11th Jun 2007 11:18
Samsung Electronics Co. Ld11 June 2007 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. Non-Consolidated Balance Sheets March 31, 2007 and December 31, 2006 (In millions of Korean won, in thousands of U.S. dollars (Note 3)) 2007 2006 2007 2006 KRW KRWAssetsCurrent assetsCash and cash equivalents 797,966 977,989 $ 848,900 $ 1,040,414 Short-term financial instruments 1,150,144 3,335,141 1,223,557 3,548,022Short-term available-for-sale 961,716 2,058,781 1,023,102 2,190,193securities (Note 4)Trade accounts and notes receivable, 2,243,358 1,842,439 2,386,551 1,960,041net of allowance for doubtful accounts(Note 5)Other accounts and notes receivable, 621,872 864,669 661,566 919,861net of allowance for doubtful accounts(Note 5)Inventories, net of valuation losses 3,211,578 3,219,474 3,416,572 3,424,972(Note 6)Short-term deferred income tax assets 1,181,711 1,155,410 1,257,139 1,229,160(Note 21)Short-term lease receivables under 67,453 69,348 71,760 73,774finance lease (Note 7)Prepaid expenses and other current 1,399,103 1,190,906 1,488,407 1,266,922assetsTotal current assets 11,634,901 14,714,157 12,377,554 15,653,359 Property, plant and equipment, 29,825,047 28,820,442 31,728,773 30,660,045including revaluations, net ofaccumulated depreciation (Note 10)Long-term available-for-sale 1,269,070 1,148,944 1,350,074 1,222,281securities (Note 8)Equity-method investments (Note 9) 11,922,380 11,265,083 12,683,383 11,984,131Intangible assets, net of accumulated 543,605 522,378 578,303 555,721amortization (Note 11)Long-term receivables under finance 142,090 154,140 151,160 163,979lease (Note 7)Long-term deposits and other assets, 1,157,616 1,183,984 1,231,507 1,259,556net (Note 12)Total assets 56,494,709 57,809,128 $60,100,754 $61,499,072 (In millions of Korean won, in thousands of U.S. dollars (Note 3)) 2007 2006 2007 2006 KRW KRWLiabilities and Shareholders' EquityCurrent liabilitiesTrade accounts and notes payable 2,150,115 1,869,101 $ 2,287,356 $ 1,988,405Other accounts and notes payable 3,009,192 3,291,797 3,201,268 3,501,912Accrued expenses (Note 14) 2,347,179 2,873,148 2,496,999 3,056,540Income taxes payable 903,698 1,111,233 961,381 1,182,163Other current liabilities 584,985 489,736 622,326 520,996Total current liabilities 8,995,169 9,635,015 9,569,330 10,250,016 Foreign currency notes and bonds (Note 88,412 87,317 94,055 92,89013)Long-term advances received 295,138 340,033 313,977 361,737Long-term accrued expenses (Note 14) 311,471 274,527 331,352 292,050Deferred income tax liabilities 1,232,581 1,221,815 1,311,256 1,299,803(Note 21)Accrued severance benefits, net 713,052 620,469 758,566 660,073Other long-term liabilities 425,507 432,368 452,666 459,967Total liabilities 12,061,330 12,611,544 12,831,202 13,416,536 Commitments and contingencies (Note 15)Shareholders' equityCapital stock (Note 16)Common stock 778,047 778,047 827,710 827,710Preferred stock 119,467 119,467 127,093 127,093Capital surplusPaid-in capital in excess of par value 4,403,893 4,403,893 4,684,993 4,684,993Other capital surplus 1,959,283 1,963,351 2,084,344 2,088,671Capital adjustmentsTreasury stock (Note 18) (9,289,676) (7,520,023) (9,882,634) (8,000,024)Stock options (Note 19) 522,240 539,153 555,574 573,567Accumulated other comprehensive income 730,217 556,924 776,825 592,471(Note 20)Retained earnings (Note 17) 45,209,908 44,356,772 48,095,647 47,188,055Total shareholders' equity 44,433,379 45,197,584 47,269,552 48,082,536Total liabilities & shareholders' 56,494,709 57,809,128 $ 60,100,754 $ 61,499,072equity The accompanying notes are an integral part of these non-consolidated financialstatements.See Report of Independent Accountants Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.Non-Consolidated Statements of IncomeThree-Month Periods ended March 31, 2007 and 2006 (In millions of Korean won, in thousands of U.S. dollars (Note 3)) 2007 2006 2007 2006 KRW KRWSales (Note 26) 14,386,012 13,959,257 $ 15,304,268 $ 14,850,273Cost of sales 10,941,688 10,178,279 11,640,094 10,827,956Gross profit 3,444,324 3,780,978 3,664,174 4,022,317Selling, general and administrative 2,261,217 2,166,992 2,405,550 2,305,311expensesOperating profit 1,183,107 1,613,986 1,258,624 1,717,006Non-operating incomeInterest and dividend income 70,958 80,270 75,487 85,394Commission income 68,873 70,607 73,269 75,114Gain on disposal of 15,120 7,049 16,085 7,499available-for-sale securitiesGain on disposal of property, plant 38,758 7,795 41,232 8,293and equipmentForeign exchange gains 43,903 78,425 46,705 83,431Gain on foreign currency translation 21,198 96,412 22,551 102,566Gain on valuation of equity-method 655,087 451,361 696,901 480,171investmentsOthers 71,039 89,794 75,574 95,525 984,936 881,713 1,047,804 937,993Non-operating expensesInterest expenses 12,587 11,638 13,390 12,381Loss on disposal of trade accounts 63,424 52,888 67,472 56,264and notes receivableDonations 14,916 22,442 15,868 23,874Loss on disposal of property, plant 20,770 2,431 22,096 2,586and equipmentForeign exchange losses 77,763 69,469 82,727 73,903Loss on foreign currency translation 18,972 33,447 20,183 35,582Loss on valuation of equity-method 96,647 43,290 102,816 46,053investmentsOthers 22,065 36,359 23,474 38,680 327,144 271,964 348,026 289,323Net income before income tax 1,840,899 2,223,735 1,958,402 2,365,676Income tax expense (Note 21) 241,688 341,940 257,114 363,766Net income 1,599,211 1,881,795 $ 1,701,288 $ 2,001,910Basic earnings per share (Note 22) 9,687 12,418 $ 10 $ 13 (in Korean won and U.S. dollars)Diluted earnings per share (Note 22) (in Korean won and U.S. dollars) 9,560 12,213 $ 10 $ 13 The accompanying notes are an integral part of these non-consolidated financialstatements. See Report of Independent Accountants. Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.Non-Consolidated Statement of Changes in Shareholders' Equity Three-Month Period ended March 31, 2007 (In millions of Korean won, in thousands of U.S. dollars (Note 3)) Capital Capital Capital Accumulated Retained Stock Surplus adjustments other earnings comprehensive income KRW KRW KRW KRW KRWShareholders' 897,514 6,367,244 (6,980,870) 516,520 44,460,189equity, January 1,2007 Cumulative effects - - - 40,404 (103,417)of restatements(Note 21) Restated beginning 897,514 6,367,244 (6,980,870) 556,924 44,356,772balance Cash dividends - - - - (746,075) Retained earnings - - - - 43,610,697afterappropriations Acquisition of - - (1,825,395) - -treasury stock Disposal of - (4,068) 55,742 - -treasury stock Stock options - - (16,913) - - Gain on valuation - - - 86,305 -ofavailable-for-salesecurities Loss on valuation - - - 443 -ofavailable-for-salesecurities Gain on valuation - - - (11,586) -of equity-methodinvestments Loss on valuation - - - 98,131 -of equity-methodinvestments Net income - - - 1,599,211 Shareholders' 897,514 6,363,176 (8,767,436) 730,217 45,209,908equity, March 31,2007 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. Non-Consolidated Statement of Changes in Shareholders' Equity Three-Month Period ended March 31, 2007 (In millions of Korean won, in thousands of U.S. dollars (Note 3)) Total Capital Capital Capital Accumulated Retained Total Stock Surplus adjustments other earnings comprehensive income KRW Shareholders' 45,260,597 $ 954,803 $6,773,664 $(7,426,457) $ 549,489 $ 47,298,073 $48,149,572equity, January 1, 2007 Cumulative effects (63,013) - - - 42,982 (110,018) (67,036)of restatements(Note 21) Restated beginning 45,197,584 954,803 6,773,664 (7,426,457) 592,471 47,188,055 48,082,536balance Cash dividends (746,075) - - - - (793,696) (793,696) Retained earnings 44,451,509 - - - - 46,394,359 47,288,840afterappropriations Acquisition of (1,825,395) - - (1,941,910) - - (1,941,910)treasury stock Disposal of 51,674 - (4,327) 59,300 - - 54,973treasury stock Stock options (16,913) - - (17,993) - - (17,993) Gain on valuation 86,305 - - - 91,814 - 91,814ofavailable-for-salesecurities Loss on valuation 443 - - - 471 - 471ofavailable-for-salesecurities Gain on valuation (11,586) - - - (12,326) - (12,326)of equity-methodinvestments Loss on valuation 98,131 - - - 104,395 - 104,395of equity-methodinvestments Net income 1,599,211 - - - - 1,701,288 1,701,288 Shareholders' 44,433,379 $954,803 $ 6,769,337 $ (9,327,060) $ 776,825 $ 48,095,647 $ 47,269,552equity, March 31, 2007 The accompanying notes are an integral part of these non-consolidated financialstatements See Report of Independent Accountants. Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.Non-Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows Three-Month Periods ended March 31, 2007 and 2006 (In millions of Korean won, in thousands of U.S. dollars (Note 3)) 2007 2006 2007 2006Cash flows from operating activities KRW KRW Net income 1,599,211 1,881,795 $ 1,701,288 $ 2,001,910 Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash provided by operating activities Depreciation and amortization 1,662,180 1,284,732 1,768,277 1,366,736 Provision for severance benefits 145,289 120,973 154,563 128,695 Loss on disposal of trade accounts 63,424 52,888 67,472 56,264 and notes receivable Loss on disposal of property, 20,770 2,431 22,096 2,586 plant and equipment Gain on disposal of property, (38,758) (7,795) (41,232) (8,293) plant and equipment Loss on disposal of - 503 - 535 available-for-sale securities Gain on disposal of (15,120) (7,049) (16,085) (7,499) available-for-sale securities Loss on foreign currency 18,969 33,447 20,180 35,582 translation Gain on foreign currency (21,165) (96,412) (22,516) (102,566) translation Loss on valuation of equity-method 96,647 43,290 102,816 46,053 investments Gain on valuation of equity-method (494,470) (313,357) (526,032) (333,359) investments Deferred income taxes (64,536) 35,405 (68,655) 37,665 others 50,746 123,405 53,984 131,282 3,023,187 3,154,256 3,216,156 3,355,591 Changes in operating assets and liabilities Increase in trade accounts and (467,121) (36,409) (496,937) (38,733) notes receivable Decrease in other accounts and 249,607 394,431 265,539 419,607 notes receivable Increase in inventories (38,437) (250,496) (40,890) (266,485) Increase in trade accounts and 283,712 268,307 301,821 285,433 notes payable Decrease in other accounts and (303,116) (288,450) (318,877) (306,862) notes payable Decrease in accrued expenses (526,440) (562,323) (560,043) (598,216) Decrease in income taxes payable (205,992) (51,955) (219,140) (55,271) Payment of severance benefits (75,919) (52,056) (80,765) (55,379) Others (87,231) (92,277) (96,385) (98,166) Net cash provided by operating 1,852,250 2,483,028 1,970,479 2,641,519 activities (In millions of Korean won, in thousands of U.S. dollars (Note 3)) 2007 2006 2007 2006 KRW KRW Cash flows from investing activities Net decrease in short-term 2,184,997 288,414 $ 2,324,465 $ 306,823 financial instruments Proceeds from disposal of 1,325,120 666,799 1,409,702 709,361 short-term available-for-sale securities Acquisition of short-term (210,000) (758,915) (223,404) (807,356) available-for-sale securities Proceeds from disposal of 106,413 34,526 113,205 36,730 property, plant and equipment Acquisition of property, plant (2,741,037) (2,280,654) (2,915,997) (2,426,228) and equipment Acquisition of intangible assets (38,321) (30,307) (40,767) (32,241) Proceeds from disposal of 150 3,197 160 3,401 long-term available-for-sale securities Acquisition of long-term (1,049) (6,131) (1,116) (6,522) available-for-sale securities Acquisition of equity-method (153,156) (63,853) (162,932) (67,929) investments Others 33,061 3,643 35,171 3,875 Net cash provided by (used in) 506,178 (2,143,281) 538,487 (2,280,086) investing activities Cash flows from financing activities Payment of dividends (746,075) (757,403) (793,697) (805,748) Acquisition of treasury stock (1,825,395) - (1,941,910) - Exercise of stock options 33,019 84,609 35,127 90,010 Net cash used in financing (2,538,451) (672,794) (2,700,480) (715,738) activities Net decrease in cash and cash (180,023) (333,047) (191,514) (354,305) equivalents Cash and cash equivalents Beginning of the period 977,989 1,053,552 1,040,414 1,120,800 End of the period 797,966 720,505 $ 848,900 $ 766,495 The accompanying notes are an integral part of these non-consolidated financialstatements. See Report of Independent Accountants. For a detailed information of our 2007 1Q Non-consolidated financial statement, Please refer to the following link : http://www.samsung.com/ir END This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock ExchangeRelated Shares:
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