3rd Jul 2006 15:22
Constellation Corporation Plc AGM Statement The Directors are pleased to announce that at the adjourned Annual GeneralMeeting held earlier today all the resolutions were passed on a poll.The Directors are also pleased to announce that at the Extraordinary GeneralMeeting held earlier resolutions relating to the share reorganisation, placing,debt conversion and Company change of name to Garner plc were passed on a poll.Application has been made for 37,111,794 ordinary shares of 1p each to beadmitted to trading and dealings are expected to commence on 4 July 2006.The Company's ISIN is GB00B16NPJ35 and ticker is GAR.The Company further announces that John Bartle has today agreed to convert aloan of ‚£12,500 in the Company into equity and the Company has today agreed toissue 357,143 new ordinary shares of 1p each (equivalent to 17,857,142 ordinaryshares at 0.07p per share prior to the share reorganisation).Application will be made for these new ordinary shares to be admitted to AIMand it is expected that dealings in these shares will commence on Friday 7 July2006.Following these transactions the Directors' interests in the issued sharecapital will be as follows:Director Number of Shares Percentage of Issued Share Capital J Bartle, CBE 477,143 1.27 AC Garner 11,027,000 29.43 RS Hingley 397,142 1.06 BR Lakefield 700,000 1.87 RG Robinson* 3,869,372 10.33 \* This includes 1,012,229 held by Anderson Barrowcliff, a firm where RichardRobinson is a partner.ENDCONSTELLATION CORPORATION PLCRelated Shares:
Norman Broadb