14th Oct 2021 09:00
AGM Documents |
Close Brothers Group plc ("Close Brothers" or the "Company") announces that the Notice of 2021 Annual General Meeting ("Notice of AGM") has been sent to shareholders, together with the Annual Report and Accounts for the year ended 31 July 2021.
The 2021 Annual General Meeting ("AGM") will be held as a combined physical and electronic meeting. The physical meeting will be held at 10 Crown Place, London EC2A 4FT on Thursday 18 November 2021 at 11am. Shareholders will also be able to participate in the meeting electronically, and facilities will be provided to enable shareholders to vote on the resolutions to be proposed and ask questions. Further information on how shareholders can join the meeting electronically and full details of the proposed resolutions are set out in the Notice of AGM.
As a result of the ongoing Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, shareholders are strongly encouraged to attend the AGM electronically.
In order to protect the health of shareholders and employees, additional measures will be put in place for those attending the AGM in person. Where shareholders wish to attend the meeting in person and they can do so safely and in accordance with the prevailing Government guidance, they are asked to pre-register their attendance. Further details are set out in the Notice of AGM.
The Board encourages shareholders to vote on the resolutions to be proposed at the AGM by proxy in advance of the deadline which is set out in the Notice of AGM. Further information regarding voting by proxy is set out in the Notice of AGM.
The Board will continue to monitor closely the impact of the pandemic, including any changes in public health guidance. It may be necessary for the Company to make changes to the format or location of the meeting, or to limit attendance at the physical meeting. Any changes to the AGM will be communicated to shareholders before the meeting through the Company's website (www.closebrothers.com/investor-relations/shareholder-information/annual-general-meeting) and, where appropriate, by announcement through a regulatory information service.
A copy of the Notice of AGM has been submitted to the UK Listing Authority and will shortly be available for inspection on the National Storage Mechanism at:
The Notice of AGM is also available for download from the Company's website at:
Enquiries: Alex Dunn, Company Secretary & Head of Legal (Corporate & Bank Retail)
020 3857 6057
About Close Brothers
Close Brothers is a leading UK merchant banking group providing lending, deposit taking, wealth management services and securities trading. We employ over 3,700 people, principally in the UK. Close Brothers Group plc is listed on the London Stock Exchange and is a member of the FTSE 250.
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