23rd May 2017 07:00
23 May 2017
Card Factory plc
(the "Company")
Application has been made by the Company to the Financial Conduct Authority and the London Stock Exchange Plc for a total of 146,666 ordinary shares of 1p each ("shares") to be admitted to the Financial Conduct Authority's Official List and to trading on the London Stock Exchange's main market for listed securities ("Admission").
The shares are being issued (conditional upon Admission) pursuant to the anticipated exercise by the Company's Chairman, Geoff Cooper, of an option granted to him, in connection with his appointment, at the time of the Company's initial public offering in May 2014 ("IPO").
As disclosed in the prospectus published by the Company in connection with the IPO (and in the Company's subsequent Annual Reports), Mr. Cooper was given the option to invest £330,000 in the Company by means of an acquisition of ordinary shares as part of, or alongside, the offer of shares conducted in conjunction with the IPO at the offer price of £2.25 per share (the "Offer Price"). Mr. Cooper took up this offer at the time of the IPO in May 2014 and agreed to acquire 146,666 ordinary shares and this entitled him, on each of the second and third anniversaries of the completion of the IPO, to acquire the same number of shares at the Offer Price, subject to him remaining as Chairman of the Company on the relevant dates. It is not intended to offer the Chairman or other Non-Executive Directors participation in similar arrangements in the future.
This announcement relates to that element of Mr. Cooper's option which is exercisable on the third anniversary of the completion of the IPO.
Admission of the shares is expected on 25 May 2017.
When issued these shares will rank pari passu with the Company's existing ordinary shares.
Shiv Sibal General Counsel and Company Secretary Card Factory plc | Tel: 01924 839150 |
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