14th May 2007 10:01
At today's Annual General Meeting of Interserve Plc, the services, maintenance and building group, Lord Blackwell, Chairman, said:
"I am pleased to report that the Group's current trading continues to be strong, in line with expectations. Since the time of our preliminary results in March we have achieved completion on the Leeds Building Schools for the Future project, an important milestone for us in the education market, and have continued to be successful in securing contracts with existing and new clients that will underpin our future growth.
"In addition to the above comments on trading, the Board is also pleased to announce agreement of an acquisition in Qatar of a business providing fabrication, training and maintenance services to the high growth petrochemical sector. Our investment in the Madina Group will extend our capabilities in the Middle East and further enhance our prospects for growth in the region. We have issued a separate announcement giving more details of the acquisition this morning."
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For further information please contact:
Adrian Ringrose 0118 932 0123
Chief Executive
Neil Bennett/Elizabeth Morley 020 7379 5151Maitland
About Interserve
Interserve Plc (www.interserve.com) is a services, maintenance and building group. It creates buildings and other structures for clients in the public and private sectors, maintains many different types of buildings, the operational systems that support them and a range of plant and equipment in specialist fields, and co-ordinates a host of background services to keep its clients' operations running smoothly and efficiently while they concentrate on their core business. Interserve is based in the UK and is a FTSE 250 company. It employs 26,000 people worldwide and has revenue of ‚£1.4 billion.