10th Dec 2014 07:00
Announcement on Merger of Subsidiaries
On 09 December 2014, the Board of Directors of Samsung Electronics America Inc. (SEA) announced its decision to merge with Samsung Telecommunications America LLC (STA). SEA and STA are major consolidated subsidiaries of Samsung Electronics. The details of the merger are as follows.
1. Objective of Merger
The company's two sales subsidiaries in U.S., SEA and STA, will be combined into one, single entity, in order to increase efficiency and synergy.
2. Method of Merger
The merger will take the form of a merger by absorption with SEA, as the surviving entity, and STA, as the absorbed entity. The combined organization will be headquartered in Ridgefield Park, New Jersey, the current location of SEA.
* This public disclosure is in accordance with the Korean Financial Investment Services and Capital Markets Act.
AVS #: 609419
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