11th May 2020 10:23
JARDINE MATHESON HOLDINGS LIMITED (the 'Company')LISTING OF SHARES UNDER THE SCRIP DIVIDEND SCHEMEApplication will be made on 13th May 2020 to the UK Listing Authority and The London Stock Exchange for 1,934,858 ordinary shares of US$0.25 each in the Company to be admitted to the standard listing segment of the Official List and to be admitted to trading. These shares are being issued to shareholders who have elected to receive ordinary shares in lieu of the whole or any part of the 2019 final dividend pursuant to the Company's scrip dividend scheme. It is expected that dealings in the new ordinary shares will commence on 14th May 2020.Jonathan Lloyd, Jardine Matheson Limitedfor and on behalf of Jardine Matheson Holdings Limited11th May 2020www.jardines.com
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