29th Nov 2006 07:36
Samsung Electronics Co. Ld29 November 2006 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. Non-Consolidated Balance Sheets September 30, 2006 and December 31, 2005 (In millions of Korean won, in thousands of U.S. dollars (Note 3)) 2006 2005 2006 2005 AssetsCurrent assets KRW KRW USD USD Cash and cash equivalents 1,551,101 1,053,552 1,641,377 1,114,870Short-term financial instruments 2,211,383 3,897,931 2,340,088 4,124,795Short-term available-for-sale 1,419,682 1,917,122 1,502,309 2,028,701securities (Note 4)Trade accounts and notes 2,126,035 1,496,939 2,249,772 1,584,062receivable, net of allowance fordoubtful account (Note 5)Other accounts and notes 712,237 842,828 753,690 891,881receivable, net of allowance fordoubtful accounts (Note 5)Inventories, net of valuation 3,067,805 2,909,447 3,246,354 3,078,780losses (Note 6)Short-term deferred income tax 1,111,703 907,680 1,176,405 960,508assets (Note 21)Prepaid expenses and other current 1,236,079 1,197,812 1,308,021 1,267,526assetsTotal current assets 13,436,025 14,223,311 14,218,016 15,051,123 Lease receivables under capital 237,598 269,179 251,426 284,846leaseProperty, plant and equipment, 28,006,524 24,650,194 29,636,533 26,084,861including revaluations, net ofaccumulated depreciation (Note 9)Long-term available-for-sale 1,179,818 977,409 1,248,485 1,034,295securities (Note 7)Equity-method investments (Note 8) 10,101,713 8,891,880 10,689,643 9,409,397Intangible assets, net of 506,996 465,801 536,504 492,911accumulated amortization (Note 10)Long-term deposits and other 1,018,009 1,060,996 1,077,259 1,122,747assets, net (Note 11)Total assets 54,486,683 50,538,770 $ 57,657,866 $ 53,480,180 (In millions of Korean won, in thousands of U.S. dollars (Note 3)) 2006 2005 2006 2005Liabilities and Shareholders' EquityCurrent liabilities KRW KRW Trade accounts and notes payable 2,333,155 1,867,185 $ 2,468,947 $ 1,975,857Other accounts and notes payable 2,801,250 2,917,659 2,964,286 3,087,470Accrued expenses (Note 13) 2,597,170 2,506,501 2,748,328 2,652,382Income taxes payable 800,712 789,925 847,314 835,899Other current liabilities 373,414 264,005 395,148 279,371Total current liabilities 8,905,701 8,345,275 9,424,023 8,830,979 Foreign currency notes and bonds (Note 12) 88,851 95,557 94,022 101,119Long-term advances received 382,242 505,950 404,489 535,397Long-term accrued expenses (Note 13) 239,019 133,748 252,930 141,532Deferred income tax liabilities (Note 21) 1,155,603 865,761 1,222,860 916,149Accrued severance benefits, net 635,933 498,488 672,945 527,501Other long-term liabilities 293,111 437,381 310,171 462,836Total liabilities 11,700,460 10,882,160 12,381,440 11,515,513Commitments and contingencies (Note14)Shareholders' equityCapital stock (Note 15)Common stock 778,047 778,047 823,330 823,330Preferred stock 119,467 119,467 126,420 126,420Capital surplusPaid-in capital in excess of 4,403,893 4,403,893 4,660,204 4,660,204par valueOther capital surplus 1,964,769 1,961,422 2,079,121 2,075,580Retained earnings (Note 16) (Netincome of £U5,580,460 million for thenine-month period ended September 30,2006 and £U7,640,213 million for theyear ended December 31, 2005) 42,114,562 37,365,892 44,565,674 39,540,626Capital adjustmentsTreasury stock (Note 18) (7,567,801) (5,970,778) (8,008,255) (6,318,284)Others (Note 19) 973,286 998,667 1,029,932 1,056,791Total shareholders' equity 42,786,223 39,656,610 45,276,426 41,964,667Total liabilities & shareholders' 54,486,683 50,538,770 $ 57,657,866 $ 53,480,180equity The accompanying notes are an integral part of these non-consolidated financial statements. See Report of Independent Accountants Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. Non-Consolidated Statements of Income For the Three-Month and Nine-Month Periods ended September 30, 2006 and 2005(In millions of Korean won, in thousands of U.S. dollars (Note 3)) For the three-month periods ended September 30 For the nine-month periods ended September 30 2006 2005 2006 2005 2006 2005 2006 2005 KRW KRW $ $ KRW KRW $ $ Sales (Note 23)15,216,475 14,537,986 16,102,090 15,384,112 43,283,592 41,938,153 45,802,743 44,378,998 Cost of sales (Note 23) 10,995,899 10,143,181 11,635,872 10,733,525 31,571,015 29,546,019 33,408,482 31,265,629 Gross profit 4,220,576 4,394,805 4,466,218 4,650,587 11,712,577 12,392,134 12,394,261 13,113,369 Selling,general and administrative expenses 2,371,075 2,269,644 2,509,074 2,401,739 6,831,051 6,467,445 7,228,625 6,843,857 Operating profit 1,849,501 2,125,161 1,957,144 2,248,848 4,881,526 5,924,689 5,165,636 6,269,512 Non-operating incomeInterest and dividend income 49,419 44,349 52,295 46,930 181,203 167,821 191,749 177,588 Commission income 90,221 74,898 95,472 79,257 227,719 168,664 240,972 178,480 Gain on disposal of 6,130 2,907 6,487 3,076 41,283 20,630 43,686 21,831available-for-salesecurities Gain on disposal of property, plant andequipment 22,373 7,535 23,675 7,974 66,208 33,605 70,061 35,561 Foreign exchange gains 82,199 92,403 86,983 97,781 276,145 233,745 292,217 247,349 Gain on foreign currency translation 16,734 6,817 17,708 7,214 114,045 96,393 120,683 102,003 Gain on valuation of equity-method investments(Note 8) 542,388 269,959 573,956 285,671 1,279,784 1,007,387 1,354,269 1,066,018 Others 105,941 79,102 112,106 83,705 273,293 261,365 289,199 276,577 915,405 577,970 968,682 611,608 2,459,680 1,989,610 2,602,836 2,105,407 (In millions of Korean won, in thousands of U.S. dollars (Note 3)) For the three-month periods ended September 30 For the nine-month periods ended September 30 2006 2005 2006 2005 2006 2005 2006 2005 KRW KRW KRW KRW Non-operating expenses Interest expenses $ 10,866 11,303 $ 11,498 $ 11,961 34,270 29,218 $ 36,265 $ 30,919 Loss on disposal of trade accounts and notesreceivable 66,911 47,736 70,805 50,514 180,321 126,558 190,816 133,924 Donations 49,007 60,310 51,859 63,820 122,343 105,333 129,463 111,463 Loss on disposal of property, plant andequipment 3,992 1,130 4,224 1,196 25,481 5,206 26,964 5,509 Foreign exchange losses 71,503 103,989 75,665 110,041 249,142 252,542 263,642 267,240 Loss on foreign currency translation - 12,126 - 12,832 33,951 31,292 35,927 33,113 Loss on valuation of equity-method investments(Note 8) 21,695 289,780 22,958 306,646 116,200 1,322,027 122,963 1,398,970 Others 14,672 19,651 15,526 20,794 69,206 66,619 73,234 70,496 238,646 546,025 252,535 577,804 830,914 1,938,795 879,274 2,051,634 Net income before income tax 2,526,260 2,157,106 2,673,291 2,282,652 6,510,292 5,975,504 6,889,198 6,323,285 Income tax expense (Note 21) 339,583 273,142 359,347 289,039 929,832 898,685 983,949 950,990 Net income 2,186,677 1,883,964 $2,313,944 $1,993,613 5,580,460 5,076,819 $5,905,249 $ 5,372,295 Basic earnings per share (Note 22) 14,700 12,419 $ 16 $ 13 37,148 33,049 $ 39 $ 35(in Korean won andU.S.dollars) Diluted earnings per share (Note 22) 14,475 12,195 $ 15 $ 13 36,591 32,521 $ 39 $ 34(in Korean won andU.S.dollars) The accompanying notes are an integral part of these non-consolidated financial statements. See Report of Independent Accountants Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. Non-Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows For the Three-Month and Nine-Month Periods ended September 30, 2006 and 2005 (In millions of Korean won, in thousands of U.S. dollars (Note 3)) For the three-month periods ended September 30 For the nine-month periods ended September 30 2006 2005 2006 2005 2006 2005 2006 2005 KRW KRW $ $ KRW KRW $ $ Cash flows from operating activities Net income 2,186,677 1,883,964 2,313,944 1,993,613 5,580,460 5,076,819 5,905,249 5,372,295 Adjustments toreconcile net incometo net cash providedby operatingactivities: Depreciation and 1,440,614 1,290,597 1,524,459 1,365,711 4,085,107 3,750,813 4,322,865 3,969,114amortization Provision for severance benefits 79,623 80,182 84,257 84,849 356,833 313,719 377,601 331,978 Loss on disposal of trade accounts and notes receivable 66,911 47,736 70,805 50,514 180,321 126,558 190,816 133,924 Loss on disposal of property, plant andequipment 3,992 1,130 4,224 1,196 25,481 5,206 26,964 5,509 Gain on disposal of property, plant andequipment(22,373) (7,535) (23,675) (7,974) (66,208) (33,605) (70,061) (35,561) Loss on disposal of available-for-salesecurities 1,139 979 1,205 1,036 1,642 21,422 1,738 22,669 Gain on disposal of available-for-salesecurities(6,130) (2,907) (6,487) (3,076) (41,283) (20,630) (43,686) (21,831) Loss on foreign currency translation - 12,126 - 12,832 33,951 31,292 35,927 33,113 Gain on (16,734) (6,817) (17,708) (7,214) (114,045) (96,393) (120,683) (102,003)foreign currency translation Loss on valuation of equity-methodinvestment 21,695 289,780 22,958 306,646 116,200 1,322,027 122,963 1,398,970 Gain on (465,749) (269,959) (492,856) (285,671) (953,005) (1,007,387) (1,008,471) (1,066,018)valuation of equity-methodinvestment Deferred income taxes 17,002 4,391 17,992 4,647 16,945 (115,829) 17,931 (122,570) Others 50,256 85,458 53,181 90,431 244,877 248,075 259,128 262,514 3,356,923 3,409,125 3,552,299 3,607,540 9,467,276 9,622,087 10,018,281 10,182,103 (In millions of Korean won, in thousands of U.S. dollars (Note 3)) For the three-month periods ended September 30 For the nine-month periods ended September 30 2006 2005 2006 2005 2006 2005 2006 2005Changes in KRW KRW $ $ KRW KRW $ $operating assets andliabilities: Increase (392,206) (64,443) (415,033) (68,194) (837,976) (376,064) (886,747) (397,951)in trade accounts and notesreceivable Decrease (177,850) (41,087) (188,201) (43,478) 126,124 417,187 133,465 441,468(increase)in other accounts andnotes payable Increase (71,180) (157,216) (75,323) (166,366) (378,510) (9,634) (400,540) (10,195)in inventories Increase 262,139 (57,427) 277,396 (60,769) 474,027 208,527 501,616 220,663(decrease) in trade accounts andnotes payable Increase 180,319 251,492 190,814 266,129 (280,398) 42,177 (296,717) 44,632(decrease) in other accounts andnotes payable Increase 275,729 182,971 291,777 193,620 136,656 (160,705) 144,610 (170,058)(decrease) in accrued expenses Increase 272,939 (357,553) 288,824 (378,363) 5,070 (1,007,251) 5,365 (1,065,874) (decrease) in income taxespayable Payment of (31,498) (30,744) (33,331) (32,533) (116,037) (108,871) (122,790) (115,207)severance benefits Others 52,107 (73,766) 55,140 (78,060) 106,666 (350,976) 112,873 (371,404) Net cash 3,727,422 3,061,352 3,944,362 3,239,526 8,702,898 8,276,477 9,209,416 8,758,177provided by operating activities (In millions of Korean won, in thousands of U.S. dollars (Note 3)) For the three-month periods ended September 30 For the nine-month periods ended September 30 2006 2005 2006 2005 2006 2005 2006 2005 Cash flows from investing activities KRW KRW $ $ KRW KRW $ $ Net decrease(180,462) 752,337 (190,965) 796,124 1,686,548 1,496,135 1,784,707 1,583,212(increase) in short-term financialinstruments Proceeds 1,032,252 442,879 1,092,330 468,655 2,676,941 2,511,427 2,832,742 2,657,595from disposal of short-termavailable-for-salesecurities Acquisition(990,553) (345,120) (1,048,204) (365,206) (2,068,353) (1,725,495) (2,188,733) (1,825,921)of short-term available-for-salesecurities Proceeds 81,470 30,426 86,212 32,197 274,375 136,506 290,344 144,451from disposal of property, plant andequipment Acquis- (2,872,916) (2,474,255) (3,040,123) (2,618,259) (7,654,687) (7,570,651) (8,100,198) (8,011,271)ition of property,plant and equipment Proceeds from - 8,113 - 8,585 3,171 21,522 3,356 22,775disposal of long-termavailable-for-salesecurities Proceeds from 7,176 75,013 7,594 79,379 7,242 314,855 7,663 333,180disposal of equity-method investments Acquisition (15,802) (3,768) (16,722) (3,987) (24,268) (11,247) (25,680) (11,902)of long-term available-for-salesecurities Acquisition(126,471) (147,026) (133,832) (155,583) (500,689) (801,480) (529,830) (848,127)of equity-method investments Others (47,996) (95,934) (50,789) (101,519) (107,516) (198,346) (113,774) (209,890) Net cash (3,113,302) (1,757,335) (3,294,499) (1,859,614) (5,707,236) (5,826,774) (6,039,403) (6,165,898)used in investing activities (In millions of Korean won, in thousands of U.S. dollars (Note 3)) For the three-month periods ended September 30 For the nine-month periods ended September 30 2006 2005 2006 2005 2006 2005 2006 2005 Cash flows KRW KRW $ $ KRW KRW $ $from financing activities Payments ofdividends(74,387) (76,652) (78,716) (81,113) (831,790) (849,362) (880,201) (898,796) Acquis- (44,121) (1,575,482) (46,689) (1,667,177) (1,812,879) (2,149,371) (1,918,390) (2,274,467)ition of treasury stock Exercise 45,230 104,979 47,862 111,089 146,556 140,509 155,085 148,687of stock option Net cash(73,278) (1,547,155) (77,543) (1,637,201) (2,498,113) (2,858,224) (2,643,506) (3,024,576) used in financing activities Net 540,842 (243,138) 572,320 (257,289) 497,549 (408,521) 526,507 (432,297)increase (decrease) in cash andcash equivalents Cash and cash equivalents Begin- 1,010,259 792,436 $1,069,057 $ 838,557 1,053,552 957,819 $1,114,870 $1,013,565ning of the period End of the period 1,551,101 549,298 $1,641,377 $ 581,268 1,551,101 549,298 $1,641,377 $ 581,268 The accompanying notes are an integral part of these non-consolidated financial statements. See Report of Independent Accountants For a detailed information of our 3Q 2006 non consolidated financial statement, Please refer to the following link : http://www.samsung.com/ir This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock ExchangeRelated Shares:
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