9th May 2023 07:00
Royal Trust House, 54 Jermyn Street, London SW1Y 6LX, United Kingdom
Telephone: + 44 (0)20 7629 7772 Facsimile: + 44 (0)20 7629 7773
E mail: [email protected]
9th May 2023
2022 Final Results
Griffin Mining Limited ("Griffin" or the "Company") has today published its annual report and accounts for the year ended 31 December 2022 which will be available shortly on the Company's web site wwww.griffinmining.com and will be posted to shareholders on 25 May 2023.
Despite operations being suspended by the Chinese authorities for external events for nearly five months of 2022, the Company and its subsidiaries (together the "Group") recorded;
· Revenues of $94,397,000 (2021: $121,648,000);
· Gross profit of $38,252,000 (2021: $58,424,000);
· Operating profits of $15,625,000 (2021: $36,925,000);
· Profit before tax of $15,272,000 (2021: $36,526,000);
· Profit after tax of $7,704,000 (2021: $25,376,000); and
· Basic earnings per share of 4.41 cents (2021: earnings per share 14.53 cents).
The results for 2022 were severely impacted by various suspensions in operations for nearly five months of the year. First quarter results were impacted by the enforced suspension of all operations at the Caijiaying Mine for the Chinese Lunar New Year holiday celebrations, the Winter Olympics and the subsequent Winter Paralympics. Mining recommenced on the 23 March 2022 and processing on the 25 March 2022. Operations were again suspended by the Chinese authorities restricting the supply and use of explosives for the duration of the Chinese Communist National Party Congress from 22 September 2022 to 17 November 2022.
As a result of the suspensions in operations in 2022, Group profits before tax decreased from $36,526,000 in 2021 to $15,272,000 in 2022 with metal in concentrate production down on that produced in 2021, whilst zinc, gold and lead metal in concentrate prices achieved in 2022 were higher than those achieved in 2021.
With the suspension in operations during 2022 mining, haulage, and processing costs (cost of sales) were down 11.2%. This reduction is less than the reduction in tonnes milled of 15.6% as a result of fixed costs and higher depreciation charges as assets are brought into use.
Operating (administration) costs excluding minority service charges interests rose by 14.9%, reflecting inflationary costs in China, additional fees on the appointment of new directors and the resumption of travel.
Turnover in 2022 of $94,397,000 was down $27,251,000 (22.4%) on that achieved in 2021 of $121,648,000. This reflects zinc in concentrate sales down $20,495,000 (21.1%) with 30,422 tonnes of zinc metal in concentrate sold in 2022 compared with 41,949 tonnes in 2021, a decrease of 27.5% with lower production, and average zinc metal in concentrate prices received in 2022 of $2,513 per tonne compared with $2,311 received in 2021 an increase of 8.7%. This price increase reflects an increase in market prices with the average LME zinc metal price of $3,488 per tonne in 2022 compared with $3,007 in 2021 (an increase of 16.0%), mitigated by an increase in smelter treatment charges with average smelter treatment charges equating to 27.9% of the average LME zinc price in 2022 compared with 23.1% in 2021.
Sales may be summarised as follows:
2022 | 2021 | |
| ||
| |
Zinc metal in concentrate revenue before royalties ($000s) | 76,456 | 96,951 |
Lead metal in concentrate revenue before royalties ($000s) | 2,052 | 2,216 |
Silver metal in concentrate revenue before royalties ($000s) | 3,829 | 5,326 |
Gold metal in concentrate revenue before royalties ($000s) | 17,672 | 24,373 |
Royalties | (5,612) | (7,218) |
Zinc metal in concentrate sold (tonnes) | 30,422 | 41,949 |
Lead metal in concentrate sold (tonnes) | 926 | 1,069 |
Silver in concentrate sold (ozs) | 221,506 | 269,505 |
Gold in concentrate sold (ozs) | 10,649 | 14,447 |
Average price per tonne received (zinc) ($) | 2,513 | 2,311 |
Average price per tonne received (lead) ($) | 2,216 | 2,074 |
Average price per oz received (silver) ($) | 17.9 | 20.4 |
Average price received per oz (gold) ($) | 1,814 | 1,748 |
Lead and precious metal in concentrate sales in 2022 of $23,553,000 were down $8,362,000 (26.2%) on that
achieved in 2021 of $31,915,000. This reflects less lead and precious metals sold, with lower production, with higher gold and lead prices received, but lower silver prices received.
Total cost of sales in 2022 of $56,145,000 was down $7,079,000 (11.3%) on that incurred in 2021 of $63,224,000. In the main this reflects less tonnes mined, hauled, and processed in 2022 than 2021. Operations in 2022 were impacted by the enforced suspensions in operations for the Winter Olympics and PRC National Party Congress. Whilst costs were down 11.2%, ore tonnes mined were down 12.2% and ore tonnes milled were down 15.6% with fixed costs mitigating further cost reductions.
Mining costs in 2022 were down $2,221,000 (11.7%) on that in 2021 reflecting a 12.2% decrease in tonnes of ore mined, and reduced operational development work. Some further fixed cost savings were made in mine administration and other costs.
Haulage costs in 2022 were down $1,089,000 (9.5%) on that in 2021 reflecting a 14.3% decrease in tonnes of ore hauled and a 10.4% increase in average distances hauled from 2.97 km in 2021 to 3.28 km in 2022.
Processing costs in 2022 were down $2,364,000 (14.1%) on that incurred 2021 with a 153,855 tonne (15.6%) reduction in ore throughput and fixed costs mitigating a further reduction in costs. There was a modest improvement in tailings being backfilled as opposed to discharged to dry tailings of 48% compared with 42% in 2021.
Depreciation charges in 2022 were up $3,276,000 (22.6%) on that incurred in 2021 as assets are brought into use and with an additional charge to ensure all development costs capitalised, including future development costs as estimated in the Life of Mine Plan, are fully written off at the end of the Life of Mine.
Tonnes of ore processed in 2022 were down 15.6% on that in 2021. With the zinc head grade down 0.41% in absolute terms on that in 2021, and recoveries down 0.1% on that in 2021, zinc metal in concentrate production was down 23.5% on that in 2021.
With lower throughput, recoveries, and the gold grade down 0.11 g/t (15.7%) gold metal in concentrate
production in 2022 was down 29.8% on that produced in 2021. With lower throughput and with the silver head grade down 0.88 g/t but better recoveries silver metal in concentrate production in 2022 was down 16.7% on that produced in 2021.
Operating (administration) costs (excluding service fees to Yuanrun) in 2022 of $20,228,000 were up $2,605,000 (14.9%) on that incurred in 2021 of $17,623,000. Hebei Hua Ao's operating costs in 2022 were up $1,026,000 (8.4%) on that incurred in 2021 albeit this is masked by a 3.4% fall in the value of the Renminbi. Renminbi denominated administration costs have increased by 12.1%, primarily on increased salaries and bonuses and ongoing increased environmental and safety regulatory compliance costs. Griffin and other subsidiary company costs were up with increased directors' fees and bonuses, increased travel costs and increased directors' and officers' liability insurance premiums. Service fees to Yuanrun of $2,399,000 based on 11.2% of the profits of Hebei Hua Ao, as adjusted for force majeure days when operations were suspended, has been charged to profit and loss in 2022 compared with $3,876,000 in 2021.
After interest, foreign exchange adjustments and other income, a profit before tax of $15,272,000 was recorded for 2022 compared to $36,526,000 in 2021. The profit before tax in 2022 was after charging / crediting:
· FX losses of $387,000 (2021: losses $51,000);
· Bank interest charges of $nil (2021: $309,000);
· Finance lease interest $48,000 (2021: $11,000);
· Interest in respect of rehabilitation provisions $87,000 (2021: $84,000);
· Interest receipts of $369,000 (2021: $236,000);
· Losses on the disposal of fixed assets of $404,000 (2021: $293,000);
· Provisions against capitalised intangible assets (Hebei Sino Anglo) $nil (2021: $11,000); and
· Other income of $204,000 (2021: $124,000).
Taxation of $7,568,000 has been provided for in 2022 (2021: $11,150,000) being 25% of Hebei Hua Ao's profits under PRC GAAP amounting to $6,931,000; withholding tax primarily of 5% on intercompany dividends received of $803,000; UK corporation tax on Griffin Mining (UK Services) Limited profits of $67,360 and a deferred tax credit of $260,000.
Cash generated from operations of $15,734,000 (2021 $42,880,000) have been used in further developing the
mine and facilities.
Attributable net assets per share at 31st December 2022 was $1.40 (2021: $1.50).
Whilst the directors do not recommend the payment of a dividend at this time, all possible alternatives will be considered in 2023 by the board of directors to either return excess cash to shareholders, or increase shareholder value.
Chairman's Statement:
Taking into consideration that operations were suspended at the Caijiaying Mine for a full 5 months due to, initially, the Chinese Lunar New Year holiday celebrations, the Winter Olympics and the Winter Paralympics and, subsequently, the Chinese Communist National Party Congress, the Griffin Mining Limited ("Griffin" or "the Company") was still able to generate its 18th continuous operating profit for the year and its 17th net profit, whilst currently holding $47 million in cash and no debt.
Of course, the most significant operational and financial milestone of 2022 was the fulfilment of the Company's long held aim of having the Caijiaying Mine run at an annualised production throughput of 1.5 million tonnes per annum. This was achieved and has been maintained since the restart of operations post the Chinese Communist National Party Congress in November 2022. A record of 136,000 tonnes of ore were processed in December 2022 and the 1st quarter of 2023 was a record for the 1st quarter of any year since the commissioning of the Caijiaying Mine in 2005. The implications of this achievement cannot be underestimated and are already being reflected in the financial results of the Company in 2023.
What makes these operational results even more remarkable is that not one tonne of ore was sourced from Zone II. All ore was obtained from the traditional mining area of Zone III. With the approval by the Hebei Provincial Emergency Response Bureau of the Mine Design for Zone II, including the expansion of the production throughput rate, it can only portend what is yet to come when Zone II is fully developed and slotted into the production profile.
The decision by the government of the People's Republic of China ("PRC") to allow the Covid-19 epidemic to be considered at an end and the subsequent re-opening of the PRC's borders with the rest of the world in late 2022, has allowed normal staffing and transport to commence with materials and services becoming normalised. Consequently, exploration has recommenced at the Caijiaying Mine and the likelihood that exploration tenements will begin to be issued in Hebei and the southern provinces of the PRC has become more positive. This will include exploration below the 1000RL at Zone III, the resource drilling in Zone II, further exploration at Zones V & VIII, exploration drilling out to the far eastern boundary of the Caijiaying Mine's mining licence area and the possibility that virgin exploration tenements will be granted over other areas.
With the growing cash balances of the Company and the increasing cash generating capacity of the Caijiaying Mine, and with the relatively recent addition of new directors, discussions have intensified concerning the strategic direction of the Company's future. These discussions have been, and will continue to be, wide ranging and include dividends, share buybacks in various forms, rationalisation and realisation of asset value, acquisitions and joint or primary listings on other stock exchanges. It is expected that these issues will take centre stage at board level this year.
I am fully aware that the value of the Company's assets have not yet been reflected in the share price and that it has taken an inordinate amount of time to do so. Such is the nature of operating at the infancy of mining in a foreign country, the dwindling profile of the London Stock Market and the disappearance of the retail investor as capital is squeezed in less and less hands, mainly institutional, driven by Environment Sustainability and Governance ("ESG") and other non-financial concerns.
Although the following may sound trite, I do not mean it to be. Mining is facing a critical, if not insurmountable, supply problem. The danger is real and frightening. The easily found deposits of all metals have been discovered and generally mined over the past 100 years. The non-carbon future will require large amounts of capital for advanced exploration techniques and drilling. The projected time from exploration discovery to production, even in a perfect world, is now estimated to be over 30 years and that does not take into consideration native title and ESG issues. With just one wind turbine requiring 4 tonnes of zinc, I remain convinced the value of the Caijiaying Mine will be fully revealed in this surge for metals.
As a result, and without knowing the Company's, my or anyone else's future, it would be remiss of me not to thank everyone who has been involved with the success of the Company. It has been a unique, extraordinary and memorable experience. Billions of dollars of metal value have been discovered and added to the Company's resource inventory. The Company has been the sole trailblazer for foreign mining in China. Extraordinary men have done extraordinary things with little to no recognition by people who have no idea of how to create value, how difficult it has traditionally been to operate in China, mining and, sadly, the bonds of friendship.
I hesitate to name anyone individually for their contribution as it immediately leads to forgetting someone and causing offence. But I am going to repeat what I wrote last year, because I can't do better this year that I will always be enormously grateful and humbled by the contribution and camaraderie of the directors, whom I'm proud to call "my friends", gave so freely, warmly, genuinely and passionately. It made this impossible dream possible and bearable and I shall always be so grateful.
With production running at an annualized 1.5 million tonne throughput since November 2022 through to the date of this statement, I predict 2023 will break all operating and financial records for the Company including tonnes mined, hauled, processed and zinc, gold, silver and lead produced. I look forward to being able to deliver that news as the year progresses
About Griffin Mining Limited
Griffin Mining Limited's shares are quoted on the Alternative Investment Market (AIM) of the London Stock Exchange (symbol GFM). Griffin Mining Limited owns and operates in China, through its 88.8% owned Joint Venture stock company, the Caijiaying Zinc Gold Mine, a profitable mine producing zinc, gold, silver, and lead metals in concentrates. For more information, please visit the Company's website www.griffinmining.com.
Further information
Griffin Mining Limited
Mladen Ninkov - Chairman Telephone: +44(0)20 7629 7772
Roger Goodwin - Finance Director
Panmure Gordon (UK) Limited Telephone: +44 (0)20 7886 2500
John Prior
Ailisa MacMaster
Berenberg Telephone: +44(0)20 3207 7800
Matthew Armitt
Jennifer Wyllie
Deltir Elezi
This announcement contains inside information for the purposes of Article 7 of the Market Abuse Regulation (EU) No. 596/2014
Griffin Mining Limited
Summarised Consolidated Income Statement
For the year ended 31 December 2022
(expressed in thousands US dollars)
| 2022 | 2021 | |
| Audited | Audited | |
| $000 | $000 | |
| ||
Revenue | 94,397 | 121,648 | |
| |||
Cost of sales | (56,145) | (63,224) | |
| |||
| ||
Gross profit | 38,252 | 58,424 | |
| |||
Administration expenses | (22,627) | (21,499) | |
| |||
| ||
Operating Profit | 15,625 | 36,925 | |
| ||
Losses on disposal of plant and equipment | (404) | (293) | |
Provisions against intangible assets | - | (11) | |
Foreign exchange losses | (387) | (51) | |
Finance income | 369 | 236 | |
Finance costs | (135) | (404) | |
Other income | 204 | 124 | |
| ||
| ||
Profit before tax | 15,272 | 36,526 | |
| ||
Income tax expense | (7,568) | (11,150) | |
| ||
| ||
Profit for the year | 7,704 | 25,376 | |
| ||
| ||
Basic earnings per share (cents) | 4.41 | 14.53 | |
| ||
Diluted earnings per share (cents) | 4.11 | 13.47 |
Griffin Mining Limited
Summarised Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income
For the year ended 31 December 2022
(expressed in thousands US dollars)
| 2022 |
| 2021 | |
| Audited |
| Audited
| |
| $000 |
| $000 | |
| |
Profit for the year |
| 7,704 |
| 25,376 |
| |||
Other comprehensive income / expenses that will be reclassified to profit or loss |
| |
| |
Exchange differences on translating foreign operations | (15,498) |
| 3,336 | |
| |
Total other comprehensive (expense) / income for the year, net of tax |
(15,498) |
3,336 |
| |
Total comprehensive (expense) / income for the year |
(7,794) |
28,712 |
Griffin Mining Limited
Summarised Consolidated Statement of Financial Position
As at 31 December 2022
(expressed in thousands US dollars)
| 2022 |
| 2021 |
| Audited |
| Audited |
| $000 |
| $000 |
| |
Non-current assets |
| |
Property, plant and equipment | 258,041 |
| 275,296 |
Intangible assets - exploration interests | 407 |
| 387 |
Other non- current assets | 1,494 |
| - |
| 259,942 |
| 275,683 |
Current assets |
| |
Inventories | 8,077 |
| 4,516 |
Receivables and other current assets | 3,433 |
| 2,174 |
Cash and cash equivalents | 34,138 |
| 38,159 |
| 45,648 |
| 44,849 |
| ||
Total assets | 305,590 |
| 320,532 |
| |
| |
Equity attributable to equity holders of the parent |
| |
Share capital | 1,749 |
| 1,749 |
Share premium | 69,334 |
| 69,334 |
Contributing surplus | 3,690 |
| 3,690 |
Share based payments | 168 |
| 2,072 |
Shares held in treasury | (1,644) |
| (1,644) |
Chinese statutory re-investment reserve | 2,992 |
| 2,896 |
Other reserve on acquisition of non-controlling interests | (29,346) |
| (29,346) |
Foreign exchange reserve | (618) |
| 14,635 |
Profit and loss reserve | 199,140 |
| 199,190 |
Total equity attributable to equity holders of the parent | 245,465 |
| 262,576 |
| |
Non-current liabilities |
| |
Other Payables | 6,317 |
| 10,352 |
Long-term provisions | 2,649 |
| 2,667 |
Deferred taxation | 2,717 |
| 3,240 |
Finance leases | 683 |
| 794 |
12,366 |
| 17,053 | |
Current liabilities |
| |
Trade and other payables | 47,590 |
| 40,726 |
Finance leases | 169 |
| 177 |
Total current liabilities | 47,759 |
| 40,903 |
| ||
Total equities and liabilities | 305,590 |
| 320,532 |
| ||
Attributable net asset value per share to equity holders of parent | 1.40 |
| 1.50 |
Griffin Mining Limited
Summarised Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity
For the year ended 31 December 2022
(expressed in thousands US dollars)
Share | Share | Contributing | Share | Shares | Chinese | Other | Foreign | Profit | Total | |
Capital | Premium | surplus | Based payments | held in treasury | statutory re-investment reserve | reserve on acquisition of non-controlling interests | exchange reserve | and loss reserve | attributable to equity holders of parent | |
$000 | $000 | $000 | $000 | $000 | $000 | $000 | $000 | $000 | $000 | |
At 1 January 2021 | 1,728 | 68,470 | 3,690 | 2,072 | (917) | 2,830 | (29,346) | 11,365 | 173,814 | 233,706 |
Regulatory transfer for future investment | - | - | - | - |
- | - |
- | - | - | - |
Purchase of shares held in treasury | - | - | - | - | (727) | - | - | - | - | (727) |
Issue of shares on exercise of options | 21 | 864 | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | 885 |
Transaction with owners | 21 | 864 | - | - | (727) | - | - | - | - | 158 |
Profit for the year | - | - | - | - |
- | - |
- | - | 25,376 | 25,376 |
Other comprehensive income: | ||||||||||
Exchange differences on translating foreign operations | - | - | - | - |
- | 66 |
- | 3,270 | - | 3,336 |
Total comprehensive income | - | - | - | - | - | 66 | - | 3,270 | 25,376 | 28,712 |
At 31 December 2021 | 1,749 | 69,334 | 3,690 | 2,072 |
(1,644) | 2,896 |
(29,346) | 14,635 | 199,190 | 262,576 |
Regulatory transfer for future investment | - | - | - | - |
- | 341 |
- | - | (341) | - |
Transfer on surrender of options | - | - | - | (1,904) | - | - | - | - | (7,413) | (9,317) |
Transaction with owners | - | - | - | (1,904) | - | 341 | - | - | (7,754) | (9,317) |
Profit for the year | - | - | - | - |
- | - |
- | - | 7,704 | 7,704 |
Other comprehensive income: | ||||||||||
Exchange differences on translating foreign operations | - | - | - | - |
- | (245) |
- | (15,253) | - | (15,498) |
Total comprehensive income | - | - | - | - | - | (245) | - | (15,253) | 7,704 | (7,794) |
At 31 December 2022 | 1,749 | 69,334 | 3,690 | 168 |
(1,644) | 2,992 |
(29,346) | (618) | 199,140 | 245,465 |
Griffin Mining Limited
Summarised Consolidated Cash Flow Statement
For the year ended 31 December 2022
(expressed in thousands US dollars)
2022 |
| 2021 | |
Audited |
| Audited | |
$000 |
| $000 | |
| ||
Net cash flows from operating activities |
| |
Profit before tax | 15,272 |
| 36,526 |
Foreign exchange losses | 387 |
| 51 |
Finance income | (369) |
| (236) |
Finance costs | 135 |
| 404 |
Depreciation | 19,590 |
| 16,530 |
Provisions against intangible assets | - |
| 11 |
Losses on disposal of equipment | 404 |
| 293 |
Decrease / (increase) in inventories | (3,561) |
| 817 |
(Increase) / decrease in receivables and other current assets | (1,807) |
| 4,936 |
(Decrease) / increase in trade and other payables | (6,284) |
| (2,871) |
Tax paid | (8,033) |
| (13,581) |
Net cash inflow from operating activities | 15,734 |
| 42,880 |
| ||
Cash flows from investing activities |
| |
Interest received | 369 |
| 236 |
(Costs) / proceeds on disposal of equipment | (178) |
| 1 |
Payments to acquire - mineral interests | (7,348) |
| (13,564) |
Payments to acquire - plant and equipment | (13,749) |
| (6,365) |
Payments to acquire office, office furniture & equipment | (6) |
| - |
Payments to acquire intangible fixed assets - exploration interests | (20) |
| (73) |
Net cash outflow from investing activities | (20,932) |
| (19,765) |
| ||
Cash flows from financing activities |
| |
Issue of ordinary shares on exercise of options | - |
| 885 |
Interest paid | - |
| (309) |
Purchase of shares for treasury | - |
| (727) |
Bank loan advances | - |
| 15,500 |
Repayment of bank loans | - |
| (15,500) |
Finance lease repayments including interest | (167) |
| (462) |
Net cash outflow from financing activities | (167) |
| (613) |
| |
(Decrease) / increase in cash and cash equivalents | (5,365) |
| 22,502 |
| ||
Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the year | 38,159 |
| 16,435 |
Effects of exchange rates | 1,344 |
| (778) |
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year | 34,138 |
| 38,159 |
| ||
Cash and cash equivalents comprise bank deposits |
| |
Bank deposits | 34,138 |
| 38,159 |
Included within net cash flows of $5,365,000 (2021 $22,502,000) are foreign exchange losses of $387,000 (2021:losses $51,000) which have been treated as realised.
Notes to the Summarised Financial Statements:
This statement has been prepared using accounting policies and presentation consistent with those applied in the preparation of the statutory financial statements of the Group.
The summary financial statements set out above do not constitute statutory financial statements as defined by Section 84 of the Bermuda Companies Act 1981 or Section 435 of the UK Companies Act 2006. The Summarised Consolidated Statement of Financial Position at 31 December 2022 and the Summarised Consolidated Income Statement, Summarised Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income, Summarised Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity and the Summarised Consolidated Cash Flow Statement for the year then ended have been extracted from the Group's audited 2022 statutory financial statements.
The annual report and accounts for 2022 are being sent by post to all registered shareholders. Additional copies of the annual report and accounts are available from the Company's London office, 8th Floor, 54 Jermyn Street, London, SW1Y 6LX and are available on Griffin Mining Ltd's web site www.griffinmining.com
The Group has one business segment, the Caijiaying zinc gold mine in the People's Republic of China. All revenues and costs of sales in 2022 and 2021 were derived from the Caijiaying zinc gold mine.
2022 | 2021 | ||
$000 | $000 | ||
China | 94,397 | 121,648 | |
| |||
Zinc concentrate sales | 76,456 | 96,951 | |
Lead and precious metals concentrate sales | 23,553 | 31,915 | |
Royalties and resource taxes | (5,612) | (7,218) | |
94,397 | 121,648 | ||
| |||
| ||
Mining costs | 16,782 | 19,003 | |
Haulage costs | 10,377 | 11,466 | |
Processing costs | 14,390 | 16,754 | |
Depreciation (excluding depreciation in administration costs) | 17,757 | 14,481 | |
Stock movements | (3,161) | 1,520 | |
56,145 | 63,224 | ||
| |||
| ||
China | 16,136 | 16,433 | |
Australia | 75 | 136 | |
UK / Bermuda | 6,416 | 4,930 | |
22,627 | 21,499 |
All revenues, cost of sales and operating expenses charged to profit relate to continuing operations.
Notes (continued):
TOTAL ASSETS | 2022 | 2021 | |
$000 | $000 | ||
China | 299,810 | 312,026 | |
Australia | 1,044 | 1,011 | |
UK / Bermuda | 4,736 | 7,495 | |
305,590 | 320,532 | ||
| |||
CAPITAL EXPENDITURE | 2022 | 2021 | |
$000 | $000 | ||
China | 21,117 | 19,929 | |
UK / Bermuda | 6 | 963 | |
21,123 | 20,892 |
| 2021 |
$000 |
| $000 | |
Interest on bank deposits | 369 |
| 236 |
| 2021 |
$000 |
| $000 | |
Interest payable on short term bank loans | - |
| 309 |
Interest on rehabilitation provisions | 87 |
| 84 |
Finance lease interest | 48 |
| 11 |
135 |
| 404 |
| 2021 |
$000 |
| $000 | |
Scrap and sundry other sales | 204 |
| 124 |
Income Tax Expense
2022 |
| 2021 | |
$000 |
| $000 | |
Profit for the year before tax | 15,272 |
| 36,526 |
| ||
Expected tax expense at a standard rate of PRC income tax of 25% (2021: 25%) | 3,818 |
| 9,132 |
Adjustment for tax exempt items: |
| |
- Income and expenses outside the PRC not subject to tax | 1,054 |
| 934 |
| ||
Adjustments for short term timing differences: |
| |
- In respect of accounting differences | 1,862 |
| 890 |
- In respect of other timing differences | - |
| (4) |
| ||
Adjustments for permanent timing differences other | 291 |
| 372 |
| ||
Withholding tax on intercompany dividends and charges | 803 |
| 21 |
| ||
Current taxation expense | 7,828 |
| 11,345 |
| ||
Deferred taxation (credit) |
| |
Origination and reversal of temporary timing differences | (260) |
| (195) |
(260) |
| (195) | |
| ||
Total tax expense | 7,568 |
| 11,150 |
Notes (continued):
The parent company is not resident in the United Kingdom for taxation purposes. Hebei Hua-Ao paid income tax in the PRC at a rate of 25% in 2022 (25% in 2021) based upon the profits calculated under Chinese generally accepted accounting principles (Chinese "GAAP").
Reconciliation of the earnings and weighted average number of shares used in the calculations are set out below:
| 2022 |
| 2021 | |||||
| Earnings
$000 |
| Weighted Average number of shares |
| Per share amount (cents) |
| Earnings
$000 | Weighted Average number of shares | Per share amount (cents) | |||
Basic earnings per share |
| ||||||
Earnings attributable to ordinary shareholders |
7,704 |
174,892,894 |
4.41 |
25,376 |
174,653,602 |
14.53 | |||
Dilutive effect of securities |
| ||||||
Options | - |
| 12,384,576 |
| (0.30) |
| - | 13,730,107 | (1.06) | |||
Diluted earnings per share |
7,704 |
187,277,470 |
4.11 |
25,376 |
188,383,709 |
13.47 | |||
The calculation of the basic earnings per share is based on the earnings attributable to ordinary shareholders divided by the weighted average number of shares in issue during the year. The calculation of diluted earnings per share is based on the basic earnings per share on the assumed conversion of all dilutive options and other dilutive potential ordinary shares.
Notes (continued):
Property, plant and equipment
Mineral Interests |
| Mill and mobile mine equipment |
| Offices furniture & equipment |
| Total | |
At 1 January 2021 | 214,944 | 51,599 | 166 | 266,709 | |||
Foreign exchange adjustments | 3,405 | 1,224 | (2) | 4,627 | |||
Transfer | (773) | 773 | - | - | |||
Additions during the year | 13,564 | 6,365 | 963 | 20,892 | |||
Change in estimate of mine closure costs | 327 | - | - | 327 | |||
Release of rehabilitation provision | (435) | - | - | (435) | |||
Disposals | - | (294) | - | (294) | |||
Depreciation charge for the year | (10,200) | (6,180) | (150) | (16,530) | |||
At 31 December 2021 |
220,832 | 53,487 |
977 |
275,296 | |||
Foreign exchange adjustments | (12,832) | (4,836) | 8 | (17,660) | |||
Transfer re rehabilitation deposit | (1,012) | - | - | (1,012) | |||
Additions during the year | 7,348 | 13,749 | 6 | 21,103 | |||
Change in estimate of mine closure costs | 130 | - | - | 130 | |||
Disposals | - | (226) | - | (226) | |||
Depreciation charge for the year | (13,328) | (6,104) | (158) | (19,590) | |||
At 31 December 2022 |
201,138 | 56,070 |
833 |
258,041 | |||
At 1 January 2021 | |||||||
Cost | 267,763 | 90,173 | 583 | 358,519 | |||
Accumulated depreciation | (52,819) | (38,574) | (417) | (91,810) | |||
Net carrying amount | 214,944 | 51,599 | 166 | 266,709 | |||
At 31 December 2021 | |||||||
Cost | 285,471 | 97,910 | 1,544 | 384,925 | |||
Accumulated depreciation | (64,639) | (44,423) | (567) | (109,629) | |||
Net carrying amount | 220,832 | 53,487 | 977 | 275,296 | |||
At 31 December 2022 | |||||||
Cost | 275,250 | 101,763 | 1,106 | 378,119 | |||
Accumulated depreciation | (74,112) | (45,693) | (273) | (120,078) | |||
Net carrying amount | 201,138 | 56,070 | 833 | 258,041 |
Mineral interests comprise the Group's interest in the Caijiaying ore bodies including costs on acquisition, plus subsequent expenditure on licences, concessions, exploration, appraisal and construction of the Caijiaying mine including expenditure for the initial establishment of access to mineral reserves, commissioning expenditure, and direct overhead expenses prior to commencement of commercial production and together with the end of life restoration costs.
Mill and mobile mine equipment include $14,007,000 (2021: $5,795,000) of assets under construction yet to be depreciated.
Notes (continued):
Property, plant and equipment (continued)
The offices, furniture and equipment disclosed above relates solely to the fixed assets, including leased offices, of Griffin Mining (UK Services) Limited and China Zinc Pty Limited.
During 2013 plant and equipment with a deemed value of $11,381,000, revalued in 2019 to $14,150,000, were acquired under a finance lease, upon which depreciation of $8,601,000 (2021: $8,132,000) has been provided. At 31 December 2022 the net carrying amount of this equipment was $5,573,000 (2021: $7,351,000). In 2019 the London office lease was capitalised, and in November 2021 renewed. At 31 December 2022 the net carrying amount of this office was $826,000 (2021: $963,000).
The Group assesses the carrying value of the mineral interests, mill and mobile mine equipment at least annually, and more frequently in the event of any indications of impairment, by reference to discounted cash flow forecasts of future revenue and expenditure for each business segment. These forecasts are based upon both past and expected future performance, available resources and expectations for future markets. Management determined there were no impairment indicators at 31 December 2022 (2021: nil). However, as best practice and in response to an updated Life of Mine Plan (LOM"), management have updated the impairment model.
In determining any indications of impairment in the carrying value of the Caijiaying Mine the directors have reassessed the net carrying value of capitalised costs at 31 December 2022 by reference to the estimated mineral resources at Caijiaying that may be extracted by 2050 (2021: 2056). While the current business licence of Hebei Hua Ao expires in 2037, Hebei Hua Ao will be converted to an equity joint venture company with an indefinite life in order to comply with new PRC legislation. Accordingly, a new LOM has been prepared by the Company, that indicates the continued extraction of ore until 2050. In estimating the discounted future cash flows from the continuing operations at the Caijiaying mine the following principal assumptions have been made:
· Future market prices for zinc of $3,097 (2021: $3,000) per tonne, gold of $1,800 (2021: $1,800) per troy ounce and silver of $22.7 (2021: $22.5) per troy ounce;
· Zinc treatment charges of 30% (2021: 30%) of market prices;
· Extraction of measured and indicated resources of 40.4 million tonnes (2021: 50.3 million tonnes) to 2050 (2021: 2056) with ore mined and processed rising to a maximum rate of 1.6 million tonnes (2021: 1.6 million) of ore per annum;
· Operating costs, recoveries and payables based upon past performance, that budgeted for 2023, and internal management forecasts for future years;
· Capital costs based upon that initially scheduled with sustaining capital based on future scheduling;
· Discount rate of 10% (2021: 10%);
· Continued maintenance and grant of applicable licences and permits;
· No significant impact as a result of climate change, earthquakes or other natural events; and
· A Renminbi to US dollar exchange rate of 7Rmb to $1 (2021: 6.5Rmb to $1)
Sensitivities have been considered to assess the impact of changes in key assumptions including, forecast metal prices, foreign exchange and discount rates. If ongoing market prices for zinc fall below $3,000 per tonne, with all other assumptions unchanged, this would result in an incremental impairment of $2.5 million. A decrease in ongoing market prices for gold of 14% with all other assumptions unchanged would result in the discounted cash flows equating to the net carrying value. An increase in the discount rate to 11.1% with all other assumptions unchanged would result in the discounted cash flows equating to the net carrying value.
Notes (continued):
Attributable net asset value per share to total equity per holders of parent shares
The attributable net asset value / total equity per share has been calculated from the consolidated net assets / total equity of the Group at 31 December 2022 of $245,465,000 ($262,576,000 at 31 December 2021) divided by the number of ordinary shares in issue at 31 December 2022 of 174,892,894 (174,892,894 at 31 December 2021).
As a rationalisation of the capital structure of the Company, on 30 January 2023 10,130,526 new ordinary shares in the Company were issued for nil consideration pursuant to the offer to holders of share purchase options for the purchase and cancellation of outstanding options over 17,520,000 shares in the Company which have subsequently been purchased and cancelled.
On 4 April 2023 a further 7,805,000 new ordinary shares in the Company were issued as an incentive and to retain the services of officers and other personnel of the Company, including 6,000,000 for the benefit of Mladen Ninkov, Chairman. These new ordinary shares have been issued subject to agreements between each of the said persons and the Company to confirm that the shares issued will not be sold or otherwise transferred or disposed before 31st December 2024 or earlier in the event of a transaction, subject to malus, and a pro rata repurchase option in favour of the Company if any holder of these shares leaves before 31 December 2024.
At 31 December 2022 there were no adjusting post balance sheet events (2021: none)
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