13th Apr 2007 11:18
BP PLC13 April 2007 Items of Special Business - BP p.l.c. 2007 Annual General Meeting The following items of special business were passed at the BP p.l.c. AnnualGeneral Meeting held on 12 April 2007: Resolution 20 - Political donations and political expenditure To authorize, during a four-year period ending on 11 April 2011 or the date ofthe annual general meeting in 2011, whichever is the earlier, but subject alwaysto the financial limits set out below: (a) the company and its wholly owned subsidiary, BP InternationalLimited, for the purposes of Part XA of the Companies Act 1985 (as and when PartXA affects those companies), to make donations to European Union (EU) politicalorganisations, and to incur EU political expenditure, and (b) each of the company and BP International Limited for thepurposes of Part 14 of the Companies Act 2006 (as and when Part 14 affects thosecompanies) to make donations or incur expenditure under one or more or all ofthe following heads, namely (i) donations to political parties or independentelection candidates, (ii) donations to political organisations other thanpolitical parties and (iii) political expenditure The authority under paragraph (a) above shall only permit donations orexpenditure in an aggregate amount not exceeding £100,000 per annum. Theauthority under paragraph (b) above shall only permit donations or expenditureby the company to a maximum of £400,000 under each of its heads, and shall onlypermit donations or expenditure by BP International Limited to a maximum amountof £400,000 under each of its heads, and in addition the aggregate amount ofdonations or expenditure by both the company and BP International Limited underthat authority shall not exceed £100,000 per annum in total. Resolution 21 - Use of electronic communications To authorize the company generally and unconditionally to use electroniccommunications with its shareholders and in particular to authorize the companyto send or supply documents or information to its shareholders by making themavailable on a website. Resolution 22 - Share buyback To authorize the company generally and unconditionally to make market purchases(as defined in Section 163(3) of the Companies Act 1985) of ordinary shares withnominal value of $0.25 each in the company, provided that: (a) the company does not purchase under this authority more than 1.95 billion ordinary shares; (b) the company does not pay less than $0.25 for each share; and (c) the company does not pay more for each share than 5% over the average of the middle market price of the ordinary shares for the five business days immediately preceding the date on which the company agrees to buy the shares concerned, based on share prices and currency exchange rates published in the Daily Official List of the London Stock Exchange. In executing this authority, the company may purchase shares using any currency,including pounds sterling, US dollars, and euros.This authority shall continue for the period ending on the date ofthe annual general meeting in 2008 or 11 July 2008, whichever is the earlier,provided that, if the company has agreed before this date to purchase ordinaryshares where these purchases will or may be executed after the authorityterminates (either wholly or in part), the company may complete such purchases. Resolution 23- Directors' authority to allot shares (Section 80) To renew, for the period ending on the date of the annual general meeting in2008 or 11 July 2008, whichever is the earlier, the authority and powerconferred on the directors by Article 13 of the company's Articles ofAssociation to allot relevant securities up to an aggregate nominal amount equalto the Section 80 Amount of $1,626 million. Resolution 24 - Directors' authority to allot shares (Section 89) To renew, for the period ending on the date of the annual general meeting in2008 or 11 July 2008, whichever is the earlier, the authority and powerconferred on the directors by Article 13 of the company's Articles ofAssociation to allot equity securities wholly for cash (a) in connection with arights issue; (b) otherwise than in connection with a rights issue up to anaggregate nominal amount equal to the Section 89 Amount of $244 million. This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock ExchangeRelated Shares: