8th Sep 2008 09:00
Telefónica O2 Slovakia Fulfilled The License Condition Operating Over 800 Base Stations Investment Into O2 Slovakia Infrastructure Reached Already SKK 4.5 bn.
Bratislava, September 8, 2008
As at today, Telefónica O2 Slovakia is operating more than 800 base stations of its own mobile public GSM telephone network. By this, the company met another license condition. Its network is currently covering by signal 88 percent of population, which is nearly 2-times more than required by the license. By today, the amount of O2's investment in infrastructure reached the volume of SKK 4.5 bn.
"We want to provide our customers with services of the highest quality. Building of our own network is the company's long-term strategic objective and its building is constantly continuing. Besides our own network, we will further on use also the national roaming," stated Martin Škop, the Chief Network Officer of Telefónica O2 Slovakia.
By meeting the license conditions, O2 confirms its long-term objective for its presence in the Slovak telecommunication market. By today, the amount of O2's investment in infrastructure (network, IT and systems) in Slovakia reached the volume of SKK 4.5 bn. This ranked Telefónica O2 Slovakia among the most significant investors in the Slovak Republic.
The O2 network runs on the basis of the latest technologies. Building of the mobile network is primarily concentrated in locations with the highest density of population and executed with the participation of Slovak companies. The main supplier of technology is the company Nokia Siemens Networks, which belongs to the leaders in this field.
Launching of this network into operation is carried out gradually in individual regions of Slovakia by launching greater units. The only change that the customer will notice is the change of the logo on the display of his/her mobile telephone, where the name of operator "O2-SK" or the numerical code "231-06" or the code "SVK-06" will appear. Simultaneously with its own network, O2 will further on use also the national roaming.
Telefónica O2 Slovakia - contacts
RENÉ PARÁK Media Relations Manager - Spokesman Telefónica O2 Slovakia s.r.o. m +421 949 02 00 12 |
PETER STACH Senior Account Manager AMI Communications Slovakia, spol. s r.o. m +421 948 88 47 86 |
All press releases of Telefónica O2 Slovakia are available on our web site: www.sk.o2.com.
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