19th Jan 2006 07:00
Reliance Energy Ld19 January 2006 Reliance Energy LimitedRegistered Office: Reliance Energy Center,Santa Cruz (East),Mumbai 400 055. Website:www.rel.co.in Unaudited Financial Results for the Quarter Ended 31st December 2005 (Rs.in crore) Quarter Ended 9 Months Ended Year endedSr.No. Particulars 31-12-2005 31-12-2004 31-12-2005 31-12-2004 31-03-2005 (Audited) 1 Net Sales of Electrical Energy 815.28 738.39 2,407.98 2,241.30 2,895.992 Income from EPC and Contracts 173.07 190.74 572.91 422.34 1,234.683 Other Income 149.28 205.62 402.54 338.97 461.88 1,137.63 1,134.75 3,383.43 3,002.61 4,592.554 Total Expenditure (a) Cost of Electrical Energy 264.18 281.52 834.84 808.29 1,004.10 purchased (b) Cost of Fuel 209.88 174.90 602.55 545.40 735.93 (c) Tax on Electricity 28.89 27.06 86.73 74.10 99.12 (d) Cost of Materials and Sub-contract charges (EPC and Contracts) 93.54 164.25 397.05 350.73 1,086.27 (e) Staff cost 65.46 60.30 193.71 174.45 232.53 (f) Other expenses and Provisions 147.06 161.46 322.98 310.74 383.705 Interest and Finance charges 46.74 35.58 144.15 90.90 134.826 Depreciation (See Note Nos.2 & 3) 90.72 84.06 259.50 248.85 346.447 Profit before Tax 191.16 145.62 541.92 399.15 569.648 Provision for Current Tax 35.52 4.02 75.00 17.04 25.509 Provision for Deferred Tax (10.20) 7.08 (17.55) 16.47 24.0010 Provision for Fringe Benefit Tax 1.20 - 3.60 - -11 Net Profit for the period 164.64 134.52 480.87 365.64 520.1412 Prior Period Income / (Expense) - (0.30) - 0.15 (0.33)13 Less: Tax Provision for earlier years (Including Deferred Tax) - - - (6.57) (0.48)14 Net Profit 164.64 134.22 480.87 372.36 520.2915 Paid up Equity Share Capital (Face 201.94 185.61 201.94 185.61 185.61 Value Rs. 10 per Share)16 Reserves including Statutory 4,834.10 Reserves excluding Revaluation Reserves17 Earnings per share (On Net Profit) (* not annualised) - Basic (Rs.) 8.16 * 7.25 * 24.30 * 19.73 * 28.06 - Diluted(Rs.) 7.75 * 6.57 * 23.14 * 17.87 * 26.1918 Aggregate of Non-Promoter Share Holding - - No.of Shares 98,984,288 92,514,064 98,984,288 92,514,064 92,514,064 -Percentage of Share holding 49.03 49.85 49.03 49.85 49.85Interim dividend for the period(exclusive of dividend tax) 20.41 23.94 61.23 Segment-wise Revenue,Results and Capital Employed (Rs.in crore) Quarter Ended 9 Months Ended Year endedSr.No. Particulars 31-12-2005 31-12-2004 31-12-2005 31-12-2004 31-03-2005 (Audited) 1.Segment Revenue(Net Sales/Income) - Electrical Energy 837.39 745.03 2,448.62 2,263.43 2,927.36- EPC and Contracts 175.14 191.77 583.51 425.96 1,240.95- Others 0.60 1.15 1.49 2.08 3.58Gross Turnover 1,013.13 937.95 3,033.62 2,691.47 4,171.89Less:Inter Segment Revenue 0.15 0.09 0.15 0.56 0.71Net Turnover 1,012.98 937.86 3,033.47 2,690.91 4,171.18 2.Segment ResultsProfit before tax and interest from eachsegment :- Electrical Energy 93.61 50.04 262.23 235.14 281.69- EPC and Contracts 51.26 1.86 109.64 14.52 75.85- Others 0.29 0.66 0.63 0.69 1.32Total Segment Results 145.16 52.56 372.50 250.35 358.86 - Interest Expense (46.74) (35.58) (144.15) (90.90) (134.82)- Interest Income 120.40 66.99 323.71 170.75 275.30- Other un-allocable Incomenet off expenditure (27.66) 61.65 (10.14) 68.95 70.30Profit before Tax 191.16 145.62 541.92 399.15 569.64 3.Capital Employed - Electrical Energy 3,004.65 3,222.49 3,004.65 3,222.49 2,993.32- EPC and Contracts 339.55 304.41 339.55 304.41 199.18- Others (0.64) (0.06) (0.64) (0.06) 0.31Total Segment Capital Employed 3,343.56 3,526.84 3,343.56 3,526.84 3,192.81 Notes: 1. a. In the matter of standby charges, Maharashtra Electricity RegulatoryCommission (MERC) had passed an order dated 31st May, 2004 as under: i. The total liability for the financial years 1998 - 99 to 2003-04 wasdetermined at Rs. 515.60 crore which had been debited to the Profit & Lossaccount up to 31st March 2005. ii. The Tata Power Company Limited (TPC) to refund an amount of Rs. 321.13 crore(net of interest of Rs. 1.17 crore) to the Company for the said period plusinterest at 10% per annum commencing from 1st April 2004 till the date ofpayment. As an interim order, Hon'ble High Court of Bombay granted stay ofpayment by TPC, but directed TPC to provide a Bank Guarantee of Rs.313.93 crorein favour of the Hon'ble High Court of Bombay. b. The Hon'ble High Court of Bombay has disposed off both the petitions,the petition filed by TPC and the petition filed by the Company, by holding thatthe issues should be adjudicated within four months of the order of the Hon'bleBombay High Court by the Appellate Tribunal, in the interregnum, the parties tocontinue to pay in terms of the interim order subject to adjustments onadjudication. c. The Company's Special Leave Petitions against the interim and finalorders of the Hon'ble High Court of Bombay have been admitted by the Hon'bleSupreme Court and The Tata Power Company Limited has also filed a Special LeavePetition before the Supreme Court challenging the final order passed by theHon'ble Bombay High Court. The Hon'ble Supreme Court has since disposed of theSpecial Leave Petitions with directions to The Tata Power Company Limited tofile an appeal before the Appellate Tribunal. The Tata Power Company Limited hassince filed an appeal which is pending before the Appellate Tribunal. 2. During the quarter ended 30th September, 2005, the Company had changed therates of depreciation, from those prescribed vide Ministry of Power Notificationof 1994 to the rates prescribed in Schedule XIV to the Companies Act, 1956 underthe "Straight line method" to reflect the realistic useful life of the assets.Consequently, the depreciation charged to the profit and loss account is higherin the quarter ended 31st December, 2005 by Rs.8.29 crore (Rs.11.86 crore fornine months) with the corresponding decrease in profit before taxation for thequarter. 3. The Company had revalued its Plant & Machinery located at Dahanu duringthe financial year 2003-04. The depreciation figures shown in unauditedfinancial results are net off effect of revaluation since corresponding amountis withdrawn from the General Reserve 4. Figures of the previous year / period have been regrouped / reclassifiedwherever considered necessary. 5. The Company, during the quarter ended 31st December, 2005, received 5investor complaints and all of them were resolved. There were no complaintspending at the beginning of the quarter. 6. The statutory auditors of the Company have carried out the "Limited Review"of the results for the quarter ended 31st December, 2005 as per the listingagreements entered into with the stock exchanges in India. 7. After review by the Audit Committee, the Board of Directors of the Companytook the above results on record at their Meeting held on 18th January, 2006. 8. There has not been any significant change in or any special factorinfluencing the business activities of the Company during the quarter ended 31stDecember, 2005, except as specifically mentioned in the above Notes. For and on behalf of the Board of Directors Place: Mumbai Anil D. AmbaniDate: 18th January, 2006 Chairman & Managing Director This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock ExchangeRelated Shares:
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