29th Nov 2022 10:25
Announcement of Regulated Information
Athens, November 29, 2022 - The Hellenic Telecommunications Organization S.A. (OTE S.A. or Company) announces that the Board of Directors, following a proposal of the Remuneration and Nomination Committee, appointed as of November 25th 2022, Mr. Konstantinos Gkravas as new independent non-executive member of the Board, in replacement of the resigned, effective as of November 14th, 2022, independent member Ms. Catherine De Dorlodot, for the period until the next General Meeting of the Company's Shareholders.
Following the above, the composition of the Company's Board of Directors is as follows:
1. Mr. Michail Tsamaz, Chairman and CEO, Εxecutive member
2. Mr. Eelco Blok, Vice-Chairman, Independent Non-executive member
3. Mr. Daniel Daub, Non-executive member
4. Ms. Melinda Szabo, Non-executive member
5. Ms. Kyra Orth, Non-executive member
6. Ms. Yvette M. Dominique Leroy, Non-executive member
7. Mr. Dimitrios Georgoutsos, Independent Non-executive member
8. Mr. Konstantinos Gkravas, Independent Non-executive member
9. Mr. Grigorios Zarifopoulos, Non-executive member
10. Mr. Charalampos Mazarakis, Executive member
The term of the Board of Directors' members lasts until the Ordinary General Shareholders' Meeting which will take place the year 2024 (except from the term of Mr. Konstantinos Gkravas which, as mentioned herein above, lasts until the next General Shareholders' Meeting).
Furthermore, the Board of Directors appointed Mr. K. Gkravas, in his capacity as an independent non-executive member of the Board, as a member of the Board's Committees, namely the Audit Committee and the Remuneration and Nomination Committee.
The composition of the Audit Committee, following its formation into a body corporate, is as follows: Mr. Eelco Blok (Vice-Chairman of the Board ̶ Independent Non-executive member, Chairman), Mr. Dimitrios Georgoutsos (Ιndependent non-executive member of the Board, Member) and Mr. Konstantinos Gkravas (Ιndependent non-executive member of the Board, Member). The term of the members of the Audit Committee is identical with their term as members of the Board of Directors.
The composition of the Remuneration & Nomination Committee is as follows: Mr. Eelco Blok (Vice-Chairman of the Board ̶ ̶ Independent Non-executive member, Chairman), Ms. Kyra Orth (Non-executive member of the Board, Member) and Mr. Konstantinos Gkravas (Ιndependent non-executive member of the Board, Member). The term of the members of the Remuneration & Nomination Committee is identical with their term as members of the Board of Directors.
The announcement is issued as a Regulated Information, in accordance with Law 3556/2007, [article 3, par. 1 (p) and article 21], in combination with Regulation (EU) No 596/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 April 2014 (article 17).
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