16th Oct 2009 09:08
7.5G LCD Line Investment in China
On October 16, 2009, the BOD of Samsung Electronics (SEC) authorized the Company to form a joint venture with the Suzhou Industrial Park Administration Committee of China to establish a 7.5G TFT-LCD line in Suzhou Industrial Park.
Details on the joint venture are as follows:
- Total investment size: KRW 2.6 Trillion
- Total investment by SEC: USD 0.8 Billion
(Approx. KRW 922.8 Billion, applying KRW/USD 1153.50)
- The authorization by the BOD was made on the premise that the Korean and Chinese governments will approve the joint investment.
※ The JV's equity, SEC's share in the JV and share acquisition date are not fixed yet. Further announcements will be made as soon as decisions are made.
※ This disclosure is related to the 'Response to Disclosure Inquiry' disclosed on August 28, 2009.
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