10th Mar 2015 17:10
Retail Charity Bonds plc
Audited Condensed Financial Statements
for the period ended 31 August 2014
Registered number: 8940313
Date of incorporation: 14th March, 2014
Retail Charity Bonds plc
Contents of the Condensed Financial Statements
for the Period Ended 31 August 2014
Page | |
Reference and Administrative Details
| 3 |
Report of the Independent Auditors
| 4 |
Profit and Loss Account
| 6 |
Balance Sheet
| 7 |
Cash Flow Statement
| 8 |
Notes to the Financial Statements | 9 |
Retail Charity Bonds plc
Reference and Administrative Details
for the Period Ended 31 August 2014
| John Tattersall Gordon D'Silva Arvinda Gohil Tom Hackett Tim Jones Geetha Rabindrakumar Clare Thompson Philip Wright
SECRETARY: | Cargil Management Services Limited 22 Melton Street London NW1 2BW
REGISTERED OFFICE: | 27/28 Eastcastle Street London W1W 8DH
| 8940313 |
AUDITORS: | Baker Tilly UK Audit LLP 25 Farringdon Street London EC4A 4AB
PRINCIPAL BANKERS: | National Westminster Bank plc 135 Bishopsgate London EC2M 3UR
SOLICITORS | Linklaters LLP One Silk Street London EC2Y 8HQ |
Retail Charity Bonds plc
Report of the Independent Auditors
for the period ended 31 August 2014
We report on the condensed financial statements of Retail Charity Bonds plc ("the Company") on pages 6 to 14. The condensed financial statements have been prepared on the basis of the accounting policies set out at Note 1 of the condensed financial statements. This report is required by paragraph 8.2 of Annex VII of Appendix 3.1.1 of the Prospectus Rules and is given for the purpose of complying with that paragraph and for no other purpose.
The Directors of the Company are responsible for preparing the condensed financial statements in accordance with UK GAAP.
It is our responsibility to form an opinion on the condensed financial statements and to report our opinion to you.
Save for any responsibility arising under of Prospectus Rule 5.4.2R(2)(f) to any person as and to the extent there provided, to the fullest extent permitted by law, we do not accept or assume responsibility and will not accept any liability to any other person for any loss suffered by any such other person as a result of, arising out of, or in connection with this report or our statement, required by and given solely for the purposes of complying with paragraph 9.1 of Annex VII of Appendix 3.1.1 of the Prospectus Rules, or consenting to its inclusion in the Prospectus.
Basis of opinion
We conducted our work in accordance with Standards for Investment Reporting issued by the Financial Reporting Council in the United Kingdom. Our work included an assessment of evidence relevant to the amounts and disclosures in the condensed financial statements. It also included an assessment of significant estimates and judgments made by those responsible for the preparation of the condensed financial statements and whether the accounting policies are appropriate to the entity's circumstances, consistently applied and adequately disclosed.
We planned and performed our work so as to obtain all the information and explanations we considered necessary in order to provide us with sufficient evidence to give reasonable assurance that the condensed financial statements are free from material misstatement whether caused by fraud or other irregularity or error.
In our opinion, the condensed financial statements give, for the purposes of the Prospectus, a true and fair view of the state of affairs of Retail Charity Bonds plc as at the dates stated and of its results, cash flows and changes in equity for the periods then ended in accordance with UK GAAP.
Yours faithfully
Regulated by the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales
Baker Tilly Corporate Finance LLP is a limited liability partnership registered in England and Wales, registered no. OC325347. A list of the names of members is open to inspection at the registered office 25 Farringdon Street London EC4A 4AB.
Retail Charity Bonds plc
Profit and Loss Account
for the period ended 31 August 2014
Notes | Period ended 31 August 2014
£'000 | |||
Interest receivable and similar income | 3 | 41 | ||
Interest payable and similar charges | 4 | (41) | ||
Other income | 31 | |||
Administrative expenditure | (30) | |||
Profit before taxation | 1 | |||
Tax | 5 | - | ||
The period from incorporation on 14 March 2014 to 31 August 2014 represents the first period of trading for the company.
All of the above results are derived from continuing activities. All gains and losses recognised in the year are included above.
The notes on pages 9 to 14 form part of these financial statements.
Retail Charity Bonds plc
Balance sheet
as at 31 August 2014
Notes |
At 31 August 2014
£'000 | |||||||
Debtors: amounts due after more than one year | ||||||||
Loans receivable | 6 | 10,867 | ||||||
| ||||||||
Current assets |
| |||||||
Debtors | 7 | 125 |
| |||||
Cash at bank and in hand | 65 |
| ||||||
190 |
| |||||||
Creditors |
| |||||||
Amounts falling due within one year | 8 | (139) |
| |||||
| ||||||||
Net current assets | 51 | |||||||
Total assets less current liabilities | 10,918 | |||||||
Creditors | ||||||||
Amounts falling due after one year | 9 | (10,867) | ||||||
Net assets | 51 | |||||||
Capital and reserves | ||||||||
Share Capital | 10 | 50 | ||||||
Profit and loss account | 11 | 1 | ||||||
Shareholder's funds | 12 | 51 | ||||||
The financial statements were approved by the Directors on 9 March 2015 and were signed on their behalf by:
The notes on pages 9 to 14 form part of these financial statements.
Retail Charity Bonds plc
Cash Flow Statement
£'000 | Period ended 31 August 2014 £'000
| |
Reconciliation of profit to net cash inflow
| |||
Profit before tax | 1 | ||
| Receipt of bond proceeds | 10,930 | |
| Loan advanced to Golden Lane Housing | (10,867) | |
| Increase in debtors | (75) | |
| Increase in creditors | 76 | |
Net cash inflow from operations | 65 | ||
Increase in cash | 65 | ||
Cash brought forward | - | ||
Net cash resources at 31 August 2014 | 65 | ||
Retail Charity Bonds plc
Notes to the Financial Statements
for the period ended 31 August 2014
The condensed financial statements have been prepared in accordance with applicable Financial Reporting Standards in the United Kingdom (UK GAAP).
A summary of the more important accounting policies, which have been consistently applied, are set out below:
Basis of preparation
The financial statements have been prepared on a going concern basis and the historical cost convention.
Financial instruments
Financial instruments are classified and accounted for according to the substance of the contractual arrangement.
Bonds and loans are held at amortised cost using the effective interest rate method. The discount and issue costs of the bond are amortised over its life.
Short term borrowings and overdrafts are classified as other liabilities and are held at cost.
Bond issuing costs
Costs in respect of the issue of new bonds are deducted from proceeds and amortised to the profit and loss account over the expected life of the bond.
The company employs no staff. All staff are provided by Allia Bond Services Limited.
None of the directors had any interest in the company and none received remuneration for their services.
Period ended 31 August 2014 | ||
£'000 | ||
Interest receivable on loan to Golden Lane Housing | 41 |
Period ended 31 August 2014 | ||
£'000 | ||
Interest payable to bond holders | 41 |
Analysis of tax charge in period | Period ended 31 August 2014 | |
£'000 | ||
Current tax on income for the period | - | |
Deferred tax | - | |
Tax on profit on ordinary activities | - |
The tax assessed for the period is equal to the standard rate of corporation tax in the UK at 23%.
Period ended 31 August 2014 | ||
£'000 | ||
Profit for the period before taxation | 1 | |
UK corporation tax at 23% | - | |
Current tax charge for the year | - |
As at 31 August 2014 | ||
£'000 | ||
Loan to Golden Lane Housing | 10,867 | |
10,867 |
The loan to Golden Lane Housing is unsecured (see note 9 for further details).
As at 31 August 2014 | ||
£'000 | ||
Other debtors | 31 | |
Amounts owing from related companies | 50 | |
Accrued interest on Golden Lane Housing loan | 44 | |
125 |
As at 31 August 2014 | ||
£'000 | ||
Trade creditors | 6 | |
Other creditors | 26 | |
Interest on bond to fund Golden Lane Housing loan | 44 | |
Accruals | 63 | |
139 |
| As at 31 August 2014 | |
£'000 | ||
Bond to fund Golden Lane Housing loan | 10,867 | |
10,867 |
On 29 July, 2014 the Company successfully issued a £11 million bond at a coupon of 4.375% with repayment due in full on 29 July 2021. The funds received after bond issue costs were £10,867,000 which equates to a fixed interest rate of 4.575%.
The costs of issuing the bond were £133,000 leaving a net balance of £10,867,000 which was lent to Golden Lane Housing Limited (the "Charity"), an independent charity established in 1998 by Mencap.
The bond issue costs are amortised over the term of the bond using the effective interest rate method. The Charity is liable to the Company for both the bond coupon and the amortisation cost of the bond issue cost, under an agreement between the companies.
The Company's rights to receive payments under the loan from the Charity and certain related rights under the issue documents for the Bonds (the "Charged Assets") are charged as security for the benefit of the investors in the Bonds. This means that if the Charity fails to make payments of interest or repayments of principal under the loan agreement and this results in the occurrence of an event of default under the terms and conditions of the Bonds, the Trustee (acting on the instructions of the Bondholders) may enforce the terms of the Loan against the Charity.
The bond prospectus stipulates that the obligations of the Company to pay amounts due on the Bond are limited to the Charged Assets. Therefore, the risk of default by the Charity is fully borne by the investors in the Bonds.
The borrowings are due as follows:
| As at 31 August 2014 | |
£'000 | ||
Due in more than five years | 10,867 | |
10,867 |
| As at 31 August 2014 | |
£'000 | ||
Authorised issued share capital | 50 | |
Allotted, called up, but not paid | 13 | |
During the period 50,000 £1 Ordinary shares were issued at par. £12,500 of the issued share capital is allotted, called up, but not paid. The remaining £37,500 is allotted, but not called up or paid.
In addition, one ordinary share was issued, which is designated as a "Special Share". In respect of any resolution proposed in relation to any alteration in the articles of association of the Company, the holder of the Special Share is entitled to cast such number of votes as is necessary to defeat the resolution and, in the event that the holder of the Special Share has not voted in respect of any such resolution, such resolution will be deemed not to have been passed. The holder of the Special Share shall not be entitled to vote in relation to any matter other than a proposed alteration in the articles of association of the Company.
£'000 | ||
As at 14 March 2014 (incorporation) | - | |
Profit for the period | 1 | |
As at 31 August 2014 | 1 |
£'000 | ||
Shares issued during the period | 50 | |
Profit for the period | 1 | |
Net additions to shareholder's funds | 51 | |
Opening shareholder's funds | - | |
Closing shareholder's funds | 51 |
Philip Wright, a director of Retail Charity Bonds plc, is also a director of Allia Limited. Timothy Jones, a director of Retail Charity Bonds plc, is also Company Secretary and Chief Executive of Allia Limited. During the period to 31 August, 2014 the company received income of £31,000 from Allia Bond Services Limited, a wholly owned subsidiary of Allia Limited. At 31 August, 2014, the company owed Allia Bond Services Limited £25,000 and was owed £31,000 from Allia Bond Services Limited.
In addition, Allia Limited holds the £1 Special Share described in note 10.
The ultimate parent undertaking and controlling party is RC Bond Holdings Limited, which is a company limited by guarantee (registered company number 8936422). The results of the company are not consolidated in the accounts of any other company.
There were no significant post balance sheet events requiring disclosure in these financial statements.
Click on, or paste the following link into your web browser, to view the Signed 1st Quarter Results:
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