20th Aug 2021 07:00
Remote Monitored Systems plc
("RMS" or the "Company")
Anglo-Indian Pro-Larva mask partnership
The Board of RMS acknowledges the press release announced today by the British High Commission regarding its Anglo-Indian partnership to distribute its MHRA approved Pro-Larva mask in India:
The British High Commission is delighted to announce a new Anglo-Indian partnership between British technology firm Pharm 2 Farm Limited, a subsidiary of nanosynth group plc, and India's VKE Enterprises to distribute British MHRA approved Pro-Larva mask which is proven to kill Covid-19 and Influenza viruses, using unique patented nano-technology developed at Nottingham Trent University.
This important healthcare partnership introduces affordable technology that will help protect the Indian population, saving lives and supporting a developing healthcare market.
The Pro-Larva Face Mask is Made in Britain using ground-breaking patented α-Virion™ nanotechnology that is clinically approved to kill 99.9% of Covid and Influenza viruses, within 5 minutes of contact, and continues to kill the virus for seven hours.
The mask is the first ever anti-viral mask to be approved by the UK Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) as a Class 1 medical device.
British inventor Dr Gareth Cave, director of nanosynth group plc*, states: "The mask we've developed has been proven to inactivate viruses upon contact; the antiviral layer kills virus which has been blocked by the filter layers. The challenge with conventional surgical-type masks is that they only block virus from entering or exiting the mask. They don't have an active mechanism for killing it once it's trapped in the mask.
"Our new antiviral mask has been designed to utilise the existing barrier technology and combine it with our nanotechnology to kill the virus once it is trapped there.
"We've added the barrier layer to both sides of the mask so not only does it protect the wearer but also those around. By killing the virus on contact, it also means that the used face mask can be safely disposed of and not be a potential source of passive transfer."
Vivek Kohli, Chair VKE Enterprises states: "I'm delighted to play a strategic role in the introduction of this cutting-edge British technology, that will keep my fellow country men and women safer. This is an exciting opportunity for a new Anglo-Indian partnership to do good in India.
"At this time, with so many countries continuing to struggle with Covid and an expected influenza surge later in the year, it's paramount for countries and their organisations to come together to support one another."
Graeme Todd- Business Development Manager at Pro-Larva said "With the initial negative impact Covid-19 had on India we were determined to make a difference with our technology. Talks have been ongoing for several months to find the correct partner who can deliver our unique product where needed. VKE Enterprises have stood out and we are proud to be working with them."
* Remote Monitored Systems name to be changed to nanosynth group plc on Monday 23rd August 2021
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Remote Monitored Systems plc
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