27th Jan 2014 10:25
Additional Listing
Application has been made to the Financial Conduct Authority and the London Stock Exchange Plc for a total of 11,000,000 Ordinary shares of 10p each ("shares") to be admitted to the Official List.
These shares are being reserved under a block listing and will be issued as a result of the exercising of future share options pursuant to the following scheme:
| Shares |
Howden Joinery Co-Investment Plan
| 11,000,000 |
The admission date for these shares is expected to be 30 January 2014. These shares will be issued fully paid and will rank pari passu in all aspects with the existing issued Ordinary shares.
Enquiries should be directed to:
Forbes McNaughton, Deputy Company Secretary: 020 7535 1137
Related Shares:
Howden Joinery