18th Mar 2016 16:37
Footnotes to pages 48 to 98
Use of non-GAAP financial measures1 Net operating income before loan impairment charges and other credit risk provisions, also referred to as revenue.
2 'Own credit spread' includes the fair value movements on our long-term debt attributable to credit spread where the net result of such movements will be zero upon maturity of the debt. This does not include fair value changes due to own credit risk in respect of trading liabilities or derivative liabilities.
Consolidated income statement/Group performance by income and expense item3 Dividends recorded in the financial statements are dividends per ordinary share declared in a year and are not dividends in respect of, or for, that year.
4 Dividends per ordinary share expressed as a percentage of basic earnings per share.
5 Net interest income includes the cost of internally funding trading assets, while the related external revenues are reported in 'Trading income'. In our global business results, the cost of funding trading assets is included with Global Banking and Market's net trading income as interest expense.
6 Gross interest yield is the average annualised interest rate earned on average interest-earning assets ('AIEA').
7 Net interest spread is the difference between the average annualised interest rate earned on AIEA, net of amortised premiums and loan fees, and the average annualised interest rate paid on average interest-bearing funds.
8 Net interest margin is net interest income expressed as an annualised percentage of AIEA.
9 Interest income on trading assets is reported as 'Net trading income' in the consolidated income statement.
10 Interest income on financial assets designated at fair value is reported as 'Net income from financial instruments designated at fair value' in the consolidated income statement.
11 Including interest-bearing bank deposits only.
12 Interest expense on financial liabilities designated at fair value is reported as 'Net income on financial instruments designated at fair value' in the consolidated income statement, other than interest on own debt which is reported in 'Interest expense'.
13 Including interest-bearing customer accounts only.
14 Trading income also includes movements on non-qualifying hedges. These hedges are derivatives entered into as part of a documented interest rate management strategy for which hedge accounting was not, nor could be, applied. They are principally cross-currency and interest rate swaps used to economically hedge fixed rate debt issued by HSBC Holdings and floating rate debt issued by HSBC Finance. The size and direction of the changes in the fair value of non-qualifying hedges that are recognised in the income statement can be volatile from year-to-year, but do not alter the cash flows expected as part of the documented interest rate management strategy for both the instruments and the underlying economically hedged assets and liabilities if the derivative is held to maturity.
15 Net insurance claims and benefits paid and movement in liabilities to policyholders arise from both life and non-life insurance business. For non-life business, amounts reported represent the cost of claims paid during the year and the estimated cost of incurred claims. For life business, the main element of claims is the liability to policyholders created on the initial underwriting of the policy and any subsequent movement in the liability that arises, primarily from the attribution of investment performance to savings-related policies. Consequently, claims rise in line with increases in sales of savings-related business and with investment market growth.
16 The cost efficiency ratio is defined as total operating expenses divided by net operating income before loan impairment charges and other credit risk provisions.
Consolidated balance sheet17 Net of impairment allowances.
18 On 1 January 2014, CRD IV came into force and the calculation of capital resources and risk-weighted assets for 2014 and 2015 are calculated and presented on this basis. 2011 to 2013 comparatives are on a Basel 2.5 basis.
19 Capital resources are total regulatory capital, the calculation of which is set out on page 234.
20 Including perpetual preferred securities, details of which can be found in Note 30 on the Financial Statements.
21 The definition of net asset value per ordinary share is total shareholders' equity, less non-cumulative preference shares and capital securities, divided by the number of ordinary shares in issue excluding shares the company has purchased and are held in treasury.
22 In the first half of 2015 our operations in Brazil were classified as held for sale. As a result, balance sheet accounts have been classified to 'Assets held for sale' and 'Liabilities of disposal groups held for sale'. There is no separate income statement classification.
23 France primarily comprises the domestic operations of HSBC Finance, HSBC Assurances Vie and the Paris branch of HSBC Bank plc.
Reconciliation of RoRWA measures24 Pre-tax return on average risk-weighted assets ('RoRWA') is calculated using pre-tax return and reported average RWAs. Adjusted RoRWA is calculated using adjusted pre-tax return and adjusted average RWAs.
25 Reported average risk-weighted assets ('average RWAs') are calculated using an average of RWAs at quarter-ends on a Basel 2.5 basis for 31 December 2013 and a CRD IV end point basis from all periods from 1 January 2014. Adjusted average RWAs are calculated using reported average RWAs adjusted for the effects of currency translation differences and significant items.
26 'Other' includes treasury services related to the US Consumer and Mortgage Lending business and commercial operations in run-off. US CML includes loan portfolios within the run-off business that are designated held for sale.
27 'Currency translation adjustment' is the effect of translating the assets and liabilities of subsidiaries and associates for the previous year-end at the rates of exchange applicable at the current year-end.
Global businesses and geographical regions28 In the first half of 2015, a portfolio of customers was transferred from CMB to RBWM in Latin America in order to better align the combined banking needs of the customers with our established global businesses. Comparative data have been re-presented accordingly.
29 The main items reported under 'Other' are the results of HSBC's holding company and financing operations, which includes net interest earned on free capital held centrally, operating costs incurred by the head office operations in providing stewardship and central management services to HSBC, along with the costs incurred by the Group Service Centres and Shared Service Organisations and associated recoveries. The results also include fines and penalties as part of the settlement of investigations into past inadequate compliance with anti-money laundering and sanctions laws, the UK bank levy together with unallocated investment activities, centrally held investment companies, gains arising from the dilution of interests in associates and joint ventures and certain property transactions. In addition, 'Other' also includes part of the movement in the fair value of long-term debt designated at fair value (the remainder of the Group's movement on own debt is included in GB&M).
30 Assets by geographical region and global businesses include intra-HSBC items. These items are eliminated, where appropriate, under the heading 'Intra-HSBC items' or 'Inter-segment elimination', as appropriate.
31 Amounts are non-additive across geographical regions and global businesses due to inter-company transactions within the Group.
32 Excludes items where there are substantial offsets in the income statement for the same year.
33 Other income in this context comprises where applicable net trading income, net income/(expense) from other financial instruments designated at fair value, gains less losses from financial investments, dividend income, net insurance premium income and other operating income less net insurance claims and benefits paid and movement in liabilities to policyholders.
34 Loan impairment charges and other credit risk provisions.
35 Share of profit in associates and joint ventures.
36 'Investment distribution' includes Investments, which comprises mutual funds (HSBC manufactured and third party), structured products and securities trading, and Wealth Insurance distribution, consisting of HSBC manufactured and third-party life, pension and investment insurance products.
37 'Other personal lending' includes personal non-residential closed-end loans and personal overdrafts.
38 'Other' mainly includes the distribution and manufacturing (where applicable) of retail and credit protection insurance.
39 'Markets products, Insurance and Investments and Other' includes revenue from Foreign Exchange, insurance manufacturing and distribution, interest rate management and GCF products.
40 Net interest income includes the cost of internally funding trading assets, while the related revenues are reported in net trading income. In our global business results, the total cost of funding trading assets is included within GB&M's net trading income as an interest expense. In the statutory presentation, internal interest income and expense are eliminated.
41 In 2015, Markets included a favourable fair value movement of $202m on the widening of credit spreads on structured liabilities (2014: adverse fair value movement of $15m; 2013: adverse fair value movement of $66m).
42 'Other' in GB&M includes net interest earned on free capital held in the global business not assigned to products, allocated funding costs and gains resulting from business disposals. Within the management view of total operating income, notional tax credits are allocated to the businesses to reflect the economic benefit generated by certain activities which is not reflected within operating income, for example notional credits on income earned from tax-exempt investments where the economic benefit of the activity is reflected in tax expense. In order to reflect the total operating income on an IFRSs basis, the offset to these tax credits are included within 'Other'.
43 'Client assets' are translated at the rates of exchange applicable for their respective period-ends, with the effects of currency translation reported separately. The main components of client assets were funds under management ($261bn at 31 December 2015) which were not reported on the Group's balance sheet, and customer deposits ($88bn at 31 December 2015), of which $80bn was reported on the Group's balance sheet and $8bn were off-balance sheet deposits.
44 Inter-segment elimination comprises (i) the costs of shared services and Group Service Centres included within 'Other' which are recovered from global businesses, and (ii) the intra-segment funding costs of trading activities undertaken within GB&M. HSBC's Balance Sheet Management business, reported within GB&M, provides funding to the trading businesses. To report GB&M's 'Net trading income' on a fully funded basis, 'Net interest income' and 'Net interest income/(expense) on trading activities' are grossed up to reflect internal funding transactions prior to their elimination in the inter-segment column.
45 Net insurance claims and benefits paid and movement in liabilities to policyholders.
46 'Employee expenses' comprises costs directly incurred by each global business. The reallocation and recharging of employee and other expenses directly incurred in the 'Other' category is shown in 'Other operating expenses'.
47 RWAs are non-additive across geographical regions due to market risk diversification effects within the Group.
48 Funds under management and assets held in custody are not reported on the Group's balance sheet, except where it is deemed that we are acting as principal rather than agent in our role as investment manager, and these assets are consolidated as Structured entities (see Note 39 on the Financial Statements).
49 Taxes paid by HSBC relate to HSBC's own tax liabilities including tax on profits earned, employer taxes, bank levy and other duties/levies such as stamp duty. Numbers are reported on a cash flow basis.
50 Following the release of the new GHG Protocol Scope 2 Guidance, we decided to use the state-specific eGRID emission factors for our US operations until such time as we obtain supplier-specific emission factors. For 2014, therefore, our reported total carbon dioxide emissions have increased by 43,000 tonnes and our carbon dioxide emissions per FTE have increased by 0.16 tonnes.
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