24th Jul 2007 07:00
BP PLC24 July 2007 BP p.l.c. Group Results Second Quarter and Half Year 2007 London 24 July 2007 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE ---------------------- Second First Second Quarter Quarter Quarter First Half 2006 2007 2007 $ million 2007 2006 % ============================ ============================ 7,266 4,664 7,376 Profit for the period* 12,040 12,889 (1,148) (303) (1,289) Inventory holding (gains) losses (1,592) (1,506) ---------------------------- ---------------------------- 6,118 4,361 6,087 Replacement cost profit 10,448 11,383 (8) ============================ ============================ 16.59 11.54 15.96 - per ordinary share (pence) 27.50 31.25 30.28 22.50 31.67 - per ordinary share (cents) 54.17 55.94 (3) 1.82 1.35 1.90 - per ADS (dollars) 3.25 3.36 ============================ ============================ • BP's second quarter replacement cost profit was $6,087 million, compared with $6,118 million a year ago, a decrease of 1%. For the half year, replacement cost profit was $10,448 million compared with $11,383 million, down 8%. • The second quarter result included a net non-operating gain of $741 million compared with a net non-operating gain of $6 million in the second quarter of 2006. For the half year, the net non-operating gain was $1,104 million compared with a net non-operating charge of $11 million for the first half of 2006. • Net cash provided by operating activities for the quarter and half year was $6.1 billion and $14.1 billion compared with $9.1 billion and $18.1 billion a year ago. • The effective tax rate on replacement cost profit from continuing operations for both the second quarter and half year was 35%; the rate was 36% for the second quarter and first half of 2006. • Net debt at the end of the quarter was $21.1 billion. The ratio of net debt to net debt plus equity was 19% compared with 15% a year ago. • Capital expenditure, excluding acquisitions and asset exchanges, was $4.4 billion for the quarter and for the half year was $8.0 billion. Total capital expenditure and acquisitions was $4.7 billion for the quarter and $9.5 billion for the half year. The half year included $1.1 billion in respect of the acquisition of Chevron's Netherlands manufacturing company. Disposal proceeds were $2.7 billion for the quarter and were $3.7 billion for the half year. • The quarterly dividend, to be paid in September, is 10.825 cents per share ($0.6495 per ADS) compared with 9.825 cents per share a year ago. For the half year, the dividend showed an increase of 10%. In sterling terms, the quarterly dividend is 5.278 pence per share, compared with 5.324 pence per share a year ago; for the half year, the decrease was 1%. During the quarter, the company repurchased 176 million of its own shares for cancellation at a cost of $2.0 billion. For the first half, share repurchases were 414 million at a cost of $4.5 billion. • Information on fair value accounting effects in relation to Refining and Marketing and Gas, Power and Renewables is set out on page 10. * Profit attributable to BP shareholders. The commentaries above and following are based on replacement cost profit andshould be read in conjunction with the cautionary statement on page 11. Analysis of Replacement Cost Profit and Reconciliation to Profit for the Period --------------------------------------------------------------- Second First Second Quarter Quarter Quarter First Half 2006 2007 2007 $ million 2007 2006 =============================== ================ 7,826 6,043 6,893 Exploration and Production 12,936 14,649 1,856 838 2,740 Refining and Marketing 3,578 3,468 453 206 190 Gas, Power and Renewables 396 754 (193) (116) (164) Other businesses and corporate (280) (410) (277) 83 (69) Consolidation adjustment 14 (285) ------------------------------- ---------------- 9,665 7,054 9,590 RC profit before interest and tax 16,644 18,176 ------------------------------- ---------------- (107) (171) (155) Finance costs and other finance income (326) (250) (3,441) (2,440) (3,283) Taxation (5,723) (6,370) (77) (82) (65) Minority interest (147) (148) ------------------------------- ---------------- RC profit from continuing operations 6,040 4,361 6,087 attributable to BP shareholders(a) 10,448 11,408 =============================== ================ Inventory holding gains (losses) for continuing 1,148 303 1,289 operations 1,592 1,506 ------------------------------- ---------------- Profit for the period from continuing operations attributable to 7,188 4,664 7,376 BP shareholders 12,040 12,914 Profit (loss) for the period from Innovene 78 - - operations(b) - (25) ------------------------------- ---------------- Profit for the period attributable to BP 7,266 4,664 7,376 shareholders 12,040 12,889 =============================== ================ RC profit from continuing operations attributable 6,040 4,361 6,087 to BP shareholders 10,448 11,408 78 - - RC profit (loss) from Innovene operations - (25) ------------------------------- ---------------- 6,118 4,361 6,087 Replacement cost profit 10,448 11,383 =============================== ================ (a) Replacement cost profit reflects the current cost of supplies. The replacement cost profit for the period is arrived at by excluding from profit inventory holding gains and losses. BP uses this measure to assist investors to assess BP's performance from period to period. Replacement cost profit is not a recognized GAAP measure. (b) See further detail in Note 3. Results include Non-operating Items ------------------------------ Second First Second Quarter Quarter Quarter First Half 2006 2007 2007 $ million 2007 2006 =============================== ================= 479 748 399 Exploration and Production 1,147 93 (464) (229) 767 Refining and Marketing 538 100 106 9 (36) Gas, Power and Renewables (27) 51 26 34 7 Other businesses and corporate 41 35 ------------------------------- ----------------- 147 562 1,137 1,699 279 (53) (199) (396) Taxation(a) (595) (99) ------------------------------- ----------------- 94 363 741 Continuing operations 1,104 180 ------------------------------- ----------------- (88) - - Innovene operations - (184) - - - Taxation - (7) ------------------------------- ----------------- 6 363 741 Total for all operations 1,104 (11) =============================== ================= An analysis of non-operating items by type is provided on page 21. (a) Tax on non-operating items is calculated using the quarter's effective tax rate on replacement cost profit from continuing operations. Per Share Amounts ---------------- Second First Second Quarter Quarter Quarter First Half 2006 2007 2007 2007 2006 =============================== ===================== Results for the period ($ million) 7,266 4,664 7,376 Profit(a) 12,040 12,889 6,118 4,361 6,087 Replacement cost profit 10,448 11,383 ------------------------------- --------------------- Shares in issue at period end 19,993,613 19,290,540 19,133,973 (thousand)(b) 19,133,973 19,993,613 3,332,269 3,215,090 3,188,996 ADS equivalent (thousand)(b) 3,188,996 3,332,269 Average number of shares outstanding 20,171,546 19,384,508 19,186,461 (thousand)(b) 19,284,938 20,345,750 3,361,924 3,230,751 3,197,744 ADS equivalent (thousand)(b) 3,214,156 3,390,958 Shares repurchased in the period 375,744 237,916 175,806 (thousand) 413,722 724,823 Per ordinary share (cents) 35.94 24.06 38.37 Profit for the period 62.43 63.34 30.28 22.50 31.67 RC profit for the period 54.17 55.94 Per ADS (cents) 215.64 144.36 230.22 Profit for the period 374.58 380.04 181.68 135.00 190.02 RC profit for the period 325.02 335.64 ------------------------------- --------------------- (a) Profit attributable to BP shareholders. (b) Excludes treasury shares. Dividends --------- Dividends Payable BP today announced a dividend of 10.825 cents per ordinary share to be paid inSeptember. Holders of ordinary shares will receive 5.278 pence per share andholders of American Depository Receipts (ADRs) $0.6495 per ADS. The dividend ispayable on 4 September to shareholders on the register on 10 August.Participants in the Dividend Reinvestment Plan (DRIP) or the DRIP facility inthe US Direct Access Plan will receive the dividend in the form of shares, alsoon 4 September. Dividends Paid Second First Second Quarter Quarter Quarter First Half 2006 2007 2007 2007 2006 ================================ ====================== Dividends paid per ordinary share 9.375 10.325 10.325 Cents 20.650 18.750 5.251 5.258 5.151 Pence 10.409 10.539 56.25 61.95 61.95 Dividends paid per ADS (cents) 123.90 112.50================================ ====================== Net Debt Ratio - Net Debt: Net Debt + Equity ------------------------------------ Second First Second Quarter Quarter Quarter First Half 2006 2007 2007 $ million 2007 2006 ================================ ====================== 19,286 23,728 23,754 Gross debt 23,754 19,286 4,852 1,956 2,643 Cash and cash equivalents 2,643 4,852 -------------------------------- ---------------------- 14,434 21,772 21,111 Net debt 21,111 14,434 ================================ ====================== 82,356 85,749 89,423 Equity 89,423 82,356 15% 20% 19% Net debt ratio 19% 15% ================================ ====================== Exploration and Production ---------------------- Second First Second Quarter Quarter Quarter First Half 2006 2007 2007 $ million 2007 2006 ============================= ================ 7,827 6,054 6,894 Profit before interest and tax(a) 12,948 14,643 (1) (11) (1) Inventory holding (gains) losses (12) 6 ----------------------------- ---------------- Replacement cost profit before interest 7,826 6,043 6,893 and tax 12,936 14,649 ============================= ================ By region: 1,834 1,062 1,113 UK 2,175 2,999 393 720 183 Rest of Europe 903 696 2,254 1,652 2,038 US 3,690 4,565 3,345 2,609 3,559 Rest of World 6,168 6,389 ----------------------------- ---------------- 7,826 6,043 6,893 12,936 14,649 ============================= ================ Results include: Non-operating items 386 145 187 UK 332 (8) 83 533 (2) Rest of Europe 531 83 9 (8) 177 US 169 11 1 78 37 Rest of World 115 7 ----------------------------- ---------------- 479 748 399 1,147 93 ============================= ================ Exploration expense - 20 7 UK 27 7 - - - Rest of Europe - - 55 77 54 US 131 121 42 59 94 Rest of World 153 158 ----------------------------- ---------------- 97 156 155 311 286 ============================= ================ Production (net of royalties)(b) Liquids (mb/d) (net of royalties)(c) 280 236 218 UK 227 280 64 59 43 Rest of Europe 52 65 565 526 532 US 529 566 1,622 1,625 1,656 Rest of World 1,640 1,620 ----------------------------- ---------------- 2,531 2,446 2,449 2,448 2,532 ============================= ================ Natural gas (mmcf/d) (net of royalties) 911 907 731 UK 818 1,053 83 41 22 Rest of Europe 32 88 2,493 2,163 2,165 US 2,164 2,489 5,138 5,391 4,941 Rest of World 5,165 5,038 ----------------------------- ---------------- 8,624 8,502 7,859 8,179 8,668 ============================= ================ Total hydrocarbons (mboe/d)(d) 437 393 344 UK 368 462 78 66 47 Rest of Europe 57 80 995 899 905 US 902 995 2,508 2,554 2,508 Rest of World 2,530 2,489 ----------------------------- ---------------- 4,018 3,912 3,804 3,857 4,026 ============================= ================ Average realizations(e) 62.86 53.43 62.58 Total liquids ($/bbl) 57.96 59.36 4.44 4.86 4.45 Natural gas ($/mcf) 4.66 4.99 44.58 41.06 44.97 Total hydrocarbons ($/boe) 42.97 44.39 ============================= ================ (a) Profit from continuing operations and includes profit after interest and tax of equity-accounted entities. (b) Includes BP's share of production of equity-accounted entities. (c) Crude oil and natural gas liquids. (d) Natural gas is converted to oil equivalent at 5.8 billion cubic feet = 1 million barrels. (e) Based on sales of consolidated subsidiaries only - this excludes equity-accounted entities. (f) Because of rounding, some totals may not agree exactly with the sum of their component parts. Exploration and Production ---------------------- The replacement cost profit before interest and tax for the second quarter was$6,893 million, a decrease of 12% from the second quarter of 2006. This resultwas impacted by lower reported volumes and higher costs, reflecting thecontinued impact of sector-specific inflation, increased integrity spend andhigher depreciation charges associated primarily with the change to SECguidelines for reserves reporting as well as increased decommissioningprovisions. Net non-operating gains for the second quarter were $399 million,mainly arising from net gains on the disposal of interests in the Permian,Entrada and Kaybob assets in North America and fair value gains on embeddedderivatives relating to North Sea gas contracts, partially offset by animpairment charge related to the cancellation of the DF1 project in Scotland. Reported production for the quarter was 3,804 mboe/d, down 5% compared with thesecond quarter of 2006. After adjusting for the effect of disposals andentitlement changes in our production sharing agreements, production for thequarter was down 1%. Full year production in 2007 is expected to be in the rangeof 3.8 to 3.9 mmboe/d, in line with the guidance provided earlier in the year. The replacement cost profit before interest and tax of $12,936 million for thehalf year represented a decrease of 12% over the same period of the previousyear. This result was impacted by lower oil and gas realizations as well aslower reported volumes and higher costs, reflecting sector-specific inflation,increased integrity spend and higher depreciation charges. The half-year resultincluded net non-operating gains of $1,147 million. Reported production for the half year was 3,857 mboe/d, 4% lower than in thefirst half of 2006. After adjusting for the effect of disposals and entitlementchanges in our production-sharing agreements, production for the half year wasbroadly flat compared with the prior year. During the quarter, we had first production from the Rosa project in Angola,where BP holds a 16.67% working interest. Also in Angola, we made our 14thdiscovery in Block 31 (Cordelia). Additionally, we announced the Isabeladiscovery in the deepwater Gulf of Mexico. In May, we signed agreements with Occidental Petroleum Corporation to dispose ofour 100% interest in the West Texas pipeline system and our interests innon-core Permian assets in the US. In exchange, BP acquired a 42% interest inthe Badin field in Pakistan and a 331/3% interest in Horn Mountain in thedeepwater Gulf of Mexico and received a cash payment. Separately, in April, wedivested our interest in the Entrada field in the Gulf of Mexico and in June wedivested some of our interests in the Kaybob field in Alberta, Canada. During the quarter, we also announced a major exploration and productionagreement with Libya's National Oil Company, a memorandum of understanding toestablish a global strategic alliance with Gazprom and TNK-BP and the proposeddivestment of TNK-BP's interests in the Kovytka gas project. Refining and Marketing ------------------- Second First Second Quarter Quarter Quarter First Half 2006 2007 2007 $ million 2007 2006 ============================= ================= 2,992 1,129 3,981 Profit before interest and tax(a) 5,110 5,030 (1,136) (291) (1,241) Inventory holding (gains) losses (1,532) (1,562) ----------------------------- ----------------- Replacement cost profit (loss) before interest 1,856 838 2,740 and tax 3,578 3,468 ============================= ================= By region: 171 (10) 963 UK 953 23 584 298 584 Rest of Europe 882 1,148 749 122 964 US 1,086 1,386 352 428 229 Rest of World 657 911 ----------------------------- ----------------- 1,856 838 2,740 3,578 3,468 ============================= ================= Results include: Non-operating items (1) (163) 844 UK 681 19 (29) (12) (44) Rest of Europe (56) 200 (446) (58) 170 US 112 (350) 12 4 (203) Rest of World (199) 231 ----------------------------- ----------------- (464) (229) 767 538 100 ============================= ================= Refinery throughputs (mb/d) 162 148 123 UK 136 137 671 640 700 Rest of Europe 670 655 1,200 1,152 996 US 1,074 1,088 256 292 309 Rest of World 300 276 ----------------------------- ----------------- 2,289 2,232 2,128 Total throughput 2,180 2,156 ============================= ================= 86.4 81.6 82.7 Refining availability (%)(b) 82.2 83.1 ============================= ================= Oil sales volumes (mb/d) Refined products 354 335 343 UK 339 350 1,311 1,246 1,271 Rest of Europe 1,258 1,313 1,631 1,564 1,579 US 1,571 1,615 579 624 615 Rest of World 620 573 ----------------------------- ----------------- 3,875 3,769 3,808 Total marketing sales 3,788 3,851 1,682 2,026 1,867 Trading/supply sales 1,947 1,943 ----------------------------- ----------------- 5,557 5,795 5,675 Total refined product sales 5,735 5,794 1,996 2,017 2,161 Crude oil 2,089 2,283 ----------------------------- ----------------- 7,553 7,812 7,836 Total oil sales 7,824 8,077 ============================= ================= Global Indicator Refining Margin ($/bbl)(c) 5.78 4.16 7.12 NWE 5.65 4.33 17.74 10.14 24.46 USGC 17.34 14.30 14.75 7.62 26.05 Midwest 16.89 9.82 21.27 22.21 22.71 USWC 22.46 16.25 6.83 4.84 6.01 Singapore 5.43 5.18 12.59 9.45 16.66 BP Average 13.07 9.44 ============================= ================= Chemicals production (kte) 298 256 246 UK 251 601 741 748 655 Rest of Europe 701 1,583 816 1,076 1,047 US 1,062 1,605 1,728 1,520 1,497 Rest of World 1,509 3,415 ----------------------------- ----------------- 3,583 3,600 3,445 Total production 3,523 7,204 ============================= ================= (a) Profit from continuing operations and includes profit after interest and tax of equity-accounted entities. (b) Refining availability is defined as the ratio of units which are available for processing, regardless of whether they are actually being used, to total capacity. Where there is planned maintenance, such capacity is not regarded as being available. During 2006, there was planned maintenance of a substantial part of the Texas City refinery. (c) The Global Indicator Refining Margin (GIM) is the average of regional indicator margins weighted for BP's crude refining capacity in each region. Each regional indicator margin is based on a single representative crude with product yields characteristic of the typical level of upgrading complexity. The regional indicator margins may not be representative of the margins achieved by BP in any period because of BP's particular refinery configurations and crude and product slate. Refining and Marketing ------------------- The replacement cost profit before interest and tax for the second quarter andhalf year was $2,740 million and $3,578 million respectively. The results in theequivalent periods of 2006 were $1,856 million and $3,468 million respectively. The results include net non-operating gains of $767 million in the secondquarter and $538 million for the half year. The second quarter gain comprised ofdisposal gains of $1,025 million primarily related to the sale of the Corytonrefinery, which completed on 31 May 2007, and the sale of the US West Texaspipeline system to Occidental Petroleum Corporation, partially offset by animpairment charge of $258 million. Compared with 2006, both the second quarter and half-year results benefited fromsignificantly stronger refining margins, particularly in the US; marketingmargins were also stronger. However, these benefits were more than offset by theimpact of operational issues and scheduled turnarounds at a number of ourrefineries in the US. Compared with 2006, the second quarter and first halfresults reflect higher integrity management and refinery turnaround costs aswell as lower supply optimization benefits, partially offset by a positiveimpact from non-operating items. Information on fair value accounting effects is set out on page 10. Refining throughputs for the quarter and half year were 2,128 mb/d and 2,180 mb/d respectively, compared with 2,289 mb/d and 2,156 mb/d for the same periodslast year. The lower throughputs were mainly due to the outages in our Mid WestUS refineries and were only partially offset by the benefits of the ongoingrecommissioning at the Texas City refinery. Operational issues at the Whiting refinery in the US have limited the site'sthroughput and ability to make low- sulphur gasoline from sour crude oil.Repairs are ongoing and we expect to resume sour crude processing in the fourthquarter of 2007 and to restore the refinery to its full flexibility and crudecapacity in the first half of 2008. Marketing sales were 3,808 mb/d for the quarter and 3,788 mb/d for the halfyear, slightly lower than the comparative periods in the previous year, mainlydue to divestments and lower European heating oil demand as a result of milderweather. On 26 June 2007, BP, Associated British Foods and DuPont announced investment of$400 million in the construction of a world-scale bioethanol plant with expectedannual production capacity of some 420 million litres from wheat feedstock, tobe commissioned in late 2009. On 29 June 2007, BP announced a joint venture withD1 Oils plc, a UK-based global producer of biodiesel, for the development ofjatropha as a new energy crop. Gas, Power and Renewables ----------------------- Second First Second Quarter Quarter Quarter First Half 2006 2007 2007 $ million 2007 2006 ============================= ================ 463 206 235 Profit before interest and tax(a) 441 701 (10) - (45) Inventory holding (gains) losses (45) 53 ----------------------------- ---------------- Replacement cost profit before interest 453 206 190 and tax 396 754 ============================= ================ By region: 188 48 (38) UK 10 116 (4) 7 (8) Rest of Europe (1) (3) 250 26 102 US 128 428 19 125 134 Rest of World 259 213 ----------------------------- ---------------- 453 206 190 396 754 ============================= ================ Results include: Non-operating items 107 7 (38) UK (31) 52 - - - Rest of Europe - - (1) 1 1 US 2 (1) - 1 1 Rest of World 2 - ----------------------------- ---------------- 106 9 (36) (27) 51 ============================= ================ (a) Profit from continuing operations and includes profit after interest and tax of equity-accounted entities. The replacement cost profit before interest and tax for the second quarter andhalf year was $190 million and $396 million respectively, compared with $453million and $754 million a year ago. Included in the result for the quarter wasa net charge for non-operating items of $36 million primarily arising from fairvalue losses of $23 million on embedded derivatives related to long-term gascontracts and an impairment charge. The second quarter result decreased by 58% over the second quarter of 2006 andthe first half result was also lower. The results for both periods were impactedby weaker contributions from the gas trading and marketing business, higherexpenditure in the Alternative Energy business and a negative impact in respectof non-operating items. Information on fair value accounting effects is set out on page 10. In May, BP and Rio Tinto announced the formation of a new jointly owned company,Hydrogen Energy, which will develop decarbonized energy projects around theworld. The venture will initially focus on hydrogen-fuelled power generation,using fossil fuels and carbon capture and storage (CCS) technology to producenew large-scale supplies of clean electricity. Other Businesses and Corporate -------------------------- Second First Second Quarter Quarter Quarter First Half 2006 2007 2007 $ million 2007 2006 ========================= ================= (192) (115) (162) Profit (loss) before interest and tax(a) (277) (407) (1) (1) (2) Inventory holding (gains) losses (3) (3) ------------------------- ----------------- Replacement cost profit (loss) before interest (193) (116) (164) and tax (280) (410) ========================= ================= By region: (80) (46) (25) UK (71) (221) (46) 21 (2) Rest of Europe 19 (49) (37) (114) (112) US (226) (141) (30) 23 (25) Rest of World (2) 1 ------------------------- ----------------- (193) (116) (164) (280) (410) ========================= ================= Results include: Non-operating items - - - UK - - (1) 28 - Rest of Europe 28 (1) 10 6 7 US 13 19 17 - - Rest of World - 17 ------------------------- ----------------- 26 34 7 41 35 ========================= ================= (a) Profit from continuing operations and includes profit after interest and tax of equity-accounted entities. Other businesses and corporate comprises Finance, the group's aluminium asset,interest income and costs relating to corporate activities. The second quarter'sresult includes a net gain of $7 million in respect of non-operating items. Explanatory Note -------------- Information on fair value accounting effects BP uses derivative instruments to manage the economic exposure relating toinventories above normal operating requirements of crude oil, natural gas andpetroleum products as well as certain contracts to supply physical volumes atfuture dates. Under IFRS, these inventories and contracts are recorded athistoric cost and on an accruals basis respectively. The related derivativeinstruments, however, are required to be recorded at fair value with gains andlosses recognized in income because hedge accounting is either not permitted ornot followed, principally due to the impracticality of effectiveness testingrequirements. Therefore, measurement differences in relation to recognition ofgains and losses occur. Gains and losses on these inventories and contracts arenot recognized until the commodity is sold in a subsequent accounting period.Gains and losses on the related derivative commodity contracts are recognized inthe income statement from the time the derivative commodity contract is enteredinto on a fair value basis using forward prices consistent with the contractmaturity. IFRS requires that inventory held for trading be recorded at its fair valueusing period end spot prices whereas any related derivative commodityinstruments are required to be recorded at values based on forward pricesconsistent with the contract maturity. Depending on market conditions, theseforward prices can be either higher or lower than spot prices resulting inmeasurement differences. The Gas, Power and Renewables business enters into contracts for pipelines andstorage capacity which, under IFRS, are recorded on an accruals basis. Thesecontracts are risk managed using a variety of derivative instruments which arefair valued under IFRS. This results in measurement differences in relation torecognition of gains and losses. The way that BP manages the economic exposures described above, and measuresperformance internally, differs from the way these activities are measured underIFRS. BP calculates this difference by comparing the IFRS result withmanagement's internal measure of performance, under which the inventory and thesupply and capacity contracts in question are valued based on fair value usingrelevant forward prices prevailing at the end of the period. We believe thatdisclosing management's estimate of this difference provides useful informationfor investors because it enables investors to see the economic effect of theseactivities as a whole. The impacts of fair value accounting effects, relative tomanagement's internal measure of performance, are shown in the table below.Information for all quarters of 2005 and 2006 can be found at www.bp.com/FVAE. Second First Second Quarter Quarter Quarter First Half 2006 2007 2007 $ million 2007 2006 ======================= =============== Refining and Marketing Unrecognized gains (losses) brought forward from 406 157 750 previous period 157 283 (336) (750) (446) Unrecognized (gains) losses carried forward (446) (336) ----------------------- --------------- Favourable/(unfavourable) impact relative to 70 (593) 304 management's measure of performance (289) (53) ======================= =============== Gas, Power and Renewables Unrecognized gains (losses) brought forward from 226 155 124 previous period 155 123 (376) (124) (198) Unrecognized (gains) losses carried forward (198) (376) ----------------------- --------------- Favourable/(unfavourable) impact relative to (150) 31 (74) management's measure of performance (43) (253) ======================= =============== (80) (562) 230 (332) (306) 29 199 (80) Taxation(a) 119 108 ======================= =============== (51) (363) 150 (213) (198) ======================= =============== By region Refining and Marketing 7 (181) 83 UK (98) 25 41 (165) 48 Rest of Europe (117) 6 22 (219) 141 US (78) (76) - (28) 32 Rest of World 4 (8) ----------------------- --------------- 70 (593) 304 (289) (53) ======================= ============== Gas, Power and Renewables - 38 (4) UK 34 36 - - - Rest of Europe - - (147) (6) (71) US (77) (264) (3) (1) 1 Rest of World - (25) ----------------------- --------------- (150) 31 (74) (43) (253) ======================= ============== (a) Tax is calculated using the quarter's effective tax rate on replacement cost profit from continuing operations. Cautionary Statement: The foregoing discussion contains forward lookingstatements particularly those regarding capital expenditure, production and thetiming and anticipated production capacity of projects. By their nature, forwardlooking statements involve risk and uncertainty and actual results may differfrom those expressed in such statements depending on a variety of factorsincluding the following: the timing of bringing new fields on stream; industryproduct supply; demand and pricing; operational problems; general economicconditions (including inflation); political stability and economic growth inrelevant areas of the world; changes in laws and governmental regulations andquotas; exchange rate fluctuations; development and use of new technology; thesuccess or otherwise of partnering; the actions of competitors; naturaldisasters and adverse weather conditions; changes in public expectations andother changes to business conditions; wars and acts of terrorism or sabotage;and other factors discussed in this Announcement. For more information youshould refer to our Annual Report and Accounts 2006 and our 2006 Annual Reporton Form 20-F filed with the US Securities and Exchange Commission. This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock ExchangeRelated Shares: