8th Mar 2007 12:07
Irish Continental Group PLC08 March 2007 Not for release, publication or distribution, in whole or in part, in, into or from a Restricted Jurisdiction 8 March 2007 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RECOMMENDED ACQUISITION FOR CASH OF IRISH CONTINENTAL GROUP PLC BY AELLA PLC BY MEANS OF A SCHEME OF ARRANGEMENT UNDER SECTION 201 OF THE COMPANIES ACT, 1963 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Summary * The Board of Aella and the Independent Board of ICG are pleased to announcethat they have reached agreement on the terms of a recommended acquisition forcash of the entire issued and to be issued share capital of ICG by Aella bymeans of a scheme of arrangement under Section 201 of the Companies Act, 1963.The Board of Aella is advised by Goodbody Corporate Finance. * The consideration for the Acquisition will comprise the Cash Consideration(which incorporates a Partial Loan Note Alternative). There is also anopportunity to elect for a Redeemable Preference Share Alternative. * Cash Consideration Under the terms of the Scheme, ICG Shareholders will be entitled to receive •18.50 per ICG Unit in Cash Consideration. The Cash Consideration values theentire issued and to be issued share capital of ICG at approximately €471.3million. * The Cash Consideration represents a premium of approximately: o 18.6 per cent. to the closing share price on 7 March 2007, being the last dateprior to this announcement; o 33.1 per cent. to the share price on 1 January 2007, compared to a fall in theISEQ index of 1.1 per cent. and a fall in the FTSE 350 index of 0.9 per cent.over the same period; o 35.8 per cent. to the average share price over the six months preceding 8March 2007 of €13.62; o 72.9 per cent. to the share price on 8 September 2006, six months prior to thedate of this announcement. * Partial Loan Note Alternative to the Cash Consideration The Partial Loan Note Alternative will be made available to ICG Shareholders,who may elect to receive loan notes with a compound interest of 19 per cent. perannum instead of all or any part of the Cash Consideration to which they wouldotherwise be entitled under the terms of the Acquisition. The Partial Loan NoteAlternative shall be subject to scaling down in the event, and to the extent,that ICG Shareholders elect to receive in aggregate more than €45 million LoanNotes. The Partial Loan Note Alternative will not be available in the RestrictedJurisdictions and ICG Shareholders will not be permitted to make an election forthe Partial Loan Note Alternative from any of the Restricted Jurisdictions. NoICG Shareholder will be entitled to require Loan Notes to be posted to anaddress in any of the Restricted Jurisdictions and no ICG Shareholder will beentitled to require Loan Notes to be registered in his/her name with an addressin any of the Restricted Jurisdictions. * Recommendation of the Independent Board The Independent Board, which has been so advised by NCB Corporate Finance,considers the terms of the Acquisition to be fair and reasonable. In providingits advice, NCB Corporate Finance has taken into account the commercialassessments of the Independent Board. Accordingly, the Independent Board intendsunanimously to recommend to ICG Shareholders to vote in favour of theAcquisition and Scheme, as the members of the Independent Board who hold ICGUnits have irrevocably undertaken (subject to certain exceptions) to do inrespect of their own beneficial holdings, amounting to, in aggregate 47,354 ICGUnits, which represents approximately 0.2 per cent. of the issued share capitalof ICG. The Independent Board does not intend to make any recommendation in respect ofeither the Partial Loan Note Alternative or the Redeemable Preference ShareAlternative. * The making of the Acquisition and the Scheme are subject to the conditions andfurther terms set out in Appendix I. * Aella is owned by Adonia Aella, which is owned and controlled by the MBO Team,who in total own 2,314,880 ICG Units representing approximately 9.85 per cent.of the issued share capital of ICG and who have irrevocably committed to vote infavour of the Acquisition and Scheme. In addition, the MBO Team hold 1,267,500options over ICG Units, these options together with the ICG Units owned by theMBO Team represent 14.1 per cent. of the issued and to be issued share capitalof ICG. The members of the MBO Team are Eamonn Rothwell, Garry O'Dea, TonyKelly, John Reilly and Tom Corcoran. * The MBO Team will reinvest all of their ICG Units in Aella. Commenting on the Acquisition on behalf of the Independent Board, the Chairmanof ICG, Mr John B McGuckian, said: "After careful consideration, the Independent Board is pleased to have reached aposition where the Cash Consideration is at a price level which the IndependentBoard will recommend the Acquisition to ICG Shareholders. The share price has performed very strongly since the Company's positive tradingupdate on 14 December 2006, which demonstrated the benefits of the profitimprovement initiatives taken by the Board in recent years. The CashConsideration for the Acquisition is at an attractive premium to what has been astrong performing share price. The Independent Board believes that the Acquisition represents a fair andattractive opportunity for ICG Shareholders to realise their investment for theCash Consideration." This summary should be read in conjunction with the full text of the followingannouncement. Appendix III to the following announcement contains definitions ofcertain terms used in this summary and the following announcement. Enquiries: Aella plcEamonn Rothwell Tel: +353 (0) 1 855 2222Garry O'Dea Tel: +353 (0) 1 855 2222 Goodbody Corporate Finance Tel: +353 (0) 1 667 0420Brian O'KellyFinbarr GriffinDavid Kearney Q4 Public RelationsGerry O'Sullivan Tel: +353 (0) 1 475 1444 Irish Continental Group plcIndependent BoardJohn B McGuckian Tel: +353 (0) 1 855 2222 NCB Corporate Finance Tel: +353 (0) 1 611 5611Liam BoothJonathan SimmonsShane Lawlor Drury Communications Tel: +353 (0) 1 260 5000Billy Murphy The directors of Aella accept responsibility for the information contained inthis announcement, other than that relating to ICG, the ICG Group, the directorsof ICG and members of their immediate families, related trusts and personsconnected with them, and the recommendation and related opinions of theIndependent Board. They also accept responsibility for the information containedin this announcement relating to the participation of the MBO Team (or anymembers thereof) in, or their arrangements with, Aella and/or Adonia Aella. Tothe best of the knowledge and belief of the directors of Aella (who have takenall reasonable care to ensure that such is the case), the information containedin this announcement for which they accept responsibility is in accordance withthe facts and does not omit anything likely to affect the import of suchinformation. The directors of ICG accept responsibility for the information contained in thisannouncement relating to ICG, the ICG Group, the directors of ICG (solely intheir capacity as such) and members of their immediate families, related trustsand persons connected with them, except for the recommendation and relatedopinions of the Independent Board. The directors of ICG do not takeresponsibility for the information contained in this announcement relating tothe participation of the MBO Team (or any members thereof) in, or theirarrangements with, Aella and/or Adonia Aella. The Independent Board acceptsresponsibility for the recommendation and the related opinions of theIndependent Board contained in this announcement. To the best of the knowledgeand belief of the directors of ICG and the Independent Board (who have taken allreasonable care to ensure that such is the case), the information contained inthis announcement for which they respectively accept responsibility is inaccordance with the facts and does not omit anything likely to affect the importof such information. Goodbody Corporate Finance, which is authorised in Ireland by the FinancialRegulator under the Investment Intermediaries Act 1995, is acting exclusivelyfor Aella and no one else in connection with the Acquisition and will not beresponsible to anyone other than Aella for providing the protections afforded tocustomers of Goodbody Corporate Finance or for providing advice in relation tothe Acquisition the contents of this announcement or any transaction orarrangement referred to herein. NCB Corporate Finance Limited, which is authorised in Ireland by the FinancialRegulator under the Investment Intermediaries Act 1995, is acting exclusivelyfor ICG and no one else in connection with the Acquisition and will not beresponsible to anyone other than ICG for providing the protections afforded tocustomers of NCB Corporate Finance or for providing advice in relation to theAcquisition, the contents of this announcement or any transaction or arrangementreferred to herein. The full text of the conditions and reference to certain further terms of theAcquisition and Scheme are set out in Appendix I. This announcement does not constitute an offer to purchase, sell, subscribe orexchange or the solicitation of an offer to purchase, sell, subscribe orexchange any securities or the solicitation of any vote or approval in anyjurisdiction pursuant to the Acquisition or otherwise. The distribution of this announcement in or into certain jurisdictions may berestricted by the laws of those jurisdictions. Accordingly, copies of thisannouncement and all other documents relating to the Acquisition are not being,and must not be, mailed or otherwise forwarded, distributed or sent in, into orfrom any Restricted Jurisdiction. Persons receiving such documents (including,without limitation, nominees, trustees and custodians) should observe theserestrictions. Failure to do so may constitute a violation of the securities lawsof any such jurisdiction. Any response in relation to the Acquisition should be made only on the basis ofthe information contained in the Scheme Document or any document by which theAcquisition and Scheme are made. The securities to be issued pursuant to the Acquisition under the Partial LoanAlternative and the Redeemable Preference Share Alternative will be issuedpursuant to the exemption from the registration requirements of the U.S.Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the "Securities Act"), provided by Section 3(a)(10) thereof, and have not been and will not be registered under theSecurities Act or the securities laws of any state of the United States. Inorder to qualify for the exemption from the registration requirements of theSecurities Act provided by Section 3(a)(10), there must be a hearing on thefairness of the Scheme's terms and conditions to the ICG Shareholders, which allthe ICG Shareholders are entitled to attend in person or through representativesto oppose the sanctioning of the Scheme by the High Court, and with respect towhich notification will be given to all the ICG Shareholders. The High Court'sattention is drawn to the fact that, for the purpose of qualifying for theexemption from the registration requirements of the Securities Act provided bySection 3(a)(10), Aella intends to rely on the High Court's hearing to sanctionthe Scheme. This announcement, including information included or incorporated by referencein this announcement, may contain 'forward-looking statements' concerning theAcquisition, ICG, Aella and Adonia Aella. Generally, the words 'will', 'may','should', 'could', 'would', 'can', 'continue', 'opportunity', 'believes','expects', 'intends', 'anticipates', 'estimates' or similar expressions identifyforward-looking statements. The forward-looking statements involve risks anduncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from thoseexpressed in the forward-looking statements. Many of these risks anduncertainties relate to factors that are beyond the companies' abilities tocontrol or estimate precisely, such a future market conditions and thebehaviours of other market participants, and therefore undue reliance should notbe placed on such statements. Aella assumes no obligation in respect of, norintends to update these forward-looking statements, except as required pursuantto applicable law. This announcement is made pursuant to Rule 2.5 of the Irish Takeover Rules. Any person who is a holder of one per cent. or more of the ICG Units may havedisclosure obligations under Rule 8.3 of the Irish Takeover Rules, effectivefrom the date of the commencement of the offer period in respect of theAcquisition. Not for release, publication or distribution, in whole or in part, in, into orfrom a Restricted Jurisdiction 8 March 2007 RECOMMENDED ACQUISITION FOR CASH OF IRISH CONTINENTAL GROUP PLC BY AELLA PLC BY MEANS OF A SCHEME OF ARRANGEMENT UNDER SECTION 201 OF THE COMPANIES ACT, 1963 1. Introduction The Board of Aella, which has been advised by Goodbody Corporate Finance, andthe Independent Board of ICG are pleased to announce that they have reachedagreement on the terms of a recommended acquisition for cash of the entireissued and to be issued share capital of ICG by Aella by means of a scheme ofarrangement under Section 201 of the Companies Act, 1963. The consideration forthe Acquisition will comprise the Cash Consideration (which incorporates aPartial Loan Note Alternative). There will also be an opportunity to elect for aRedeemable Preference Share Alternative. The Independent Board, which has been so advised by NCB Corporate Finance,considers the terms of the Acquisition to be fair and reasonable. In providingits advice, NCB Corporate Finance has taken into account the commercialassessments of the Independent Board. Accordingly, the Independent Board intendsunanimously to recommend to ICG Shareholders to vote in favour of theAcquisition and Scheme, as the members of the Independent Board who hold ICGUnits have irrevocably undertaken to do in respect of their own beneficialholdings, amounting to, in aggregate 47,354 ICG Units, which representsapproximately 0.2 per cent. of the issued share capital of ICG. The Independent Board does not intend to make any recommendation in respect ofeither the Partial Loan Note Alternative or the Redeemable Preference ShareAlternative. The Acquisition and Scheme will be subject to the conditions and further termsset out in Appendix I, which will also be set out in the Scheme Document. Aella is owned by Adonia Aella, which is owned and controlled by the MBO Team,who in total own 2,314,880 ICG Units representing approximately 9.85 per cent.of the issued share capital of ICG and who have irrevocably committed to vote infavour of the Acquisition and Scheme. In addition, the MBO Team hold 1,267,500options over ICG Units, these options together with the ICG Units owned by theMBO Team represent 14.1 per cent. of the issued and to be issued share capitalof ICG. The members of the MBO Team are Eamonn Rothwell, Garry O'Dea, TonyKelly, Tom Corcoran and John Reilly. Certain terms used in this announcement are defined in Appendix III to thisannouncement. 2. The Cash Consideration The Cash Consideration represents: for each ICG Unit €18.50 in cash The Cash Consideration values the entire issued and to be issued share capitalof ICG at approximately €471.3 million. The Cash Consideration represents a premium of approximately: o 18.6 per cent. to the closing share price on 7 March 2007, being the last dateprior to this announcement; o 33.1 per cent. to the share price on 1 January 2007, compared to a fall in theISEQ index of 1.1 per cent and a fall in the FTSE 350 index of 0.9 per cent.over the same period; o 35.8 per cent. to the average share price over the six months preceding 8March 2007 of €13.62; o 72.9 per cent. to the share price on 8 September 2006, six months prior to thedate of this announcement. 3. The Partial Loan Note Alternative to the Cash Consideration A Partial Loan Note Alternative to the Cash Consideration will be made availableto ICG Shareholders who may elect to receive Loan Notes with a compound interestrate of 19 per cent. per annum in respect of all or any part of their holdingsof ICG Units. The Loan Notes may not be repaid without the consent of the SeniorLenders. The Loan Notes may not be repaid before the second anniversary of theirissue and the 19 per cent. coupon will be rolled over on a compound basis andwill be payable on redemption. ICG Shareholders will be entitled to elect to receive Loan Notes to be issued onthe following basis: for every €1 of Cash Consideration a Loan Note of €1 The Loan Notes, which will be issued by Aella, will be governed by the laws ofIreland, will be unsecured subordinated obligations of Aella, will not beguaranteed as to the payment of principal and the coupon and will be issued,credited as fully paid, in amounts and integral multiples of €1. For thepurposes of providing for the subordination of the Loan Notes to the interestsof the Senior Lenders under the Bank Facilities, the Loan Notes will be issuedto a nominee who will hold the Loan Notes on behalf of the relevant ICGShareholders subject to the terms of the Intercreditor Agreement. The Loan Notes will be non-transferable and no application will be made for themto be listed or dealt in on any stock exchange. To the extent that elections for Loan Notes are received in excess of €45million, they will be scaled down, as nearly as practicable, pro rata to allvalid elections received (from ICG Shareholders and ICG Optionholders). Assumingall ICG Shareholders and ICG Optionholders elected to receive Loan Notes inrespect of their entire holding of ICG Units, ICG Shareholders and ICGOptionholders would be entitled to receive Loan Notes in respect ofapproximately 11.1 per cent. of their ICG Units on the basis that the MBO Teamaccept the Redeemable Preference Share Alternative. In the event of elections having to be scaled down, those ICG Shareholders orICG Optionholders who have validly elected to receive Loan Notes will insteadreceive the Cash Consideration in lieu of the Loan Notes they would havereceived had such elections not been scaled down. The Partial Loan Note Alternative will not be available in the RestrictedJurisdictions and ICG Shareholders will not be permitted to make an election forthe Partial Loan Note Alternative from any of the Restricted Jurisdictions. NoICG Shareholder will be entitled to require Loan Notes to be posted to anaddress in any of the Restricted Jurisdictions and no ICG Shareholder will beentitled to require Loan Notes to be registered in his/her name with an addressin any of the Restricted Jurisdictions. The Independent Board does not intend to make any recommendation in respect ofthe Partial Loan Note Alternative. Further details of the Loan Notes and the Partial Loan Note Alternative will becontained in the Scheme Document. 4. Background to and Reasons for Recommending the Acquisition On 14 December 2006, the Company issued a positive trading statement to informthe market that trading for the year ended 31 December 2006 was ahead ofprevious expectations. Since the trading statement, the Share price has risenstrongly from €12.95, being the official closing price on 13 December 2006, to aclosing price of €15.61 on 8 February 2007, being the latest date prior to theapproach by the MBO Team to the Independent Board. This represents an increaseof approximately 20.5 per cent. during a period when the ISEQ Overall Indexincreased by approximately 7.3 per cent and also represents the highest level atwhich the Shares have traded since June 1998. The Cash Consideration is at afurther premium of 18.5 per cent. to the closing price on 8 February 2007. During the past three years, ICG has faced considerable challenges in themarkets in which it operates. Continuing increased competition and capacity fromlow-cost airlines and a generally higher fuel price environment, as well assignificant fluctuations in fuel costs, combined with continuing strong directcompetition in all its core markets have created a challenging tradingenvironment for the Company. To address these challenges, the Company has had to restructure its overall costbase in order to remain competitive and profitable. This included theimplementation of fundamental changes in the cost structure of the ferriesbusiness, involving the successful outsourcing of crewing for its Irish Sea andFrance ferry routes, together with implementing certain further shore-basedcost-saving initiatives. In addition to the above cost saving measures for the ferries business, theCompany has sought to off-set the adverse effects of a declining tourism market,with continued investment in its freight and container business and to continueto develop the potential of the Dublin Port Terminal facilities which theCompany operates. The resultant improved competitiveness of the Company from these initiativescame at a significant cost to the Company in terms of redundancy costs andservice disruptions due to strike action, which impacted both the financialperformance and the financial position of the Company. Notwithstanding thesecosts and service disruptions, these initiatives have succeeded in bringingabout a fundamental change in the cost structure and profitability of theCompany, which is reflected in the preliminary results for the year, ended 31December 2006. The Independent Board believes that whilst the Company is now well-placed toface the ongoing challenges in its markets, the Cash Consideration represents anattractive opportunity for the Shareholders to realise a fair value for theirICG Units. In forming its view to recommend the Cash Consideration, the Independent Board,which has been advised by NCB Corporate Finance, has considered, inter alia, thefollowing views of the Company: Uncertainty in relation to the level of future revenue and profit growth: - as a result of the measures implemented between 2004 and 2006, there remainsrelatively little scope in the business to drive profit growth through furthercost saving initiatives; - the tourism market, in terms of number of passengers and cars on the Irish Seaand France routes, declined by 19 per cent. in the period from January 2004 toDecember 2006 (6.0 per cent. during 2006) and there can be no certainty that adownward trend will not continue; - ongoing competition on the Company's freight routes with competitors planningto introduce new capacity to the market during 2007; - declining charter revenues as a result of rentals on charter vessels beingrenewed at lower rates. This is forecast to reduce further before the chartersexpire in 2013; and - the Board has been unable to date to source suitable acquisition growthtargets despite diligently researching the market for such opportunities. The Cash Consideration represents: - A cash price at which the ICG Shares have never previously traded; - A premium of 18.6 per cent. to the closing price on 7 March 2007 of €15.60,being the latest practicable date prior to the commencement of the offer periodon 8 March 2007; - a premium of 22.9 per cent. to the average closing price between 14 December2006 of €15.06, the date of the positive trading update, and 8 February 2007; - a premium of 45.0 per cent. to the average closing price over the six monthspreceding 8 February 2006 of €12.76 - a multiple of 17.1 times adjusted earnings per share for the year ended 31December 2006; and - a multiple of 10.2 times adjusted EBITDA for the year ended 31 December 2006having adjusted both the EBITDA and the net debt at 31 December 2006 to takeaccount of the pro-forma impact of the purchase of the Kronprins Harald asannounced by the Company on 22 January 2007 and year end 31 December 2006 netdebt to take account also of a defined benefit pension scheme deficit of €10.1million (See Appendix II). Additional factors that have also been taken into consideration include: - since the share price has increased above €15.00 per Share, average volumestraded have been significantly less than average volumes below that price; - for a considerable period of time there has been speculation from media andstock market analysts that the MBO Team might make an offer for the Company. Theapproach received from the MBO Team on 8 February 2007 was the first time thismatter was considered by the Independent Board and the approach had beenpreceded by the positive trading update on 14 December 2006 and the subsequentvery strong performance in the share price from that date; and - it is also noteworthy that the Board has not been in receipt of any otherpotential offer(s). Consequently, the Independent Board considers that the terms of the Acquisitionare fair and reasonable and that the Cash Consideration represents anopportunity for ICG Shareholders to realise their investment in ICG at a pricethat fairly reflects the future prospects of the Company. The Independent Board does not intend to make any recommendation in respect ofthe Partial Loan Note Alternative or the Redeemable Preference ShareAlternative. 5. The Acquisition and the Scheme The Acquisition will be effected by way of a Scheme of Arrangement between ICGand ICG Shareholders under section 201 of the Act. Under the Scheme (which willbe subject to the conditions and on the terms set out in Appendix I to thisannouncement and which will also be set out in the Scheme Document) ICGShareholders will receive the Cash Consideration unless they elect for thePartial Loan Note Alternative (which will not be available to ICG Shareholderswho elect for the Redeemable Preference Share Alternative), or the RedeemablePreference Share Alternative (described in paragraph 6 below). The Scheme of Arrangement is an arrangement made between ICG and ICGShareholders under Section 201 of the Act, subject to the approval of the HighCourt. If the Scheme becomes effective, all ICG Units will be cancelled pursuantto Sections 72 and 74 of the Act with the exception of seven ICG Units held byseven nominees and those ICG Units held by ICG Shareholders electing for theRedeemable Preference Share Alternative. ICG will then issue new ICG shares toAella in place of the ICG Units cancelled pursuant to the Scheme and Aella willpay the consideration for the Acquisition to former ICG Shareholders. RedeemablePreference Shares will be issued by Aella to those who have elected for theRedeemable Preference Share Alternative in exchange for their ICG Units. As aresult of these arrangements, ICG will become a wholly owned subsidiary ofAella. Any ICG Units acquired pursuant to the Acquisition will be acquired fully paidor credited as fully paid and free from all liens, charges, equitable interests,encumbrances, rights of pre-emption and any other rights and interests of anynature whatsoever and together with all rights now and hereafter attachingthereto, including voting rights and the right to receive and retain in full alldividends and other distributions (if any) declared, made or paid on or afterthe date of this announcement. To become effective, the Scheme requires, amongst other things, the approval atthe Court Meeting of a majority in number of ICG Shareholders, present andvoting either in person or by proxy, representing three-fourths (75 per cent.)or more in value of the ICG Shares held by such holders, as well as the approvalby ICG Shareholders of resolutions relating to the implementation of the Schemeat an EGM to be held directly after the Court Meeting. Assuming the necessary approvals from the ICG Shareholders have been obtainedand all conditions have been satisfied or (where applicable) waived, the Schemewill become effective upon delivery to the Registrar of Companies of a copy ofthe Court Order of the High Court sanctioning the Scheme together with theminute required by Section 75 of the Act and registration of such order by him.Upon the Scheme becoming effective, it will be binding on all ICG Shareholders,irrespective of whether or not they attended or voted at the Court Meeting orthe Extraordinary General Meeting. The Acquisition is conditional on the Scheme becoming effective. The conditionsto the Acquisition and the Scheme are set out in full in Appendix I of thisannouncement. The implementation of the Scheme is conditional, amongst otherthings, upon: • the Scheme becoming effective by not later than 5 July 2007 or such later dateas Aella, ICG and the High Court may agree, failing which the Scheme will lapse; • the approval by a majority in number representing three-fourths or more invalue of the holders of ICG Shares, present and voting either in person or byproxy, at the Court Meeting (or at any adjournment of such meeting); • the passing of such resolutions in connection with and/or as are required toapprove or implement the Scheme at the Extraordinary General Meeting; • the sanction of the Scheme and confirmation of the reduction of capitalinvolved therein by the High Court and the delivery of an office copy of theCourt Order and the minute required by Section 75 of the Act to the Registrar ofCompanies and the registration of such Court Order by him; and • the conditions that are not otherwise identified above being satisfied orwaived on or before the sanction of the Scheme by the High Court pursuant toSection 201 of the Act. The Scheme Document, containing further information relating to theimplementation of the scheme, the full terms and conditions of the Scheme, andthe notices of the Court Meeting to be convened by direction of the High Courtand the separate Extraordinary General Meeting required to approve the Scheme,will be posted as soon as reasonably practicable, and in any event within 28days of the date of this announcement, to ICG Shareholders and, for informationonly, to ICG Optionholders. The Scheme Document will also include details of the expected timetable forimplementation of the Scheme and will specify the actions to be taken by ICGShareholders. It is expected that the Acquisition and Scheme will becomeeffective during the course of May 2007. 6. Redeemable Preference Share Alternative ICG Shareholders will be entitled to elect to receive Redeemable PreferenceShares to be issued by Aella in exchange for all of their ICG Units, instead ofthe Cash Consideration to which they would otherwise be entitled under the termsof the Acquisition. The Redeemable Preference Share Alternative will be made available on thefollowing basis: for each ICG Unit a Redeemable Preference Share of €0.0001 Each Redeemable Preference Share will be issued credited as fully paid in theamount of €18.50 per share (the "Paid-Up Amount"). No application will be madefor the Redeemable Preference Shares to be listed or dealt in on any stockexchange and they will be non-transferable. The Redeemable Preference Shareswill carry no voting rights and will be governed by the laws of Ireland. If any ICG Shareholder wishes to elect to receive Redeemable Preference Sharesthen they must do so in respect of all ICG Units registered in his/her name. The Redeemable Preference Shares will carry a coupon of 3 per cent. per annum ontheir Paid-Up Amount. Such coupon will be rolled-up and payable only on aredemption of the Redeemable Preference Shares (if such a redemption ispermitted pursuant to the Intercreditor Agreement). Such a redemption may takeplace from five years from the date of issue or if the board of Aella sodetermines, earlier. Subject to the Bank Facilities being repaid, the Loan Notes having been redeemedand the provisions of the Intercreditor Agreement, each Redeemable PreferenceShare will be redeemable at an amount not exceeding the Paid-Up Amount plus thecoupon accumulated to the redemption date at any time or times that the Board ofAella determines and may be redeemed on a pro rata basis or otherwise at thediscretion of the Board of Aella. Any redemption would also be subject to therestrictions in the Companies Acts. In the event of an event of default occurring under the Bank Facilities (asprovided for therein) and any bank exercising its rights of accelerationthereunder, including the appointment of a receiver, the coupon of 3 per cent.on the Redeemable Preference Shares will cease to be payable and the RedeemablePreference Shares will be converted into non-redeemable, non-voting deferredshares with a nominal value of €0.0001 each (the "Deferred Shares"), which maybe compulsorily acquired at a price of €0.0001 per Deferred Share by any personwho acquires all of the ordinary shares in Aella or Adonia Aella. It is not intended that any guaranteed mechanism will be put in place to fundthe redemption of the Redeemable Preference Shares. On a return of capital on a winding up or otherwise, the Redeemable PreferenceShares will rank ahead of the ordinary shares in Aella in respect of theaggregate of par value, premium and any amounts of unpaid coupon accrued to thedate of winding up but will have no other entitlement on a winding up toparticipate in any of the profits, assets or capital of Aella. If the RedeemablePreference Shares are converted into Deferred Shares, they will rank after theordinary shares in Aella on a winding up and will only confer a right of returnup to the nominal value of the Deferred Shares. The Redeemable Preference Share Alternative will not be available in theRestricted Jurisdictions and ICG Shareholders will not be permitted to make anelection for the Redeemable Preference Share Alternative from any of theRestricted Jurisdictions. No ICG Shareholder will be entitled to require theRedeemable Preference Shares to be posted to an address in any of the RestrictedJurisdictions and no ICG Shareholder will be entitled to require the RedeemablePreference Shares to be registered in his/her name with an address in any of theRestricted Jurisdictions. The Independent Board does not intend to make any recommendation in respect ofthe Redeemable Preference Share Alternative. Further details of the Redeemable Preference Shares and the RedeemablePreference Share Alternative will be contained in the Scheme Document. 7. Information on ICG ICG is a focussed provider of maritime passenger and freight services with itsprincipal operations in the area of North West Europe. The Group operatesthrough two divisions; o the Ferries Division comprising Irish Ferries, the leading ferry operatorin the Republic of Ireland, with international routes between Ireland and the UKand Ireland and France, ship chartering activities and a holiday business, and o the Container & Terminal Division, comprising 3 intermodal freightcarriers, Eucon, Eurofeeders and Feederlink, and a container terminal, DFT,within the Port of Dublin. The Group operates four ferries and 14 time charteredfeeder vessels. Irish Ferries announced on 22 January 2007 that it had purchased a newer, moreluxurious cruise ferry, the Kronprins Harald, for its Ireland-France routes. Theacquisition, will cost approximately €45 million, including modifications anddelivery. ICG today reported its results for the year to 31 December 2006: o Turnover for the year grew 4.6 per cent. to €312.1 million (2005: 298.5million). o EBITDA, before non recurring items, was up 30.3 per cent. at €59.7million (2005 €45.8 million) while trading profit before non recurring itemsamounted to €32.2 million (2005: €18.1 million). o The improvement in EBITDA and operating profit was due to the absence ofindustrial action during the period (in comparison with 2005), an increase infreight revenue and lower costs as a result of the restructuring in 2005partially offset by higher fuel costs (up 12.3 per cent. to €32.8 million). o Adjusted EPS amounted to 108.5 cent (2005: 54.1 cent restated). 8. Information on Aella Aella is a public limited company, which was incorporated in Ireland on 12February 2007. Aella has not traded prior to the date of this announcement(except for entering into transactions relating to the Acquisition). Aella is awholly owned subsidiary of Adonia Aella, which is owned and controlled by themembers of the MBO Team. Aella has no employees. 9. Information on Adonia Aella Adonia Aella is a private limited company, which was incorporated in Ireland on21 February 2007. Adonia Aella, which is the holding company of Aella, has nottraded prior to the date of this announcement (except for entering intotransactions relating to the Acquisition). Adonia Aella is owned and controlledsolely by the members of the MBO Team. The members of the MBO Team are EamonnRothwell, Garry O'Dea, Tony Kelly, John Reilly and Tom Corcoran. The equity ownership of Adonia Aella among the MBO Team is as follows: EamonnRothwell, Garry O'Dea, Tony Kelly, John Reilly and Tom Corcoran hold 81.63 percent., 9.57 per cent., 4.17 per cent., 3.53 per cent. and 1.10 per cent. of theequity of Adonia Aella, respectively. 10. Financing The Acquisition will be financed by debt facilities made available to Aella byAllied Irish Banks, p.l.c. and by the MBO Team electing for the RedeemablePreference Share Alternative in respect of all ICG Units held by them. Furtherinformation on the financing of the Acquisition will be set out in the SchemeDocument. Goodbody Corporate Finance is satisfied that the necessary resources areavailable to Aella to enable it to satisfy payment of the Cash Consideration toall ICG Shareholders. 11. Directors, Management and Employees The Board of Aella confirms that, following the Scheme becoming effective, theexisting employment rights, including pension rights, of all employees of theICG Group will be fully safeguarded. Upon the Scheme becoming effective, the non-executive directors of ICG intend toresign from the Board of ICG. 12. ICG Share Option Schemes As at 7 March 2007, being the latest business day prior to the date of thisannouncement, the following ICG Options had been granted to members of the MBOTeam and remained exercisable under the ICG Share Option Schemes: Name Date of Price From To Number of Grant Units Eamonn Rothwell Jan-97 5.30 Jan-00 Mar-07 75000 Jan-97 5.30 Jan-02 Mar-07 75000 Jan-00 10.75 Jan-03 Mar-10 25000 Jan-00 10.75 Jan-05 Mar-10 25000 Jan-02 7.35 Jan-05 Mar-12 100000 Jan-02 7.35 Jan-07 Mar-12 100000 Sep-02 5.30 Sep-05 Sep-12 50000 Sep-02 5.30 Sep-07 Sep-12 50000 Sep-05 10.00 Sep-08 Sep-15 25000 Sep-05 10.00 Sep-10 Sep-15 25000 Sep-06 10.67 Sep-09 Sep-16 50000 Sep-06 10.67 Sep-11 Sep-16 50000 Garry O'Dea Jan-97 5.30 Jan-02 Mar-07 37500 Jan-00 10.75 Jan-03 Mar-10 12500 Jan-00 10.75 Jan-05 Mar-10 12500 Jan-02 7.35 Jan-07 Mar-12 50000 Sep-02 5.30 Sep-05 Sep-12 15000 Sep-02 5.30 Sep-07 Sep-12 15000 Sep-05 10.00 Sep-08 Sep-15 12500 Sep-05 10.00 Sep-10 Sep-15 12500 Sep-06 10.67 Sep-09 Sep-16 25000 Sep-06 10.67 Sep-11 Sep-16 25000 Tony Kelly Jan-97 5.30 Jan-02 Mar-07 25000 Jan-00 10.75 Jan-03 Mar-10 12500 Jan-00 10.75 Jan-05 Mar-10 12500 Jan-02 7.35 Jan-05 Mar-12 25000 Jan-02 7.35 Jan-07 Mar-12 25000 Sep-02 5.30 Sep-05 Sep-12 12500 Sep-02 5.30 Sep-07 Sep-12 12500 Sep-05 10.00 Sep-08 Sep-15 12500 Sep-05 10.00 Sep-10 Sep-15 12500 Sep-06 10.67 Sep-09 Sep-16 25000 Sep-06 10.67 Sep-11 Sep-16 25000 John Reilly Jan-97 5.30 Jan-02 Mar-07 5000 Jan-97 5.30 Jan-02 Mar-07 5000 Jan-99 11.50 Jan-02 Mar-09 15000 Jan-99 11.50 Jan-05 Mar-09 15000 Jan-00 10.75 Jan-03 Mar-10 5000 Jan-00 10.75 Jan-05 Mar-10 5000 Jan-02 7.35 Jan-05 Mar-12 10000 Jan-02 7.35 Jan-07 Mar-12 10000 Sep-05 10.00 Sep-08 Sep-15 12500 Sep-05 10.00 Sep-10 Sep-15 12500 Sep-06 10.67 Sep-09 Sep-16 25000 Sep-06 10.67 Sep-11 Sep-16 25000Tom Corcoran Jan-97 5.30 Jan-02 Mar-07 5000 Jan-00 10.75 Jan-03 Mar-10 2500 Jan-00 10.75 Jan-05 Mar-10 2500 Jan-01 6.60 Jan-04 Mar-11 5000 Jan-01 6.60 Jan-06 Mar-11 5000 Jan-02 7.35 Jan-05 Mar-12 5000 Jan-02 7.35 Jan-07 Mar-12 5000 Sep-05 10.00 Sep-08 Sep-15 5000 Sep-05 10.00 Sep-10 Sep-15 5000 Sep-06 10.67 Sep-09 Sep-16 7500 Sep-06 10.67 Sep-11 Sep-16 7500 In due course, Aella will make appropriate proposals to ICG Optionholders.Outstanding Options under the ICG Option Schemes will be exercisable aspermitted by their existing terms and conditions. 13. Delisting and Cancellation of Trading It is intended that, subject to and following the Scheme becoming effective, andsubject to applicable requirements of the Irish Stock Exchange and the UKListing Authority, Aella will procure that ICG applies for cancellation of thelisting of the ICG Units on the Official Lists and for cancellation of tradingof the ICG Units on the markets of the Irish Stock Exchange and of the LondonStock Exchange. The last day of dealing in ICG Shares on the Irish StockExchange and the London Stock Exchange will be the last business day before theEffective Date. 14. Expenses Reimbursement Agreement ICG has entered into an expenses reimbursement and non-solicitation agreementdated 8 March 2007 with Aella, the terms of which have been approved by thePanel. Under the Expenses Reimbursement Agreement, ICG has agreed to payspecific quantifiable third party costs and expenses incurred by Aella or onbehalf of the MBO Team in connection with the Acquisition in the circumstancesoutlined below. The liability of ICG to pay these amounts is limited to amaximum amount equal to 1 per cent. of the aggregate value of the number of ICGUnits which are the subject of the Acquisition multiplied by the CashConsideration per ICG Unit. The circumstances in which such payment will be madeincludes: (a) if, prior to the Acquisition lapsing or being withdrawn (or, in certaincircumstances not being made), a competing offer or offers or scheme or schemesare recommended by the Independent Board or any such offer becomes or isdeclared unconditional in all respects or scheme becomes effective; (b) if the Independent Board no longer recommends (or intends to recommend) ICGShareholders to accept or vote in favour of the Acquisition or the IndependentBoard adversely modifies or withdraws its recommendation and the Acquisitionlapses or is withdrawn (or, in certain circumstances is not made); (c) if, as a result of an act or omission of ICG or any ICG Group company or anyof their respective directors, employees, agents or advisers, the SchemeDocument is not posted by ICG to ICG Shareholders within 28 days of the date ofthis announcement; or (d) if the Acquisition is withdrawn or does not become effective in which casethe amount payable by ICG shall be limited to one-third of all verifiable thirdparty cost and expenses incurred by Aella or on behalf of the MBO Team inconnection with the Acquisition up to a maximum amount of €500,000. The non-solicitation undertaking provides that until the Acquisition or Schemebecomes effective (or is withdrawn), ICG shall procure that no member of theGroup or none of their respective directors, employees, agents or advisers shallsolicit interest or initiate discussions or negotiations with any person with aview to making a competing offer which would preclude or materially restrict ordelay the Acquisition. NCB Corporate Finance, the independent financial adviser to the IndependentBoard, has confirmed in writing to the Panel that in the opinion of theIndependent Board and NCB Corporate Finance, in the context of the Acquisition,the Expenses Reimbursement Agreement is in the best interests of ICG and ICGShareholders. 15. Implementation Agreement ICG and Aella have entered into an Implementation Agreement which containscertain assurances in relation to the implementation of the Scheme. Further information regarding the Implementation Agreement will be set out inthe Scheme Document. 16. Undertakings to Vote in Favour of the Acquisition and Scheme Aella has received irrevocable undertakings to vote in favour of the Acquisitionand Scheme in respect of approximately 10.05 per cent. of the entire issuedshare capital of ICG (on a fully diluted basis) as follows: o MBO Team Aella has received irrevocable undertakings to vote in favour of the Acquisitionand Scheme and elect for the Redeemable Preference Share Alternative from themembers of the MBO Team, in respect of their own beneficial shareholdings whichamount, in aggregate, to 2,314,880 ICG Units, representing in aggregateapproximately 9.85 per cent. of the issued share capital of ICG. Theseirrevocable undertakings will cease to have effect in the event that theAcquisition and Scheme lapse or are withdrawn or the Scheme does not becomeeffective on or before 5 July 2007 or Aella announces that it will not proceedwith the Acquisition. o Independent Board Aella has received irrevocable undertakings to vote in favour of the Acquisitionand Scheme from the members of the Independent Board who hold ICG Units, inrespect of their own beneficial shareholdings which amount, in aggregate, to47,354 ICG Units, representing approximately 0.2 per cent. of the issued sharecapital of ICG. These irrevocable undertakings will lapse in the event that theAcquisition and Scheme lapse or are withdrawn or the Scheme does not becomeeffective on or before 5 July 2007 or a higher competing offer is made or a firmintention to make a higher competing offer is announced or Aella announces thatit will not proceed with the Acquisition. 17. Interests in ICG As at 7 March 2007, being the latest business day prior to the date of thisannouncement, the following members of the MBO Team owned or controlled thefollowing ICG Units:Name Number of ICG UnitsEamonn Rothwell 2,038,571Garry O'Dea 179,377Tony Kelly 39,588Tom Corcoran 8,736John Reilly 48,608 As at 6 March 2007, the latest practicable date prior to the date of thisannouncement, Goodbody Corporate Finance and its affiliates hold 1,319,742 ICGUnits on behalf of discretionary clients, 452,009 ICG Units as principal traderand 20,000 ICG Units held via contracts for difference on behalf ofdiscretionary clients. Save as disclosed in this paragraph 17 and the ICG Options disclosed inparagraph 12, neither Aella nor, as far as Aella is aware, any person acting inconcert with Aella, owns or controls any ICG Units or any securities convertibleor exchangeable into, or rights to subscribe for or purchase, or holds anyoptions to purchase any ICG Units or has entered into any derivative referencedto ICG Units which remains outstanding or has any arrangements in relation toICG Units other than the shareholdings detailed below of certain advisers toAella. So far as the directors of Aella and ICG are aware, no Arrangement exists withAella, with ICG or with any associate of Aella or ICG. 18. General The Acquisition and Scheme will be made subject to the conditions and furtherterms set out in Appendix I and to be set out in the Scheme Document. The SchemeDocument will include full details of the Acquisition and the expected timetableand will be accompanied by the appropriate forms of proxy and forms of election.These will be despatched to ICG Shareholders and, for information only, to ICGOptionholders, in due course. The Acquisition and Scheme will be governed by thelaws of Ireland and will be subject to the applicable requirements of the IrishTakeover Rules, the Irish Stock Exchange, the London Stock Exchange, the UKListing Authority and applicable laws. Details of the sources and bases of certain information set out in thisannouncement are included in Appendix II. Certain terms used in thisannouncement are defined in Appendix III. This announcement is being made pursuant to Rule 2.5 of the Irish TakeoverRules. Enquiries: AellaEamonn Rothwell Tel: +353 (0) 1 855 2222Garry O'Dea Tel: +353 (0) 1 855 2222 Goodbody Corporate Finance Tel: +353 (0) 1 667 0420Brian O'KellyFinbarr GriffinDavid Kearney Q4 Public RelationsGerry O'Sullivan Tel: +353 (0) 1 475 1444 Irish Continental Group plcJohn B Mc Guckian Tel: +353 (0) 1 855 2222 NCB Corporate Finance Tel: +353 (0) 1 611 5611Liam BoothJonathan SimmonsShane Lawlor Drury Communications Tel: +353 (0) 1 260 5000Billy Murphy The directors of Aella accept responsibility for the information contained inthis announcement, other than that relating to ICG, the ICG Group, the directorsof ICG and members of their immediate families, related trusts and personsconnected with them, and the recommendation and related opinions of theIndependent Board. They also accept responsibility for the information containedin this announcement relating to the participation of the MBO Team (or anymembers thereof) in, or their arrangements with, Aella and/or Adonia Aella. Tothe best of the knowledge and belief of the directors of Aella (who have takenall reasonable care to ensure that such is the case), the information containedin this announcement for which they accept responsibility is in accordance withthe facts and does not omit anything likely to affect the import of suchinformation. The directors of ICG accept responsibility for the information contained in thisannouncement relating to ICG, the ICG Group, the directors of ICG (solely intheir capacity as such) and members of their immediate families, related trustsand persons connected with them, except for the recommendation and relatedopinions of the Independent Board. The directors of ICG do not takeresponsibility for the information contained in this announcement relating tothe participation of the MBO Team (or any members thereof) in, or theirarrangements with, Aella and/or Adonia Aella. The Independent Board acceptsresponsibility for the recommendation and the related opinions of theIndependent Board contained in this announcement. To the best of the knowledgeand belief of the directors of ICG and the Independent Board (who have taken allreasonable care to ensure that such is the case), the information contained inthis announcement for which they respectively accept responsibility is inaccordance with the facts and does not omit anything likely to affect the importof such information. Goodbody Corporate Finance, which is regulated by the Financial Regulator underthe Investment Intermediaries Act 1995, is acting exclusively for Aella and noone else in connection with the Acquisition and will not be responsible toanyone other than Aella for providing the protections afforded to customers ofGoodbody Corporate Finance or for providing advice in relation to theAcquisition the contents of this announcement or any transaction or arrangementreferred to herein. NCB Corporate Finance Limited, which is authorised in Ireland by the FinancialRegulator under the Investment Intermediaries Act 1995, is acting exclusivelyfor ICG and no one else in connection with the Acquisition and will not beresponsible to anyone other than ICG for providing the protections afforded tocustomers of NCB Corporate Finance or for providing advice in relation to theAcquisition, the contents of this announcement or any transaction or arrangementreferred to herein. This announcement does not constitute an offer to purchase, sell, subscribe orexchange or the solicitation of an offer to purchase, sell, subscribe orexchange any securities or the solicitation of any vote or approval in anyjurisdiction pursuant to the Acquisition or otherwise. The distribution of this announcement in or into certain jurisdictions may berestricted by the laws of those jurisdictions. Accordingly, copies of thisannouncement and all other documents relating to the Acquisition are not being,and must not be, mailed or otherwise forwarded, distributed or sent in, into orfrom any Restricted Jurisdiction. Persons receiving such documents (including,without limitation, nominees, trustees and custodians) should observe theserestrictions. Failure to do so may constitute a violation of the securities lawsof any such jurisdiction. The securities to be issued pursuant to the Acquisition under the Partial LoanAlternative and the Redeemable Preference Share Alternative will be issuedpursuant to the exemption from the registration requirements of the U.S.Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the "Securities Act"), provided by Section 3(a)(10) thereof, and have not been and will not be registered under theSecurities Act or the securities laws of any state of the United States. Inorder to qualify for the exemption from the registration requirements of theSecurities Act provided by Section 3(a)(10), there must be a hearing on thefairness of the Scheme's terms and conditions to the ICG Shareholders, which allthe ICG Shareholders are entitled to attend in person or through representativesto oppose the sanctioning of the Scheme by the High Court, and with respect towhich notification will be given to all the ICG Shareholders. The High Court'sattention is drawn to the fact that, for the purpose of qualifying for theexemption from the registration requirements of the Securities Act provided bySection 3(a)(10), Aella intends to rely on the High Court's hearing to sanctionthe Scheme. Any response in relation to the Acquisition should be made only on the basis ofthe information contained in the Scheme Document or any document by which theAcquisition and Scheme are made. This announcement, including information included or incorporated by referencein this announcement, may contain 'forward-looking statements' concerning theAcquisition, ICG, Aella and Adonia Aella. Generally, the words 'will', 'may','should', 'could', 'would', 'can', 'continue', 'opportunity', 'believes','expects', 'intends', 'anticipates', 'estimates' or similar expressions identifyforward-looking statements. The forward-looking statements involve risks anduncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from thoseexpressed in the forward-looking statements. Many of these risks anduncertainties relate to factors that are beyond the companies' abilities tocontrol or estimate precisely, such a future market conditions and thebehaviours of other market participants, and therefore undue reliance should notbe placed on such statements. Aella assumes no obligation in respect of, norintends to update these forward-looking statements, except as required pursuantto applicable law. Any person who is a holder of one per cent. or more of the ICG Units may havedisclosure obligations under Rule 8.3 of the Irish Takeover Rules, effectivefrom the date of the commencement of the offer period in respect of theAcquisition. Appendix I Conditions of the Acquisition and Scheme The Acquisition and Scheme comply with the Takeover Rules and, where relevant,the respective rules and regulations of the Irish Stock Exchange, the LondonStock Exchange and the UK Listing Authority and is subject to the terms andconditions set out in this document and in the accompanying Form of Election.The Acquisition and Scheme are governed by laws of Ireland and subject to theexclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Ireland, which exclusivity shall notlimit the right to seek provisional or protective relief in the courts ofanother State during or after any substantive proceedings have been institutedin Ireland, nor shall it limit the right to bring enforcement proceedings inanother State on foot of an Irish judgment. 1. The Acquisition will be conditional upon the Scheme becomingeffective and unconditional by not later than 5 July 2007 (or such lesser periodas may be required by the Panel, or such later date as Aella and ICG may, withthe consent of the Panel, agree and the Court may allow). The Scheme will beconditional upon: (i) the approval of the Scheme by a majority in number representingthree-fourths or more in value of the holders of ICG Units at the Voting RecordTime, present and voting either in person or by proxy, at the Court Meeting (orat any adjournment of such meeting); (ii) such resolution(s) in connection with and/or required to approve orimplement the Scheme and set out in the notice convening the ExtraordinaryGeneral Meeting being duly passed by the requisite majority at the ExtraordinaryGeneral Meeting (or at any adjournment of such meeting); and (iii) the sanction (with or without modification) of the Scheme and theconfirmation of the reduction of capital involved therein by the Court andoffice copies of the Court Orders and the minute required by section 75 of theAct in respect of the reduction, being delivered for registration to theRegistrar of Companies and registration of the Court Order and minute confirmingthe reduction of capital involved in the Scheme by the Registrar of Companies. 2. ICG and Aella have agreed that, subject to paragraph 3 of thisAppendix I, the Acquisition will also be conditional upon the following mattershaving been satisfied or waived on or before the sanction of the Scheme by theHigh Court pursuant to Section 201 of the Act: (a) no central bank, government or governmental, quasi-governmental,supranational, statutory, regulatory or investigative body, including anynational or supranational anti-trust or merger control authorities, court,tribunal, trade agency, professional association, environmental body, anyanalogous body whatsoever or tribunal in any jurisdiction (each a "Third Party")having decided to take, institute or implement any action, proceeding, suit,investigation, enquiry or reference or having made, proposed or enacted anystatute, regulation or order or having withheld any consent or having done ordecided to do anything which would or might reasonably be expected to: (i) make the Acquisition or its implementation, or the acquisition or proposedacquisition by Aella of any shares in, or control of, ICG, or any of the assetsof ICG void, illegal or unenforceable under the laws of any jurisdiction orotherwise, directly or indirectly, restrain, revoke, prohibit, restrict ormaterially delay the same or impose additional or different conditions orobligations with respect thereto (except for restraints, prohibitions,restrictions, delays, conditions or obligations that would not be material (invalue terms or otherwise) in the context of the Wider ICG Group taken as awhole), or otherwise challenge or interfere therewith (except where the resultof such challenge or interference would not have, or would not reasonably beexpected to have, a material adverse effect (in value terms or otherwise) on theWider ICG Group taken as a whole); (ii) result in a material delay in the ability of Aella, or render Aella unable,to acquire some or all of the ICG Units or require a divestiture by any memberof the Aella Group or any shares in ICG; (iii) except where the consequences thereof would not be material (in valueterms or otherwise) in the context of the Wider ICG Group taken as a whole,require, prevent or delay the divestiture by any member of the Aella Group or byany member of the Wider ICG Group of all or any portion of their respectivebusinesses, assets (including, without limitation, the shares or securities ofany other member of the ICG Group) or property or impose any limitation on theability of any of them to conduct their respective businesses (or any of them)or own their respective assets or properties or any part thereof; (iv) impose any limitation on or result in a material delay in the ability ofAella to acquire, or to hold or to exercise effectively, directly or indirectly,all or any rights of ownership of shares (or the equivalent) in, or to exercisevoting or management control over, ICG or any subsidiary or subsidiaryundertaking of ICG which is material in the context of the Wider ICG Group takenas a whole (each a "Material Subsidiary") or on the ability of any member of theWider ICG Group to hold or exercise effectively, directly or indirectly, rightsof ownership of shares (or the equivalent) in, or to exercise rights of votingor management control over, any member of the Wider ICG Group; (v) except where the consequences thereof would not be material (in value termsor otherwise) in the context of the Wider ICG Group taken as a whole, requireany member of the Aella Group or any member of the Wider ICG Group to acquire oroffer to acquire any shares or other securities (or the equivalent) in, or anyinterest in any asset owned by, any member of the Wider ICG Group owned by anythird party; (vi) except where the consequences thereof would not be material (in value termsor otherwise) in the context of the Wider ICG Group taken as a whole, impose anylimitation on the ability of any member of the ICG Group to integrate orco-ordinate its business, or any part of it, with the businesses of any memberof the Wider ICG Group; (vii) except where the consequences thereof would not be material (in valueterms or otherwise) in the context of the Wider ICG Group taken as a whole,result in any member of the Wider ICG Group ceasing to be able to carry onbusiness in any jurisdiction in which it currently does; (viii) except where the consequences thereof would not be material (in valueterms or otherwise) in the context of the Wider ICG Group taken as a whole,cause any member of the Wider ICG Group to cease to be entitled to anyAuthorisation (as defined in paragraph (f) below) used by it in the carrying onof its business; or (ix) except where the consequences thereof would not be material (in value termsor otherwise) in the context of the Wider ICG Group taken as a whole, otherwiseadversely affect the business, profits, assets, liabilities, financial ortrading position of any member of the Wider ICG Group; (b) all necessary notifications and filings having been made, all necessarywaiting and other time periods (including any extensions thereof) under anyapplicable legislation or regulation of any jurisdiction in which ICG or anyMaterial Subsidiary shall be incorporated or carry on any business which ismaterial (in value terms or otherwise) in the context of the Wider ICG Grouptaken as a whole having expired, lapsed or having been terminated (asappropriate) (save to an extent which would not be material (in value terms orotherwise) in the context of the Wider ICG Group taken as a whole) and allstatutory or regulatory obligations in any jurisdiction in which ICG or aMaterial Subsidiary shall be incorporated or carry on any business which ismaterial (in value terms or otherwise) in the context of the Wider ICG Grouptaken as a whole having been complied with (save to an extent which would not bematerial (in value terms or otherwise) in the context of the Wider ICG Grouptaken as a whole), in each case, in connection with the Acquisition or itsimplementation and all authorisations, orders, recognitions, grants, consents,clearances, confirmations, licences, permissions and approvals in anyjurisdiction ("Authorisations" and each an "Authorisation") reasonably deemednecessary or appropriate by Aella for or in respect of the Acquisition havingbeen obtained on terms and in a form reasonably satisfactory to Aella from allappropriate Third Parties (except where the consequence of the absence of anysuch Authorisation would not be material (in value terms or otherwise) in thecontext of the Wider ICG Group taken as a whole), all such Authorisationsremaining in full force and effect, there being no notified intention to revokeor vary or not to renew the same at the time at which the Acquisition becomesotherwise unconditional and all necessary statutory or regulatory obligations inany such jurisdiction having been complied with (except where the consequencethereof would not be material (in value terms or otherwise) in the context ofthe Wider ICG Group taken as a whole); (c) all applicable waiting periods and any other time periods during which anyThird Party could, in respect of the Acquisition or the acquisition or proposedacquisition of any shares or other securities (or the equivalent) in, or controlof, ICG or any member of the Wider ICG Group by Aella, institute or implementany action, proceedings, suit, investigation, enquiry or reference under thelaws of any jurisdiction which would be reasonably expected adversely to affect(to an extent which would be material (in value terms or otherwise) in thecontext of the Wider ICG Group taken as a whole) any member of the ICG Group,having expired, lapsed or been terminated; (d) except as disclosed, there being no provision of any arrangement, agreement,licence, permit, franchise, facility, lease or other instrument to which anymember of the Wider ICG Group is a party or by or to which any such member orany of its respective assets may be bound, entitled or be subject and which, inconsequence of the Acquisition or the acquisition or proposed acquisition byAella of any shares or other securities (or the equivalent) in or control of ICGor any member of the ICG Group or because of a change of control or managementof ICG or otherwise, would or would be reasonably expected to result (exceptwhere, in any of the following cases, the consequences thereof would not bematerial (in value terms or otherwise) in the context of the Wider ICG Grouptaken as whole) in: (i) any monies borrowed by, or any indebtedness or liability (actual orcontingent) of, or any grant available to any member of the Wider ICG Groupbecoming, or becoming capable of being declared, repayable immediately or priorto their or its stated maturity or the ability of any such member to borrowmonies or incur any indebtedness being withdrawn or materially inhibited; (ii) the creation or enforcement of any mortgage, charge or other securityinterest wherever existing or having arisen over the whole or any part of thebusiness, property or assets of any member of the Wider ICG Group or any suchmortgage, charge or other security interest becoming enforceable; (iii) any such arrangement, agreement, licence, permit, franchise, facility,lease or other instrument or the rights, liabilities, obligations or interestsof any member of the Wider ICG Group thereunder, or the business of any suchmembers with, any person, firm or body (or any arrangement or arrangementsrelating to any such interest or business) being terminated or adverselymodified or any adverse action being taken or any obligation or liabilityarising thereunder; (iv) any material assets or material interests of, or any material asset the useof which is enjoyed by, any member of the Wider ICG Group being or falling to bedisposed of or charged, or ceasing to be available to any member of the WiderICG Group or any right arising under which any such asset or interest would berequired to be disposed of or charged or would cease to be available to anymember of the Wider ICG Group otherwise than in the ordinary course of business; (v) any member of the Wider ICG Group ceasing to be able to carry on business; (vi) the value of, or financial or trading position of any member of the WiderICG Group being prejudiced or adversely affected; or (vii) the creation of any liability or liabilities (actual or contingent) by anymember of the Wider ICG Group; unless, if any such provision exists, such provision shall have been waived,modified or amended on terms satisfactory to Aella; (e) save as disclosed and/or save as publicly disclosed by the delivery of anannouncement to the Irish Stock Exchange or the London Stock Exchange at anytime up to 8 March 2007 (being the date of this announcement) or otherwisepublicly disclosed in the preliminary results of the ICG Group for the yearended 31 December 2006, no member of the Wider ICG Group having, since 31December 2006:- (i) issued or agreed to issue additional shares of any class, or securitiesconvertible into or exchangeable for, or rights, warrants or options tosubscribe for or acquire, any such shares or convertible or exchangeablesecurities (except for (A) issues to ICG or wholly-owned subsidiaries of ICG; or(B) upon any exercise of ICG Options; (ii) recommended, declared, paid or made or issued any bonus, dividend or otherdistribution other than bonuses, dividends or other distributions lawfully paidor made to another member of the ICG Group; (iii) save for transactions between two or more members of the ICG Group ("intra-ICG Group transactions"), made or authorised, proposed or announced anychange in its loan capital (save in respect of loan capital which is notmaterial (in value terms or otherwise) in the context of the ICG Group taken asa whole); (iv) save for intra-ICG Group transactions, implemented, authorised, proposed orannounced its intention to propose any merger, demerger, reconstruction,amalgamation, scheme or (except in the ordinary and usual course of trading)acquisition or disposal of (or of any interest in) assets or shares (or theequivalent thereof) in any undertaking or undertakings (except in any such casewhere the consequences of any such merger, demerger, reconstruction,amalgamation, scheme, acquisition or disposal would not be material (in valueterms or otherwise) in the context of the ICG Group taken as a whole); (v) except in the ordinary and usual course of business entered into ormaterially improved, or made any offer (which remains open for acceptance) toenter into or materially improve, the terms of any non-executive director or theterms of the employment contract with any director of ICG or any personoccupying one of the senior executive positions in the ICG Group or permitted avariation in the terms or rules governing the ICG Share Option Schemes; (vi) (except where the consequences thereof would not be material (in valueterms or otherwise) in the context of the ICG Group, taken as a whole) issuedany loan capital or debentures or (save in the ordinary course of business andsave for intra-ICG Group transactions) incurred any indebtedness or contingentliability; (vii) purchased, redeemed or repaid or announced any offer to purchase, redeemor repay any of its own shares or other securities (or the equivalent) orreduced or made any other change to any part of its share capital; (viii) (except where the consequences thereof would not be material (in valueterms or otherwise) in the context of the Wider ICG Group taken as a whole) (A)merged with any body corporate, partnership or business, or (B) save forintra-ICG Group transactions, acquired or disposed of, transferred, mortgaged orencumbered any material assets or any material right, title or interest in anyasset (including shares and trade investments); (ix) (except where the consequences thereof would not be material (in valueterms or otherwise) in the context of the Wider ICG Group taken as a whole)entered into or varied any contract, transaction, arrangement or commitment orannounced its intention to enter into or vary any contract, transaction,arrangement or commitment (whether in respect of capital expenditure orotherwise) which is of a long term, onerous or unusual nature or magnitude orwhich is or would be materially restrictive on the business of any member of theWider ICG Group; (x) entered into or varied any material contract, transaction or arrangement orannounced its intention to enter into or vary any material contract, transactionor arrangement otherwise than in the ordinary and usual course of business,except where the consequences thereof would not be material (in value terms orotherwise) in the context of the Wider ICG Group taken as a whole; (xi) waived or compromised any claim which would be material (in value terms orotherwise) in the context of the Wider ICG Group taken as a whole; (xii) (except where the consequences thereof would not be material (in valueterms or otherwise) in the context of the Wider ICG Group taken as a whole) beenunable, or admitted in writing that it is unable, to pay its debts or havingstopped or suspended (or threatened to stop or suspend) payment of its debtsgenerally or ceased to carry on all or a substantial part of any business; (xiii) (except where the consequences thereof would not be material (in valueterms or otherwise) in the context of the Wider ICG Group taken as a whole) madeor agreed to any significant change to the terms of the trust deeds constitutingthe pension schemes established for its directors and/or employees and/or theirdependants or to the benefits which accrue, or to the pensions which are payablethereunder, or to the basis on which qualification for or accrual or entitlementto such benefits or pensions are calculated or determined, or to the basis uponwhich the liabilities (including pensions) of such pensions schemes are fundedor made, or agreed or consented to any change to the trustees involving theappointment of a trust corporation; (xiv) (except where the consequences thereof would not be material (in valueterms or otherwise) in the context of the Wider ICG Group taken as a whole) savefor voluntary solvent liquidations, taken any corporate action or had any legalproceedings instituted against it in respect of its winding-up, dissolution,examination or reorganisation or for the appointment of a receiver, examiner,administrator, administrative receiver, trustee or similar officer of all or anypart of its assets or revenues, or (A) been the subject of any analogousproceedings in any jurisdiction, or (B) appointed any analogous person in anyjurisdiction in which ICG or any Material Subsidiary shall be incorporated orcarry on any business; (xv) entered into any agreement, contract or binding commitment or passed anyresolution or made any offer or announcement with respect to, or to effect anyof the transactions, matters or events set out in this condition (withoutprejudice to the exceptions to each paragraph with regard to materiality andother matters); or (xvi) except in the case of amendments to the memoranda or articles ofassociation of subsidiaries which are not material, amended its memorandum andarticles of association (save as set out herein or agreed with Aella). (f) save as disclosed and/or save as publicly announced by ICG (by the deliveryof an announcement to the Irish Stock Exchange or the London Stock Exchange atany time up to 8 March 2007 (being the date of this announcement) or otherwisedisclosed in the preliminary results of the ICG Group for the year ended 31December 2006 on or prior to the date of this announcement: (i) there not having arisen any adverse change or deterioration in the business,assets, financial or trading position or profits of ICG or any member of theWider ICG Group (save to an extent which would not be material (in value termsor otherwise) in the context of the Wider ICG Group taken as a whole); (ii) no litigation, arbitration proceedings, prosecution or other legalproceedings to which any member of the Wider ICG Group is or would reasonably beexpected to become a party (whether as plaintiff or defendant or otherwise) andno investigation by any Third Party against or in respect of any member of theWider ICG Group having been instituted or remaining outstanding by, against orin respect of any member of the ICG Group (save where the consequences of suchlitigation, arbitration proceedings, prosecution or other legal proceedings orinvestigation are not or would not be material (in value terms or otherwise) inthe context of the Wider ICG Group taken as a whole); and (iii) no contingent or other liability existing or having arisen which wouldreasonably be expected to affect adversely any member of the Wider ICG Group(save where such liability is not or would not be material (in value terms orotherwise) in the context of the Wider ICG Group taken as a whole) and no stepshaving been taken which are likely to result in the withdrawal, cancellation,termination or modification of any licence, consent, permit, Access Right orauthorisation held by any member of the Wider ICG Group which is necessary forthe proper carrying on of its business and which is material in the context ofthe Wider ICG Group; (g) except as disclosed, Aella not having discovered that any financial,business or other information concerning the Wider ICG Group which is material(in value terms or otherwise) in the context of the Wider ICG Group taken as awhole and which has been publicly disclosed is materially misleading, contains amaterial misrepresentation of fact or omits to state a fact necessary to makethe material information contained therein not misleading, (save where theconsequences of which would not be material (in value terms or otherwise) in thecontext of the Wider ICG Group taken as a whole); (h) save as disclosed and/or save as publicly announced by ICG (by the deliveryof an announcement to the Irish Stock Exchange or the London Stock Exchange atany time up to 8 March 2007 (being the date of this announcement) or otherwisepublicly disclosed in the preliminary results of the ICG Group for the yearended 31 December 2006 on or prior to the date of this announcement, Aella nothaving discovered: (i) that any member of the Wider ICG Group or any partnership, company or otherentity in which any member of the Wider ICG Group has an interest and which isnot a subsidiary undertaking of ICG is subject to any liability, contingent orotherwise (save where such liability is not or would not be material (in valueterms or otherwise) in the context of the Wider Group taken as a whole); (ii) in relation to any release, emission, discharge, disposal or other fact orcircumstance which has caused or reasonably might impair or harm human health,that any past or present member of the Wider ICG Group has acted in materialviolation of any laws, statutes, regulations, notices or other legal orregulatory requirements of any Third Party (except where the consequencesthereof would not be material (in value terms or otherwise) in the context ofthe Wider ICG Group taken as a whole); (iii) that there is any liability, whether actual or contingent, to make good,repair, reinstate or clean up any property now or previously owned, occupied ormade use of by any past or present member of the ICG Group or any other propertyor any controlled waters under any environmental legislation, regulation,notice, circular, order or other lawful requirement of any relevant authority(whether by formal notice or order or not) or Third Party or otherwise (exceptwhere such liability is not or would not be material (in value terms orotherwise) in the context of the Wider ICG Group taken as a whole); and (iv) that circumstances exist at the date of the Scheme Document which arelikely to result in any actual or contingent liability to any member of theWider ICG Group under any applicable legislation referred to in sub-paragraph(iii) above to improve or modify existing or install new plant, machinery orequipment to carry out any changes in the processes currently carried out (savewhere such liability is not or would not be material (in value terms orotherwise) in the context of the ICG Group taken as a whole); (i) except as disclosed, no member of the ICG Group being in default under theterms or conditions of any material facility or agreement or arrangement for theprovision of loans, credit or drawdown facilities, or of any security, surety orguarantee in respect of any facility or agreement or arrangement for theprovision of loans, credit or drawdown facilities to any member of the ICG Group(save where such default is not or would not be so material (in value terms orotherwise) in the context of the ICG Group taken as a whole); (j) for the purposes of the conditions set out above: (i) "Aella Group" means Aella and its parent undertaking and its subsidiariesand subsidiary undertakings and any other subsidiary or subsidiary undertakingof its parent undertaking; (ii) "disclosed" means fairly disclosed in writing by or on behalf of ICG toAella or Goodbody Corporate Finance or its or their respective employees,officers or advisers at any time up to 8 March 2007 (being the date of thisannouncement); (iii) "ICG Group" means ICG and its subsidiaries and subsidiary undertakings; (iv) "parent undertaking" "subsidiary undertaking", "associated undertaking" and" undertaking" have the meanings given by the European Communities (Companies:Group Accounts) Regulations, 1992; (v) "substantial interest" means an interest in 20 per cent. or more of thevoting equity capital of an undertaking; (vi) "Wider Aella Group" means the Aella Group, its associated undertakings andany entities in which any member of the Aella Group holds a substantialinterest; and (vii) "Wider ICG Group" means the ICG Group, its associated undertakings and anyentities in which any member of the ICG Group holds a substantial interest. 3. Subject to the requirements of the Panel, Aella reservesthe right (but shall be under no obligation) to waive, in whole or in part, allor any of the conditions except for 1(i), (ii) and (iii). 4. The Acquisition will lapse unless all of the conditionsset out above have been fulfilled or (if capable of waiver) waived or, whereappropriate, have been determined by Aella to be or to remain satisfied on theEffective Date. 5. If Aella is required to make an offer for ICG Units under the provisions ofRule 9 of the Takeover Rules, Aella may make such alterations to any of theabove conditions as are necessary to comply with the provisions of that rule. 6. Aella reserves the right to effect the Acquisition by way of a takeoveroffer. In such event, such offer will be implemented on the same terms (subjectto appropriate amendments, including (without limitation) an acceptancecondition set at 90 per cent. of the nominal value and voting rights of the ICGUnits to which such an offer relates and which are not already in the beneficialownership of Aella within the meaning of the Takeover Regulations (but capableof waiver on a basis consistent with Rule 10 of the Takeover Rules)), so far asapplicable, as those which would apply to the Scheme. Appendix II Sources and Bases of Information Unless otherwise stated, the financial information relating to the ICG Group isextracted from the audited consolidated financial statements of the ICG Groupfor the relevant financial year. At Page 5 1. Reference to the value of the entire issued and to beissued share capital of ICG is based upon 23,511,708 ICG Units in issue, and1,962,800 ICG Units issuable to ICG's Optionholders under ICG's Share OptionSchemes as at 7 March 2007. At Page 6 2. Reference to the Closing Price of ICG Units, 7 March 2007,the last business day prior to the date of this announcement is based on theOfficial List of the Irish Stock Exchange. 3. Reference to the Closing Price of ICG Units, 1 January2007, is based on the Official List of the Irish Stock Exchange. 4. Reference to the Closing Price of ICG Units, 8 January2006, is based on the Official List of the Irish Stock Exchange. 5. Reference to ISEQ Overall Index growth is 7.3% iscalculated from the ISE website as (9611.83/8956.4)-1. At Page 7 6. References to a percentage of ICG Units, is based on thenumber of ICG Units in issue as at 7 March 2007 or, where referenced to as beingon a fully diluted basis, based on the number of ICG Units in issue and underoption as at 7 March 2007. 7. Reference to ICG's positive trading statement in respect ofthe year ended 31 December 2006 is taken from ICG's regulatory announcementdated 14 December 2006. 8. Reference to the Closing Price of ICG Units, 13 December2006, is based on the Official List of the Irish Stock Exchange. 9. Reference to the Closing Price of ICG Units, 8 February2007, is based on the Official List of the Irish Stock Exchange. 10. Reference to the share price is the highest at which theShares have traded since June 1988 is sourced from Bloomberg. 11. Reference to the continuing increased competition andcapacity from low-cost airlines and a generally higher fuel price environment istaken from ICG's Interim Results for 2006. 12. Reference to oil price history and fluctuations are sourcedfrom the United States Department of Energy website showing historic Brent OilPrices for Europe. 13. References to the challenges ICG has had to restructure itsoverall cost base in order to remain competitive and profitable and theimplementation of fundamental changes in the costs structure of the ferriesbusiness. This information is sourced from the 2005 Annual Report for ICG. 14. Reference to details of investment in container business andthe Dublin Port Terminal facilities is sourced from ICG's regulatoryannouncement dated 14 December 2006. 15. References to details of restructuring costs incurred. Thisinformation is sourced from ICG's 2004 and 2005 Annual reports and 2005 and 2006Interim Reports. 16. Reference to evidence of improved performance is sourced fromICG's preliminary results for the year ended 31 December 2006. 17. Reference to relatively little scope in the business to driveprofit growth through further cost saving initiatives is based on ICG's Budgetfor 2007. 18. Reference to the tourism market, in terms of number ofpassengers and cars on the Irish Sea and France routes decline is based on ICG'sBudget for 2007. 19. Reference to ongoing competition on ICG's freight routes withcompetitors planning to introduce new capacity to the market during 2007 isbased on ICG's Budget for 2007. 20. Reference to declining charter revenues as a result ofrentals on charter vessels being renewed at lower rates is sourced from ICG'sregulatory announcement dated 15 January 2007. At Page 8 21. Reference to average volumes based on a Share Volume Analysisproduced by NCB Corporate Finance. At Page 9 22. EBITDA for the year ended 31 December 2006 of €59.7 millionhas been adjusted for the expected EBITDA contribution of €1.5 million from theKronprins Harald to give adjusted EBITDA of €61.2 million. Net debt of €113.8million at 31 December 2006 has been adjusted for the additional debt of €45million incurred by the Company on the acquisition of the Kronprins Harald andthe defined benefit pension scheme deficit of €10.1 million, to give adjustednet debt of €168.9 million. The Cash Consideration values the issued and to beissued share capital of the Company at approximately €454.8 million, net ofoption exercise proceeds of €16.5 million, which together with the adjusted netdebt of €168.9 million gives an adjusted enterprise value of €623.7 million andan adjusted EBITDA multiple of 10.2 times. At Page 11 23. Reference to the operations of ICG are taken from ICG's 2005Audited Accounts. At Page 12 24. Reference to financing of the acquisition is sourced from theterms of the Acquisition and debt facilities made available to Aella by AlliedIrish Banks, p.l.c. At Page 14 25. Reference to the arrangements in place between ICG and Aellaregarding an expenses reimbursement agreement are sourced from the terms of theagreement approved by the Panel. At Page 15 26. References to the irrevocable undertakings to vote in favourof the Scheme are sourced from the signed Irrevocable Undertakings of the MBOTeam and Independent Directors. Appendix III Definitions The following definitions apply throughout this document, unless the contextrequires otherwise:"Acquisition" the proposed acquisition by Aella of ICG by means of the Scheme as described in this document;the "Act" the Companies Act, 1963 of Ireland, as amended; -------------------------------------------------"Adonia Aella" Adonia Aella Limited, a private limited company incorporated in Ireland with registered number 435192; "Aella" Aella plc, a public limited company with registered number 434571; "Aella Group" Aella and its parent undertaking and its subsidiaries and subsidiary undertakings and any other subsidiary or subsidiary undertaking of its parent undertaking "Arrangement" any indemnity or option arrangement and any agreement or understanding, formal or informal, of whatever nature between two or more persons, relating to relevant securities of Aella or ICG which is or may be an inducement to one or more such persons to deal or refrain from dealing in such securities; "Bank the Senior Secured Facility and the PIK FacilityFacilities" "Cash the cash consideration of €18.50 per ICG Unit payable to ICGConsideration" Shareholders who do not elect for the Partial Loan Note Alternative or the Redeemable Preference Share Alternative"Closing Price" the closing price of a ICG Unit as derived from the daily Official List of the Irish Stock Exchange; "Companies the Companies Act 1963 to 2005 and Parts 2 and 3 of theActs" Investment Funds, Companies and Miscellaneous Provisions Act 2006; "Court Meeting" the meeting or meetings of the ICG Shareholders (and any adjournment thereof) convened by order of the High Court pursuant to Section 201 of the Act to consider and, if thought fit, approve the Scheme (with or without amendment); "Court Order" the order or orders of the High Court sanctioning the Scheme under Section 201 of the Act and confirming the reduction of share capital which forms part of it under Sections 72 and 74 of the Act; "directors of the board of directors of ICG;ICG "directors of the board of directors of Aella;Aella" or"AellaDirectors" "EBITDA" earnings before interest, taxation, depreciation and amortisation; "Effective the date on which the Scheme becomes effective in accordanceDate" with its terms; "EPS" earnings per share; "euro" or "•" the currency unit of participating member states of the Europeanor "EUR" or Union as defined in Recital (2) of Council Regulation 974/98/EC"cent" or "c" on the introduction of the euro; "Expenses the agreement described in paragraph 14 hereof;ReimbursementAgreement" "Extraordinary the extraordinary general meeting of the ICG Shareholders to beGeneral convened in connection with the Scheme, expected to be held onMeeting" or the same day as the Court Meeting (and any adjournment thereof);"EGM" "Financial the Irish Financial Services Regulatory Authority;Regulator" "Form of the form of election under which ICG Shareholders can elect forElection" the Partial Loan Note Alternative to the Cash Consideration, or for the Redeemable Preference Share Alternative; "Goodbody Goodbody Corporate Finance, which is regulated by the FinancialCorporate Regulator under the Investment Intermediaries Act, 1995Finance" "High Court" the High Court of Ireland; "ICG Group" or ICG, its subsidiaries and associated undertakings;the "Group" "ICG Options" options to subscribe for ICG Units pursuant to the ICG Share Option Schemes; "ICG the holders of options to subscribe for ICG Units under the ICGOptionholders" Share Option Schemes; "ICG Share the ICG plc Irish Share Option Scheme and the ICG plc 1998 ShareOption Schemes" Option Plan; "ICG Holders of ICG Units;Shareholders"or"Shareholders" ICG Share or the existing and allotted or issued and fully paid ICG Units inShares the capital of ICG and any further such shares which may be issued or allotted prior to the Effective Date; "ICG Unit" or units in the share capital of ICG (each such unit comprising one"ICG Units" ordinary share of €0.65 and three redeemable shares of €0.0001); "ICG" or the Irish Continental Group plc;"Company" "Implementation the Implementation Agreement between ICG and Aella in relationAgreement" to the implementation of the Scheme; "Independent John B McGuckian, Peter Crowley and Bernard Somers;Board" or"IndependentDirectors" "Intercreditor the Intercreditor Agreement between, amongst others, theAgreement" Company, Allied Irish Banks p.l.c., as the Original Senior Lender, the Original PIK Lender, the Senior Agent, the Security Agent, the PIK Agent, the Original Hedging Counterparty and Goodbody Stockbrokers Nominee Limited and includes any modification thereof or any further intercreditor agreement relating to the finance facilities necessary for the operation of the business of the Group; "Ireland" or Ireland excluding Northern Ireland and the word "Irish" shall be"Republic of construed accordingly;Ireland" "Irish Stock the Irish Stock Exchange Limited;Exchange" "Listing Rules" the listing rules of the Irish Stock Exchange and the UK Listing Authority; "Loan Notes" the unsecured notes with compound interest rate of 19 per cent per annum issued by Aella pursuant to the Partial Loan Note Alternative; "London Stock the London Stock Exchange plc;Exchange" "MBO Team" Eamonn Rothwell, Garry O'Dea, Tony Kelly, John Reilly and Tom Corcoran; "NCB Corporate NCB Corporate Finance Limited, which is authorised in Ireland byFinance" the Financial Regulator under the Investment Intermediaries Act, 1995; "Northern the counties of Antrim, Armagh, Derry, Down, Fermanagh andIreland" Tyrone on the island of Ireland; "Official the Official List of the Irish Stock Exchange and the UK ListingLists" Authority; "Panel" the Irish Takeover Panel; "Partial Loan the alternative under which ICG Shareholders who do not electNote for the Redeemable Preference Share Alternative may elect toAlternative" receive Loan Notes instead of part of the Cash Consideration to which they would otherwise be entitled; "PIK Facility" The PIK facility in the amount of €45 million plus the lesser of €45 million and the aggregate amount of Loan Notes issued under the Loan Note instrument between Aella, Adonia Aella, AIB as arranger, agent and lender, and such other banks as may be lenders under that facility; "Redeemable the redeemable preference shares of €0.0001 each nominal valuePreference in the capital of Aella;Shares" "Redeemable the alternative under which ICG Shareholders may elect toPreference receive Redeemable Preference Shares instead of all of the CashShare Consideration to which they would otherwise be entitled;Alternative" "Registrar of the Registrar of Companies in Dublin, Ireland;Companies" "relevant has the meaning assigned by Rule 8.9 of the Takeover Rules;securities" "Restricted any jurisdiction in respect of which it would be unlawful forJurisdiction" this announcement to be released, published or distributed, in whole or in part, in, into or from, including for the avoidance of doubt, Canada, South Africa, Australia and Japan "Scheme" or the proposed scheme of arrangement under Section 201 of the Act"Scheme of and the capital reduction under Sections 72 and 74 of the ActArrangement" with or subject to any modifications, addition or condition approved or imposed by the High Court and agreed by Aella and ICG; "Scheme a circular for distribution to ICG Shareholders and, forDocument" information only, to ICG Optionholders containing (i) the Scheme (ii) the notice or notices of the Court Meeting and EGM (iii) an explanatory statement as required by Section 202 of the Act with respect to the Scheme (iv) such other information as may be required or necessary pursuant to the Act, the Takeover Rules or the Listing Rules and (v) such other information as ICG and Aella shall agree; "Senior the providers of the Senior Secured Facility;Lenders" "Senior Secured the senior secured facility in the amount of €542 millionFacility" between Aella, Adonia Aella, AIB as arranger, agent and lender and such other banks as may be lenders under that facility; "Takeover the European Communities (Takeover Bids (Directive 2004/25/EC))Regulations" Regulations 2006; "Takeover the Irish Takeover Panel Act, 1997, Takeover Rules 2001 to 2006Rules" (where applicable) and Substantial Acquisition Rules 2001 and 2005; "UK Listing the Financial Services Authority of the United Kingdom in itsAuthority" capacity as the competent authority under the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000; "United the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland;Kingdom" or"UK" "United States" the United States of America, its territories and possessions,or "US" any state of the United States of America and the District of Columbia and any other territory subject to its jurisdiction; "Voting Record Time" the time and date to be specified as the voting record timefor the Court Meeting (or any adjournment thereof) in the Scheme Document. Any reference to any provision of any legislation shall include any provision inany legislation that amends, modifies, consolidates, re-enacts, extends orreplaces the same. Words importing the singular shall include the plural and vice versa and wordsimporting the masculine gender shall include the feminine or neutral gender. All times referred to are Dublin times unless otherwise stated. This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock ExchangeRelated Shares:
Irish Cont.