are measured at amortised cost. Such financial assets include most loans and advances to banks and customers and some debt securities. In addition, most financial liabilities are measured at amortised cost. HSBC accounts for regular way amortised cost financial instruments using trade date accounting. The carrying value of these financial assets at initial recognition includes any directly attributable transactions costs.
HSBC may commit to underwriting loans on fixed contractual terms for specified periods of time. When the loan arising from the lending commitment is expected to be held for trading, the commitment to lend is recorded as a derivative. When HSBC intends to hold the loan, the loan commitment is included in the impairment calculations set out below.
Non-trading reverse repurchase, repurchase and similar agreements
When debt securities are sold subject to a commitment to repurchase them at a predetermined price ('repos'), they remain on the balance sheet and a liability is recorded in respect of the consideration received. Securities purchased under commitments to resell ('reverse repos') are not recognised on the balance sheet and an asset is recorded in respect of the initial consideration paid. Non-trading repos and reverse repos are measured at amortised cost. The difference between the sale and repurchase price or between the purchase and resale price is treated as interest and recognised in net interest income over the life of the agreement.
Contracts that are economically equivalent to reverse repo or repo agreements (such as sales or purchases of debt securities entered into together with total return swaps with the same counterparty) are accounted for similarly to, and presented together with, reverse repo or repo agreements.
(e) Financial assets measured at fair value through other comprehensive income
Financial assets held for a business model that is achieved by both collecting contractual cash flows and selling and which contain contractual terms that give rise on specified dates to cash flows that are solely payments of principal and interest are measured at fair value through other comprehensive income ('FVOCI'). These comprise primarily debt securities. They are recognised on the trade date when HSBC enters into contractual arrangements to purchase and are normally derecognised when they are either sold or redeemed. They are subsequently remeasured at fair value and changes therein (except for those relating to impairment, interest income and foreign currency exchange gains and losses) are recognised in other comprehensive income until the assets are sold. Upon disposal, the cumulative gains or losses in other comprehensive income are recognised in the income statement as 'Gains less losses from financial instruments'. Financial assets measured at FVOCI are included in the impairment calculations set out below and impairment is recognised in profit or loss.
(f) Equity securities measured at fair value with fair value movements presented in other comprehensive income
The equity securities for which fair value movements are shown in other comprehensive income are business facilitation and other similar investments where HSBC holds the investments other than to generate a capital return. Gains or losses on the derecognition of these equity securities are not transferred to profit or loss. Otherwise, equity securities are measured at fair value through profit or loss (except for dividend income, which is recognised in profit or loss).
(g) Financial instruments designated at fair value through profit or loss
Financial instruments, other than those held for trading, are classified in this category if they meet one or more of the criteria set out below and are so designated irrevocably at inception:
• The use of the designation removes or significantly reduces an accounting mismatch.
• A group of financial assets and liabilities or a group of financial liabilities is managed and its performance is evaluated on a fair value basis, in accordance with a documented risk management or investment strategy.
• The financial liability contains one or more non-closely related embedded derivatives.
Designated financial assets are recognised when HSBC enters into contracts with counterparties, which is generally on trade date, and are normally derecognised when the rights to the cash flows expire or are transferred. Designated financial liabilities are recognised when HSBC enters into contracts with counterparties, which is generally on settlement date, and are normally derecognised when extinguished. Subsequent changes in fair values are recognised in the income statement in 'Net income from financial instruments held for trading or managed on a fair value basis' or 'Net income/(expense) from assets and liabilities of insurance businesses, including related derivatives, measured at fair value through profit or loss' except for the effect of changes in the liabilities' credit risk, which is presented in 'Other comprehensive income', unless that treatment would create or enlarge an accounting mismatch in profit or loss.
Under the above criterion, the main classes of financial instruments designated by HSBC are:
• Debt instruments for funding purposes that are designated to reduce an accounting mismatch: The interest and/or foreign exchange exposure on certain fixed-rate debt securities issued has been matched with the interest and/or foreign exchange exposure on certain swaps as part of a documented risk management strategy.
• Financial assets and financial liabilities under unit-linked and non-linked investment contracts: A contract under which HSBC does not accept significant insurance risk from another party is not classified as an insurance contract, other than investment contracts with discretionary participation features ('DPF'), but is accounted for as a financial liability. Customer liabilities under linked and certain non-linked investment contracts issued by insurance subsidiaries are determined based on the fair value of the assets held in the linked funds. If no fair value designation was made for the related assets, at least some of the assets would otherwise be measured at either fair value through other comprehensive income or amortised cost. The related financial assets and liabilities are managed and reported to management on a fair value basis. Designation at fair value of the financial assets and related liabilities allows changes in fair values to be recorded in the income statement and presented in the same line.
• Financial liabilities that contain both deposit and derivative components: These financial liabilities are managed and their performance evaluated on a fair value basis.
(h) Derivatives
Derivatives are financial instruments that derive their value from the price of underlying items such as equities, interest rates or other indices. Derivatives are recognised initially and are subsequently measured at fair value through profit or loss. Derivatives are classified as assets when their fair value is positive or as liabilities when their fair value is negative. This includes embedded derivatives in financial liabilities, which are bifurcated from the host contract when they meet the definition of a derivative on a stand-alone basis.
Where the derivatives are managed with debt securities issued by HSBC that are designated at fair value, the contractual interest is shown in 'Interest expense' together with the interest payable on the issued debt.
Hedge accounting
When derivatives are not part of fair value designated relationships, if held for risk management purposes they are designated in hedge accounting relationships where the required criteria for documentation and hedge effectiveness are met. HSBC uses these derivatives or, where allowed, other non-derivative hedging instruments in fair value hedges, cash flow hedges or hedges of net investments in foreign operations as appropriate to the risk being hedged.
Fair value hedge
Fair value hedge accounting does not change the recording of gains and losses on derivatives and other hedging instruments, but results in recognising changes in the fair value of the hedged assets or liabilities attributable to the hedged risk that would not otherwise be recognised in the income statement. If a hedge relationship no longer meets the criteria for hedge accounting, hedge accounting is discontinued and the cumulative adjustment to the carrying amount of the hedged item is amortised to the income statement on a recalculated effective interest rate, unless the hedged item has been derecognised, in which case it is recognised in the income statement immediately.
Cash flow hedge
The effective portion of gains and losses on hedging instruments is recognised in other comprehensive income and the ineffective portion of the change in fair value of derivative hedging instruments that are part of a cash flow hedge relationship is recognised immediately in the income statement within 'Net income from financial instruments held for trading or managed on a fair value basis'. The accumulated gains and losses recognised in other comprehensive income are reclassified to the income statement in the same periods in which the hedged item affects profit or loss. When a hedge relationship is discontinued, or partially discontinued, any cumulative gain or loss recognised in other comprehensive income remains in equity until the forecast transaction is recognised in the income statement. When a forecast transaction is no longer expected to occur, the cumulative gain or loss previously recognised in other comprehensive income is immediately reclassified to the income statement.
Net investment hedge
Hedges of net investments in foreign operations are accounted for in a similar way to cash flow hedges. The effective portion of gains and losses on the hedging instrument is recognised in other comprehensive income and other gains and losses are recognised immediately in the income statement. Gains and losses previously recognised in other comprehensive income are reclassified to the income statement on the disposal, or part disposal, of the foreign operation.
Derivatives that do not qualify for hedge accounting
Non-qualifying hedges are derivatives entered into as economic hedges of assets and liabilities for which hedge accounting was not applied.
(i) Impairment of amortised cost and FVOCI financial assets
Expected credit losses ('ECL') are recognised for loans and advances to banks and customers, non-trading reverse repurchase agreements, other financial assets held at amortised cost, debt instruments measured at FVOCI, and certain loan commitments and financial guarantee contracts. At initial recognition, allowance (or provision in the case of some loan commitments and financial guarantees) is required for ECL resulting from default events that are possible within the next 12 months, or less, where the remaining life is less than 12 months ('12-month ECL'). In the event of a significant increase in credit risk, allowance (or provision) is required for ECL resulting from all possible default events over the expected life of the financial instrument ('lifetime ECL'). Financial assets where12-month ECL is recognised are considered to be 'stage 1'; financial assets that are considered to have experienced a significant increase in credit risk are in 'stage 2'; and financial assets for which there is objective evidence of impairment so are considered to be in default or otherwise credit impaired are in 'stage 3'. Purchased or originated credit-impaired financial assets ('POCI') are treated differently, as set out below.
Credit impaired (stage 3)
HSBC determines that a financial instrument is credit impaired and in stage 3 by considering relevant objective evidence, primarily whether:
• contractual payments of either principal or interest are past due for more than 90 days;
• there are other indications that the borrower is unlikely to pay, such as when a concession has been granted to the borrower for economic or legal reasons relating to the borrower's financial condition; and
• the loan is otherwise considered to be in default.
If such unlikeliness to pay is not identified at an earlier stage, it is deemed to occur when an exposure is 90 days past due, even where regulatory rules permit default to be defined based on 180 days past due. Therefore, the definitions of credit impaired and default are aligned as far as possible so that stage 3 represents all loans that are considered defaulted or otherwise credit impaired.
Interest income is recognised by applying the effective interest rate to the amortised cost amount, i.e. gross carrying amount less ECL allowance.
Financial assets (and the related impairment allowances) are normally written off, either partially or in full, when there is no realistic prospect of recovery. Where loans are secured, this is generally after receipt of any proceeds from the realisation of security. In circumstances where the net realisable value of any collateral has been determined and there is no reasonable expectation of further recovery, write-off may be earlier.
Loans are identified as renegotiated and classified as credit impaired when we modify the contractual payment terms due to significant credit distress of the borrower. Renegotiated loans remain classified as credit impaired until there is sufficient evidence to demonstrate a significant reduction in the risk of non-payment of future cash flows and retain the designation of renegotiated until maturity or derecognition.
A loan that is renegotiated is derecognised if the existing agreement is cancelled and a new agreement is made on substantially different terms, or if the terms of an existing agreement are modified such that the renegotiated loan is a substantially different financial instrument. Any new loans that arise following derecognition events in these circumstances are considered to be POCI and will continue to be disclosed as renegotiated loans.
Other than originated credit-impaired loans, all other modified loans could be transferred out of stage 3 if they no longer exhibit any evidence of being credit impaired and, in the case of renegotiated loans, there is sufficient evidence to demonstrate a significant reduction in the risk of non-payment of future cash flows over the minimum observation period, and there are no other indicators of impairment. These loans could be transferred to stage 1 or 2 based on the mechanism as described below by comparing the risk of a default occurring at the reporting date (based on the modified contractual terms) and the risk of a default occurring at initial recognition (based on the original, unmodified contractual terms). Any amount written off as a result of the modification of contractual terms would not be reversed.
Loan modifications other than renegotiated loans
Loan modifications that are not identified as renegotiated are considered to be commercial restructuring. Where a commercial restructuring results in a modification (whether legalised through an amendment to the existing terms or the issuance of a new loan contract) such that HSBC's rights to the cash flows under the original contract have expired, the old loan is derecognised and the new loan is recognised at fair value. The rights to cash flows are generally considered to have expired if the commercial restructure is at market rates and no payment-related concession has been provided. Mandatory and general offer loan modifications that are not borrower-specific, for example market-wide customer relief programmes, have not been classified as renegotiated loans and generally have not resulted in derecognition, but their stage allocation is determined considering all available and supportable information under our ECL impairment policy. Changes made to these financial instruments that are economically equivalent and required by interest rate benchmark reform do not result in the derecognition or a change in the carrying amount of the financial instrument, but instead require the effective interest rate to be updated to reflect the change of the interest rate benchmark.
Significant increase in credit risk (stage 2)
An assessment of whether credit risk has increased significantly since initial recognition is performed at each reporting period by considering the change in the risk of default occurring over the remaining life of the financial instrument. The assessment explicitly or implicitly compares the risk of default occurring at the reporting date compared with that at initial recognition, taking into account reasonable and supportable information, including information about past events, current conditions and future economic conditions. The assessment is unbiased, probability-weighted, and to the extent relevant, uses forward-looking information consistent with that used in the measurement of ECL. The analysis of credit risk is multifactor. The determination of whether a specific factor is relevant and its weight compared with other factors depends on the type of product, the characteristics of the financial instrument and the borrower, and the geographical region. Therefore, it is not possible to provide a single set of criteria that will determine what is considered to be a significant increase in credit risk, and these criteria will differ for different types of lending, particularly between retail and wholesale. However, unless identified at an earlier stage, all financial assets are deemed to have suffered a significant increase in credit risk when 30 days past due. In addition, wholesale loans that are individually assessed, which are typically corporate and commercial customers, and included on a watch or worry list, are included in stage 2.
For wholesale portfolios, the quantitative comparison assesses default risk using a lifetime probability of default ('PD'), which encompasses a wide range of information including the obligor's customer risk rating ('CRR'), macroeconomic condition forecasts and credit transition probabilities. For origination CRRs up to 3.3, significant increase in credit risk is measured by comparing the average PD for the remaining term estimated at origination with the equivalent estimation at the reporting date. The quantitative measure of significance varies depending on the credit quality at origination as follows:
0.1-1.2 | 15bps |
2.1-3.3 | 30bps |
For CRRs greater than 3.3 that are not impaired, a significant increase in credit risk is considered to have occurred when the origination PD has doubled. The significance of changes in PD was informed by expert credit risk judgement, referenced to historical credit migrations and to relative changes in external market rates.
For loans originated prior to the implementation of IFRS 9, the origination PD does not include adjustments to reflect expectations of future macroeconomic conditions since these are not available without the use of hindsight. In the absence of this data, origination PD must be approximated assuming through-the-cycle PDs and through-the-cycle migration probabilities, consistent with the instrument's underlying modelling approach and the CRR at origination. For these loans, the quantitative comparison is supplemented with additional CRR deterioration-based thresholds, as set out in the table below:
0.1 | 5 notches |
1.1-4.2 | 4 notches |
4.3-5.1 | 3 notches |
5.2-7.1 | 2 notches |
7.2-8.2 | 1 notch |
8.3 | 0 notch |
Further information about the 23-grade scale used for CRR can be found on page 138.
For certain portfolios of debt securities where external market ratings are available and credit ratings are not used in credit risk management, the debt securities will be in stage 2 if their credit risk increases to the extent they are no longer considered investment grade. Investment grade is where the financial instrument has a low risk of incurring losses, the structure has a strong capacity to meet its contractual cash flow obligations in the near term, and adverse changes in economic and business conditions in the longer term may, but will not necessarily, reduce the ability of the borrower to fulfil their contractual cash flow obligations.
For retail portfolios, default risk is assessed using a reporting date 12-month PD derived from credit scores, which incorporates all available information about the customer. This PD is adjusted for the effect of macroeconomic forecasts for periods longer than12 months and is considered to be a reasonable approximation of a lifetime PD measure. Retail exposures are first segmented into homogeneous portfolios, generally by country, product and brand. Within each portfolio, the stage 2 accounts are defined as accounts with an adjusted 12-month PD greater than the average 12-month PD of loans in that portfolio 12 months before they become 30 days past due. The expert credit risk judgement is that no prior increase in credit risk is significant. This portfolio-specific threshold identifies loans with a PD higher than would be expected from loans that are performing as originally expected, and higher than what would have been acceptable at origination. It therefore approximates a comparison of origination to reporting date PDs.
Unimpaired and without significant increase in credit risk (stage 1)
ECL resulting from default events that are possible within the next 12 months ('12-month ECL') are recognised for financial instruments that remain in stage 1.
Purchased or originated credit impaired
Financial assets that are purchased or originated at a deep discount that reflects the incurred credit losses are considered to be POCI. This population includes the recognition of a new financial instrument following a renegotiation where concessions have been granted for economic or contractual reasons relating to the borrower's financial difficulty that otherwise would not have been considered. The amount of change-in-lifetime ECL is recognised in profit or loss until the POCI is derecognised, even if the lifetime ECL are less than the amount of ECL included in the estimated cash flows on initial recognition.
Movement between stages
Financial assets can be transferred between the different categories (other than POCI) depending on their relative increase in credit risk since initial recognition. Financial instruments are transferred out of stage 2 if their credit risk is no longer considered to be significantly increased since initial recognition based on the assessments described above. Except for renegotiated loans, financial instruments are transferred out of stage 3 when they no longer exhibit any evidence of credit impairment as described above. Renegotiated loans that are not POCI will continue to be in stage 3 until there is sufficient evidence to demonstrate a significant reduction in the risk of non-payment of future cash flows, observed over a minimum one-year period and there are no other indicators of impairment. For loans that are assessed for impairment on a portfolio basis, the evidence typically comprises a history of payment performance against the original or revised terms, as appropriate to the circumstances. For loans that are assessed for impairment on an individual basis, all available evidence is assessed on a case-by-case basis.
Measurement of ECL
The assessment of credit risk and the estimation of ECL are unbiased and probability-weighted, and incorporate all available information that is relevant to the assessment including information about past events, current conditions and reasonable and supportable forecasts of future events and economic conditions at the reporting date. In addition, the estimation of ECL should take into account the time value of money.
In general, HSBC calculates ECL using three main components: a probability of default, a loss given default ('LGD') and the exposure at default ('EAD').
The 12-month ECL is calculated by multiplying the 12-month PD, LGD and EAD. Lifetime ECL is calculated using the lifetime PD instead. The 12-month and lifetime PDs represent the probability of default occurring over the next 12 months and the remaining maturity of the instrument respectively.
The EAD represents the expected balance at default, taking into account the repayment of principal and interest from the balance sheet date to the default event together with any expected drawdowns of committed facilities. The LGD represents expected losses on the EAD given the event of default, taking into account, among other attributes, the mitigating effect of collateral value at the time it is expected to be realised and the time value of money.
HSBC makes use of the Basel II IRB framework where possible, with recalibration to meet the differing IFRS 9 requirements as set out in the following table:
PD | • Through the cycle (represents long-run average PD throughout a full economic cycle) • The definition of default includes a backstop of 90+ days past due, although this has been modified to 180+ days past due for some portfolios, particularly UK and US mortgages | • Point in time (based on current conditions, adjusted to take into account estimates of future conditions that will impact PD) • Default backstop of 90+ days past due for all portfolios |
EAD | • Cannot be lower than current balance | • Amortisation captured for term products |
LGD | • Downturn LGD (consistent losses expected to be suffered during a severe but plausible economic downturn) • Regulatory floors may apply to mitigate risk of underestimating downturn LGD due to lack of historical data • Discounted using cost of capital • All collection costs included | • Expected LGD (based on estimate of loss given default including the expected impact of future economic conditions such as changes in value of collateral) • No floors • Discounted using the original effective interest rate of the loan • Only costs associated with obtaining/selling collateral included |
Other |
| • Discounted back from point of default to balance sheet date |
While 12-month PDs are recalibrated from Basel II models where possible, the lifetime PDs are determined by projecting the 12-month PD using a term structure. For the wholesale methodology, the lifetime PD also takes into account credit migration, i.e. a customer migrating through the CRR bands over its life.
The ECL for wholesale stage 3 is determined on an individual basis using a discounted cash flow ('DCF') methodology. The expected future cash flows are based on the credit risk officer's estimates as at the reporting date, reflecting reasonable and supportable assumptions and projections of future recoveries and expected future receipts of interest. Collateral is taken into account if it is likely that the recovery of the outstanding amount will include realisation of collateral based on the estimated fair value of collateral at the time of expected realisation, less costs for obtaining and selling the collateral. The cash flows are discounted at a reasonable approximation of the original effective interest rate. For significant cases, cash flows under four different scenarios are probability-weighted by reference to the economic scenarios applied more generally by the Group and the judgement of the credit risk officer in relation to the likelihood of the workout strategy succeeding or receivership being required. For less significant cases, the effect of different economic scenarios and work-out strategies is approximated and applied as an adjustment to the most likely outcome.
Period over which ECL is measured
Expected credit loss is measured from the initial recognition of the financial asset. The maximum period considered when measuring ECL (be it 12-month or lifetime ECL) is the maximum contractual period over which HSBC is exposed to credit risk. For wholesale overdrafts, credit risk management actions are taken no less frequently than on an annual basis and therefore this period is to the expected date of the next substantive credit review. The date of the substantive credit review also represents the initial recognition of the new facility. However, where the financial instrument includes both a drawn and undrawn commitment and the contractual ability to demand repayment and cancel the undrawn commitment does not serve to limit HSBC's exposure to credit risk to the contractual notice period, the contractual period does not determine the maximum period considered. Instead, ECL is measured over the period HSBC remains exposed to credit risk that is not mitigated by credit risk management actions. This applies to retail overdrafts and credit cards, where the period is the average time taken for stage 2 exposures to default or close as performing accounts, determined on a portfolio basis and ranging from between two and six years. In addition, for these facilities it is not possible to identify the ECL on the loan commitment component separately from the financial asset component. As a result, the total ECL is recognised in the loss allowance for the financial asset unless the total ECL exceeds the gross carrying amount of the financial asset, in which case the ECL is recognised as a provision.
Forward-looking economic inputs
HSBC applies multiple forward-looking global economic scenarios determined with reference to external forecast distributions representative of its view of forecast economic conditions. This approach is considered sufficient to calculate unbiased expected loss in most economic environments. In certain economic environments, additional analysis may be necessary and may result in additional scenarios or adjustments, to reflect a range of possible economic outcomes sufficient for an unbiased estimate. The detailed methodology is disclosed in 'Measurement uncertainty and sensitivity analysis of ECL estimates' on page 144.
Critical accounting estimates and judgements
The calculation of the Group's ECL under IFRS 9 requires the Group to make a number of judgements, assumptions and estimates. The most significant are set out below: | |
• Defining what is considered to be a significant increase in credit risk • Determining the lifetime and point of initial recognition of overdrafts and credit cards • Selecting and calibrating the PD, LGD and EAD models, which support the calculations, including making reasonable and supportable judgements about how models react to current and future economic conditions • Selecting model inputs and economic forecasts, including determining whether sufficient and appropriately weighted economic forecasts are incorporated to calculate unbiased expected loss • Making management adjustments to account for late breaking events, model and data limitations and deficiencies, and expert credit judgements | • The section 'Measurement uncertainty and sensitivity analysis of ECL estimates', marked as audited from page 144, sets out the assumptions used in determining ECL, and provides an indication of the sensitivity of the result to the application of different weightings being applied to different economic assumptions
(j) Insurance contracts
A contract is classified as an insurance contract where HSBC accepts significant insurance risk from another party by agreeing to compensate that party on the occurrence of a specified uncertain future event. An insurance contract may also transfer financial risk, but is accounted for as an insurance contract if the insurance risk is significant. In addition, HSBC issues investment contracts with discretionary participation features ('DPF'), which are also accounted for as insurance contracts as required by IFRS 4 'Insurance Contracts'.
Net insurance premium income
Premiums for life insurance contracts are accounted for when receivable, except in unit-linked insurance contracts where premiums are accounted for when liabilities are established. Reinsurance premiums are accounted for in the same accounting period as the premiums for the direct insurance contracts to which they relate.
Net insurance claims and benefits paid and movements in liabilities to policyholders
Gross insurance claims for life insurance contracts reflect the total cost of claims arising during the year, including claim handling costs and any policyholder bonuses allocated in anticipation of a bonus declaration.
Maturity claims are recognised when due for payment. Surrenders are recognised when paid or at an earlier date on which, following notification, the policy ceases to be included within the calculation of the related insurance liabilities. Death claims are recognised when notified.
Reinsurance recoveries are accounted for in the same period as the related claim.
Liabilities under insurance contracts
Liabilities under non-linked life insurance contracts are calculated by each life insurance operation based on local actuarial principles. Liabilities under unit-linked life insurance contracts are at least equivalent to the surrender or transfer value, which is calculated by reference to the value of the relevant underlying funds or indices.
Future profit participation on insurance contracts with DPF
Where contracts provide discretionary profit participation benefits to policyholders, liabilities for these contracts include provisions for the future discretionary benefits to policyholders. These provisions reflect the actual performance of the investment portfolio to date and management's expectation of the future performance of the assets backing the contracts, as well as other experience factors such as mortality, lapses and operational efficiency, where appropriate. The benefits to policyholders may be determined by the contractual terms, regulation, or past distribution policy.
Investment contracts with DPF
While investment contracts with DPF are financial instruments, they continue to be treated as insurance contracts as required by IFRS 4. The Group therefore recognises the premiums for these contracts as revenue and recognises as an expense the resulting increase in the carrying amount of the liability.
In the case of net unrealised investment gains on these contracts, whose discretionary benefits principally reflect the actual performance of the investment portfolio, the corresponding increase in the liabilities is recognised in either the income statement or other comprehensive income, following the treatment of the unrealised gains on the relevant assets. In the case of net unrealised losses, a deferred participating asset is recognised only to the extent that its recoverability is highly probable. Movements in the liabilities arising from realised gains and losses on relevant assets are recognised in the income statement.
Present value of in-force long-term insurance business
HSBC recognises the value placed on insurance contracts and investment contracts with DPF, which are classified as long-term and in-force at the balance sheet date, as an asset. The asset represents the present value of the equity holders' interest in the issuing insurance companies' profits expected to emerge from these contracts written at the balance sheet date. The present value of in-force business ('PVIF') is determined by discounting those expected future profits using appropriate assumptions in assessing factors such as future mortality, lapse rates and levels of expenses, and a risk discount rate that reflects the risk premium attributable to the respective contracts. The PVIF incorporates allowances for both non-market risk and the value of financial options and guarantees. The PVIF asset is presented gross of attributable tax in the balance sheet and movements in the PVIF asset are included in 'Other operating income' on a gross of tax basis.
(k) Employee compensation and benefits
Share-based payments
HSBC enters into both equity-settled and cash-settled share-based payment arrangements with its employees as compensation for the provision of their services.
The vesting period for these schemes may commence before the legal grant date if the employees have started to render services in respect of the award before the legal grant date, where there is a shared understanding of the terms and conditions of the arrangement. Expenses are recognised when the employee starts to render service to which the award relates.
Cancellations result from the failure to meet a non-vesting condition during the vesting period, and are treated as an acceleration of vesting recognised immediately in the income statement. Failure to meet a vesting condition by the employee is not treated as a cancellation, and the amount of expense recognised for the award is adjusted to reflect the number of awards expected to vest.
Post-employment benefit plans
HSBC operates a number of pension schemes including defined benefit, defined contribution and post-employment benefit schemes.
Payments to defined contribution schemes are charged as an expense as the employees render service.
Defined benefit pension obligations are calculated using the projected unit credit method. The net charge to the income statement mainly comprises the service cost and the net interest on the net defined benefit asset or liability, and is presented in operating expenses. Remeasurements of the net defined benefit asset or liability, which comprise actuarial gains and losses, return on plan assets excluding interest and the effect of the asset ceiling (if any, excluding interest), are recognised immediately in other comprehensive income. The net defined benefit asset or liability represents the present value of defined benefit obligations reduced by the fair value of plan assets (see policy (c)), after applying the asset ceiling test, where the net defined benefit surplus is limited to the present value of available refunds and reductions in future contributions to the plan.
The cost of obligations arising from other post-employment plans are accounted for on the same basis as defined benefit pension plans.
Critical accounting estimates and judgements
The most significant critical accounting estimates relate to the determination of key assumptions applied in calculating the defined benefit pension obligation for the principal plan. | |
| • A range of assumptions could be applied, and different assumptions could significantly alter the defined benefit obligation and the amounts recognised in profit or loss or OCI. • The calculation of the defined benefit pension obligation includes assumptions with regard to the discount rate, inflation rate, pension payments and deferred pensions, pay and mortality. Management determines these assumptions in consultation with the plan's actuaries. • Key assumptions used in calculating the defined benefit pension obligation for the principal plan and the sensitivity of the calculation to different assumptions are described in Note 5. |
(l) Tax
Income tax comprises current tax and deferred tax. Income tax is recognised in the income statement except to the extent that it relates to items recognised in other comprehensive income or directly in equity, in which case the tax is recognised in the same statement as the related item appears.
Current tax is the tax expected to be payable on the taxable profit for the year and on any adjustment to tax payable in respect of previous years. HSBC provides for potential current tax liabilities that may arise on the basis of the amounts expected to be paid to the tax authorities.
Deferred tax is recognised on temporary differences between the carrying amounts of assets and liabilities in the balance sheet, and the amounts attributed to such assets and liabilities for tax purposes. Deferred tax is calculated using the tax rates expected to apply in the periods in which the assets will be realised or the liabilities settled.
Current and deferred tax are calculated based on tax rates and laws enacted, or substantively enacted, by the balance sheet date.
Critical accounting estimates and judgements
The recognition of deferred tax assets depends on judgements and estimates. | |
• In assessing the probability and sufficiency of future taxable profit, we consider the availability of evidence to support the recognition of deferred tax assets. taking into account the inherent risk in long-term forecasting and drivers of recent history of tax losses where applicable, taking into account the future reversal of existing taxable temporary differences and tax planning strategies including corporate reorganisations. Specific judgements supporting deferred tax assets are described in Note 7. | The recognition of deferred tax assets is sensitive to estimates of future cash flows projected for periods for which detailed forecasts are available and to assumptions regarding the long-term pattern of cash flows thereafter, on which forecasts of future taxable profit are based, and which affect the expected recovery periods and the pattern of utilisation of tax losses and tax credits. In particular there is estimation uncertainty relating to the recognition of deferred tax on the post-1 April 2017 tax losses of HSBC Holdings plc. See Note 7 for further detail. |
(m) Provisions, contingent liabilities and guarantees
Provisions are recognised when it is probable that an outflow of economic benefits will be required to settle a present legal or constructive obligation that has arisen as a result of past events and for which a reliable estimate can be made.
Critical accounting estimates and judgements
The recognition and measurement of provisions requires the Group to make a number of judgements, assumptions and estimates. The most significant are set out below: | |
• Determining whether a present obligation exists. Professional advice is taken on the assessment of litigation and similar obligations. • Provisions for legal proceedings and regulatory matters typically require a higher degree of judgement than other types of provisions. When matters are at an early stage, accounting judgements can be difficult because of the high degree of uncertainty associated with determining whether a present obligation exists, and estimating the probability and amount of any outflows that may arise. As matters progress, management and legal advisers evaluate on an ongoing basis whether provisions should be recognised, revising previous estimates as appropriate. At more advanced stages, it is typically easier to make estimates around a better defined set of possible outcomes. | • Provisions for legal proceedings and regulatory matters remain very sensitive to the assumptions used in the estimate. There could be a wider range of possible outcomes for any pending legal proceedings, investigations or inquiries. As a result it is often not practicable to quantify a range of possible outcomes for individual matters. It is also not practicable to meaningfully quantify ranges of potential outcomes in aggregate for these types of provisions because of the diverse nature and circumstances of such matters and the wide range of uncertainties involved. |
Contingent liabilities, contractual commitments and guarantees
Contingent liabilities
Contingent liabilities, which include certain guarantees and letters of credit pledged as collateral security, and contingent liabilities related to legal proceedings or regulatory matters, are not recognised in the financial statements but are disclosed unless the probability of settlement is remote.
Financial guarantee contracts
Liabilities under financial guarantee contracts that are not classified as insurance contracts are recorded initially at their fair value, which is generally the fee received or present value of the fee receivable.
HSBC Holdings has issued financial guarantees and similar contracts to other Group entities. HSBC elects to account for certain guarantees as insurance contracts in HSBC Holdings' financial statements, in which case they are measured and recognised as insurance liabilities. This election is made on a contract-by-contract basis, and is irrevocable.
(n) Impairment of non-financial assets
Software under development is tested for impairment at least annually. Other non-financial assets are property, plant and equipment, intangible assets (excluding goodwill) and right-of-use assets. They are tested for impairment at the individual asset level when there is indication of impairment at that level, or at the CGU level for assets that do not have a recoverable amount at the individual asset level. In addition, impairment is also tested at the CGU level when there is indication of impairment at that level. For this purpose, CGUs are considered to be the principal operating legal entities divided by global business.
Impairment testing compares the carrying amount of the non-financial asset or CGU with its recoverable amount, which is the higher of the fair value less costs of disposal or the value in use. The carrying amount of a CGU comprises the carrying value of its assets and liabilities, including non-financial assets that are directly attributable to it and non-financial assets that can be allocated to it on a reasonable and consistent basis. Non-financial assets that cannot be allocated to an individual CGU are tested for impairment at an appropriate grouping of CGUs. The recoverable amount of the CGU is the higher of the fair value less costs of disposal of the CGU, which is determined by independent and qualified valuers where relevant, and the value in use, which is calculated based on appropriate inputs (see Note 21).
When the recoverable amount of a CGU is less than its carrying amount, an impairment loss is recognised in the income statement to the extent that the impairment can be allocated on a pro-rata basis to the non-financial assets by reducing their carrying amounts to the higher of their respective individual recoverable amount or nil. Impairment is not allocated to the financial assets in a CGU.
Impairment loss recognised in prior periods for non-financial assets is reversed when there has been a change in the estimate used to determine the recoverable amount. The impairment loss is reversed to the extent that the carrying amount of the non-financial assets would not exceed the amount that would have been determined (net of amortisation or depreciation) had no impairment loss been recognised in prior periods.
Critical accounting estimates and judgements
The review of goodwill and other non-financial assets for impairment reflects management's best estimate of the future cash flows of the CGUs and the rates used to discount these cash flows, both of which are subject to uncertain factors as described in the Critical accounting estimates and judgements in Note 1.2(a). |
2 | Net fee income |
Net fee income by global business | |||||
| 2021 | ||||
| Wealth and Personal Banking | Commercial Banking | Global Banking and Markets | Corporate Centre | Total |
| $m | $m | $m | $m | $m |
Funds under management | 1,984 | 126 | 546 | - | 2,656 |
Cards | 1,949 | 240 | 23 | 1 | 2,213 |
Credit facilities | 103 | 833 | 690 | 1 | 1,627 |
Broking income | 863 | 69 | 669 | - | 1,601 |
Account services | 429 | 677 | 340 | 6 | 1,452 |
Unit trusts | 1,065 | 23 | - | - | 1,088 |
Underwriting | 4 | 6 | 1,009 | (2) | 1,017 |
Global custody | 167 | 24 | 787 | - | 978 |
Remittances | 75 | 357 | 343 | - | 775 |
Imports/exports | 1 | 474 | 145 | - | 620 |
Insurance agency commission | 324 | 17 | - | - | 341 |
Other | 1,305 | 1,077 | 2,503 | (2,465) | 2,420 |
Fee income | 8,269 | 3,923 | 7,055 | (2,459) | 16,788 |
Less: fee expense | (2,375) | (284) | (3,452) | 2,420 | (3,691) |
Net fee income | 5,894 | 3,639 | 3,603 | (39) | 13,097 |
| 2020 | 2019 | ||||
| Wealth and Personal Banking | Commercial Banking | Global Banking and Markets | Corporate Centre | Total | Total |
| $m | $m | $m | $m | $m | $m |
Funds under management | 1,686 | 126 | 477 | - | 2,289 | 2,177 |
Cards | 1,564 | 360 | 25 | - | 1,949 | 1,975 |
Credit facilities | 93 | 740 | 626 | - | 1,459 | 1,618 |
Broking income | 862 | 61 | 616 | - | 1,539 | 1,057 |
Account services | 431 | 598 | 264 | - | 1,293 | 2,003 |
Unit trusts | 881 | 18 | - | - | 899 | 1,035 |
Underwriting | 5 | 9 | 1,002 | (1) | 1,015 | 829 |
Global custody | 189 | 22 | 723 | - | 934 | 717 |
Remittances | 77 | 313 | 288 | (1) | 677 | 747 |
Imports/exports | - | 417 | 160 | - | 577 | 662 |
Insurance agency commission | 307 | 17 | 1 | - | 325 | 377 |
Other | 1,123 | 893 | 2,369 | (2,290) | 2,095 | 2,242 |
Fee income | 7,218 | 3,574 | 6,551 | (2,292) | 15,051 | 15,439 |
Less: fee expense | (1,810) | (349) | (3,284) | 2,266 | (3,177) | (3,416) |
Net fee income | 5,408 | 3,225 | 3,267 | (26) | 11,874 | 12,023 |
Net fee income included $6,742m of fees earned on financial assets that were not at fair value through profit or loss, other than amounts included in determining the effective interest rate (2020: $5,858m; 2019: $6,647m), $1,520m of fees payable on financial liabilities that were not at fair value through profit or loss, other than amounts included in determining the effective interest rate (2020: $1,260m; 2019: $1,450m), $3,849m of fees earned on trust and other fiduciary activities (2020: $3,426m; 2019: $3,110m) and $305m of fees payable relating to trust and other fiduciary activities (2020: $267m; 2019: $237m).
3 | Net income from financial instruments measured at fair value through profit or loss |
| 2021 | 2020 | 2019 |
| $m | $m | $m |
Net income/(expense) arising on: |
Net trading activities | 6,668 | 11,074 | 16,121 |
Other instruments managed on a fair value basis | 1,076 | (1,492) | (5,890) |
Net income from financial instruments held for trading or managed on a fair value basis | 7,744 | 9,582 | 10,231 |
Financial assets held to meet liabilities under insurance and investment contracts | 4,134 | 2,481 | 3,830 |
Liabilities to customers under investment contracts | (81) | (400) | (352) |
Net income from assets and liabilities of insurance businesses, including related derivatives, measured at fair value through profit or loss | 4,053 | 2,081 | 3,478 |
Derivatives managed in conjunction with HSBC's issued debt securities | (2,811) | 2,619 | 2,561 |
Other changes in fair value | 2,629 | (2,388) | (2,471) |
Changes in fair value of designated debt and related derivatives1 | (182) | 231 | 90 |
Changes in fair value of other financial instruments mandatorily measured at fair value through profit or loss | 798 | 455 | 812 |
Year ended 31 Dec | 12,413 | 12,349 | 14,611 |
1 The debt instruments, issued for funding purposes, are designated under the fair value option to reduce an accounting mismatch.
HSBC Holdings
| 2021 | 2020 | 2019 |
| $m | $m | $m |
Net income/(expense) arising on: |
- trading activities | 87 | (336) | (559) |
- other instruments managed on a fair value basis | 23 | 1,137 | 2,036 |
Net income from financial instruments held for trading or managed on a fair value basis | 110 | 801 | 1,477 |
Derivatives managed in conjunction with HSBC Holdings-issued debt securities | (625) | 694 | 764 |
Other changes in fair value | 974 | (1,020) | (1,124) |
Changes in fair value of designated debt and related derivatives | 349 | (326) | (360) |
Changes in fair value of other financial instruments mandatorily measured at fair value through profit or loss | (420) | 1,141 | 1,659 |
Year ended 31 Dec | 39 | 1,616 | 2,776 |
4 | Insurance business |
Net insurance premium income | ||||
| Non-linked insurance | Linked life insurance | Investment contracts with DPF1 | Total |
| $m | $m | $m | $m |
Gross insurance premium income | 8,529 | 1,027 | 1,873 | 11,429 |
Reinsurers' share of gross insurance premium income | (555) | (4) | - | (559) |
Year ended 31 Dec 2021 | 7,974 | 1,023 | 1,873 | 10,870 |
Gross insurance premium income | 8,321 | 579 | 1,563 | 10,463 |
Reinsurers' share of gross insurance premium income | (362) | (8) | - | (370) |
Year ended 31 Dec 2020 | 7,959 | 571 | 1,563 | 10,093 |
Gross insurance premium income | 9,353 | 489 | 2,266 | 12,108 |
Reinsurers' share of gross insurance premium income | (1,465) | (7) | - | (1,472) |
Year ended 31 Dec 2019 | 7,888 | 482 | 2,266 | 10,636 |
1 Discretionary participation features.
Net insurance claims and benefits paid and movement in liabilities to policyholders | ||||
| Non-linked insurance | Linked life insurance | Investment contracts with DPF1 | Total |
| $m | $m | $m | $m |
Gross claims and benefits paid and movement in liabilities | 10,474 | 1,134 | 3,332 | 14,940 |
- claims, benefits and surrenders paid | 2,929 | 1,023 | 2,142 | 6,094 |
- movement in liabilities | 7,545 | 111 | 1,190 | 8,846 |
Reinsurers' share of claims and benefits paid and movement in liabilities | (543) | (9) | - | (552) |
- claims, benefits and surrenders paid | (343) | (7) | - | (350) |
- movement in liabilities | (200) | (2) | - | (202) |
Year ended 31 Dec 2021 | 9,931 | 1,125 | 3,332 | 14,388 |
Gross claims and benefits paid and movement in liabilities | 10,050 | 1,112 | 1,853 | 13,015 |
- claims, benefits and surrenders paid | 3,695 | 900 | 2,083 | 6,678 |
- movement in liabilities | 6,355 | 212 | (230) | 6,337 |
Reinsurers' share of claims and benefits paid and movement in liabilities | (366) | (4) | - | (370) |
- claims, benefits and surrenders paid | (430) | (10) | - | (440) |
- movement in liabilities | 64 | 6 | - | 70 |
Year ended 31 Dec 2020 | 9,684 | 1,108 | 1,853 | 12,645 |
Gross claims and benefits paid and movement in liabilities | 11,305 | 1,217 | 3,810 | 16,332 |
- claims, benefits and surrenders paid | 3,783 | 900 | 1,921 | 6,604 |
- movement in liabilities | 7,522 | 317 | 1,889 | 9,728 |
Reinsurers' share of claims and benefits paid and movement in liabilities | (1,402) | (4) | - | (1,406) |
- claims, benefits and surrenders paid | (411) | (17) | - | (428) |
- movement in liabilities | (991) | 13 | - | (978) |
Year ended 31 Dec 2019 | 9,903 | 1,213 | 3,810 | 14,926 |
1 Discretionary participation features.
Liabilities under insurance contracts | ||||
| Non-linked insurance | Linked life insurance | Investment contracts with DPF1 | Total |
| $m | $m | $m | $m |
Gross liabilities under insurance contracts at 1 Jan 2021 | 72,464 | 6,449 | 28,278 | 107,191 |
Claims and benefits paid | (2,929) | (1,023) | (2,142) | (6,094) |
Increase in liabilities to policyholders | 10,474 | 1,134 | 3,332 | 14,940 |
Exchange differences and other movements2 | (534) | (47) | (2,711) | (3,292) |
Gross liabilities under insurance contracts at 31 Dec 2021 | 79,475 | 6,513 | 26,757 | 112,745 |
Reinsurers' share of liabilities under insurance contracts | (3,638) | (30) | - | (3,668) |
Net liabilities under insurance contracts at 31 Dec 2021 | 75,837 | 6,483 | 26,757 | 109,077 |
Gross liabilities under insurance contracts at 1 Jan 2020 | 65,324 | 6,151 | 25,964 | 97,439 |
Claims and benefits paid | (3,695) | (900) | (2,083) | (6,678) |
Increase in liabilities to policyholders | 10,050 | 1,112 | 1,853 | 13,015 |
Exchange differences and other movements2 | 785 | 86 | 2,544 | 3,415 |
Gross liabilities under insurance contracts at 31 Dec 2020 | 72,464 | 6,449 | 28,278 | 107,191 |
Reinsurers' share of liabilities under insurance contracts | (3,434) | (14) | - | (3,448) |
Net liabilities under insurance contracts at 31 Dec 2020 | 69,030 | 6,435 | 28,278 | 103,743 |
1 Discretionary participation features.
2 'Exchange differences and other movements' includes movements in liabilities arising from net unrealised investment gains recognised in other comprehensive income.
The key factors contributing to the movement in liabilities to policyholders included movements in the market value of assets supporting policyholder liabilities, death claims, surrenders, lapses, new business, the declaration of bonuses and other amounts attributable to policyholders.
5 | Employee compensation and benefits |
| 2021 | 2020 | 2019 |
| $m | $m | $m |
Employee compensation and benefits | 18,742 | 18,076 | 18,002 |
Capitalised wages and salaries | 870 | 1,320 | 1,475 |
Gross employee compensation and benefits for the year ended 31 Dec | 19,612 | 19,396 | 19,477 |
Consists of: |
Wages and salaries | 17,072 | 17,072 | 17,056 |
Social security costs | 1,503 | 1,378 | 1,472 |
Post-employment benefits | 1,037 | 946 | 949 |
Year ended 31 Dec | 19,612 | 19,396 | 19,477 |
Employee compensation and benefits are presented net of software capitalisation costs in the income statement. During 2021, the allocation methodology for internally capitalised software costs between 'employee compensation and benefits' and 'general administrative expenses' has been updated to better reflect the underlying costs being capitalised.
Average number of persons employed by HSBC during the year by global business | |||
| 2021 | 2020 | 2019 |
Wealth and Personal Banking | 138,026 | 144,615 | 148,680 |
Commercial Banking | 44,992 | 45,631 | 46,584 |
Global Banking and Markets | 48,179 | 49,055 | 51,313 |
Corporate Centre | 359 | 411 | 478 |
Year ended 31 Dec | 231,556 | 239,712 | 247,055 |
Average number of persons employed by HSBC during the year by geographical region | |||
| 2021 | 2020 | 2019 |
Europe | 60,919 | 64,886 | 66,392 |
Asia | 127,673 | 129,923 | 133,624 |
Middle East and North Africa | 9,329 | 9,550 | 9,798 |
North America | 13,845 | 15,430 | 16,615 |
Latin America | 19,790 | 19,923 | 20,626 |
Year ended 31 Dec | 231,556 | 239,712 | 247,055 |
Reconciliation of total incentive awards granted to income statement charge | |||
| 2021 | 2020 | 2019 |
| $m | $m | $m |
Total incentive awards approved for the current year | 3,495 | 2,659 | 3,341 |
Less: deferred bonuses awarded, expected to be recognised in future periods | (379) | (239) | (337) |
Total incentives awarded and recognised in the current year | 3,116 | 2,420 | 3,004 |
Add: current year charges for deferred bonuses from previous years | 270 | 286 | 327 |
Other | 4 | 2 | (55) |
Income statement charge for incentive awards | 3,390 | 2,708 | 3,276 |
Share-based payments
'Wages and salaries' includes the effect of share-based payments arrangements, of which $467m was equity settled (2020: $434m; 2019: $478m), as follows:
| 2021 | 2020 | 2019 |
| $m | $m | $m |
Conditional share awards | 479 | 411 | 521 |
Savings-related and other share award option plans | 27 | 51 | 30 |
Year ended 31 Dec | 506 | 462 | 551 |
HSBC share awards | |
Deferred share awards (including annual incentive awards, LTI awards delivered in shares) and Group Performance Share Plans ('GPSP') | An assessment of performance over the relevant period ending on 31 December is used to determine the amount of the award to be granted. • Deferred awards generally require employees to remain in employment over the vesting period and are generally not subject to performance conditions after the grant date. An exception to these are the LTI awards, which are subject to performance conditions. • Deferred share awards generally vest over a period of three, five or seven years. • Vested shares may be subject to a retention requirement post-vesting. • Awards are subject to malus and clawback provisions. |
International Employee Share Purchase Plan ('ShareMatch') | The plan was first introduced in Hong Kong in 2013 and now includes employees based in 28 jurisdictions. • Shares are purchased in the market each quarter up to a maximum value of £750, or the equivalent in local currency. • Matching awards are added at a ratio of one free share for every three purchased (in mainland China matching awards are settled in cash). • Matching awards vest subject to continued employment and the retention of the purchased shares for a maximum period of two years and nine months. |
Movement on HSBC share awards | ||
| 2021 | 2020 |
| Number | Number |
| (000s) | (000s) |
Conditional share awards outstanding at 1 Jan | 103,473 | 97,055 |
Additions during the year | 75,549 | 72,443 |
Released in the year | (63,635) | (60,673) |
Forfeited in the year | (6,023) | (5,352) |
Conditional share awards outstanding at 31 Dec | 109,364 | 103,473 |
Weighted average fair value of awards granted ($) | 6.49 | 7.28 |
HSBC share option plans | |
Savings-related share option plans ('Sharesave') | • From 2014, employees eligible for the UK plan could save up to £500 per month with the option to use the savings to acquire shares. • These are generally exercisable within six months following either the third or fifth anniversary of the commencement of a three-year or five-year contract, respectively. • The exercise price is set at a 20% (2020: 20%) discount to the market value immediately preceding the date of invitation. |
Calculation of fair values
The fair values of share options are calculated using a Black-Scholes model. The fair value of a share award is based on the share price at the date of the grant.
Movement on HSBC share option plans | ||
| Savings-related share option plans | |
| Number | WAEP1 |
| (000s) | £ |
Outstanding at 1 Jan 2021 | 130,953 | 2.97 |
Granted during the year2 | 15,410 | 3.15 |
Exercised during the year3 | (3,878) | 3.80 |
Expired during the year | (11,502) | 3.53 |
Forfeited during the year | (7,786) | 3.97 |
Outstanding at 31 Dec 2021 | 123,197 | 2.85 |
- of which exercisable | 4,949 | 4.05 |
Weighted average remaining contractual life (years) | 3.02 |
Outstanding at 1 Jan 2020 | 65,060 | 4.81 |
Granted during the year2 | 111,469 | 2.63 |
Exercised during the year3 | (1,387) | 4.48 |
Expired during the year | (43,032) | 4.81 |
Forfeited during the year | (1,158) | 4.88 |
Outstanding at 31 Dec 2020 | 130,953 | 2.97 |
- of which exercisable | 8,170 | 4.50 |
Weighted average remaining contractual life (years) | 3.68 |
1 Weighted average exercise price.
2 The weighted average fair value of options granted during the year was $0.85 (2020: $0.47).
3 The weighted average share price at the date the options were exercised was $5.87 (2020: $7.08).
Post-employment benefit plans
The Group operates pension plans throughout the world for its employees. 'Pension risk management processes' on page 192 contains details of the policies and practices associated with these pension plans, some of which are defined benefit plans. The largest defined benefit plan is the HBUK section of the HSBC Bank (UK) Pension Scheme ('the principal plan'), created as a result of the HSBC Bank (UK) Pension Scheme being fully sectionalised in 2018 to meet the requirements of the Banking Reform Act.
HSBC holds on its balance sheet the net surplus or deficit, which is the difference between the fair value of plan assets and the discounted value of scheme liabilities at the balance sheet date for each plan. Surpluses are only recognised to the extent that they are recoverable through reduced contributions in the future or through potential future refunds from the schemes. In assessing whether a surplus is recoverable, HSBC has considered its current right to obtain a future refund or a reduction in future contributions together with the rights of third parties such as trustees.
The principal plan
The principal plan has a defined benefit section and a defined contribution section. The defined benefit section was closed to future benefit accrual in 2015, with defined benefits earned by employees at that date continuing to be linked to their salary while they remain employed by HSBC. The plan is overseen by an independent corporate trustee, who has a fiduciary responsibility for the operation of the plan. Its assets are held separately from the assets of the Group.
The investment strategy of the plan is to hold the majority of assets in bonds, with the remainder in a diverse range of investments. It also includes some interest rate swaps to reduce interest rate risk, inflation swaps to reduce inflation risk and longevity swaps to reduce the impact of longer life expectancy.
The latest funding valuation of the plan at 31 December 2019 was carried out by Colin G Singer of Willis Towers Watson Limited, who is a Fellow of the UK Institute and Faculty of Actuaries, using the projected unit credit method. At that date, the market value of the plan's assets was £31.1bn ($41.1bn) and this exceeded the value placed on its liabilities on an ongoing basis by £2.5bn ($3.3bn), giving a funding level of 109%. These figures include defined contribution assets amounting to £2.4bn ($3.2bn). The main differences between the assumptions used for assessing the defined benefit liabilities for this funding valuation and those used for IAS 19 are more prudent assumptions for discount rate, inflation rate and life expectancy. The next funding valuation will have an effective date of 31 December 2022.
Although the plan was in surplus at the valuation date, HSBC continued to make separately committed lump sum contributions and the final such contribution of £160m ($218m) was paid in 2021. The main employer of the principal plan is HSBC UK Bank plc, with additional support from HSBC Holdings plc. The HSBC Bank (UK) Pension Scheme is fully sectionalised and no entities outside the ring fence participate in the HBUK section.
The actuary also assessed the value of the liabilities if the plan were to have been stopped and an insurance company asked to secure all future pension payments. This is generally larger than the amount needed on the ongoing basis described above because an insurance company would use more prudent assumptions and include an explicit allowance for the future administrative expenses of the plan. Under this approach, the amount of assets needed was estimated to be £33bn ($44bn) at 31 December 2019.
Guaranteed minimum pension equalisation
Following a judgment issued by the High Court of Justice of England and Wales in 2018, we estimated the financial effect of equalising benefits in respect of guaranteed minimum pension ('GMP') equalisation, and any potential conversion of GMPs into non-GMP benefits, to be an approximate 0.9% increase in the principal plan's liabilities, or £187m ($239m). This was recognised in the income statement in 2018. A further judgment by the High Court on 20 November 2020 ruled that GMPs should also be equalised for those who had previously transferred benefits from the principal plan to another arrangement, with £13m ($17m) consequently being recognised in 2020. We continue to assess the impact of GMP equalisation.
Income statement charge | |||
| 2021 | 2020 | 2019 |
| $m | $m | $m |
Defined benefit pension plans | 243 | 146 | 176 |
Defined contribution pension plans | 767 | 775 | 758 |
Pension plans | 1,010 | 921 | 934 |
Defined benefit and contribution healthcare plans | 27 | 25 | 15 |
Year ended 31 Dec | 1,037 | 946 | 949 |
Net assets/(liabilities) recognised on the balance sheet in respect of defined benefit plans | ||||
| Fair value of plan assets | Present value of defined benefit obligations | Effect of limit on plan surpluses | Total |
| $m | $m | $m | $m |
Defined benefit pension plans | 51,431 | (42,277) | (23) | 9,131 |
Defined benefit healthcare plans | 103 | (572) | - | (469) |
At 31 Dec 2021 | 51,534 | (42,849) | (23) | 8,662 |
Total employee benefit liabilities (within Note 26 'Accruals, deferred income and other liabilities') |
| (1,607) |
Total employee benefit assets (within Note 22 'Prepayments, accrued income and other assets') |
| 10,269 |
Defined benefit pension plans | 52,990 | (43,995) | (44) | 8,951 |
Defined benefit healthcare plans | 114 | (639) | - | (525) |
At 31 Dec 2020 | 53,104 | (44,634) | (44) | 8,426 |
Total employee benefit liabilities (within Note 26 'Accruals, deferred income and other liabilities') |
| (2,025) |
Total employee benefit assets (within Note 22 'Prepayments, accrued income and other assets') |
| 10,450 |
HSBC Holdings
Employee compensation and benefit expense in respect of HSBC Holdings' employees in 2021 amounted to $30m (2020: $56m). The average number of persons employed during 2021 was 54 (2020: 59). A small number of employees are members of defined benefit pension plans. These employees are members of the HSBC Bank (UK) Pension Scheme. HSBC Holdings pays contributions to such plan for its own employees in accordance with the schedules of contributions determined by the trustees of the plan and recognises these contributions as an expense as they fall due.
Defined benefit pension plans
Net asset/(liability) under defined benefit pension plans | ||||||||
| Fair value of plan assets | Present value of defined benefit obligations | Effect of the asset ceiling | Net defined benefit asset/(liability) | ||||
| Principal1 plan | Otherplans | Principal1 plan | Otherplans | Principal1 plan | Otherplans | Principal1 plan | Otherplans |
| $m | $m | $m | $m | $m | $m | $m | $m |
At 1 Jan 2021 | 42,505 | 10,485 | (33,005) | (10,990) | - | (44) | 9,500 | (549) |
Service cost | - | - | (55) | (276) | - | - | (55) | (276) |
- current service cost | - | - | (14) | (206) | - | - | (14) | (206) |
- past service cost and gains/(losses) from settlements | - | - | (41) | (70) | - | - | (41) | (70) |
Net interest income/(cost) on the net defined benefit asset/(liability) | 613 | 172 | (473) | (174) | - | (1) | 140 | (3) |
Remeasurement effects recognised in other comprehensive income | (377) | 7 | (271) | 471 | - | 22 | (648) | 500 |
- return on plan assets (excluding interest income) | (377) | 7 | - | - | - | - | (377) | 7 |
- actuarial gains/(losses) financial assumptions | - | - | 611 | 315 | - | - | 611 | 315 |
- actuarial gains/(losses) demographic assumptions | - | - | (447) | 64 | - | - | (447) | 64 |
- actuarial gains/(losses) experience adjustments | - | - | (435) | 92 | - | - | (435) | 92 |
- other changes | - | - | - | - | - | 22 | - | 22 |
Exchange differences | (361) | (94) | 283 | 138 | - | - | (78) | 44 |
Benefits paid | (1,396) | (645) | 1,396 | 712 | - | - | - | 67 |
Other movements2 | 400 | 122 | (130) | 97 | - | - | 270 | 219 |
At 31 Dec 2021 | 41,384 | 10,047 | (32,255) | (10,022) | - | (23) | 9,129 | 2 |
At 1 Jan 2020 | 37,874 | 9,693 | (30,158) | (10,424) | - | (16) | 7,716 | (747) |
Service cost | - | - | (68) | (172) | - | - | (68) | (172) |
- current service cost | - | - | (28) | (184) | - | - | (28) | (184) |
- past service cost and losses from settlements | - | - | (40) | 12 | - | - | (40) | 12 |
Net interest income/(cost) on the net defined benefit asset/(liability) | 726 | 233 | (575) | (245) | - | - | 151 | (12) |
Remeasurement effects recognised in other comprehensive income | 3,173 | 879 | (2,118) | (547) | - | (26) | 1,055 | 306 |
- return on plan assets (excluding interest income) | 3,173 | 692 | - | - | - | - | 3,173 | 692 |
- actuarial gains/(losses) financial assumptions | - | - | (3,179) | (564) | - | - | (3,179) | (564) |
- actuarial gains/(losses) demographic assumptions | - | - | 86 | 49 | - | - | 86 | 49 |
- actuarial gains/(losses) experience adjustments | - | - | 975 | 87 | - | - | 975 | 87 |
- other changes | - | 187 | - | (119) | - | (26) | - | 42 |
Exchange differences | 1,446 | 249 | (1,100) | (387) | - | (2) | 346 | (140) |
Benefits paid | (1,148) | (652) | 1,148 | 727 | - | - | - | 75 |
Other movements2 | 434 | 83 | (134) | 58 | - | - | 300 | 141 |
At 31 Dec 2020 | 42,505 | 10,485 | (33,005) | (10,990) | - | (44) | 9,500 | (549) |
1 For further details of the principal plan, see page 333.
2 Other movements include contributions by HSBC, contributions by employees, administrative costs and taxes paid by plan.
HSBC expects to make $145m of contributions to defined benefit pension plans during 2022. Benefits expected to be paid from the plans to retirees over each of the next five years, and in aggregate for the five years thereafter, are as follows:
Benefits expected to be paid from plans | ||||||
| 2022 | 2023 | 2024 | 2025 | 2026 | 2027-2031 |
| $m | $m | $m | $m | $m | $m |
The principal plan1,2 | 1,444 | 1,491 | 1,542 | 1,592 | 1,644 | 9,070 |
Other plans1 | 474 | 473 | 460 | 459 | 453 | 2,325 |
1 The duration of the defined benefit obligation is 17.3 years for the principal plan under the disclosure assumptions adopted (2020: 17.4 years) and 12.7 years for all other plans combined (2020: 13.5 years).
2 For further details of the principal plan, see page 333.
Fair value of plan assets by asset classes |
| ||||||||
| 31 Dec 2021 | 31 Dec 2020 |
| ||||||
| Value | Quoted market price in active market | No quoted market price in active market | ThereofHSBC1 | Value | Quoted market price in active market | No quoted market price in active market | ThereofHSBC1 |
| $m | $m | $m | $m | $m | $m | $m | $m |
The principal plan2 |
Fair value of plan assets | 41,384 | 36,270 | 5,114 | 1,037 | 42,505 | 37,689 | 4,816 | 973 |
- equities3 | 197 | 5 | 192 | - | 268 | 7 | 261 | - |
- bonds4 | 36,295 | 35,612 | 683 | - | 36,198 | 35,479 | 719 | - |
- derivatives | 1,864 | - | 1,864 | 1,037 | 1,973 | - | 1,973 | 973 |
- property | 1,094 | - | 1,094 | - | 1,106 | - | 1,106 | - |
- other5 | 1,934 | 653 | 1,281 | - | 2,960 | 2,203 | 757 | - |
Other plans |
Fair value of plan assets | 10,047 | 8,248 | 1,799 | 52 | 10,485 | 9,512 | 973 | 54 |
- equities | 892 | 668 | 224 | 5 | 1,484 | 1,069 | 415 | 3 |
- bonds | 7,080 | 6,490 | 590 | 5 | 7,624 | 7,143 | 481 | 10 |
- derivatives | 7 | (13) | 20 | - | (57) | - | (57) | - |
- property | 123 | 119 | 4 | - | 192 | 157 | 35 | - |
- other | 1,945 | 984 | 961 | 42 | 1,242 | 1,143 | 99 | 41 |
1 The fair value of plan assets includes derivatives entered into with HSBC Bank plc as detailed in Note 35.
2 For further details on the principal plan, see page 333.
3 Includes $192m (2020: $261m) in relation to private equities.
4 Principal plan bonds includes fixed income bonds of $18,315m (2020: $17,730m) and index-linked bonds of $18,160m (2020: $18,468m).
5 Other includes $0m (2020: $696m) of pooled investment vehicles with quoted underlying assets and $1,281m (2020: $757m) of pooled investment vehicles with unquoted underlying assets.
Post-employment defined benefit plans' principal actuarial financial assumptions
HSBC determines the discount rates to be applied to its obligations in consultation with the plans' local actuaries, on the basis of current average yields of high-quality (AA-rated or equivalent) debt instruments with maturities consistent with those of the defined benefit obligations.
Key actuarial assumptions for the principal plan1 | |||||
| Discount rate | Inflation rate (RPI)2 | Inflation rate (CPI)2 | Rate of increase for pensions | Rate of pay increase |
| % | % | % | % | % |
UK |
At 31 Dec 2021 | 1.90 | 3.45 | 3.20 | 3.30 | 3.45 |
At 31 Dec 2020 | 1.45 | 3.05 | 2.50 | 3.00 | 2.75 |
1 For further details on the principal plan, see page 333.
2 Due to the significant difference between short-term and long-term inflation expectations that has developed over 2021, HSBC UK has changed the methodology of setting inflation-related assumptions to fully and separately reflect how benefits are linked to RPI inflation and CPI inflation respectively. For example, the revaluation of deferred pensions is driven by CPI inflation expectations in the short to medium term, whereas increases to pensions in payment are driven by RPI inflation expectations over the long term.
Mortality tables and average life expectancy at age 60 for the principal plan1 | |||||
| Mortality table | Life expectancy at age 60 for a male member currently: | Life expectancy at age 60 for a female member currently: | ||
| Aged 60 | Aged 40 | Aged 60 | Aged 40 |
UK |
At 31 Dec 2021 | SAPS S32 | 27.3 | 28.8 | 28.5 | 30.1 |
At 31 Dec 2020 | SAPS S32 | 27.0 | 28.5 | 28.1 | 29.7 |
1 For further details of the principal plan, see page 333.
2 Self-administered pension scheme ('SAPS') S3 table, with different tables and multipliers adopted based on gender, pension amount and member status, reflecting the Scheme's actual mortality experience. Improvements are projected in accordance with the Continuous Mortality Investigation's CMI 2020 core projection model with an initial addition to improvement of 0.25% per annum and a long-term rate of improvement of 1.25% per annum.
The effect of changes in key assumptions on the principal plan1 | ||||
| Impact on HBUK section of the HSBC Bank (UK) Pension Scheme obligation2 | |||
| Financial impact of increase | Financial impact of decrease | ||
| 2021 | 2020 | 2021 | 2020 |
| $m | $m | $m | $m |
Discount rate - increase/decrease of 0.25% | (1,337) | (1,383) | 1,425 | 1,475 |
Inflation rate (RPI and CPI) - increase/decrease of 0.25% | 1,211 | 871 | (980) | (830) |
Pension payments and deferred pensions - increase/decrease of 0.25% | 1,267 | 1,307 | (1,177) | (1,222) |
Pay - increase/decrease of 0.25% | 20 | 60 | (20) | (59) |
Change in mortality - increase of 1 year | 1,387 | 1,453 | N/A | N/A |
1 For further details of the principal plan, see page 333.
2 Sensitivities allow for HSBC UK's convention of rounding pension assumptions to the nearest 0.05%.
The above sensitivity analyses are based on a change in an assumption while holding all other assumptions constant. In practice, this in unlikely to occur, and changes in some of the assumptions may be correlated. When calculating the sensitivity of the defined benefit obligation to significant actuarial assumptions the same method (present value of the defined benefit obligation calculated with the projected unit credit method at the end of the reporting period) has been applied as when calculating the defined benefit asset recognised in the balance sheet. The methods and types of assumptions used in preparing the sensitivity analysis did not change compared with the prior period.
Directors' emoluments
Details of Directors' emoluments, pensions and their interests are disclosed in the Directors' remuneration report on page 254.
6 | Auditor's remuneration |
| 2021 | 2020 | 2019 |
| $m | $m | $m |
Audit fees payable to PwC1 | 88.1 | 92.9 | 85.2 |
Other audit fees payable | 2.0 | 1.0 | 0.9 |
Year ended 31 Dec | 90.1 | 93.9 | 86.1 |
Fees payable by HSBC to PwC | |||
| 2021 | 2020 | 2019 |
| $m | $m | $m |
Fees for HSBC Holdings' statutory audit2 | 19.5 | 21.9 | 15.7 |
Fees for other services provided to HSBC | 109.9 | 108.3 | 95.0 |
- audit of HSBC's subsidiaries | 68.6 | 71.0 | 69.5 |
- audit-related assurance services3 | 18.7 | 17.2 | 10.0 |
- other assurance services4,5 | 22.6 | 20.1 | 12.2 |
- taxation compliance services | - | - | 1.6 |
- other non-audit services4 | - | - | 1.7 |
Year ended 31 Dec | 129.4 | 130.2 | 110.7 |
1 Audit fees payable to PwC in the current year include adjustments made to the prior year audit fee after finalisation of the 2020 financial statements.
2 Fees payable to PwC for the statutory audit of the consolidated financial statements of HSBC and the separate financial statements of HSBC Holdings. They include amounts payable for services relating to the consolidation returns of HSBC Holdings' subsidiaries, which are clearly identifiable as being in support of the Group audit opinion.
3 Including services for assurance and other services that relate to statutory and regulatory filings, including interim reviews.
4 Including permitted services relating to attestation reports on internal controls of a service organisation primarily prepared for and used by third-party end user, including comfort letters.
5 Includes reviews of PRA regulatory reporting returns.
No fees were payable by HSBC to PwC as principal auditor for the following types of services: internal audit services and services related to litigation, recruitment and remuneration.
Fees payable by HSBC's associated pension schemes to PwC | ||||
| 2021 | 2020 | 2019 |
| $000 | $000 | $000 |
Audit of HSBC's associated pension schemes |
| 382 | 316 | 250 |
Year ended 31 Dec |
| 382 | 316 | 250 |
No fees were payable by HSBC's associated pension schemes to PwC as principal auditor for the following types of services: internal audit services, other assurance services, services related to corporate finance transactions, valuation and actuarial services, litigation, recruitment and remuneration, and information technology.
In addition to the above, the estimated fees paid to PwC by third parties associated with HSBC amounted to $6.3m (2020: $12.3m; 2019: $17.2m). In these cases, HSBC was connected with the contracting party and may therefore have been involved in appointing PwC. These fees arose from services such as auditing mutual funds managed by HSBC and reviewing the financial position of corporate concerns that borrow from HSBC.
Fees payable for non-audit services for HSBC Holdings are not disclosed separately because such fees are disclosed on a consolidated basis for the Group.
7 | Tax |
Tax expense | |||
| 2021 | 2020 | 2019 |
| $m | $m | $m |
Current tax1 | 3,250 | 2,700 | 3,768 |
- for this year | 3,182 | 2,883 | 3,689 |
- adjustments in respect of prior years | 68 | (183) | 79 |
Deferred tax | 963 | (22) | 871 |
- origination and reversal of temporary differences | 874 | (341) | 684 |
- effect of changes in tax rates | 132 | 58 | (11) |
- adjustments in respect of prior years | (43) | 261 | 198 |
Year ended 31 Dec2 | 4,213 | 2,678 | 4,639 |
1 Current tax included Hong Kong profits tax of $813m (2020: $888m; 2019: $1,413m). The Hong Kong tax rate applying to the profits of subsidiaries assessable in Hong Kong was 16.5% (2020: 16.5%; 2019: 16.5%).
2 In addition to amounts recorded in the income statement, a tax charge of $7m (2020: charge of $7m) was recorded directly to equity.
Tax reconciliation
The tax charged to the income statement differs from the tax charge that would apply if all profits had been taxed at the UK corporation tax rate as follows:
| 2021 | 2020 | 2019 |
| |||
| $m | % | $m | % | $m | % |
Profit before tax | 18,906 |
| 8,777 |
| 13,347 |
Tax expense |
Taxation at UK corporation tax rate of 19.00% | 3,592 | 19.0 | 1,668 | 19.0 | 2,536 | 19.0 |
Impact of differently taxed overseas profits in overseas locations | 280 | 1.5 | 178 | 2.0 | 253 | 1.9 |
UK banking surcharge | 332 | 1.8 | (113) | (1.3) | 29 | 0.2 |
Items increasing tax charge in 2021: |
- impact of differences between French tax basis and IFRSs | 434 | 2.3 | - | - | - | - |
- local taxes and overseas withholding taxes | 360 | 1.9 | 228 | 2.6 | 484 | 3.6 |
- UK tax losses not recognised | 294 | 1.6 | 444 | 5.1 | 364 | 2.7 |
- other permanent disallowables | 254 | 1.3 | 322 | 3.6 | 481 | 3.6 |
- non-deductible goodwill write-down | 178 | 0.9 | - | - | 1,421 | 10.7 |
- impact of changes in tax rates | 132 | 0.7 | 58 | 0.6 | (11) | (0.1) |
- bank levy | 93 | 0.5 | 202 | 2.3 | 184 | 1.4 |
- impacts of hyperinflation | 68 | 0.4 | 65 | 0.7 | 29 | 0.2 |
- adjustments in respect of prior period liabilities | 25 | 0.1 | 78 | 0.9 | 277 | 2.1 |
- non-deductible regulatory settlements | 2 | - | 33 | 0.4 | 5 | - |
Items reducing tax charge in 2021: |
- non-taxable income and gains | (641) | (3.4) | (515) | (5.8) | (844) | (6.3) |
- tax impact of planned sale of French retail banking business | (434) | (2.3) | - | - | - | - |
- effect of profits in associates and joint ventures | (414) | (2.2) | (250) | (2.8) | (467) | (3.5) |
- deductions for AT1 coupon payments | (270) | (1.4) | (310) | (3.5) | (263) | (2.0) |
- non-UK movements in unrecognised deferred tax | (67) | (0.4) | 608 | 6.9 | 12 | 0.1 |
- non-deductible UK customer compensation | (5) | - | (18) | (0.2) | 382 | 2.9 |
- non-taxable gain on dilution of shareholding in SABB | - | - | - | - | (181) | (1.3) |
- other items | - | - | - | - | (52) | (0.4) |
Year ended 31 Dec | 4,213 | 22.3 | 2,678 | 30.5 | 4,639 | 34.8 |
The Group's profits are taxed at different rates depending on the country or territory in which the profits arise. The key applicable tax rates for 2021 include Hong Kong (16.5%), the US (21%) and the UK (19%). If the Group's profits were taxed at the statutory rates of the countries in which the profits arose, then the tax rate for the year would have been 22.3% (2020: 19.7%). The effective tax rate for the year of 22.3% was lower than in the previous year (2020: 30.5%). The impact of non-recognition of deferred tax was smaller in 2021 than in 2020, which decreased the effective tax rate by 10.8%. This was partly offset by changes in the geographical composition of profits, which resulted in tax at applicable local statutory rates being 2.5% greater for 2020 than for 2021.
The signing of a framework agreement for the planned sale of the French retail banking business resulted in a tax deduction (tax value of $434m) for a provision for loss on disposal, which was recorded in the French tax return. A deferred tax liability of the same amount arises as a consequence of the temporary difference between the French tax basis and IFRSs in respect of this provision.
During 2021, legislation to increase the main rate of UK corporation tax from 19% to 25% from 1 April 2023 was enacted, increasing the Group's 2021 tax charge by $132m due to the remeasurement of deferred tax balances.
Accounting for taxes involves some estimation because tax law is uncertain and its application requires a degree of judgement, which authorities may dispute. Liabilities are recognised based on best estimates of the probable outcome, taking into account external advice where appropriate. We do not expect significant liabilities to arise in excess of the amounts provided. HSBC only recognises current and deferred tax assets where recovery is probable.
Movement of deferred tax assets and liabilities | |||||||||
| Loan impairment provisions | Unused tax losses and tax credits | Derivatives, FVOD1 and other investments | Insurance business | Expense provisions | Fixed assets | Retirement obligations | Other | Total |
| $m | $m | $m | $m | $m | $m | $m | $m | $m |
Assets | 1,242 | 1,821 | 548 | - | 565 | 901 | - | 960 | 6,037 |
Liabilities | - | - | (705) | (1,622) | - | - | (2,306) | (1,234) | (5,867) |
At 1 Jan 2021 | 1,242 | 1,821 | (157) | (1,622) | 565 | 901 | (2,306) | (274) | 170 |
Income statement | (89) | 161 | 22 | (43) | (333) | (26) | (336) | (319) | (963) |
Other comprehensive income | (5) | 33 | 149 | - | 74 | 25 | (205) | 713 | 784 |
Foreign exchange and other adjustments | 14 | (14) | (5) | 25 | (10) | 3 | 28 | (81) | (40) |
At 31 Dec 2021 | 1,162 | 2,001 | 9 | (1,640) | 296 | 903 | (2,819) | 39 | (49) |
Assets2 | 1,162 | 2,001 | 9 | - | 296 | 903 | 109 | 742 | 5,222 |
Liabilities2 | - | - | - | (1,640) | - | - | (2,928) | (703) | (5,271) |
Assets | 983 | 1,414 | 979 | - | 650 | 1,002 | - | 422 | 5,450 |
Liabilities | - | - | (558) | (1,621) | - | - | (1,613) | (401) | (4,193) |
At 1 Jan 2020 | 983 | 1,414 | 421 | (1,621) | 650 | 1,002 | (1,613) | 21 | 1,257 |
Income statement | 295 | 355 | (274) | (32) | (81) | (112) | (190) | 61 | 22 |
Other comprehensive income | - | - | (23) | - | - | - | (387) | (660) | (1,070) |
Foreign exchange and other adjustments | (36) | 52 | (281) | 31 | (4) | 11 | (116) | 304 | (39) |
At 31 Dec 2020 | 1,242 | 1,821 | (157) | (1,622) | 565 | 901 | (2,306) | (274) | 170 |
Assets2 | 1,242 | 1,821 | 548 | - | 565 | 901 | - | 960 | 6,037 |
Liabilities2 | - | - | (705) | (1,622) | - | - | (2,306) | (1,234) | (5,867) |
1 Fair value of own debt.
2 After netting off balances within countries, the balances as disclosed in the accounts are as follows: deferred tax assets $4,624m (2020: $4,483m) and deferred tax liabilities $4,673m (2020: $4,313m).
In applying judgement in recognising deferred tax assets, management has critically assessed all available information, including future business profit projections and the track record of meeting forecasts. Management's assessment of the likely availability of future taxable profits against which to recover deferred tax assets is based on the most recent financial forecasts approved by management, which cover a five-year period and are extrapolated where necessary, and takes into consideration the reversal of existing taxable temporary differences and past business performance.
The Group's net deferred tax asset of $4.6bn (2020: $4.5bn) included $2.6bn (2020: $2.4bn) of deferred tax assets relating to the US and a net deferred asset of $0.0bn (2020: $0.00) in France.
The net US deferred tax asset of $2.6bn included $1.1bn related to US tax losses that expire in 13 to 17 years. Management expects the US deferred tax asset to be substantially recovered in seven to eight years, with the majority recovered in the first five years.
The net deferred tax asset in France of $0.0bn included $0.4bn related to tax losses which are expected to be substantially recovered within 10 years.
Following the signing of a framework agreement in 2021 for the planned sale of the French retail banking business, that business is now excluded from our deferred tax analysis as its sale is considered probable. Although the French consolidated tax group recorded a tax loss in both 2020 and 2021, this would have been taxable profit if the effects of the retail banking business and other non-recurring items, mainly related to the restructuring of the European business, were excluded. The French net deferred tax asset is supported by forecasts of taxable profit, also taking into consideration the history of profitability in the remaining businesses. No net deferred tax asset was recognised as at 31 December 2020 as management did not consider there to be convincing evidence of sufficient future taxable profits within the French consolidated tax group to support recognition.
The Group's net deferred tax liability of $4.7bn (2020: $4.3bn) included a net UK deferred tax asset of $0.8bn (2020: $0.6bn), of which $0.2bn related to UK banking tax losses which are expected to be substantially recovered within one year. The net UK deferred tax asset of $0.8bn excludes a $3.0bn deferred tax liability arising on the UK pension scheme surplus, the reversal of which is not taken into account when estimating future taxable profits. The UK deferred tax assets are supported by forecasts of taxable profit, also taking into consideration the history of profitability in the relevant businesses.
Unrecognised deferred tax
The amount of gross temporary differences, unused tax losses and tax credits for which no deferred tax asset is recognised in the balance sheet was $16.9bn (2020: $15.6bn). This amount included unused UK tax losses of $10.5bn (2020: $9.3bn), of which $5.8bn (2020: $4.3bn) arose after 1 April 2017 and can be recovered against the future taxable profits of any of the Group's UK tax resident subsidiaries. The remaining balance can only be recovered against future taxable profits of HSBC Holdings plc. No deferred tax was recognised on any of these losses due to the absence of convincing evidence regarding the availability of sufficient future taxable profits against which to recover them, taking into account the recent history of taxable losses within the UK group. Deferred tax asset recognition is reassessed at each balance sheet date based on the available evidence. Of the total amounts unrecognised, $10.9bn (2020: $11.5bn) had no expiry date, $0.7bn (2020: $0.7bn) was scheduled to expire within 10 years and the remaining balance is expected to expire after 10 years.
Deferred tax is not recognised in respect of the Group's investments in subsidiaries and branches where HSBC is able to control the timing of remittance or other realisation and where remittance or realisation is not probable in the foreseeable future. The aggregate temporary differences relating to unrecognised deferred tax liabilities arising on investments in subsidiaries and branches is $12.7bn (2020: $12.1bn) and the corresponding unrecognised deferred tax liability was $0.8bn (2020: $0.7bn).
8 | Dividends |
Dividends to shareholders of the parent company | |||||||||
| 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | ||||||
| Per share | Total | Settled in scrip | Per share | Total | Settled in scrip | Per share | Total | Settled in scrip |
| $ | $m | $m | $ | $m | $m | $ | $m | $m |
Dividends paid on ordinary shares |
In respect of previous year: |
- fourth interim dividend / interim dividend | 0.15 | 3,059 | - | - | - | - | 0.21 | 4,206 | 1,160 |
In respect of current year: |
- first interim dividend | 0.07 | 1,421 | - | - | - | - | 0.10 | 2,013 | 375 |
- second interim dividend | - | - | - | - | - | - | 0.10 | 2,021 | 795 |
- third interim dividend | - | - | - | - | - | - | 0.10 | 2,029 | 357 |
Total | 0.22 | 4,480 | - | - | - | - | 0.51 | 10,269 | 2,687 |
Total dividends on preference shares classified as equity (paid quarterly)1 | 4.99 | 7 |
| 62.00 | 90 |
| 62.00 | 90 |
Total coupons on capital securities classified as equity |
| 1,303 |
| 1,241 |
| 1,324 |
Dividends to shareholders |
| 5,790 |
| 1,331 |
| 11,683 |
1 HSBC Holdings called $1,450m 6.20% non-cumulative US dollar preference shares on 10 December 2020. The security was redeemed and cancelled on 13 January 2021.
Total coupons on capital securities classified as equity | |||||
| 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | |
| Total | Total | Total |
| First call date | Per security | $m | $m | $m |
Perpetual subordinated contingent convertible securities,1,2 |
$1,500m issued at 5.625%2 | Nov 2019 | $56.250 | - | - | 84 |
$2,000m issued at 6.875%3 | Jun 2021 | $68.750 | 69 | 138 | 138 |
$2,250m issued at 6.375% | Sep 2024 | $63.750 | 143 | 143 | 143 |
$2,450m issued at 6.375% | Mar 2025 | $63.750 | 156 | 156 | 156 |
$3,000m issued at 6.000% | May 2027 | $60.000 | 180 | 180 | 180 |
$2,350m issued at 6.250% | Mar 2023 | $62.500 | 147 | 147 | 147 |
$1,800m issued at 6.500% | Mar 2028 | $65.000 | 117 | 117 | 117 |
$1,500m issued at 4.600%4 | Jun 2031 | $46.000 | 69 | - | - |
$1,000m issued at 4.000%5 | Mar 2026 | $40.000 | 20 | - | - |
$1,000m issued at 4.700%6 | Mar 2031 | $47.000 | 24 | - | - |
€1,500m issued at 5.250% | Sep 2022 | €52.500 | 93 | 90 | 88 |
€1,000m issued at 6.000% | Sep 2023 | €60.000 | 70 | 67 | 66 |
€1,250m issued at 4.750% | July 2029 | €47.500 | 72 | 67 | 68 |
£1,000m issued at 5.875% | Sep 2026 | £58.750 | 80 | 74 | 75 |
SGD1,000m issued at 4.700% | Jun 2022 | SGD47.000 | 35 | 35 | 34 |
SGD750m issued at 5.000% | Sep 2023 | SGD50.000 | 28 | 27 | 28 |
Total |
| 1,303 | 1,241 | 1,324 |
1 Discretionary coupons are paid semi-annually on the perpetual subordinated contingent convertible securities, in denominations of each security's issuance currency 1,000 per security.
2 This security was called by HSBC Holdings on 22 November 2019 and was redeemed and cancelled on 17 January 2020. Between the date of exercise of the call option and the redemption, this security was considered to be a subordinated liability. For further details on additional tier 1 securities, see Note 31.
3 This security was called by HSBC Holdings on 15 April 2021 and was redeemed and cancelled on 1 June 2021.
4 This security was issued by HSBC Holdings on 17 December 2020. The first call date commences six calendar months prior to the reset date of17 June 2031.
5 This security was issued by HSBC Holdings on 9 March 2021. The first call date commences six calendar months prior to the reset date of 9 September 2026.
6 This security was issued by HSBC Holdings on 9 March 2021. The first call date commences six calendar months prior to the reset date of 9 September 2031.
After the end of the year, the Directors approved a second interim dividend in respect of the financial year ended 31 December 2021 of $0.18 per ordinary share, a distribution of approximately $3,649m. The second interim dividend for 2021 will be payable on 28 April 2022 to holders on the Principal Register in the UK, the Hong Kong Overseas Branch Register or the Bermuda Overseas Branch Register on11 March 2022. No liability was recorded in the financial statements in respect of the second interim dividend for 2021.
On 4 January 2022, HSBC paid a coupon on its €1,250m subordinated capital securities, representing a total distribution of €30m ($34m). No liability was recorded in the balance sheet at 31 December 2021 in respect of this coupon payment.
9 | Earnings per share |
Basic earnings per ordinary share is calculated by dividing the profit attributable to ordinary shareholders of the parent company by the weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding, excluding own shares held. Diluted earnings per ordinary share is calculated by dividing the basic earnings, which require no adjustment for the effects of dilutive potential ordinary shares, by the weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding, excluding own shares held, plus the weighted average number of ordinary shares that would be issued on conversion of dilutive potential ordinary shares.
Profit attributable to the ordinary shareholders of the parent company | |||
| 2021 | 2020 | 2019 |
| $m | $m | $m |
Profit attributable to shareholders of the parent company | 13,917 | 5,229 | 7,383 |
Dividend payable on preference shares classified as equity | (7) | (90) | (90) |
Coupon payable on capital securities classified as equity | (1,303) | (1,241) | (1,324) |
Year ended 31 Dec | 12,607 | 3,898 | 5,969 |
Basic and diluted earnings per share | |||||||||
| 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | ||||||
| Profit | Number of shares | Per share | Profit | Number of shares | Per share | Profit | Number of shares | Per share |
| $m | (millions) | $ | $m | (millions) | $ | $m | (millions) | $ |
Basic1 | 12,607 | 20,197 | 0.62 | 3,898 | 20,169 | 0.19 | 5,969 | 20,158 | 0.30 |
Effect of dilutive potential ordinary shares |
| 105 |
| 73 |
| 75 |
Diluted1 | 12,607 | 20,302 | 0.62 | 3,898 | 20,242 | 0.19 | 5,969 | 20,233 | 0.30 |
1 Weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding (basic) or assuming dilution (diluted).
The number of anti-dilutive employee share options excluded from the weighted average number of dilutive potential ordinary shares is 8.6 million (2020: 14.6 million; 2019: 1.1 million).
10 | Segmental analysis |
The Group Chief Executive, supported by the rest of the Group Executive Committee ('GEC'), is considered the Chief Operating Decision Maker ('CODM') for the purposes of identifying the Group's reportable segments. Global business results are assessed by the CODM on the basis of adjusted performance that removes the effects of significant items and currency translation from reported results. Therefore, we present these results on an adjusted basis as required by IFRSs. The 2020 and 2019 adjusted performance information is presented on a constant currency basis. The 2020 and 2019 income statements are converted at the average rates of exchange for 2021, and the balance sheets at 31 December 2020 and 31 December 2019 at the prevailing rates of exchange on 31 December 2021.
Our operations are closely integrated and, accordingly, the presentation of data includes internal allocations of certain items of income and expense. These allocations include the costs of certain support services and global functions to the extent that they can be meaningfully attributed to global businesses. While such allocations have been made on a systematic and consistent basis, they necessarily involve a degree of subjectivity. Costs that are not allocated to global businesses are included in Corporate Centre.
Where relevant, income and expense amounts presented include the results of inter-segment funding along with inter-company and inter-business line transactions. All such transactions are undertaken on arm's length terms. The intra-Group elimination items for the global businesses are presented in Corporate Centre.
Our global businesses
We provide a comprehensive range of banking and related financial services to our customers in our three global businesses. The products and services offered to customers are organised by these global businesses.
• Wealth and Personal Banking ('WPB') provides a full range of retail banking and wealth products to our customers from personal banking to ultra high net worth individuals. Typically, customer offerings include retail banking products, such as current and savings accounts, mortgages and personal loans, credit cards, debit cards and local and international payment services. We also provide wealth management services, including insurance and investment products, global asset management services, investment management and private wealth solutions for customers with more sophisticated and international requirements.
• Commercial Banking ('CMB') offers a broad range of products and services to serve the needs of our commercial customers, including small and medium-sized enterprises, mid-market enterprises and corporates. These include credit and lending, international trade and receivables finance, treasury management and liquidity solutions (payments and cash management and commercial cards), commercial insurance and investments. CMB also offers customers access to products and services offered by other global businesses, such as Global Banking and Markets, which include foreign exchange products, raising capital on debt and equity markets and advisory services.
• Global Banking and Markets ('GBM') provides tailored financial solutions to major government, corporate and institutional clients and private investors worldwide. The client-focused business lines deliver a full range of banking capabilities including financing, advisory and transaction services, a markets business that provides services in credit, rates, foreign exchange, equities, money markets and securities services, and principal investment activities.
HSBC adjusted profit before tax and balance sheet data | |||||
| 2021 | ||||
| Wealth and Personal Banking | Commercial Banking | Global Banking and Markets | Corporate Centre | Total |
| $m | $m | $m | $m | $m |
Net operating income/(expense) before change in expected credit losses and other credit impairment charges1 | 22,110 | 13,415 | 15,002 | (437) | 50,090 |
- external | 21,753 | 13,294 | 16,558 | (1,515) | 50,090 |
- inter-segment | 357 | 121 | (1,556) | 1,078 | - |
of which: net interest income/(expense) | 14,198 | 8,898 | 4,122 | (739) | 26,479 |
Change in expected credit losses and other credit impairment recoveries | 288 | 300 | 337 | 3 | 928 |
Net operating income/(expense) | 22,398 | 13,715 | 15,339 | (434) | 51,018 |
Total operating expenses | (15,384) | (6,973) | (10,006) | 215 | (32,148) |
Operating profit/(loss) | 7,014 | 6,742 | 5,333 | (219) | 18,870 |
Share of profit in associates and joint ventures | 34 | 1 | - | 3,011 | 3,046 |
Adjusted profit before tax | 7,048 | 6,743 | 5,333 | 2,792 | 21,916 |
| % | % | % | % | % |
Share of HSBC's adjusted profit before tax | 32.2 | 30.8 | 24.3 | 12.7 | 100.0 |
Adjusted cost efficiency ratio | 69.6 | 52.0 | 66.7 | 49.2 | 64.2 |
Adjusted balance sheet data | $m | $m | $m | $m | $m |
Loans and advances to customers (net) | 488,786 | 349,126 | 207,162 | 740 | 1,045,814 |
Interests in associates and joint ventures | 499 | 13 | 126 | 28,971 | 29,609 |
Total external assets | 932,582 | 622,925 | 1,229,820 | 172,612 | 2,957,939 |
Customer accounts | 859,029 | 506,688 | 344,205 | 652 | 1,710,574 |
| 2020 | ||||
Net operating income/(expense) before change in expected credit losses and other credit impairment charges1 | 22,571 | 13,718 | 15,768 | (287) | 51,770 |
- external | 20,474 | 14,114 | 18,651 | (1,469) | 51,770 |
- inter-segment | 2,097 | (396) | (2,883) | 1,182 | - |
- of which: net interest income/(expense) | 15,470 | 9,560 | 4,580 | (1,337) | 28,273 |
Change in expected credit losses and other credit impairment (charges)/recoveries | (3,005) | (4,989) | (1,289) | 1 | (9,282) |
Net operating income/(expense) | 19,566 | 8,729 | 14,479 | (286) | 42,488 |
Total operating expenses | (15,443) | (6,897) | (9,640) | (429) | (32,409) |
Operating profit/(loss) | 4,123 | 1,832 | 4,839 | (715) | 10,079 |
Share of profit in associates and joint ventures | 7 | (1) | - | 2,186 | 2,192 |
Adjusted profit before tax | 4,130 | 1,831 | 4,839 | 1,471 | 12,271 |
| % | % | % | % | % |
Share of HSBC's adjusted profit before tax | 33.7 | 14.9 | 39.4 | 12.0 | 100.0 |
Adjusted cost efficiency ratio | 68.4 | 50.3 | 61.1 | (149.5) | 62.6 |
Adjusted balance sheet data | $m | $m | $m | $m | $m |
Loans and advances to customers (net) | 462,286 | 338,193 | 220,692 | 1,231 | 1,022,402 |
Interests in associates and joint ventures | 444 | 13 | 141 | 26,472 | 27,070 |
Total external assets | 869,924 | 562,125 | 1,319,389 | 187,189 | 2,938,627 |
Customer accounts | 823,991 | 464,380 | 331,164 | 593 | 1,620,128 |
| |||||
| 2019 | ||||
Net operating income/(expense) before change in expected credit losses and other credit impairment charges1 | 26,140 | 15,594 | 15,282 | (581) | 56,435 |
- external | 21,777 | 16,522 | 20,782 | (2,646) | 56,435 |
- inter-segment | 4,363 | (928) | (5,500) | 2,065 | - |
- of which: net interest income/(expense) | 17,820 | 11,242 | 5,309 | (3,338) | 31,033 |
Change in expected credit losses and other credit impairment (charges)/recoveries | (1,376) | (1,194) | (155) | 38 | (2,687) |
Net operating income/(expense) | 24,764 | 14,400 | 15,127 | (543) | 53,748 |
Total operating expenses | (15,823) | (7,028) | (9,891) | (821) | (33,563) |
Operating profit/(loss) | 8,941 | 7,372 | 5,236 | (1,364) | 20,185 |
Share of profit in associates and joint ventures | 54 | 1 | 1 | 2,440 | 2,496 |
Adjusted profit before tax | 8,995 | 7,373 | 5,237 | 1,076 | 22,681 |
| % | % | % | % | % |
Share of HSBC's adjusted profit before tax | 39.7 | 32.5 | 23.1 | 4.7 | 100.0 |
Adjusted cost efficiency ratio | 60.5 | 45.1 | 64.7 | (141.3) | 59.5 |
Adjusted balance sheet data | $m | $m | $m | $m | $m |
Loans and advances to customers (net) | 448,880 | 348,716 | 248,062 | 1,141 | 1,046,799 |
Interests in associates and joint ventures | 445 | 14 | 16 | 25,305 | 25,780 |
Total external assets | 780,456 | 515,962 | 1,283,597 | 161,055 | 2,741,070 |
Customer accounts | 758,414 | 392,133 | 298,618 | 760 | 1,449,925 |
1 Net operating income before change in expected credit losses and other credit impairment charges, also referred to as revenue.
Reported external net operating income is attributed to countries and territories on the basis of the location of the branch responsible for reporting the results or advancing the funds:
| 2021 | 2020 | 2019 |
| $m | $m | $m |
Reported external net operating income by country/territory1 | 49,552 | 50,429 | 56,098 |
- UK | 10,909 | 9,163 | 9,011 |
- Hong Kong | 14,245 | 15,783 | 18,449 |
- US | 3,795 | 4,474 | 4,471 |
- France | 2,179 | 1,753 | 1,942 |
- other countries | 18,424 | 19,256 | 22,225 |
1 Net operating income before change in expected credit losses and other credit impairment charges, also referred to as revenue.
Adjusted results reconciliation | |||||||||||
| 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | ||||||||
| Adjusted | Significant items | Reported | Adjusted | Currency translation | Significant items | Reported | Adjusted | Currency translation | Significant items | Reported |
| $m | $m | $m | $m | $m | $m | $m | $m | $m | $m | $m |
Revenue1 | 50,090 | (538) | 49,552 | 51,770 | (1,393) | 52 | 50,429 | 56,435 | (1,010) | 673 | 56,098 |
ECL | 928 | - | 928 | (9,282) | 465 | - | (8,817) | (2,687) | (69) | - | (2,756) |
Operating expenses | (32,148) | (2,472) | (34,620) | (32,409) | 1,072 | (3,095) | (34,432) | (33,563) | 981 | (9,767) | (42,349) |
Share of profit in associates and joint ventures | 3,046 | - | 3,046 | 2,192 | (133) | (462) | 1,597 | 2,496 | (142) | - | 2,354 |
Profit/(loss) before tax | 21,916 | (3,010) | 18,906 | 12,271 | 11 | (3,505) | 8,777 | 22,681 | (240) | (9,094) | 13,347 |
1 Net operating income before change in expected credit losses and other credit impairment charges, also referred to as revenue.
Adjusted balance sheet reconciliation | |||||||
| 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | ||||
| Reported and adjusted | Adjusted | Currency translation | Reported | Adjusted | Currency translation | Reported |
| $m | $m | $m | $m | $m | $m | $m |
Loans and advances to customers (net) | 1,045,814 | 1,022,402 | 15,585 | 1,037,987 | 1,046,799 | (10,056) | 1,036,743 |
Interests in associates and joint ventures | 29,609 | 27,070 | (386) | 26,684 | 25,780 | (1,306) | 24,474 |
Total external assets | 2,957,939 | 2,938,627 | 45,537 | 2,984,164 | 2,741,070 | (25,918) | 2,715,152 |
Customer accounts | 1,710,574 | 1,620,128 | 22,652 | 1,642,780 | 1,449,925 | (10,810) | 1,439,115 |
Adjusted profit reconciliation | |||
| 2021 | 2020 | 2019 |
| $m | $m | $m |
Year ended 31 Dec |
Adjusted profit before tax | 21,916 | 12,271 | 22,681 |
Significant items | (3,010) | (3,505) | (9,094) |
- customer redress programmes (revenue) | 11 | (21) | (163) |
- disposals, acquisitions and investment in new businesses (revenue) | - | (10) | 768 |
- fair value movements on financial instruments1 | (242) | 264 | 84 |
- restructuring and other related costs (revenue)2 | (307) | (170) | - |
- costs of structural reform3 | - | - | (158) |
- customer redress programmes (operating expenses) | (49) | 54 | (1,281) |
- impairment of goodwill and other intangible assets | (587) | (1,090) | (7,349) |
- past service costs of guaranteed minimum pension benefits equalisation | - | (17) | - |
- restructuring and other related costs (operating expenses)4 | (1,836) | (1,908) | (827) |
- settlements and provisions in connection with legal and other regulatory matters | - | (12) | 61 |
- impairment of goodwill (share of profit in associates and joint ventures)5 | - | (462) | - |
- currency translation on significant items |
| (133) | (229) |
Currency translation |
| 11 | (240) |
Reported profit before tax | 18,906 | 8,777 | 13,347 |
1 Includes fair value movements on non-qualifying hedges and debt valuation adjustments on derivatives.
2 Comprises losses associated with the RWA reduction commitments and gains relating to the business update in February 2020.
3 Comprises costs associated with preparations for the UK's exit from the European Union.
4 Includes impairment of software intangible assets of $189m (of the total software intangible asset impairment of $1,347m) and impairment of tangible assets of $197m in 2020.
5 During 2020, The Saudi British Bank ('SABB'), an associate of HSBC, impaired the goodwill that arose following the merger with Alawwal bank in 2019. HSBC's post-tax share of the goodwill impairment was $462m.
11 | Trading assets |
| 2021 | 2020 |
| $m | $m |
Treasury and other eligible bills | 23,110 | 24,035 |
Debt securities | 89,944 | 102,846 |
Equity securities | 109,614 | 77,643 |
Trading securities | 222,668 | 204,524 |
Loans and advances to banks1 | 7,767 | 8,242 |
Loans and advances to customers1 | 18,407 | 19,224 |
Year ended 31 Dec | 248,842 | 231,990 |
1 Loans and advances to banks and customers include reverse repos, stock borrowing and other accounts.
12 | Fair values of financial instruments carried at fair value |
Control framework
Fair values are subject to a control framework designed to ensure that they are either determined or validated by a function independent of the risk taker.
Where fair values are determined by reference to externally quoted prices or observable pricing inputs to models, independent price determination or validation is used. For inactive markets, HSBC sources alternative market information, with greater weight given to information that is considered to be more relevant and reliable. Examples of the factors considered are price observability, instrument comparability, consistency of data sources, underlying data accuracy and timing of prices.
For fair values determined using valuation models, the control framework includes development or validation by independent support functions of the model logic, inputs, model outputs and adjustments. Valuation models are subject to a process of due diligence before becoming operational and are calibrated against external market data on an ongoing basis.
Changes in fair value are generally subject to a profit and loss analysis process and are disaggregated into high-level categories including portfolio changes, market movements and other fair value adjustments.
The majority of financial instruments measured at fair value are in GBM. GBM's fair value governance structure comprises its Finance function, Valuation Committees and a Valuation Committee Review Group. Finance is responsible for establishing procedures governing valuation and ensuring fair values are in compliance with accounting standards. The fair values are reviewed by the Valuation Committees, which consist of independent support functions. These committees are overseen by the Valuation Committee Review Group, which considers all material subjective valuations.
Financial liabilities measured at fair value
In certain circumstances, HSBC records its own debt in issue at fair value, based on quoted prices in an active market for the specific instrument. When quoted market prices are unavailable, the own debt in issue is valued using valuation techniques, the inputs for which are either based on quoted prices in an inactive market for the instrument or are estimated by comparison with quoted prices in an active market for similar instruments. In both cases, the fair value includes the effect of applying the credit spread that is appropriate to HSBC's liabilities. The change in fair value of issued debt securities attributable to the Group's own credit spread is computed as follows: for each security at each reporting date, an externally verifiable price is obtained or a price is derived using credit spreads for similar securities for the same issuer. Then, using discounted cash flow, each security is valued using an appropriate market discount curve. The difference in the valuations is attributable to the Group's own credit spread. This methodology is applied consistently across all securities.
Structured notes issued and certain other hybrid instruments are included within trading liabilities and are measured at fair value. The credit spread applied to these instruments is derived from the spreads at which HSBC issues structured notes.
Gains and losses arising from changes in the credit spread of liabilities issued by HSBC, recorded in other comprehensive income, reverse over the contractual life of the debt, provided that the debt is not repaid at a premium or a discount.
Fair value hierarchy
Fair values of financial assets and liabilities are determined according to the following hierarchy:
• Level 1 - valuation technique using quoted market price. These are financial instruments with quoted prices for identical instruments in active markets that HSBC can access at the measurement date.
• Level 2 - valuation technique using observable inputs. These are financial instruments with quoted prices for similar instruments in active markets or quoted prices for identical or similar instruments in inactive markets and financial instruments valued using models where all significant inputs are observable.
• Level 3 - valuation technique with significant unobservable inputs. These are financial instruments valued using valuation techniques where one or more significant inputs are unobservable.
Financial instruments carried at fair value and bases of valuation | ||||||||
| 2021 | 2020 | ||||||
| Level 1 | Level 2 | Level 3 | Total | Level 1 | Level 2 | Level 3 | Total |
| $m | $m | $m | $m | $m | $m | $m | $m |
Recurring fair value measurements at 31 Dec |
Assets |
Trading assets | 180,423 | 65,757 | 2,662 | 248,842 | 167,980 | 61,511 | 2,499 | 231,990 |
Financial assets designated and otherwise mandatorily measured at fair value through profit or loss | 17,937 | 17,629 | 14,238 | 49,804 | 19,711 | 14,365 | 11,477 | 45,553 |
Derivatives | 2,783 | 191,621 | 2,478 | 196,882 | 2,602 | 302,454 | 2,670 | 307,726 |
Financial investments | 247,745 | 97,838 | 3,389 | 348,972 | 303,654 | 94,746 | 3,654 | 402,054 |
Liabilities |
Trading liabilities | 63,437 | 20,682 | 785 | 84,904 | 53,290 | 21,814 | 162 | 75,266 |
Financial liabilities designated at fair value | 1,379 | 136,243 | 7,880 | 145,502 | 1,267 | 150,866 | 5,306 | 157,439 |
Derivatives | 1,686 | 186,290 | 3,088 | 191,064 | 1,788 | 297,025 | 4,188 | 303,001 |
Transfers between Level 1 and Level 2 fair values | |||||||
| Assets | Liabilities | |||||
| Financial investments | Trading assets | Designated and otherwise mandatorily measured at fair value | Derivatives | Trading liabilities | Designated at fair value | Derivatives |
| $m | $m | $m | $m | $m | $m | $m |
At 31 Dec 2021 |
Transfers from Level 1 to Level 2 | 8,477 | 6,553 | 1,277 | 103 | 181 | - | 212 |
Transfers from Level 2 to Level 1 | 6,007 | 4,132 | 768 | - | 638 | - | - |
At 31 Dec 2020 |
Transfers from Level 1 to Level 2 | 4,514 | 3,891 | 245 | - | 155 | 7,414 | - |
Transfers from Level 2 to Level 1 | 7,764 | 5,517 | 328 | 1 | 433 | - | - |
Transfers between levels of the fair value hierarchy are deemed to occur at the end of each quarterly reporting period. Transfers into and out of levels of the fair value hierarchy are primarily attributable to observability of valuation inputs and price transparency.
Fair value adjustments
We adopt the use of fair value adjustments when we take into consideration additional factors not incorporated within the valuation model that would otherwise be considered by a market participant. We classify fair value adjustments as either 'risk-related' or 'model-related'. The majority of these adjustments relate to GBM. Movements in the level of fair value adjustments do not necessarily result in the recognition of profits or losses within the income statement. For example, as models are enhanced, fair value adjustments may no longer be required. Similarly, fair value adjustments will decrease when the related positions are unwound, but this may not result in profit or loss.
Global Banking and Markets fair value adjustments |
| 2021 | 2020 | ||
| GBM | Corporate Centre | GBM | Corporate Centre |
| $m | $m | $m | $m |
Type of adjustment |
Risk-related | 868 | 42 | 1,170 | 28 |
- bid-offer | 412 | - | 514 | - |
- uncertainty | 66 | 1 | 106 | 1 |
- credit valuation adjustment | 228 | 35 | 445 | 27 |
- debt valuation adjustment | (92) | - | (120) | - |
- funding fair value adjustment | 254 | 6 | 204 | - |
- other | - | - | 21 | - |
Model-related | 57 | - | 74 | - |
- model limitation | 57 | - | 70 | - |
- other | - | - | 4 | - |
Inception profit (Day 1 P&L reserves) | 106 | - | 104 | - |
At 31 Dec | 1,031 | 42 | 1,348 | 28 |
We continue to observe losses on the disposals of certain uncollateralised over-the-counter ('OTC') derivatives as part of our commitments to reduce RWAs in GBM, as set out in our business update in February 2020. Based on our analysis, these losses are not considered to give rise to an adjustment within the IFRS 13 'Fair Value Measurement' framework.
The reduction in fair value adjustments was driven by increased liquidity, lower volatility and an improved credit environment. Movement in funding fair value adjustment included a change in measurement from Libor to a Libor replacement risk-free rate.
IFRS 13 'Fair Value Measurement' requires the use of the price within the bid-offer spread that is most representative of fair value. Valuation models will typically generate mid-market values. The bid-offer adjustment reflects the extent to which bid-offer costs would be incurred if substantially all residual net portfolio market risks were closed using available hedging instruments or by disposing of or unwinding the position.
Certain model inputs may be less readily determinable from market data and/or the choice of model itself may be more subjective. In these circumstances, an adjustment may be necessary to reflect the likelihood that market participants would adopt more conservative values for uncertain parameters and/or model assumptions than those used in HSBC's valuation model.
Credit and debt valuation adjustments
The credit valuation adjustment ('CVA') is an adjustment to the valuation of over-the-counter ('OTC') derivative contracts to reflect the possibility that the counterparty may default and that HSBC may not receive the full market value of the transactions.
The debt valuation adjustment ('DVA') is an adjustment to the valuation of OTC derivative contracts to reflect the possibility that HSBC may default, and that it may not pay the full market value of the transactions.
HSBC calculates a separate CVA and DVA for each legal entity, and for each counterparty to which the entity has exposure. With the exception of central clearing parties, all third-party counterparties are included in the CVA and DVA calculations, and these adjustments are not netted across Group entities.
HSBC calculates the CVA by applying the probability of default ('PD') of the counterparty, conditional on the non-default of HSBC, to HSBC's expected positive exposure to the counterparty and multiplying the result by the loss expected in the event of default. Conversely, HSBC calculates the DVA by applying the PD of HSBC, conditional on the non-default of the counterparty, to the expected positive exposure of the counterparty to HSBC and multiplying the result by the loss expected in the event of default. Both calculations are performed over the life of the potential exposure.
For most products HSBC uses a simulation methodology, which incorporates a range of potential exposures over the life of the portfolio, to calculate the expected positive exposure to a counterparty. The simulation methodology includes credit mitigants, such as counterparty netting agreements and collateral agreements with the counterparty.
The methodologies do not, in general, account for 'wrong-way risk'. Wrong-way risk is an adverse correlation between the counterparty's probability of default and the mark-to-market value of the underlying transaction. The risk can either be general, perhaps related to the currency of the issuer country, or specific to the transaction concerned. When there is significant wrong-way risk, a trade-specific approach is applied to reflect this risk in the valuation.
Funding fair value adjustment
The funding fair value adjustment ('FFVA') is calculated by applying future market funding spreads to the expected future funding exposure of any uncollateralised component of the OTC derivative portfolio. The expected future funding exposure is calculated by a simulation methodology, where available, and is adjusted for events that may terminate the exposure, such as the default of HSBC or the counterparty. The FFVA and DVA are calculated independently.
Model limitation
Models used for portfolio valuation purposes may be based upon a simplified set of assumptions that do not capture all current and future material market characteristics. In these circumstances, model limitation adjustments are adopted.
Inception profit (Day 1 P&L reserves)
Inception profit adjustments are adopted when the fair value estimated by a valuation model is based on one or more significant unobservable inputs. The accounting for inception profit adjustments is discussed in Note 1.
Fair value valuation bases
Financial instruments measured at fair value using a valuation technique with significant unobservable inputs - Level 3 | |||||||||
| Assets | Liabilities | |||||||
| Financial investments | Trading assets | Designated and otherwise mandatorily measured at fair value through profit or loss | Derivatives | Total | Trading liabilities | Designated at fair value | Derivatives | Total |
| $m | $m | $m | $m | $m | $m | $m | $m | $m |
Private equity including strategic investments | 544 | 2 | 13,732 | - | 14,278 | 9 | - | - | 9 |
Asset-backed securities | 1,008 | 132 | 1 | - | 1,141 | - | - | - | - |
Structured notes | - | - | - | - | - | - | 7,879 | - | 7,879 |
Derivatives with monolines | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
Other derivatives | - | - | - | 2,478 | 2,478 | - | - | 3,088 | 3,088 |
Other portfolios | 1,837 | 2,528 | 505 | - | 4,870 | 776 | 1 | - | 777 |
At 31 Dec 2021 | 3,389 | 2,662 | 14,238 | 2,478 | 22,767 | 785 | 7,880 | 3,088 | 11,753 |
Private equity including strategic investments | 930 | 4 | 10,971 | - | 11,905 | 4 | - | - | 4 |
Asset-backed securities | 1,286 | 523 | 25 | - | 1,834 | - | - | - | - |
Structured notes | - | - | - | - | - | 29 | 5,301 | - | 5,330 |
Derivatives with monolines | - | - | - | 68 | 68 | - | - | - | - |
Other derivatives | - | - | - | 2,602 | 2,602 | - | - | 4,187 | 4,187 |
Other portfolios | 1,438 | 1,972 | 481 | - | 3,891 | 129 | 5 | 1 | 135 |
At 31 Dec 2020 | 3,654 | 2,499 | 11,477 | 2,670 | 20,300 | 162 | 5,306 | 4,188 | 9,656 |
Level 3 instruments are present in both ongoing and legacy businesses. Loans held for securitisation, derivatives with monolines, certain 'other derivatives' and predominantly all Level 3 asset-backed securities are legacy positions. HSBC has the capability to hold these positions.
Private equity including strategic investments
The fair value of a private equity investment (including strategic investments) is estimated on the basis of an analysis of the investee's financial position and results, risk profile, prospects and other factors; by reference to market valuations for similar entities quoted in an active market; the price at which similar companies have changed ownership; or from published net asset values ('NAV') received. If necessary, adjustments are made to the NAV of funds to obtain the best estimate of fair value.
Asset-backed securities
While quoted market prices are generally used to determine the fair value of the asset-backed securities ('ABSs'), valuation models are used to substantiate the reliability of the limited market data available and to identify whether any adjustments to quoted market prices are required. For certain ABSs, such as residential mortgage-backed securities, the valuation uses an industry standard model with assumptions relating to prepayment speeds, default rates and loss severity based on collateral type, and performance, as appropriate. The valuations output is benchmarked for consistency against observable data for securities of a similar nature.
Structured notes
The fair value of Level 3 structured notes is derived from the fair value of the underlying debt security, and the fair value of the embedded derivative is determined as described in the paragraph below on derivatives. These structured notes comprise principally equity-linked notes issued by HSBC, which provide the counterparty with a return linked to the performance of equity securities and other portfolios.
Examples of the unobservable parameters include long-dated equity volatilities and correlations between equity prices, and interest and foreign exchange rates.
OTC derivative valuation models calculate the present value of expected future cash flows, based upon 'no arbitrage' principles. For many vanilla derivative products, the modelling approaches used are standard across the industry. For more complex derivative products, there may be some differences in market practice. Inputs to valuation models are determined from observable market data wherever possible, including prices available from exchanges, dealers, brokers or providers of consensus pricing. Certain inputs may not be observable in the market directly, but can be determined from observable prices via model calibration procedures or estimated from historical data or other sources.
Reconciliation of fair value measurements in Level 3 of the fair value hierarchy
Movement in Level 3 financial instruments | |||||||
| Assets | Liabilities | |||||
| Financial investments | Trading assets | Designated and otherwise mandatorily measured at fair value through profit or loss | Derivatives | Trading liabilities | Designated at fair value | Derivatives |
| $m | $m | $m | $m | $m | $m | $m |
At 1 Jan 2021 | 3,654 | 2,499 | 11,477 | 2,670 | 162 | 5,306 | 4,188 |
Total gains/(losses) recognised in profit or loss | (10) | (378) | 1,753 | 2,237 | 16 | (836) | 2,583 |
- net income/(losses) from financial instruments held for trading or managed on a fair value basis | - | (378) | - | 2,237 | 16 | - | 2,583 |
- changes in fair value of other financial instruments mandatorily measured at fair value through profit or loss | - | - | 1,753 | - | - | (836) | - |
- gains less losses from financial investments at fair value through other comprehensive income | (10) | - | - | - | - | - | - |
Total gains/(losses) recognised in other comprehensive income ('OCI')1 | (521) | (18) | (285) | (27) | (8) | (61) | (26) |
- financial investments: fair value gains | (428) | - | - | - | - | - | - |
- exchange differences | (93) | (18) | (285) | (27) | (8) | (61) | (26) |
Purchases | 1,025 | 1,988 | 3,692 | - | 1,014 | 1 | - |
New issuances | - | - | - | - | 35 | 5,969 | - |
Sales | (580) | (473) | (1,216) | - | (4) | (27) | - |
Settlements | (336) | (747) | (1,049) | (2,347) | (681) | (2,922) | (3,962) |
Transfers out | (383) | (1,027) | (184) | (418) | (7) | (704) | (734) |
Transfers in | 540 | 818 | 50 | 363 | 258 | 1,154 | 1,039 |
At 31 Dec 2021 | 3,389 | 2,662 | 14,238 | 2,478 | 785 | 7,880 | 3,088 |
Unrealised gains/(losses) recognised in profit or loss relating to assets and liabilities held at 31 Dec 2020 | - | (309) | 1,509 | 1,298 | - | 166 | (969) |
- net income/(losses) from financial instruments held for trading or managed on a fair value basis | - | (309) | - | 1,298 | - | - | (969) |
- changes in fair value of other financial instruments mandatorily measured at fair value through profit or loss | - | - | 1,509 | - | - | 166 | - |
Movement in Level 3 financial instruments (continued) | |||||||
| Assets | Liabilities | |||||
| Financial investments | Trading assets | Designated and otherwise mandatorily measured at fair value through profit or loss | Derivatives | Trading liabilities | Designated at fair value | Derivatives |
| $m | $m | $m | $m | $m | $m | $m |
At 1 Jan 2020 | 3,218 | 4,979 | 9,476 | 2,136 | 53 | 5,016 | 2,302 |
Total gains/(losses) recognised in profit or loss | 17 | (6) | 504 | 2,281 | 307 | (59) | 3,398 |
- net income/(losses) from financial instruments held for trading or managed on a fair value basis | - | (6) | - | 2,281 | 307 | - | 3,398 |
- changes in fair value of other financial instruments mandatorily measured at fair value through profit or loss | - | - | 504 | - | - | (59) | - |
- gains less losses from financial investments at fair value through other comprehensive income | 17 | - | - | - | - | - | - |
Total gains/(losses) recognised in other comprehensive income ('OCI')1 | 394 | 115 | 286 | 143 | 17 | 204 | 169 |
- financial investments: fair value gains | 270 | - | - | - | - | - | - |
- exchange differences | 124 | 115 | 286 | 143 | 17 | 204 | 169 |
Purchases | 671 | 687 | 3,701 | - | 66 | - | - |
New issuances | - | - | 1 | - | 6 | 1,876 | - |
Sales | (674) | (1,579) | (2,042) | - | (260) | - | - |
Settlements | (530) | (1,122) | (435) | (1,542) | (26) | (1,531) | (1,462) |
Transfers out | (101) | (1,790) | (140) | (565) | (9) | (777) | (528) |
Transfers in | 659 | 1,215 | 126 | 217 | 8 | 577 | 309 |
At 31 Dec 2020 | 3,654 | 2,499 | 11,477 | 2,670 | 162 | 5,306 | 4,188 |
Unrealised gains/(losses) recognised in profit or loss relating to assets and liabilities held at 31 Dec 2020 | - | (32) | 412 | 707 | 1 | (91) | (1,621) |
- net income/(losses) from financial instruments held for trading or managed on a fair value basis | - | (32) | - | 707 | 1 | - | (1,621) |
- changes in fair value of other financial instruments mandatorily measured at fair value through profit or loss | - | - | 412 | - | - | (91) | - |
1 Included in 'financial investments: fair value gains/(losses)' in the current year and 'exchange differences' in the consolidated statement of comprehensive income.
Transfers between levels of the fair value hierarchy are deemed to occur at the end of each quarterly reporting period. Transfers into and out of levels of the fair value hierarchy are primarily attributable to observability of valuation inputs and price transparency.
Effect of changes in significant unobservable assumptions to reasonably possible alternatives
Sensitivity of fair values to reasonably possible alternative assumptions | ||||||||
| 2021 | 2020 | ||||||
| Reflected in profit or loss | Reflected in OCI | Reflected in profit or loss | Reflected in OCI | ||||
| Favourable changes | Un- favourable changes | Favourable changes | Un- favourable changes | Favourable changes | Un- favourable changes | Favourable changes | Un- favourable changes |
| $m | $m | $m | $m | $m | $m | $m | $m |
Derivatives, trading assets and trading liabilities1 | 143 | (146) | - | - | 229 | (244) | - | - |
Financial assets and liabilities designated and otherwise mandatorily measured at fair value through profit or loss | 849 | (868) | - | - | 644 | (643) | - | - |
Financial investments | 20 | (20) | 113 | (112) | 35 | (35) | 110 | (110) |
At 31 Dec | 1,012 | (1,034) | 113 | (112) | 908 | (922) | 110 | (110) |
1 'Derivatives, trading assets and trading liabilities' are presented as one category to reflect the manner in which these instruments are risk-managed.
The sensitivity analysis aims to measure a range of fair values consistent with the application of a 95% confidence interval. Methodologies take account of the nature of the valuation technique employed, as well as the availability and reliability of observable proxy and historical data.
When the fair value of a financial instrument is affected by more than one unobservable assumption, the above table reflects the most favourable or the most unfavourable change from varying the assumptions individually.
Key unobservable inputs to Level 3 financial instruments
The following table lists key unobservable inputs to Level 3 financial instruments and provides the range of those inputs at 31 December 2021.
Quantitative information about significant unobservable inputs in Level 3 valuations | ||||||||
| Fair value |
| 2021 | 2020 | |||
| Assets | Liabilities | Valuation techniques | Key unobservable inputs | Full range of inputs | Full range of inputs | ||
| $m | $m | Lower | Higher | Lower | Higher | ||
Private equity including strategic investments | 14,278 | 9 | See below | See below |
Asset-backed securities | 1,141 | - |
- collateralised loan/debt obligation | 20 | - | Market proxy | Prepayment rate | - | - | 0% | 9% |
Market proxy | Bid quotes | 0 | 100 | 0 | 100 | |||
- other ABSs | 1,121 | - | Market proxy | Bid quotes | 0 | 100 | 0 | 101 |
Structured notes | - | 7,879 |
- equity-linked notes | - | 6,565 | Model - Option model | Equity volatility | 6% | 124% | 6% | 115% |
Model - Option model | Equity correlation | 22% | 99% | (4)% | 88% | |||
- FX-linked notes | - | 629 | Model - Option model | FX volatility | 1% | 99% | 0% | 36% |
- other | - | 685 |
Derivatives with monolines | - | - | Model - Discounted cash flow | Credit spread | - | - | 2% | 2% |
Other derivatives | 2,478 | 3,088 |
- interest rate derivatives | 797 | 990 |
securitisation swaps | 284 | 595 | Model - Discounted cash flow | Prepayment rate | 5% | 10% | 6% | 6% |
long-dated swaptions | 36 | 73 | Model - Option model | IR volatility | 15% | 35% | 6% | 28% |
other | 477 | 322 |
- FX derivatives | 379 | 403 |
FX options | 212 | 270 | Model - Option model | FX volatility | 1% | 99% | 0% | 43% |
other | 167 | 133 |
- equity derivatives | 1,143 | 1,513 |
long-dated single stock options | 590 | 895 | Model - Option model | Equity volatility | 4% | 138% | 0% | 120% |
other | 553 | 618 |
- credit derivatives | 159 | 182 |
other | 159 | 182 |
Other portfolios | 4,870 | 777 |
- repurchase agreements | 778 | - | Model - Discounted cash flow | IR curve | 1% | 5% | 0% | 5% |
- other1 | 4,092 | 777 |
At 31 Dec 2021 | 22,767 | 11,753 |
1 'Other' includes a range of smaller asset holdings.
Private equity including strategic investments
Given the bespoke nature of the analysis in respect of each private equity holding, it is not practical to quote a range of key unobservable inputs. The key unobservable inputs would be price and correlation. The valuation approach includes using a range of inputs that include company specific financials, traded comparable companies multiples, published net asset values and qualitative assumptions, which are not directly comparable or quantifiable.
Prepayment rates
Prepayment rates are a measure of the anticipated future speed at which a loan portfolio will be repaid in advance of the due date. They vary according to the nature of the loan portfolio and expectations of future market conditions, and may be estimated using a variety of evidence, such as prepayment rates implied from proxy observable security prices, current or historical prepayment rates and macroeconomic modelling.
Market proxy
Market proxy pricing may be used for an instrument when specific market pricing is not available but there is evidence from instruments with common characteristics. In some cases it might be possible to identify a specific proxy, but more generally evidence across a wider range of instruments will be used to understand the factors that influence current market pricing and the manner of that influence.
Volatility is a measure of the anticipated future variability of a market price. It varies by underlying reference market price, and by strike and maturity of the option. Certain volatilities, typically those of a longer-dated nature, are unobservable and are estimated from observable data. The range of unobservable volatilities reflects the wide variation in volatility inputs by reference market price. The core range is significantly narrower than the full range because these examples with extreme volatilities occur relatively rarely within the HSBC portfolio.
Correlation is a measure of the inter-relationship between two market prices and is expressed as a number between minus one and one. It is used to value more complex instruments where the payout is dependent upon more than one market price. There is a wide range of instruments for which correlation is an input, and consequently a wide range of both same-asset correlations and cross-asset correlations is used. In general, the range of same-asset correlations will be narrower than the range of cross-asset correlations.
Unobservable correlations may be estimated based upon a range of evidence, including consensus pricing services, HSBC trade prices, proxy correlations and examination of historical price relationships. The range of unobservable correlations quoted in the table reflects the wide variation in correlation inputs by market price pair.
Credit spread
Credit spread is the premium over a benchmark interest rate required by the market to accept lower credit quality. In a discounted cash flow model, the credit spread increases the discount factors applied to future cash flows, thereby reducing the value of an asset. Credit spreads may be implied from market prices and may not be observable in more illiquid markets.
Inter-relationships between key unobservable inputs
Key unobservable inputs to Level 3 financial instruments may not be independent of each other. As described above, market variables may be correlated. This correlation typically reflects the manner in which different markets tend to react to macroeconomic or other events. Furthermore, the effect of changing market variables on the HSBC portfolio will depend on HSBC's net risk position in respect of each variable.
HSBC Holdings
Basis of valuing HSBC Holdings' financial assets and liabilities measured at fair value | ||
| 2021 | 2020 |
| $m | $m |
Valuation technique using observable inputs: Level 2 |
Assets at 31 Dec |
- derivatives | 2,811 | 4,698 |
- designated and otherwise mandatorily measured at fair value through profit or loss | 51,408 | 65,253 |
Liabilities at 31 Dec |
- designated at fair value | 32,418 | 25,664 |
- derivatives | 1,220 | 3,060 |
13 | Fair values of financial instruments not carried at fair value |
Fair values of financial instruments not carried at fair value and bases of valuation | |||||
| Fair value | |||
| Carrying amount | Quoted market price Level 1 | Observable inputs Level 2 | Significant unobservable inputs Level 3 | Total |
| $m | $m | $m | $m | $m |
At 31 Dec 2021 |
Assets |
Loans and advances to banks | 83,136 | - | 82,220 | 1,073 | 83,293 |
Loans and advances to customers | 1,045,814 | - | 10,287 | 1,034,288 | 1,044,575 |
Reverse repurchase agreements - non-trading | 241,648 | - | 241,531 | 121 | 241,652 |
Financial investments - at amortised cost | 97,302 | 38,722 | 63,022 | 523 | 102,267 |
Liabilities |
Deposits by banks | 101,152 | - | 101,149 | - | 101,149 |
Customer accounts | 1,710,574 | - | 1,710,733 | - | 1,710,733 |
Repurchase agreements - non-trading | 126,670 | - | 126,670 | - | 126,670 |
Debt securities in issue | 78,557 | - | 78,754 | 489 | 79,243 |
Subordinated liabilities | 20,487 | - | 26,206 | - | 26,206 |
At 31 Dec 2020 |
Assets |
Loans and advances to banks | 81,616 | - | 80,457 | 1,339 | 81,796 |
Loans and advances to customers | 1,037,987 | - | 9,888 | 1,025,573 | 1,035,461 |
Reverse repurchase agreements - non-trading | 230,628 | - | 230,330 | 272 | 230,602 |
Financial investments - at amortised cost | 88,639 | 28,722 | 67,572 | 507 | 96,801 |
Liabilities |
Deposits by banks | 82,080 | - | 81,996 | - | 81,996 |
Customer accounts | 1,642,780 | - | 1,642,988 | 143 | 1,643,131 |
Repurchase agreements - non-trading | 111,901 | 3 | 111,898 | - | 111,901 |
Debt securities in issue | 95,492 | - | 96,371 | 657 | 97,028 |
Subordinated liabilities | 21,951 | - | 28,552 | - | 28,552 |
Other financial instruments not carried at fair value are typically short term in nature and reprice to current market rates frequently. Accordingly, their carrying amount is a reasonable approximation of fair value. They include cash and balances at central banks, items in the course of collection from and transmission to other banks, Hong Kong Government certificates of indebtedness and Hong Kong currency notes in circulation, all of which are measured at amortised cost.
Fair value is an estimate of the price that would be received to sell an asset or paid to transfer a liability in an orderly transaction between market participants at the measurement date. It does not reflect the economic benefits and costs that HSBC expects to flow from an instrument's cash flow over its expected future life. Our valuation methodologies and assumptions in determining fair values for which no observable market prices are available may differ from those of other companies.
Loans and advances to banks and customers
To determine the fair value of loans and advances to banks and customers, loans are segregated, as far as possible, into portfolios of similar characteristics. Fair values are based on observable market transactions, when available. When they are unavailable, fair values are estimated using valuation models incorporating a range of input assumptions. These assumptions may include: value estimates from third-party brokers reflecting over-the-counter trading activity; forward-looking discounted cash flow models, taking account of expected customer prepayment rates, using assumptions that HSBC believes are consistent with those that would be used by market participants in valuing such loans; new business rates estimates for similar loans; and trading inputs from other market participants including observed primary and secondary trades. From time to time, we may engage a third-party valuation specialist to measure the fair value of a pool of loans.
The fair value of loans reflects expected credit losses at the balance sheet date and estimates of market participants' expectations of credit losses over the life of the loans, and the fair value effect of repricing between origination and the balance sheet date. For credit-impaired loans, fair value is estimated by discounting the future cash flows over the time period they are expected to be recovered.
Financial investments
The fair values of listed financial investments are determined using bid market prices. The fair values of unlisted financial investments are determined using valuation techniques that incorporate the prices and future earnings streams of equivalent quoted securities.
Deposits by banks and customer accounts
The fair values of on-demand deposits are approximated by their carrying value. For deposits with longer-term maturities, fair values are estimated using discounted cash flows, applying current rates offered for deposits of similar remaining maturities.
Debt securities in issue and subordinated liabilities
Fair values in debt securities in issue and subordinated liabilities are determined using quoted market prices at the balance sheet date where available, or by reference to quoted market prices for similar instruments.
Repurchase and reverse repurchase agreements - non-trading
Fair values of repurchase and reverse repurchase agreements that are held on a non-trading basis provide approximate carrying amounts. This is due to the fact that balances are generally short dated.
HSBC Holdings
The methods used by HSBC Holdings to determine fair values of financial instruments for the purposes of measurement and disclosure are described above.
Fair values of HSBC Holdings' financial instruments not carried at fair value on the balance sheet | ||||
| 2021 | 2020 | ||
| Carrying amount | Fair value1 | Carrying amount | Fair value1 |
| $m | $m | $m | $m |
Assets at 31 Dec |
Loans and advances to HSBC undertakings | 25,108 | 25,671 | 10,443 | 10,702 |
Financial investments - at amortised cost | 26,194 | 26,176 | 17,485 | 17,521 |
Liabilities at 31 Dec |
Amounts owed to HSBC undertakings | 111 | 111 | 330 | 330 |
Debt securities in issue | 67,483 | 69,719 | 64,029 | 67,706 |
Subordinated liabilities | 17,059 | 21,066 | 17,916 | 22,431 |
1 Fair values (other than Level 1 financial investments) were determined using valuation techniques with observable inputs (Level 2).
14 | Financial assets designated and otherwise mandatorily measured at fair value through profit or loss |
| 2021 |
| 2020 |
| ||
| Designated at fair value | Mandatorily measured at fair value | Total | Designated at fair value | Mandatorily measured at fair value | Total |
| $m | $m | $m | $m | $m | $m |
Securities | 2,251 | 42,062 | 44,313 | 2,492 | 39,088 | 41,580 |
- treasury and other eligible bills | 599 | 31 | 630 | 635 | 26 | 661 |
- debt securities | 1,652 | 5,177 | 6,829 | 1,857 | 5,250 | 7,107 |
- equity securities | - | 36,854 | 36,854 | - | 33,812 | 33,812 |
Loans and advances to banks and customers | - | 4,307 | 4,307 | - | 2,988 | 2,988 |
Other | - | 1,184 | 1,184 | - | 985 | 985 |
At 31 Dec | 2,251 | 47,553 | 49,804 | 2,492 | 43,061 | 45,553 |
15 | Derivatives |
Notional contract amounts and fair values of derivatives by product contract type held by HSBC | ||||||||
| Notional contract amount | Fair value - Assets | Fair value - Liabilities | |||||
| Trading | Hedging | Trading | Hedging | Total | Trading | Hedging | Total |
| $m | $m | $m | $m | $m | $m | $m | $m |
Foreign exchange | 7,723,034 | 43,839 | 79,801 | 1,062 | 80,863 | 77,670 | 207 | 77,877 |
Interest rate | 14,470,539 | 162,921 | 151,631 | 1,749 | 153,380 | 146,808 | 966 | 147,774 |
Equities | 659,142 | - | 12,637 | - | 12,637 | 14,379 | - | 14,379 |
Credit | 190,724 | - | 2,175 | - | 2,175 | 3,151 | - | 3,151 |
Commodity and other | 74,159 | - | 1,205 | - | 1,205 | 1,261 | - | 1,261 |
Gross total fair values | 23,117,598 | 206,760 | 247,449 | 2,811 | 250,260 | 243,269 | 1,173 | 244,442 |
Offset (Note 30) |
| (53,378) |
| (53,378) |
At 31 Dec 2021 | 23,117,598 | 206,760 | 247,449 | 2,811 | 196,882 | 243,269 | 1,173 | 191,064 |
Foreign exchange | 7,606,446 | 35,021 | 106,696 | 309 | 107,005 | 108,903 | 1,182 | 110,085 |
Interest rate | 15,240,867 | 157,436 | 249,204 | 1,914 | 251,118 | 236,594 | 2,887 | 239,481 |
Equities | 652,288 | - | 14,043 | - | 14,043 | 15,766 | - | 15,766 |
Credit | 269,401 | - | 2,590 | - | 2,590 | 3,682 | - | 3,682 |
Commodity and other | 120,259 | - | 2,073 | - | 2,073 | 3,090 | - | 3,090 |
Gross total fair values | 23,889,261 | 192,457 | 374,606 | 2,223 | 376,829 | 368,035 | 4,069 | 372,104 |
Offset (Note 30) |
| (69,103) |
| (69,103) |
At 31 Dec 2020 | 23,889,261 | 192,457 | 374,606 | 2,223 | 307,726 | 368,035 | 4,069 | 303,001 |
The notional contract amounts of derivatives held for trading purposes and derivatives designated in hedge accounting relationships indicate the nominal value of transactions outstanding at the balance sheet date. They do not represent amounts at risk.
Derivative assets and liabilities decreased during 2021, driven by yield curve movements and changes in foreign exchange rates.
Notional contract amounts and fair values of derivatives by product contract type held by HSBC Holdings with subsidiaries | ||||||||
| Notional contract amount | Assets | Liabilities | |||||
| Trading | Hedging | Trading | Hedging | Total | Trading | Hedging | Total |
| $m | $m | $m | $m | $m | $m | $m | $m |
Foreign exchange | 36,703 | - | 384 | - | 384 | 377 | - | 377 |
Interest rate | 35,970 | 45,358 | 712 | 1,715 | 2,427 | 769 | 74 | 843 |
At 31 Dec 2021 | 72,673 | 45,358 | 1,096 | 1,715 | 2,811 | 1,146 | 74 | 1,220 |
Foreign exchange | 23,413 | - | 506 | - | 506 | 870 | - | 870 |
Interest rate | 47,569 | 34,006 | 966 | 3,221 | 4,187 | 2,176 | 8 | 2,184 |
At 31 Dec 2020 | 70,982 | 34,006 | 1,472 | 3,221 | 4,693 | 3,046 | 8 | 3,054 |
Use of derivatives
For details regarding the use of derivatives, see page 207 under 'Market risk'.
Trading derivatives
Most of HSBC's derivative transactions relate to sales and trading activities. Sales activities include the structuring and marketing of derivative products to customers to enable them to take, transfer, modify or reduce current or expected risks. Trading activities include market-making and risk management. Market-making entails quoting bid and offer prices to other market participants for the purpose of generating revenue based on spread and volume. Risk management activity is undertaken to manage the risk arising from client transactions, with the principal purpose of retaining client margin. Other derivatives classified as held for trading include non-qualifying hedging derivatives.
Substantially all of HSBC Holdings' derivatives entered into with subsidiaries are managed in conjunction with financial liabilities designated at fair value.
Derivatives valued using models with unobservable inputs
The difference between the fair value at initial recognition (the transaction price) and the value that would have been derived had valuation techniques used for subsequent measurement been applied at initial recognition, less subsequent releases, is as shown in the following table:
Unamortised balance of derivatives valued using models with significant unobservable inputs | ||
| 2021 | 2020 |
| $m | $m |
Unamortised balance at 1 Jan | 104 | 73 |
Deferral on new transactions | 311 | 232 |
Recognised in the income statement during the year: | (308) | (205) |
- amortisation | (177) | (116) |
- subsequent to unobservable inputs becoming observable | (4) | (4) |
- maturity, termination or offsetting derivative | (127) | (85) |
Exchange differences | (1) | 4 |
Other | - | - |
Unamortised balance at 31 Dec1 | 106 | 104 |
1 This amount is yet to be recognised in the consolidated income statement.
Hedge accounting derivatives
HSBC applies hedge accounting to manage the following risks: interest rate and foreign exchange risks. Further details on how these risks arise and how they are managed by the Group can be found in the 'Risk review'.
Fair value hedges
HSBC enters into fixed-for-floating-interest-rate swaps to manage the exposure to changes in fair value caused by movements in market interest rates on certain fixed-rate financial instruments that are not measured at fair value through profit or loss, including debt securities held and issued.
HSBC hedging instrument by hedged risk | |||||
| Hedging instrument | ||||
| Carrying amount |
| |
| Notional amount1 | Assets | Liabilities | Balance sheet presentation | Change in fair value2 |
Hedged risk | $m | $m | $m | $m | |
Interest rate3 | 90,556 | 1,637 | 1,410 | Derivatives | 1,330 |
At 31 Dec 2021 | 90,556 | 1,637 | 1,410 |
| 1,330 |
Interest rate3 | 121,573 | 1,675 | 3,761 | Derivatives | (1,894) |
At 31 Dec 2020 | 121,573 | 1,675 | 3,761 |
| (1,894) |
1 The notional contract amounts of derivatives designated in qualifying hedge accounting relationships indicate the nominal value of transactions outstanding at the balance sheet date. They do not represent amounts at risk.
2 Used in effectiveness testing, which uses the full fair value change of the hedging instrument not excluding any component.
3 The hedged risk 'interest rate' includes inflation risk.
HSBC hedged item by hedged risk | ||||||||
| Hedged item | Ineffectiveness | ||||||
| Carrying amount | Accumulated fair value hedge adjustments included in carrying amount2 | Change in fair value1 | Recognised in profit and loss |
| |||
| Assets | Liabilities | Assets | Liabilities | Balance sheet presentation | Profit and loss presentation | ||
Hedged risk | $m | $m | $m | $m | $m | $m | ||
Interest rate3 | 68,059 |
| 1,199 |
| Financial assets designated and otherwise mandatorily measured at fair value through other comprehensive income | (1,932) | (36) | Net income from financial instruments held for trading or managed on a fair value basis |
2 |
| (3) |
| Loans and advances to banks | (3) | |||
3,066 |
| 9 |
| Loans and advances to customers | (41) | |||
| 14,428 |
| 992 | Debt securities in issue | 609 | |||
| 86 |
| 1 | Deposits by banks | 1 | |||
At 31 Dec 2021 | 71,127 | 14,514 | 1,205 | 993 |
| (1,366) | (36) |
Interest rate3 | 102,260 |
| 3,392 |
| Financial assets designated and otherwise mandatorily measured at fair value through other comprehensive income | 2,456 | (11) | Net income from financial instruments held for trading or managed on a fair value basis |
6 |
| 3 |
| Loans and advances to banks | 1 | |||
2,280 |
| 56 |
| Loans and advances to customers | 21 | |||
| 12,148 |
| 1,620 | Debt securities in issue | (613) | |||
| 89 |
| 3 | Deposits by banks | 18 |
| ||
At 31 Dec 2020 | 104,546 | 12,237 | 3,451 | 1,623 |
| 1,883 | (11) |
1 Used in effectiveness testing, which comprise an amount attributable to the designated hedged risk that can be a risk component.
2 The accumulated amount of fair value adjustments remaining in the statement of financial position for hedged items that have ceased to be adjusted for hedging gains and losses were assets of $1,061m for FVOCI assets and assets of $15m for debt issued.
3 The hedged risk 'interest rate' includes inflation risk.
HSBC Holdings hedging instrument by hedged risk | |||||
| Hedging instrument | ||||
| Carrying amount |
| |
| Notional amount1,4 | Assets | Liabilities | Balance sheet presentation | Change in fair value2 |
Hedged risk | $m | $m | $m | $m | |
Interest rate3 | 45,358 | 1,715 | 74 | Derivatives | (1,515) |
At 31 Dec 2021 | 45,358 | 1,715 | 74 |
| (1,515) |
Interest rate3 | 34,006 | 3,221 | 8 | Derivatives | 1,927 |
At 31 Dec 2020 | 34,006 | 3,221 | 8 |
| 1,927 |
1 The notional contract amounts of derivatives designated in qualifying hedge accounting relationships indicate the nominal value of transactions outstanding at the balance sheet date; they do not represent amounts at risk.
2 Used in effectiveness testing; comprising the full fair value change of the hedging instrument not excluding any component.
3 The hedged risk 'interest rate' includes foreign exchange risk.
4 The notional amount of non-dynamic fair value hedges is equal to $45,358m, of which the weighted-average maturity date is January 2028 and the weighted-average swap rate is 1.30%. The majority of these hedges are internal to the Group.
HSBC Holdings hedged item by hedged risk | ||||||||
| Hedged item | Ineffectiveness | ||||||
| Carrying amount | Accumulated fair value hedge adjustments included in carrying amount2 |
| Change in fair value1 | Recognised in profit and loss |
| ||
| Assets | Liabilities | Assets | Liabilities | Balance sheet presentation | Profit and loss presentation | ||
Hedged risk | $m | $m | $m | $m | $m | $m | ||
Interest rate3 |
| 39,154 |
| 1,408 | Debt securities in issue | 1,599 | (21) | Net income from financial instruments held for trading or managed on a fair value basis |
7,863 |
| (104) |
| Loans and Advances to banks | (104) |
| ||
At 31 Dec 2021 | 7,863 | 39,154 | (104) | 1,408 |
| 1,495 | (21) |
Interest rate3 |
| 37,338 |
| 3,027 | Debt securitiesin issue | (1,910) | 17 | Net income from financial instruments held for trading or managed on a fair value basis |
| Loans and Advances to banks |
| ||
At 31 Dec 2020 | - | 37,338 | - | 3,027 |
| (1,910) | 17 |
1 Used in effectiveness testing; comprising amount attributable to the designated hedged risk that can be a risk component.
2 The accumulated amount of fair value adjustments remaining in the statement of financial position for hedged items that have ceased to be adjusted for hedging gains and losses were liabilities of $54.4m for debt issued.
3 The hedged risk 'interest rate' includes foreign exchange risk.
Sources of hedge ineffectiveness may arise from basis risk, including but not limited to the discount rates used for calculating the fair value of derivatives, hedges using instruments with a non-zero fair value, and notional and timing differences between the hedged items and hedging instruments.
For some debt securities held, HSBC manages interest rate risk in a dynamic risk management strategy. The assets in scope of this strategy are high-quality fixed-rate debt securities, which may be sold to meet liquidity and funding requirements.
The interest rate risk of the HSBC fixed-rate debt securities issued is managed in a non-dynamic risk management strategy.
Cash flow hedges
HSBC's cash flow hedging instruments consist principally of interest rate swaps and cross-currency swaps that are used to manage the variability in future interest cash flows of non-trading financial assets and liabilities, arising due to changes in market interest rates and foreign-currency basis.
HSBC applies macro cash flow hedging for interest rate risk exposures on portfolios of replenishing current and forecasted issuances of non-trading assets and liabilities that bear interest at variable rates, including rolling such instruments. The amounts and timing of future cash flows, representing both principal and interest flows, are projected for each portfolio of financial assets and liabilities on the basis of their contractual terms and other relevant factors, including estimates of prepayments and defaults. The aggregate cash flows representing both principal balances and interest cash flows across all portfolios are used to determine the effectiveness and ineffectiveness. Macro cash flow hedges are considered to be dynamic hedges.
HSBC also hedges the variability in future cash flows on foreign-denominated financial assets and liabilities arising due to changes in foreign exchange market rates with cross-currency swaps, which are considered dynamic hedges.
Hedging instrument by hedged risk |
| |||||
| Hedging instrument | Hedged item | Ineffectiveness | |||||
| Carrying amount |
| Change in fair value2 | Change in fair value3 | Recognised in profit and loss | Profit and loss presentation | |
| Notional amount1 | Assets | Liabilities | Balance sheet presentation | ||||
Hedged risk | $m | $m | $m | $m | $m | $m | ||
Foreign currency | 17,930 | 827 | 207 | Derivatives | 987 | 987 | - | Net income fromfinancial instrumentsheld for trading ormanaged on a fairvalue basis |
Interest rate | 72,365 | 112 | 217 | Derivatives | (519) | (500) | (19) | |
At 31 Dec 2021 | 90,295 | 939 | 424 |
| 468 | 487 | (19) |
Foreign currency | 24,506 | 309 | 448 | Derivatives | (630) | (630) | - | Net income from financial instruments held for trading or managed on a fair value basis |
Interest rate | 35,863 | 239 | 2 | Derivatives | 519 | 514 | 5 | |
At 31 Dec 2020 | 60,369 | 548 | 450 |
| (111) | (116) | 5 |
1 The notional contract amounts of derivatives designated in qualifying hedge accounting relationships indicate the nominal value of transactions outstanding at the balance sheet date. They do not represent amounts at risk.
2 Used in effectiveness testing; comprising the full fair value change of the hedging instrument not excluding any component.
3 Used in effectiveness assessment; comprising amount attributable to the designated hedged risk that can be a risk component.
Sources of hedge ineffectiveness may arise from basis risk, including but not limited to timing differences between the hedged items and hedging instruments and hedges using instruments with a non-zero fair value.
Reconciliation of equity and analysis of other comprehensive income by risk type | ||
| Interest rate | Foreign currency |
| $m | $m |
Cash flow hedging reserve at 1 Jan 2021 | 495 | (37) |
Fair value gains/(losses) | (500) | 987 |
Fair value (gains)/losses reclassified from the cash flow hedge reserve to the income statement in respect of: |
Hedged items that have affected profit or loss | (217) | (1,177) |
Income taxes | 185 | 25 |
Others | 45 | (3) |
Cash flow hedging reserve at 31 Dec 2021 | 8 | (205) |
Cash flow hedging reserve at 1 Jan 2020 | 204 | (205) |
Fair value gains/(losses) | 514 | (630) |
Fair value (gains)/losses reclassified from the cash flow hedge reserve to the income statement in respect of: |
Hedged items that have affected profit or loss | (107) | 822 |
Income taxes | (79) | (23) |
Others | (37) | (1) |
Cash flow hedging reserve at 31 Dec 2020 | 495 | (37) |
Net investment hedges
The Group applies hedge accounting in respect of certain net investments in non-US dollar functional currency foreign operations for changes in spot exchange rates only. Hedging could be undertaken for Group structural exposure to changes in the US dollar to foreign currency exchange rates using forward foreign exchange contracts or by financing with foreign currency borrowings. The aggregate positions at the reporting date and the performance indicators of both live and de-designated hedges are summarised below. There were no amounts reclassified to the profit and loss account during the accounting periods presented.
Hedges of net investment in foreign operations | |||||
| Carrying value | Nominal amount | Amounts recognised in OCI | Hedge ineffectiveness recognised in income statement | |
| Derivative assets | Derivative liabilities | |||
Description of hedged risk | $m | $m | $m | $m | $m |
2021 |
Pound sterling-denominated structural foreign exchange | 229 | - | 15,717 | (126) | - |
Swiss franc-denominated structural foreign exchange | - | (8) | 809 | 101 | - |
Hong Kong dollar-denominated structural foreign exchange | 7 | - | 4,992 | 5 | - |
Other structural foreign exchange1 | 7 | - | 4,387 | 6 | - |
Total | 243 | (8) | 25,905 | (14) | - |
2020 |
Pound sterling-denominated structural foreign exchange | - | 733 | 10,500 | (167) | - |
Swiss franc-denominated structural foreign exchange | - | - | - | 111 | - |
Hong Kong dollar-denominated structural foreign exchange | - | - | - | - | - |
Other structural foreign exchange1 | - | - | - | - | - |
Total | - | 733 | 10,500 | (56) | - |
1 Other currencies include New Taiwan dollar, Singapore dollar, Canadian dollar, Omani rial, South Korean won and United Arab Emirates dirham.
Interest rate benchmark reform: Amendments to IFRS 9 and IAS 39 'Financial Instruments'
HSBC has applied both the first set of amendments ('Phase 1') and the second set of amendments ('Phase 2') to IFRS 9 and IAS 39 applicable to hedge accounting. The hedge accounting relationships that are affected by Phase 1 and Phase 2 amendments are presented in the balance sheet as 'Financial assets designated and otherwise mandatorily measured at fair value through other comprehensive income', 'Loans and advances to customers', 'Debt securities in issue' and 'Deposits by banks'. The notional value of the derivatives impacted by the Ibor reform, including those designated in hedge accounting relationships, is disclosed on page 127 in the section 'Financial instruments impacted by the Ibor reform'. For further details on Ibor transition, see 'Top and emerging risks' on page 126.
During 2021, the Group transitioned all of its hedging instruments referencing sterling Libor, European Overnight Index Average rate ('Eonia') and Japanese yen Libor. The Group also transitioned some of the hedging instruments referencing US dollar Libor. There is no significant judgement applied for these benchmarks to determine whether and when the transition uncertainty has been resolved.
The most significant Ibor benchmark in which the Group continues to have hedging instruments is US dollar Libor. It is expected that the transition out of US dollar Libor hedging derivatives will be largely completed by the end of 2022. These transitions do not necessitate new approaches compared with any of the mechanisms used so far for transition and it will not be necessary to change the transition risk management strategy.
For some of the Ibors included under the 'Other' header in the table below, judgement has been needed to establish whether a transition is required, since there are Ibor benchmarks that are subject to computation methodology improvements and insertion of fallback provisions without full clarity being provided by their administrators on whether these Ibor benchmarks will be demised.
The notional amounts of interest rate derivatives designated in hedge accounting relationships do not represent the extent of the risk exposure managed by the Group but they are expected to be directly affected by market-wide Ibor reform and in scope of Phase 1 amendments and are shown in the table below. The cross-currency swaps designated in hedge accounting relationships and affected by Ibor reform are not significant and have not been presented below.
Hedging instrument impacted by Ibor reform | |||||||
| Hedging instrument | ||||||
| Impacted by Ibor reform | Not impacted by Ibor reform | Notional amount1 | ||||
| €2 | £ | $ | Other3 | Total | ||
| $m | $m | $m | $m | $m | $m | $m |
Fair value hedges | 6,178 | - | 18,525 | 6,615 | 31,318 | 59,238 | 90,556 |
Cash flow hedges | 7,954 | - | 100 | 8,632 | 16,686 | 55,679 | 72,365 |
At 31 Dec 2021 | 14,132 | - | 18,625 | 15,247 | 48,004 | 114,917 | 162,921 |
Fair value hedges | 17,792 | 3,706 | 32,789 | 10,128 | 64,415 | 57,157 | 121,572 |
Cash flow hedges | 8,344 | 2,522 | 8,705 | 6,797 | 26,368 | 9,495 | 35,863 |
At 31 Dec 2020 | 26,136 | 6,228 | 41,494 | 16,925 | 90,783 | 66,652 | 157,435 |
1 The notional contract amounts of interest rate derivatives designated in qualifying hedge accounting relationships indicate the nominal value of transactions outstanding at the balance sheet date and they do not represent amounts at risk.
2 The notional contract amounts of euro interest rate derivatives impacted by Ibor reform mainly comprise hedges with a Euribor benchmark, which are 'Fair value hedges' of $6,178m (31 December 2020: $6,000m) and 'Cash flow hedges' of $7,954m (31 December 2020: $8,344m).
3 Other benchmarks impacted by Ibor reform comprise mainly of Canadian dollar offered rate ('CDOR'), Hong Kong interbank offered rate ('HIBOR') and Mexican interbank equilibrium interest rate ('TIIE') related derivatives.
Hedging instrument impacted by Ibor reform held by HSBC Holdings | |||||||
| Hedging instrument | ||||||
| Impacted by Ibor reform | Not impacted by Ibor reform | Notional amount | ||||
| € | £ | $ | Other | Total | ||
| $m | $m | $m | $m | $m | $m | $m |
Fair value hedges | 9,944 | - | 20,035 | 1,458 | 31,437 | 13,921 | 45,358 |
At 31 Dec 2021 | 9,944 | - | 20,035 | 1,458 | 31,437 | 13,921 | 45,358 |
Fair value hedges | 4,290 | 5,393 | 21,081 | 3,242 | 34,006 | - | 34,006 |
At 31 Dec 2020 | 4,290 | 5,393 | 21,081 | 3,242 | 34,006 | - | 34,006 |
16 | Financial investments |
Carrying amount of financial investments | ||
| 2021 | 2020 |
| $m | $m |
Financial investments measured at fair value through other comprehensive income | 348,972 | 402,054 |
- treasury and other eligible bills | 100,158 | 118,163 |
- debt securities | 246,998 | 281,467 |
- equity securities | 1,770 | 2,337 |
- other instruments | 46 | 87 |
Debt instruments measured at amortised cost | 97,302 | 88,639 |
- treasury and other eligible bills | 21,634 | 11,757 |
- debt securities | 75,668 | 76,882 |
At 31 Dec | 446,274 | 490,693 |
Equity instruments measured at fair value through other comprehensive income | ||
| Fair value | Dividends recognised |
Type of equity instruments | $m | $m |
Investments required by central institutions | 766 | 17 |
Business facilitation | 954 | 24 |
Others | 50 | 3 |
At 31 Dec 2021 | 1,770 | 44 |
Investments required by central institutions | 904 | 22 |
Business facilitation | 1,387 | 22 |
Others | 46 | 3 |
At 31 Dec 2020 | 2,337 | 47 |
Weighted average yields of investment debt securities | ||||
| Up to 1 year | 1 to 5 years | 5 to 10 years | Over 10 years |
| Yield | Yield | Yield | Yield |
| % | % | % | % |
Debt securities measured at fair value through other comprehensive income |
US Treasury | 1.2 | 1.5 | 1.3 | 2.1 |
US Government agencies | 0.2 | 1.2 | 2.8 | 1.9 |
US Government-sponsored agencies | 1.0 | 1.6 | 2.3 | 1.6 |
UK Government | 2.5 | 0.5 | 0.7 | 2.6 |
Hong Kong Government | 0.4 | 0.9 | 2.2 | - |
Other governments | 2.0 | 2.5 | 2.2 | 3.7 |
Asset-backed securities | 9.3 | 0.7 | 1.1 | 0.5 |
Corporate debt and other securities | 2.3 | 1.3 | 2.4 | 3.1 |
Debt securities measured at amortised cost |
US Treasury | 0.7 | 1.3 | 5.9 | 2.9 |
US Government agencies | 3.8 | 8.2 | 5.4 | 2.5 |
US Government-sponsored agencies | 2.7 | 2.8 | 2.3 | 3.3 |
Hong Kong Government | 2.0 | 3.8 | 2.1 | 4.8 |
Other governments | 3.0 | 3.9 | 3.3 | 3.9 |
Asset-backed securities | - | - | - | 7.5 |
Corporate debt and other securities | 3.4 | 3.3 | 3.7 | 3.3 |
The maturity distributions of ABSs are presented in the above table on the basis of contractual maturity dates. The weighted average yield for each range of maturities is calculated by dividing the annualised interest income for the year ended 31 December 2021 by the book amount of debt securities at that date. The yields do not include the effect of related derivatives.
HSBC Holdings
HSBC Holdings carrying amount of financial investments | ||
| 2021 | 2020 |
| $m | $m |
Debt instruments measured at amortised cost |
- treasury and other eligible bills | 19,508 | 10,941 |
- debt securities | 6,686 | 6,544 |
At 31 Dec | 26,194 | 17,485 |
Weighted average yields of investment debt securities | ||||
| Up to 1 year | 1 to 5 years | 5 to 10 years | Over 10 years |
| Yield | Yield | Yield | Yield |
| % | % | % | % |
Debt securities measured at amortised cost |
US Treasury | 0.3 | 0.3 | - | - |
The weighted average yield for each range of maturities is calculated by dividing the annualised interest income for the year ended 31 December 2021 by the book amount of debt securities at that date. The yields do not include the effect of related derivatives.
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