8th Feb 2010 07:00
To: Company Announcements
Date: 8 February 2010
Company: Standard Life Investments Property Income Trust Limited
Subject: Acquisition
Standard Life Investments Property Income Trust has exchanged contracts for the development funding of a pre let office and industrial unit in Aberdeen.
The total cost of the development funding will be £11.5m, including a site purchase price of £2.18m. The Company will fund the developer through the construction period which is due to complete in January 2011. During the construction period the Company will receive a notional interest roll up of 6.75% on all expenditure.
The property has been pre let on a 20 year lease at an initial rent of £1m pa subject to 5 yearly upward only rent reviews fixed to 3% pa. The purchase price shows the Company a yield of 8% on the completion.
All Enquiries:
Jason Baggaley
Fund Manager
Standard Life Investments
Tel 0131 2452 833
The Company Secretary
Northern Trust International Fund Administration Services (Guernsey) Limited
Trafalgar Court
Les Banques
St Peter Port
Tel: 01481 745324
Fax: 01481 745085
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