12th Nov 2010 13:58
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Regd. Office: BOMBAY HOUSE, 24 HOMI MODY STREET, MUMBAI - 400 001 |
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Financial Results for the Quarter / Six months ended on 30th September 2010 |
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
`Crores |
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Consolidated results | Standalone results |
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Quarter ended on 30-09-2010 | Quarter ended on 30-09-2009 | Six Months ended on 30-09-2010 | Six Months ended on 30-09-2009 | Financial Year ended on31-03-2010 | Particulars | Quarter ended on 30-09-2010 | Quarter ended on 30-09-2009 | Six Months ended on 30-09-2010 | Six Months ended on 30-09-2009 | Financial Year ended on31-03-2010 |
| |||||||||||||||||||||||
Unaudited | Unaudited | Unaudited | Unaudited | Audited | Audited | Audited | Audited | Audited | Audited |
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||
28,090.91 | 25,276.14 | 55,100.97 | 48,463.82 | 101,757.77 | 1 | a) | Net Sales / Income from Operations | 7,038.13 | 5,629.85 | 13,509.40 | 11,183.87 | 24,716.82 |
| |||||||||||||||||||||
555.28 | 118.90 | 738.91 | 223.53 | 635.35 | b) | Other Operating Income | 68.62 | 62.26 | 148.83 | 123.79 | 305.16 |
| ||||||||||||||||||||||
28,646.19 | 25,395.04 | 55,839.88 | 48,687.35 | 102,393.12 | 2 | Total Operating Income [ 1(a) + 1(b) ] | 7,106.75 | 5,692.11 | 13,658.23 | 11,307.66 | 25,021.98 |
| ||||||||||||||||||||||
3 | Total Expenditure |
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
(808.59) | (329.90) | (1,718.69) | 995.05 | 660.04 | a) | (Increase) / decrease in stock-in-trade | 44.37 | (37.54) | (295.72) | 8.05 | 134.97 |
| ||||||||||||||||||||||
3,805.93 | 3,702.65 | 7,269.82 | 7,201.24 | 13,087.04 | b) | Purchases of finished, semi-finished steel & other products | 38.14 | 32.73 | 74.53 | 60.55 | 169.08 |
| ||||||||||||||||||||||
9,409.06 | 8,486.17 | 17,214.51 | 15,548.27 | 31,004.49 | c) | Raw materials consumed | 1,481.17 | 1,426.52 | 2,749.73 | 2,958.69 | 5,494.74 |
| ||||||||||||||||||||||
3,827.51 | 4,360.82 | 7,604.60 | 8,323.35 | 16,462.99 | d) | Staff Cost | 683.74 | 522.11 | 1,261.88 | 1,028.32 | 2,361.48 |
| ||||||||||||||||||||||
996.73 | 1,012.75 | 1,968.03 | 1,977.82 | 4,051.73 | e) | Purchase of Power | 361.48 | 297.86 | 716.33 | 626.23 | 1,268.28 |
| ||||||||||||||||||||||
1,467.56 | 1,458.00 | 3,053.62 | 2,617.89 | 5,549.13 | f) | Freight and handling | 360.27 | 307.82 | 712.51 | 623.05 | 1,357.27 |
| ||||||||||||||||||||||
1,078.10 | 1,153.52 | 2,122.04 | 2,242.50 | 4,491.73 | g) | Depreciation | 281.46 | 256.37 | 561.66 | 509.54 | 1,083.18 |
| ||||||||||||||||||||||
6,275.66 | 6,332.75 | 12,343.07 | 11,681.79 | 23,535.04 | h) | Other Expenditure | 1,508.56 | 1,220.38 | 2,893.50 | 2,338.32 | 5,284.07 |
| ||||||||||||||||||||||
26,051.96 | 26,176.76 | 49,857.00 | 50,587.91 | 98,842.19 | i) | Total Expenditure (3a to 3h) | 4,759.19 | 4,026.25 | 8,674.42 | 8,152.75 | 17,153.07 |
| ||||||||||||||||||||||
2,594.23 | (781.72) | 5,982.88 | (1,900.56) | 3,550.93 | 4 | Profit / (Loss) from Operations before Other Income, Net Finance Charges, Exceptional Items & Tax [2 - 3] | 2,347.56 | 1,665.86 | 4,983.81 | 3,154.91 | 7,868.91 |
| ||||||||||||||||||||||
814.26 | 17.94 | 873.73 | 221.84 | 1,185.85 | 5 | Other Income | 732.67 | 76.05 | 781.10 | 122.39 | 853.79 |
| ||||||||||||||||||||||
3,408.49 | (763.78) | 6,856.61 | (1,678.72) | 4,736.78 | 6 | Profit / (Loss) from Operations before Net Finance Charges, Exceptional Items & Tax [4 + 5] | 3,080.23 | 1,741.91 | 5,764.91 | 3,277.30 | 8,722.70 |
| ||||||||||||||||||||||
663.71 | 717.18 | 1,261.30 | 1,599.07 | 3,022.06 | 7 | Net Finance Charges | 342.48 | 392.00 | 670.16 | 734.16 | 1,508.40 |
| ||||||||||||||||||||||
2,744.78 | (1,480.96) | 5,595.31 | (3,277.79) | 1,714.72 | 8 | Profit / (Loss) before Exceptional Items & Tax [6 - 7] | 2,737.75 | 1,349.91 | 5,094.75 | 2,543.14 | 7,214.30 |
| ||||||||||||||||||||||
9 | Exceptional Items |
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
(31.58) | (911.32) | (91.46) | (1,130.08) | (1,683.72) | Restructuring costs | - | - | - | - | - |
| |||||||||||||||||||||||
2,713.20 | (2,392.28) | 5,503.85 | (4,407.87) | 31.00 | 10 | Profit / (Loss) before Tax [ 8 + 9 ] | 2,737.75 | 1,349.91 | 5,094.75 | 2,543.14 | 7,214.30 |
| ||||||||||||||||||||||
744.97 | 327.52 | 1,745.43 | 550.46 | 2,151.84 | 11 | Tax Expense | 672.62 | 446.97 | 1,450.23 | 850.37 | 2,167.50 |
| ||||||||||||||||||||||
1,968.23 | (2,719.80) | 3,758.42 | (4,958.33) | (2,120.84) | 12 | Net Profit (+) / Loss (-) [10 - 11] | 2,065.13 | 902.94 | 3,644.52 | 1,692.77 | 5,046.80 |
| ||||||||||||||||||||||
10.26 | (17.41) | 3.77 | 3.80 | (15.24) | 13 | Minority Interest |
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0.32 | 29.96 | 41.88 | 38.60 | 126.86 | 14 | Share of profit of associates |
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1,978.81 | (2,707.25) | 3,804.07 | (4,915.93) | (2,009.22) | 15 | Profit / (Loss) after Taxes, Minority Interest and Share of profit of Associates [ 12 + 13 + 14 ] |
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
901.74 | 886.74 | 901.74 | 886.74 | 886.74 | 16 | Paid-up Equity Share Capital[Face value `10 per share] | 902.41 | 887.41 | 902.41 | 887.41 | 887.41 |
| ||||||||||||||||||||||
17 | Paid up Debt Capital | 9,976.76 | 10,634.97 | 9,974.97 |
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
21,927.15 | 18 | Reserves excluding revaluation reserves | 36,074.39 |
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
19 | Debenture Redemption Reserve | 1,046.00 | 646.00 | 1,046.00 |
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
22.04 | (33.74) | 42.63 | (64.58) | (24.92) | 20 | Basic Earnings per share (not annualised) - in Rupees(after Exceptional items) | 22.98 | 10.89 | 40.81 | 21.28 | 60.26 |
| ||||||||||||||||||||||
20.63 | (33.74) | 40.40 | (64.58) | (24.92) | 21 | Diluted Earnings per share (not annualised) - in Rupees(after Exceptional items) | 21.51 | 10.37 | 38.71 | 20.00 | 57.31 |
| ||||||||||||||||||||||
22 | Net Debt Equity Ratio | 0.61 | 0.76 | 0.61 |
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
23 | Debt Service Coverage Ratio | 2.07 | 1.15 | 1.70 |
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
24 | Interest Service Coverage Ratio | 8.60 | 4.46 | 5.78 |
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
25 | Aggregate of public shareholding |
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Number of shares | 603,421,463 | 597,590,392 | 603,421,463 | 597,590,392 | 605,162,261 |
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
% of shareholding | 67.31% | 68.36% | 67.31% | 68.36% | 68.53% |
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
26 | Promoters and promoter group shareholding |
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
a) | Pledged / encumbered |
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
- Number of shares | - | 97,840,882 | - | 97,840,882 | 97,400,000 |
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
- % of shares to total share holding of promoter & promoter group | - | 35.37% | - | 35.37% | 35.06% |
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
- % of shares to total share capital of the company | - | 11.03% | - | 11.03% | 10.98% |
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
b) | Non-encumbered |
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
- Number of shares | 293,035,480 | 178,805,995 | 293,035,480 | 178,805,995 | 180,433,893 |
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
- % of shares to total share holding of promoter & promoter group | 100.00% | 64.63% | 100.00% | 64.63% | 64.94% |
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
- % of shares to total share capital of the company | 32.48% | 20.15% | 32.48% | 20.15% | 20.34% |
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
| 1 | Paid up Debt Capital represents Debentures, Convertible Alternative Reference Securities (CARS) and Foreign Currency Convertible Bonds (FCCB) |
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
| 2 | Net Debt to Equity: Net Debt / Average Net Worth |
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
| (Net Debt:Secured Loan+Unsecured Loan - Cash & Bank - Current Investments) |
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
| (Net Worth: Equity Share Capital + Preference Share Capital + Reserves & Surplus - Miscellaneous Expenses to the extent not written off or adjusted - Foreign Currency Monetary Translation Diff. Account) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
| 3 | Debt Service Coverage Ratio: EBIT / (Net Finance Charges + Scheduled Principal repayments ( excluding prepayments) during the period) |
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
| (EBIT : Profit before Taxes +(-) Exceptional Items + Net Finance Charges) |
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
| 4 | Interest Service Coverage Ratio: EBIT / Net Finance Charges |
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
`Crores | ||||||||||
Consolidated results | Standalone results | |||||||||
Quarter ended on 30-09-2010 | Quarter ended on 30-09-2009 | Six Months ended on 30-09-2010 | Six Months ended on 30-09-2009 | Financial Year ended on31-03-2010 | Particulars | Quarter ended on 30-09-2010 | Quarter ended on 30-09-2009 | Six Months ended on 30-09-2010 | Six Months ended on 30-09-2009 | Financial Year ended on31-03-2010 |
Unaudited | Unaudited | Unaudited | Unaudited | Audited | Audited | Audited | Audited | Audited | Audited | |
Revenue by Business Segment: | ||||||||||
27,306.67 | 24,163.25 | 53,489.07 | 45,773.33 | 97,388.95 | Steel business | 6,497.14 | 5,193.67 | 12,494.75 | 10,399.51 | 22,962.55 |
Ferro Alloys and Minerals | 605.24 | 433.91 | 1,139.79 | 791.23 | 1,854.67 | |||||
3,006.73 | 2,621.96 | 5,877.48 | 5,399.45 | 10,877.13 | Others | 448.76 | 376.10 | 887.99 | 717.49 | 1,573.29 |
364.26 | 324.35 | 689.94 | 663.48 | 1,429.07 | Unallocated | - | - | - | - | - |
30,677.66 | 27,109.56 | 60,056.49 | 51,836.26 | 109,695.15 | Total | 7,551.14 | 6,003.68 | 14,522.53 | 11,908.23 | 26,390.51 |
2,031.47 | 1,714.52 | 4,216.61 | 3,148.91 | 7,302.03 | Less: Inter segment revenue | 444.39 | 311.57 | 864.30 | 600.57 | 1,368.53 |
28,646.19 | 25,395.04 | 55,839.88 | 48,687.35 | 102,393.12 | Net sales/ income from operations | 7,106.75 | 5,692.11 | 13,658.23 | 11,307.66 | 25,021.98 |
Segment results before net finance charges, exceptional items and tax: | ||||||||||
3,139.14 | (656.74) | 6,421.57 | (1,614.08) | 4,082.36 | Steel business | 2,176.40 | 1,682.76 | 4,643.80 | 3,262.27 | 7,941.92 |
Ferro Alloys and Minerals | 199.42 | 71.80 | 402.86 | 87.92 | 340.44 | |||||
234.00 | 230.39 | 561.90 | 379.65 | 1,031.34 | Others | 4.32 | 36.12 | 41.66 | 60.68 | 113.69 |
36.25 | (284.88) | (36.80) | (376.23) | (14.30) | Unallocated income / (expenditure) | 700.09 | (48.77) | 676.59 | (133.57) | 326.65 |
0.90 | 52.55 | 90.06 | 68.06 | 362.62 | Less: Inter Segment Eliminations | - | - | - | - | - |
3,408.49 | (763.78) | 6,856.61 | (1,678.72) | 4,736.78 | Total Segment results before net finance charges, exceptional items and tax | 3,080.23 | 1,741.91 | 5,764.91 | 3,277.30 | 8,722.70 |
663.71 | 717.18 | 1,261.30 | 1,599.07 | 3,022.06 | Less: Net Finance Charges | 342.48 | 392.00 | 670.16 | 734.16 | 1,508.40 |
2,744.78 | (1,480.96) | 5,595.31 | (3,277.79) | 1,714.72 | Profit / (Loss) before exceptional items & tax | 2,737.75 | 1,349.91 | 5,094.75 | 2,543.14 | 7,214.30 |
Exceptional Items: | ||||||||||
(31.58) | (911.32) | (91.46) | (1,130.08) | (1,683.72) | Restructuring costs | - | - | - | - | - |
2,713.20 | (2,392.28) | 5,503.85 | (4,407.87) | 31.00 | Profit / (Loss) before tax | 2,737.75 | 1,349.91 | 5,094.75 | 2,543.14 | 7,214.30 |
744.97 | 327.52 | 1,745.43 | 550.46 | 2,151.84 | Less: Tax Expense | 672.62 | 446.97 | 1,450.23 | 850.37 | 2,167.50 |
1,968.23 | (2,719.80) | 3,758.42 | (4,958.33) | (2,120.84) | Net Profit (+) / Loss (-) | 2,065.13 | 902.94 | 3,644.52 | 1,692.77 | 5,046.80 |
Segment Capital Employed: | ||||||||||
53,547.67 | 50,518.87 | 53,547.67 | 50,518.87 | 48,174.30 | Steel business | 15,029.59 | 13,114.69 | 15,029.59 | 13,114.69 | 13,099.51 |
Ferro Alloys and Minerals | 345.70 | 316.43 | 345.70 | 316.43 | 188.09 | |||||
4,878.82 | 3,934.96 | 4,878.82 | 3,934.96 | 4,141.75 | Others | 234.62 | 256.53 | 234.62 | 256.53 | 223.79 |
9,659.26 | 10,004.98 | 9,659.26 | 10,004.98 | 7,717.58 | Unallocated | 5,624.72 | 3,253.37 | 5,624.72 | 3,253.37 | 3,870.32 |
(71.35) | (36.37) | (71.35) | (36.37) | (43.95) | Inter Segment Eliminations | |||||
68,014.40 | 64,422.44 | 68,014.40 | 64,422.44 | 59,989.68 | Total | 21,234.63 | 16,941.02 | 21,234.63 | 16,941.02 | 17,381.71 |
Statement of Assets & Liabilities | |||||||
` Crores | |||||||
Consolidated | Standalone | ||||||
Six months ended on30-09-2010 | Six months ended on 30-09-2009 | Six months ended on30-09-2010 | Six months ended on30-09-2009 | ||||
Unaudited | Unaudited | Audited | Audited | ||||
Shareholders' Funds: | |||||||
901.74 | 886.74 | (a) | Capital | 902.41 | 887.41 | ||
178.20 | - | (b) | Share Warrants | 178.20 | - | ||
26,516.65 | 23,166.14 | (c) | Reserves and Surplus | 40,604.30 | 33,257.31 | ||
17.46 | 17.46 | Warrants Issued by a Subsidiary Company | |||||
924.30 | 899.74 | Minority Interests | |||||
55,937.19 | 62,013.89 | Loan Funds | 25,757.59 | 30,346.24 | |||
2,097.93 | 1,550.12 | Deferred Tax Liability | 943.89 | 567.63 | |||
145.01 | - | Foreign Currency Monetary Item Translation Difference Account | 145.01 | - | |||
916.77 | 1,006.24 | Provision For Employee Separation Compensation | 909.83 | 998.61 | |||
87,635.25 | 89,540.33 | TOTAL | 69,441.23 | 66,057.20 | |||
48,956.27 | 47,592.44 | Fixed Assets | 17,359.70 | 15,207.33 | |||
4,715.59 | 8,659.54 | Investments | 43,504.54 | 44,535.03 | |||
15,039.31 | 16,424.35 | Goodwill on Consolidation | |||||
181.96 | 128.64 | Deferred Tax Assets | |||||
- | 130.19 | Foreign Currency Monetary Item Translation Difference Account | 130.19 | ||||
Current Assets, Loans And Advances | |||||||
25,347.93 | 19,145.06 | (a) | Inventories | 4,259.47 | 3,350.37 | ||
11,647.76 | 12,202.82 | (b) | Sundry Debtors | 618.12 | 644.88 | ||
7,146.58 | 5,922.92 | (c) | Cash and Bank balances | 1,596.14 | 939.53 | ||
6.45 | 5.50 | (d) | Other current assets | - | - | ||
8,325.94 | 9,727.95 | (e) | Loans and Advances | 11,871.32 | 9,122.83 | ||
Less: Current liabilities and provisions | |||||||
27,098.33 | 23,894.54 | (a) | Current liabilities | 7,272.66 | 6,451.59 | ||
6,634.21 | 6,564.86 | (b) | Provisions | 2,495.40 | 1,478.90 | ||
- | 60.32 | Miscellaneous Expenditure (Not Written off or Adjusted) | - | 57.53 | |||
87,635.25 | 89,540.33 | TOTAL | 69,441.23 | 66,057.20 |
1. The actuarial gains and losses on funds for employee benefits (pension plans) of Tata Steel Europe Limited for the period from April 1, 2008 have been accounted in "Reserves and Surplus" in the consolidated financial statements in accordance with IFRS principles and permitted by Accounting Standard 21. Had the Company recognised changes in actuarial valuations of pension plans of Tata Steel Europe in the profit and loss account, the consolidated profit after taxes, minority interest and share of profit of associates for the six months ended September 30, 2010 would have been lower by `960.39 crores (`265.83 crores for the quarter) and the consolidated loss after taxes, minority interest and share of profit of associates for the six months ended September 30, 2009 would have been higher by `2,282.54 crores (`135.44 crores for the quarter ended September 30, 2009).
2. NatSteel Holdings Pte. Ltd, a subsidiary of the Company, has divested its stake in Southern Steel Berhad, Malaysia at a total consideration of RM 232.42 mn (equivalent US$72 mn).
3. Information on investor complaints pursuant to clause 41 of the listing agreement for the quarter ended September 30, 2010:
Opening Balance | Received during the quarter | Resolved during the quarter | Closing Balance |
9 | 142 | 104 | 47 |
Of the total 47 unresolved complaints, 42 complaints pertain to non-receipt of dividend warrants where reconciliation of the payment is in progress. Replies have been sent to the investors giving warrant details and conveying that fresh warrants, if found outstanding, can be issued after bank reconciliation process. Remaining 5 complaints pertain to miscellaneous issues.
4. Figures for the previous period have been regrouped and reclassified to conform to the classification of the current period, wherever necessary.
5. The consolidated financial results have been subjected to limited review and the stand-alone financial results have been audited by the statutory auditors.
6. The above results have been reviewed by the Audit Committee in its meeting held on November 11, 2010 and were approved by the Board of Directors in its meeting of date.
Tata Steel Limited
Ratan N.Tata
Mumbai: November 12, 2010
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