2nd Jul 2019 12:18
(Alliance News) - Venture capital trusts advised by Mobeus Equity Partners LLC on Tuesday announced the sale of investments in ASL Technology Holdings Ltd and Plastic Surgeon Holdings.
Each of the four Mobeus-advised trusts realised their Plastic Surgeon investments, resulting in total cash proceeds of GBP11.2 million for the life of the investment from an original investment cost of GBP2.0 million.
The trusts also all realised their investment in ASL, with total cash over the life of the investment totalling GBP21.2 million from an initial cost of GBP9.7 million.
Mobeus Income & Growth VCT PLC sold its investment in Plastic Surgeon Holdings in May and received GBP2.3 million in cash for a realised gain of GBP3.4 million. In isolation, this would raise its dividend-adjusted net asset value per share by 0.54 pence.
Mobeus Income & Growth VCT also sold its investment in ASL Technology Holdings Ltd to a trade purchaser for GBP5.2 million. This gave a GBP3.5 million realised gain on the investment and would represent a 0.65p per share NAV increase adjusted for dividends.
Shares in Mobeus Income & Growth VCT were untraded at 61.50 pence on Tuesday.
Mobeus Income & Growth 2 VCT PLC sold its ASL interest for GBP3.7 million, giving a realised gain of GBP2.5 million, which would be an NAV increase of 1.01 pence per share. Its shares were down 0.6% at 89.00 pence on Tuesday.
Income & Growth VCT PCL sold its ASL investment for GBP4.8 million in cash, a GBP3.2 million gain of the investment's life and a 0.62 pence NAV per share boost. Shares in the trust were down 1.5% at 67.50 pence on Tuesday.
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