30th Jun 2009 17:32
ETFS Commodity Securities Limited
Re: Completion of consequential changes to Commodity Securities documents required by the re-branding of the Dow Jones-AIG Commodity IndicesSM to the Dow Jones-UBS Commodity IndicesSM.
Further to our release of 18 June 2009 regarding UBS AG's acquisition of AIG Financial Product Corp.'s commodity index business, we wish to announce that we have now completed the processes required to change the terms of the Commodity Securities so that the re-branding of the Dow Jones-AIG Commodity Indices to the Dow Jones-UBS Commodity Indices is reflected in the names and terms of the commodity securities.
As a result, all references to the relevant Dow Jones-AIG Commodity IndicesSM have been replaced by references to the matching Dow Jones-UBS Commodity IndicesSM and where applicable the names of the commodity securities have been changed accordingly. These changes have been made in the Facility Agreements and Trust Instruments applicable to the commodity securities. Certain other clarificatory amendments were also made to the Facility Agreements in relation to the potential future non-publication of the Dow Jones-UBS Commodity Indices.
None of the stock exchange codes for any of the commodity securities has been changed.
As previously mentioned, the methodology used to calculate amounts payable in connection with the commodity securities is identical and therefore there should be no impact on investors.
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