28th Apr 2020 14:43
(Alliance News) - The follow is a round-up of share dealings by London-listed company directors and managers announced on Monday and Tuesday and not separately reported by Alliance News:
easyHotel PLC - Citrus Holdco Ltd, the investment vehicle of Chair Hermanus Meijer, Non-Executive Director Charles Persello, and Michael Neuman, representative of corporate director Cadim Fonds Inc, buys 183,688 shares at GBP0.70, worth GBP128,582, on Friday last week. At the start of last week, easyHotel offered an exit opportunity to minority shareholders at the same price. Citrus Holdco held 71.2% of the shares at that point, with brand-owner easyGroup having 25.8%, leaving just 3% in public hands. easyHotel plans to cancel its listing on AIM from May 19.
Witan Investment Trust PLC - Non-Executive Director Gabrielle Boyle buys 28,683 shares at 173.41p, worth GBP49,739, on Monday.
Scancell Holdings PLC - Non-Executive Director Martin Diggle sells 2.0 million shares via Vulpes Life Science Fund, at 8p, worth GBP160,000, on Monday and Friday last week. Vulpes now holds 78.5 million shares, a 17% stake.
Manchester & London Investment Trust PLC - Investment Manager Mark Sheppard sells 58,266 shares at GBP5.62 and GBP5.66, worth GBP327,586, on Monday.
Geiger Counter Ltd - Chair George Baird buys 100,000 shares at GBP0.17, worth GBP16,680, on Friday last week.
Alfa Financial Software Holdings PLC - Chief Financial Officer Duncan Magrath buys 100,000 shares at GBP0.79, worth GBP79,000, on Monday.
Artemis Alpha Trust PLC - Fund Manager Kartik Kumar buys 12,500 shares at GBP2.45, worth GBP30,625, on Friday last week.
Jadestone Energy Inc - Non-Executive Chair Dennis McShane buys 150,732 shares at 43.02p to 44.40p, worth GBP65,337, on Friday last week and Monday. Now holds 453,651 shares.
Salt Lake Potash Ltd - Chair Ian Middlemas buys 2.3 million shares, CEO Tony Swiericzuk 505,883, and CFO Shaun Day 102,941 last week, as part of company's placement of 58.8 million shares at AUD0.34 to raise AUD20.0 million. The funds will be used to deliver the Lake Way project in Western Australia. Salt Lake Potash said commissioning is expected to commence in December with first production in the first quarter of 2021.
City Merchants High Yield Trust Ltd - Non-executive directors Tim Scholefield and Stuart McMaster buy 6,000 shares at 171.80p and 25,000 shares at 171.67p, respectively, on Tuesday. The purchases are together worth GBP53,000.
By Tom Waite; [email protected]
Copyright 2020 Alliance News Limited. All Rights Reserved.
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