21st May 2007 12:01
Mobile Streams plc21 May 2007 Annual General Meeting Announcement May 21st, 2007 Mobile Streams plc, ('Mobile Streams' or 'the Company'), the global mobile mediaspecialist, today held its Annual General Meeting and all resolutions were dulypassed. At the meeting, Chairman Roger Parry made the following statement: "Since the start of 2007, Mobile Streams has made further progress inimplementing its mission to be the technology platform provider of choice formobile network operators and content owners wanting to maximise the distributionand monetisation of content on mobile phones. Several media companies have selected the Company's proprietary Vuesia platformto quickly and easily mobilise their content. These include major movie studiossuch as Sony Pictures Entertainment and recent new customer FremantleEnterprises. Blockbuster movies such as Spider-Man 3 and TV shows such as TheApprentice have been mobilised. Mobile Streams expects its platform business togrow strongly in the future, as more major content owners select Vuesia as theirmobilisation engine and more content is made as readily available to consume onmobile devices as it is on TVs or PCs today. During 2007, Mobile Streams has continued to build its relationships with majormobile network operators worldwide. The Company was selected to manage 3'scomedy channel in the UK, as well as Vodafone's games channel in Australia. Allelements of the channel, including content licensing and retailing, are poweredby Mobile Streams' Vuesia platform. The Company is in the process of launchingseveral new channel deals to deploy its existing music, comedy, adult, games andcartoon content. During the period, mobile media distribution has started shifting from theestablished operator portals to new emerging direct to consumer (D2C) businessmodels. Mobile Streams is well positioned to serve both network operators andcontent owners in monetising the existing and new distribution models, all ofwhich are fully supported by our Vuesia technology platform in which we haveinvested heavily. In what has been a fast changing market environment, Mobile Streams' managementteam has made progress in addressing the challenges and opportunities created bynew mobile content distribution trends. The expansion of the mobile Internet,combined with strong consumer demand for increasingly powerful multimediahandsets, is stimulating sales of high value, mobile content across all markets.This is positive for the Company, since its performance is linked to the volumeof transactions processed by its Vuesia technology platform. Consequently, theCompany is in a good position to export its experience and expertise to itsoperating regions. Mobile Streams is responding to a rapidly evolving market andbusiness models which makes forecasting complex. However, the Board remainsconfident that the Company has the cash, management and technical resources tobenefit from the growth in mobile media. Enquiries Mobile Streams (020 7395 2000) Simon Buckingham, Chief Executive Officer James Colquhoun, Finance Director About Mobile Streams Mobile Streams is a leading provider of music, comedy, sport and entertainmentcontent to handsets and other wireless devices, whose mobile expertise anddistribution platform, "Vuesia," is used globally by some of the world's largestmedia groups and mobile phone networks including Vodafone, and 3 in the UK,America Movil, Movistar & TIM in Latin America, Fido & Rogers in Canada andDobson in the US. "Vuesia" is Mobile Streams' full service enterprise mobile media managementsolution. "Vuesia" facilitates content ingestion, management, delivery, billingand reporting. The Company creates, licenses and delivers quality content to Mobile NetworkOperators (MNOs) and consumers in the form of ringtones, graphics, video clipsand other products. It has developed relationships with both content owners andMNOs which enable it to act as an intermediary, providing an end-to-end serviceencompassing a broad range of elements from content licensing to contentproduction, account management and channel management. Mobile Streams has subsidiaries in Germany, the US, Argentina, Brazil, Mexico,Chile, Colombia, Sydney and Singapore and has approximately 100 employees. For more information please go to www.mobilestreams.com. This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock ExchangeRelated Shares:
Mobile Streams