27th Oct 2006 12:30
Telefonica O2 Czech Republic, A.S.27 October 2006 Telefonica O2 Czech Republic, a.s. - Facts & Figures This document is intended for information purposes only. Although Telefonica O2 Czech Republic, a.s.makes every effort to provide accurate information, we cannot accept liability for any misprints or othererrors.All financials in CZK million, unless specified otherwise.Results are presented under International Financial Reporting Standards. All results areconsolidated, unless specified otherwise.Financial results 2004-2005 are audited.Results for 2005 include the impact of accounting policy changes made in Q4 2005Year 2004 is restated, on a pro-forma basis, to include accounting policy changes as if they were appliedin 2004, to allow for relevant year on year comparison of 2005 and 2004Results for fixed and mobile segment are net of excluding inter-segment charges between fixed and mobilesegments Consolidated Income Statement 9M 2005 9M 2006 % Change 9M06/ 9M05 Revenues 1) 45 346 45 602 0,6%Internal expenses capitalized in fixed assets 406 622 53,2%Operating costs (24 329) (24 072) (1,1%)Other operating expense (34) (46) 35,3%Gain on sale of fixed assets 69 87 26,1%Impairment of fixed assets (180) (42) n.m. OIBDA 21 278 22 151 4,1% OIBDA margin 2) 47,2% 48,9% Depreciation and amortization (13 453) (12 630) (6,1%) Operating Income 7 825 9 521 21,7% Net financial income (expense) (503) (196) (61,0%) Income before taxes 7 322 9 325 27,4% Income taxes (2 209) (2 477) 12,1% Income from continuing operations 5 113 6 848 33,9% Minority interest 1 0 n.m. '_ _ _ _ '_ _ _ _ _ '_ _ _ _ _ _Net income 5 114 6 848 33,9% 1) Business and recurring revenues2) OIBDA margin = OIBDA / Business Revenues REVENUES - Fixed Segment 1) 9M 2005 9M 2006 % Change 9M06/9M05 Traditional Access 2) 8 582 7 910 (7,8%) Traditional Voice Services 8 221 7 640 (7,1%) Communication Traffic 4 964 4 302 (13,3%) - Domestic Traffic 3) 2 530 2 379 (6,0%) - Fixed to Mobile Traffic 1 507 1 168 (22,5%) - International Traffic 482 386 (19,9%) - Other Traffic 4) 445 369 (17,1%) Interconnection 5) 3 257 3 338 2,5% Internet & Broadband 2 308 2 469 7,0% Narrowband 987 504 (48,9%) Broadband 1 321 1 965 48,8% - Retail 6) 1 102 1 675 52,0% - Wholesale 7) 219 290 32,4% IT Services 139 394 183,5% Equipment Sales 8) 535 436 (18,5%) Data Services 3 252 3 108 (4,4%) Leased lines 1 982 1 762 (11,1%) Data services 9) 1 270 1 346 6,0% Other telco revenues 10) 581 525 (9,6%) '_ _ _ _ _ '_ _ _ _ _ '_ _ _ _ _Total business revenues 23 618 22 482 (4,8%) 1) Figures are shown net of inter-segment charges between fixed and mobilesegment2) Subscription and Connection Charges3) Local and National Calls, Voice Surcharges4) Incl. Coin Payphones and Prepaid Cards5) Domestic and International, from Fixed and Mobile Traffic6) Incl. Broadband Content and VAS7) Carrier Broadband service8) Telephone Handsets and CPE for data services9) Incl. IP Connect and VPN10) Incl. Value Added Services (SMS, colour linesetc.) REVENUES - Mobile Segment 1) 9M 2005 9M 2006 % Change 9M06/9M05 Service Revenues 20 516 21 728 5,9% Voice Services 16 439 17 042 3,7% Monthly fees 4 351 4 744 9,0% Traffic 2) 8 428 8 529 1,2% Interconnection 3) 3 660 3 769 3,0% Value Added Services 4) 2 973 3 262 9,7% Internet & Data 5) 976 1 232 26,2% Other revenues 6) 128 192 50,0% Equipment Sales 7) 1 020 1 080 5,9% _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Total business revenues 21 536 22 808 5,9% 1) Figures are shown net of inter-segment charges between fixed and mobile segment2) Outbound Traffic and Roaming Abroad3) Inbound Traffic and Roaming Visitors, from Fixed and Mobile Traffic4) Incl. SMS & MMS and Content4) CDMA, GPRS, HSCSD, UMTS and ADSL5) Inc. IT Services6) Incl. Activation Fees OPERATING COSTS - Fixed Segmemt 1) 9M 2005 9M 2006 % Change 9M06/9M05 Supplies 2) 4 165 4 443 6,7% Interconnection 3 144 3 114 (1,0%) Cost of Goods Sold 241 202 (16,2%) Other Supplies 780 1 127 44,5% Personnel Expenses 3) 4 249 3 806 (10,4%) Subcontracts 4 169 4 037 (3,2%) Marketing and Sales 468 751 60,5% Network & IT repairs and maintenance 1 246 1 283 3,0% Rentals, Buildings and Vehicles 588 614 4,4% Utilities supplies 4) 318 332 4,4% Other Subcontracts 5) 1 549 1 057 (31,8%) Taxes 6) 225 116 (48,4%) '_ _ _ _ _ '_ _ _ _ _ '_ _ _ _ _Total Operating Costs 12 808 12 402 (3,2%) OPERATING COSTS - Mobile Segment 1) 9M 2005 9M 2006 % Change 9M06/9M05 Supplies 2) 6 414 6 838 6,6% Interconnection 4 095 4 447 8,6% Cost of Goods Sold 2 045 2 035 (0,5%) Other Supplies 275 356 29,5% Personnel Expenses 3) 1 686 1 353 (19,8%) Subcontracts 3 052 2 977 (2,5%) Marketing and Sales 1 250 1 296 3,7% Network & IT repairs and maintenance 675 553 (18,1%) Rentals, Buildings and Vehicles 600 552 (8,0%) Utilities supplies 4) 142 181 27,5% Other Subcontracts 5) 385 395 2,6% Taxes 6) 484 555 14,7% '_ _ _ _ _ '_ _ _ _ _ '_ _ _ _ _Total Operating Costs 11 636 11 723 0,7% 1) Figures are shown net of inter-segment charges between fixed and mobile segment2) Purchases and Cost of Sales3) Incl. Headcount Reduction Costs4) Material and Energy5) Incl. Consultancy Fees6) Incl. Provisions CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET 30.9.2005 30.9.2006 % Change 9M06/9M05Non-Current Assets 113 155 102 669 (9,3%) Intangible Assets 10 403 8 519 (18,1%) Goodwill 13 320 13 320 0,0% Property, plant and equipment and Investment property 89 113 80 409 (9,8%) Long-term financial assets and other non-current assets 319 421 32,2% Deferred tax assets 0 0 0,0% Current Assets 10 279 26 262 155,5% Inventories 519 945 82,1% Trade and other receivables 8 663 8 982 3,7% Current tax receivable 280 0 n.m. Short/term financial investments 18 64 251,6% Cash and cash equivalents 799 16 271 n.m. Non-current assets classified as held for sale 453 212 n.m._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Total Assets 123 887 129 143 4,2% Equity 94 124 87 335 (7,2%) Equity attributable to equity holders of the parent 94 124 87 335 (7,2%) Minority interest 0 0 0,0% Non-Current Liabilities 19 301 16 823 (12,8%) Long-term financial debt 9 760 9 250 (5,2%) Deferred tax liabilities 6 083 4 950 (18,6%) Long/Term Provisions 2 078 1 709 (17,8%) Other long/term liabilities 1 380 914 (33,8%) Current Liabilities 10 462 24 985 138,8% Short-term financial debt 2 071 88 (95,8%) Trade and Other payables 5 594 6 496 16,1% Current tax payable 381 522 37,0% Short/term provisions and other liabilities 2 416 17 879 n.m. Liabilities associated with non-current assets classified as 0 0 n.m.held for sale_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Total Equity and Liabilities 123 887 129 143 4,2% CONSOLIDATED CASH FLOW STATEMENT 9M 2005 9M 2006 % Change 9M06/9M05 Interest paid (843) (429) (49,1%) Interest received 38 127 234,2% Income tax paid (2 758) (2 855) 3,5%Cash Generated from Operating Activities 17 203 17 510 1,8% Purchase of property, plant and equipment and intangible (3 669) (4 928) 34,3%assets Purchase of marketable securities 0 0 0,0% Purchase of financial investments 0 0 0,0% Disposal of property, plant and equipment 152 198 30,3% Proceeds from marketable securities 184 0 (100,0%) Proceeds from investments 0 0 0,0% Dividends received 0 0 0,0% Grant of loan 0 (3 294) n.m. Payment of loan 0 3 253 n.m.Net cash used in investing activities (3 333) (4 771) 43,1% Free cash flow I 1) 13 686 12 780 (6,6%)Free cash flow II 2) 14 491 13 082 (9,7%) Net cash outflow before financing 13 870 12 739 (8,2%)Net cash from financing activities (13 580) 0 (100,0%) Effect of exchange rate changes (1) (6) n.m. Net cash increase / (decrease) 290 12 739 n.m. 1) Net operating cash plus Net investing cash excl. Marketable securities, Financial investments,Dividends and Loan2) Net operating cash excl. Interest paid and received plus Net investing cash excl. Marketablesecurities, Financial investments, Dividends and Loan OPERATIONAL DATA - Fixed Line Business 9M 2005 9M 2006 % Change 9M06/9M05 Total Accesses 3 680 3 180 (13,6%)Final Clients Accesses 3 624 3 094 (14,6%)Fixed telephony accesses 1) 3 003 2 537 (15,5%)Internet and data accesses 621 555 (10,6%)Narrowband 431 179 (58,6%)Broadband 2) 176 364 106,8%Other 3) 13 12 (9,0%)Pay TV 0 3 n.m.Wholesale Accesses 56 86 52,3%Unbundled loops 5 16 n.m.Wholesale ADSL 45 63 40,0%Other 4) 7 7 1,5% Total outbound minutes (x 1 000 000) 4 996 3 530 (29,3%) Local 1 609 1 361 (15,4%) LD 515 529 2,8% International 98 94 (4,0%) Fixed to Mobile 270 248 (8,1%) Internet 2 300 989 (57,0%) Other 205 309 50,4% Total inbound minutes off-net (x 1 000 000) 1 460 1 438 (1,5%) Domestic 1 304 1 277 (2,1%) International 156 161 3,2% Avg. monthly minutes of use per customer 5) 232 203 (12,5%) OPERATIONAL DATA - Mobile Business 9M 2005 9M 2006 % Change 9M06/9M05 EOP registered customers (x 1000) 6) 4 489 4 760 6,0%contract customers 7) 1 388 1 782 28,4%prepaid customers 6) 7) 3 101 2 978 (4,0%) Data customers 121 160 32,2%GPRS Flat fee customers (x 1000) 67 71 6,0%CDMA customers (x 1000) 54 89 64,8% Churn rate blended (monthly average) 1,4% 1,5% 7,1% ARPU blended (in CZK; monthly average) 8) 9) 508 505 (0,6%)contract ARPU (in CZK) 8) 1 200 991 (17,4%)prepaid ARPU (in CZK) 8) 244 236 (3,4%)data ARPU blended (in CZK) 8) 10) 99 106 6,6%non-SMS data ARPU as a % of data ARPU - blended 38% 40% 1,8% Total minutes - outbound & inbound (x 1 000 000) 3 543 4 181 18,0%MOU per customer blended (monthly average) 11) 90 100 10,9% Total number of SMS (x 1 000 000) 1 832 2 080 13,5% Group Headcount 9M 2005 9M 2006 % Change 9M06/9M05 Telefonica O2 Czech Republic 12) 10 209 9 823 (3,8%) Other subsidiaries 37 113 205,4% 1) PSTN (including payphones) x1; ISDN Basic x 1; ISDN Primary Access x 30,excluding incoming only lines2) ADSL3) Leased lines4) Wholesale circuits5) Inbound + outbound6) As of 30 June 2005, Eurotel changed its methodology of prepaid customerscalculation (prepaid customer = customer who recharged within last 13 months); for comparative purposes we adjusted number of prepaid customers as at FY 2004and H1 20057) GSM, NMT and CDMA customers8) including revenues from fixed segment (intra-company)9) ARPU Mobile = Average mobile service revenue excl. roaming visitors per customer month;based on new methodology of prepaid customers calculation (see Note 3)10) data = Value added services + Internet & Data11) Avg. monthly minutes of use per customer = In + outbound; based on new methodology ofprepaid customers calculation (see Note 3)12) EESKY TELECOM and Eurotel untill 30 June 2006 This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock ExchangeRelated Shares: